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Found 17 results

  1. so I am going to call it a night. Just in case the world does end in the morning at 6:11 am and I am still asleep, I just wanted to say it has been fun. If the world don't end, maybe we can look at the morning as being the first day of the rest of our lives. RandyA
  2. Venture and Royal riders, brothers or sisters...I really need to borrow a tach. I have my mix all out of whack. I am a tinker, and started messin with that dang screw and now I cant get it right with this multimeter/tach deal I have. I have a brand new Carbtune Pro that you can use if you would like to. Heck, anyone on this site that lives around here can use it if needed. Thank you all, I am about to pull my hair out!
  3. These little Guys were The main Gift that Janet got for Mothers day, The 2 older boys are our Grandsons form FLA. the younger boy is our Grandson that lives here in Texas. We will have the 2 older Boys for 2 months...( Prayers Needed )...
  4. In the upper right corner of every post there is the flags for country and state, and above that the name of the members city. Is it possible to make the city name a link that will open Mapquest or Google earth to make it quick and easy to find approximately where someone lives? This feature is on several other websites that I frequent and I find it handy. Most of us do not live in major cities that everyone knows.
  5. Met a fellow at a station along I-85 this morning while getting a soda. He was riding a 2001 Venture. Struck up a conversation and he is a member here. His handle is Pick and he lives in Georgia. I told him I would give a shout out on the site.
  6. I can't take it anymore. My 2001 RSV needs a new rear shock badly. I see a Works shock on ebay for $689. Is there any place cheaper? I am really not interested in an OEM replacement due to their very short lives, but if one could be had for half of a Works shock, I would be tempted. Any other alternative air shocks?
  7. kenw


    My dad died earlier this year and Mom wouls like to well his camera equip. It's all Cannon 35mm that I know of. I know there's an FTQL and probably an AOS with a lot of accessory lenses. If your interested please let me know, she lives in Northern Wisconsin if your in that area. Don, this probably isn't the right forum for this and I apoligise! (ask for forgiveness rather than permission) Kenw 770-917-9964
  8. Forget about that winter project stash money and cough it up. Your wife is going shopping on that dreaded Black Friday Madness Sale. Stampede Stampede run for your lives and get out of the way.Walmart is about to get there front doors widened. Hope no one gets trampled this year.
  9. Hello all, I was just wondering where everyone is from. I live in dothan, alabama and own a 2000 millinium edition venture and a 2008 yamaha raider. I am just curious if anyone lives around here. originally from se ohio.
  10. On behalf of Taters and myself , We would like to wish everyone here a very "MERRY CHRISTMAS"....May all of your lives be blessed with health, wealth, happiness and love .... may your troubles be small and lives be prosperous..."THANK YOU ALL" for the friendships that we have come to enjoy in this family....whether you live in Canada, Germany, France, Australia, Iceland or the United States, one thing you have taught us is that "WE" are all the same...We are so very much alike with similar problems , asperations, hopes and sorrows.."GOD BLESS EVERYONE" P.S. MAY YOUR BANANA BOAT OVERFLOW WITH CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, AND STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM FOREVER...
  11. As tomorrow is Nov 11, Canada's Remembrance Day I would like to remind everyone to please take 2 minutes for a moment of silence when it turns 11am in your area to remember all that have given their lives to make our lives and country so wonderful. Here is a video about Canada's Highway of Heroes. It really is a heart string tugger when you see everyone that turns out to honour Canada's fallen soldiers. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=InztCEsi-7w&feature=related]YouTube- Highway of Heroes, with Lee Greenwood god bless Canada[/ame] Brian
  12. I was wondering if there is a way to search for members by state? I live in south Florida, and wanted to see who else lives close by. Thanks Mark
  13. My 21 year old son in law went down yesterday in the drizzle. He is fine (only doing about 15 m.p.h.) but his bike (V Star 650) has some damage. I have included some pictures. Appears that he will need a right foot assembly. I can't tell from the pictures if his handlebars are bent (he says they are) or if its in the tree. Any input would be appreciated,he lives 10 miles south of Tyler in Whitehouse if anyone is in the area and might want to go by and look at it. It will be this weekend at the earliest that I can take a peek and start a parts list. As always, Thanks for the help all...
  14. In about a week, we will be leaving California and moving to New Mexico. I have been here in California for 38 years. Things are just getting to expensive and when you are on fixed income, you got to do what you have to do. Also the school system here is getting pretty bad. They are letting go of a bunch of teachers and the class room size to way to large for the kids to get a decent education. The people here are in a hurry to get no where. We will be living in a town called Polvadera which is 7 miles north of Socorro. My brother lives in Albuquerque and works in Socorro. He works like 2 to 4 days a month (E.R.Doctor) and has a 2nd gen venture (2005). So hope fully we will be riding as much as we can. As long as we keep the wives happy. They don't ride. My wife has ridden with me once and I still have imprints from her nails in my side. And that was last year. We have been there twice and both the kids and the wife love it there. I think the education will be better for the kids there than it would be here. We already have a house there on 1/2 acre and across the irigation ditch is 10 acres and a couple of horses.And the best part...........no rent. So my time will be spent working with the horses and keeping the place up. And of course some m/c riding. My cousin lives in Santa Fe and is the manager for the HD there. Do not fret, I don't plan on buying one. I am happy with my 89 VR. So with that I will say good night and happy roads to every one. Bill
  15. I can buy from someone 2 sets of K&N Air filters for my Venture, but the person accepts only checks or Money order..And with my Luck.. I will be out of the money..... Is there someone from this board, who lives close to Grass Valley, CA and can pick up the filters for me ? Thanks
  16. Any members in route to Ouray,Colorado I will be heading up to Ouray leaving Blanco,Texas on 8/22/08. First night staying in Clovis,New Mexico Second night Farmington,New Mexico. Both nights we will be at the LaQuinta motels in each city.Hope to meet a few on the way.I sent Cliffno350 an email as I know he lives around Clovis,NM. I will be pulling my Black trailer below,if anyone sees us flag us down! Tom
  17. Just ran across this on cruisercustomizing.com in the members section. Just wondering if he's member here? 2008 BLACKCHERRY/BLACK Royal Star Venture. Lives in Midland Tx. http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/memberdetail.cfm?user_ID=911933
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