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  1. Ok folks, I got a response from Japan this evening. The company does not currently offer the diaphragm by itself. The SD1 and SD2 sets are not exactly the right size according to the manufacturer. However, based upon my request they are going to look into adding them to the line-up. I offered to purchase 100 sets of course based upon end pricing. I figure we can easily use those up if the quality is good. Now, I need a bit of research help from owners of other Yamahas. 1) Do all 1983-1993 Ventures use the same diaphragm? (I think yes except maybe the 1983) 2) What years of V-Max will these fit? I suspect 1985- almost current) 3) Is the base diaphragm the same on the 2nd Generation? 4) I see the eBay guy lists the 535 as also using these - what else may use them? For our folks in Canada and Europe - what useage would you have? If I can keep the price down to $100.00 U.S. delivered to the 48 states would it fly? I will need some numbers from y'all to make this happen. No promises here JB
  2. Hi ... I have my collector box off. Contrary to popular wisdom, removing it was quite quick and easy, no doubt helped by one of the front header stubs being completely fractured. I thought the collector had the infamous rattle, but apparently not, when I shake it, it's silent. So ... I need to get the stub weded back on, and a couple of small cracks closed up, which will be easy enough. My question is about gaskets. There are six, and they are expensive. There are two part numbers 3JJ-14653 and 3JJ-14623. Boats.net lists them separately at $15.72 and $25.85 respectively. Cheapcycleparts.com also lists them, but has replaced the 14623 part number with 14653. This is a significant bonus, if their substitution works. Does anyone know, and can confirm, that these two part numbers can be substituted, or not? Thanks
  3. Not to pick on PartShark, but shop around and don't assume online parts are cheaper than getting them from the dealer. Had to get a new rubber band holder for the bottom of the sidecover. PartShark lists for $12.38 plus shipping. Dealer price delivered for pickup $10.70. I was pleasantly surprised and thought I would share my amazing find.
  4. I have read several threads on here and elsewhere about needing a helmet to fit an egghead/roundhead/etc. Ran across this page that lists the ovality (don't really know if that's a word) of various helmet brands and types. http://tinyurl.com/yfy6log RR
  5. DonB posted a great diagram on troubleshooting the ignition system. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=15135 He lists the specs for an '85. Are these the same specs for an '89? Thanks...
  6. Is there a chart or list somewhere that shows what models numbers have what equipment and what year they are? I searching I found [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=24554]this[/ame] , but it doesn't address the model numbers. The title says my 84 is a XVZ12DL, but the 83-84 shop manual lists an L, KCZ, DL, DKCZ, TDK and a TK with no explanation of what those model numbers mean or what the differences are. http://www.cbr1100xx.org/forums/style_emoticons/22306set/eusa_think.gif Edit: I just saw mention of KC2 and a DKC2 as well.
  7. My buddies backyard motorcycle business is going under. He is liquidating everything. Almost all the parts are for HD,GL1800 and GL1500. Lots of Kuryakyn, Big Bike Parts,windshields,J&M, battery tenders and helmets. Attached is lists of all the motorcycle parts, see anything you like email me at donaldj624@aol.com. Thanks
  8. After reading this post, (Does this mean we've made the big-time?) I thought about all the discounts and stuff that some companies and such give if your in a club or organization. I've seen the list of companies that do give us a discount and I appreciate that they do that for us. There has been a couple time where I was asked if I was a member of a group and I said yes. But Venturerider was not on their list. We have more members that a lot of the groups on the lists. Just wondering what they have done to get themselves on those lists. Is there anything I can do to get US added to those lists? Thanks, Bill
  9. I have checked a parts fiche. year 1999 lists p/n 4XY88143-00-00. All other years lists p/n 4XY88143-10-00. Does anyone know if I can do a direct swap from a newer model year to a 1999 model year? I am just looking at the top antenna piece above the mounting bracket. Thanks.
  10. I am looking for any feedback about this Company, RMStator, from Quebec. I have lost my stator, and need a replacement. I've seen these guys mentioned in a few posts and am wondering about the quality of the stator they are selling. Also, I have an '89 VR, and their website lists the stator as being compatible with '90 - '93. My understanding is that '86 - '93 (at least) is the same, can anyone comment? Thanks for any and all comments and opinion! Kevin
  11. Thanks to a great idea by Eck and his willingness to manage it, I am pleased to announce a new topic area dedicated to free or cheap parts for all our bikes. Please visit the area and read the sticky post there by Eck. Please note, it is a read only area in order to keep the parts lists organized. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=101
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