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  1. Thanks to Bikenut for this excellent information. Here is a list of replacement U-joints for the drive shaft on the 1st Gen Ventures. I have been running the B110 datson u-joint on my trike kit and it works great. Here is the list 1966 thru 1973 B110 Datson Car parts store Trw 20128 Spicer 5-1500X AEC 1064 Precision 392 Keith Yedica Bikenut Casco,Wisconsin Before you go this route, please read the next post.
  2. Just saw that Web Bike World had picked this as one of their products of the year. I've never even heard of it but I know there was a recent discussion here about the best action cameras. At a list price of $399.00, it had better be very good. Sena Prism Review - webBikeWorld
  3. We are in the process of rebuilding our VR Assistance List. If you can and are willing to offer assistance to a member who is riding through your area, please edit your profile to include that information. Simply click on "Settings" at the upper right of the page and then scroll down to "Edit Profile". Near the bottom you will find a place to select "yes or no" in regards to offering local assistance and then a place to select services that you may be able to offer. Cowpuc just mentioned in another thread another, and maybe easier, way to get to it. Click "forum actions" in the small menu at the top. Select edit profile. Scroll down and you'll see where to select your information.
  4. Did the member list go away with the old site ? I've looked every where, can't seem to find it but then I have a hard time finding the floor on occassion - ‹(•¿•)›
  5. that I RETIRED the end of November. YEA ! After 30 plus years at the same job, it was time to change direction. My wife will continue to work and hopefully give me gas money for the bikes. Hope to get the honey-do list done by summer so we have time to see old and new friends on this great site.
  6. My top menu shows the Member Map, but nothing for the list....
  7. Attached are the latest versions of our VRAssistance List. The purpose of this list is to give you a list of members who have signed up to offer assistance should you have problems while on the road or just wish to contact a member to say hello. There are two files attached. The XLS file is good if you wish to keep one on your computer as it can be sorted by username, state, country, etc. This is a Microsoft Excel format so if you do not have Microsoft Excel or another program that will open Excel files, it will not work for you. The other list is in .pdf format. It is sorted by state/province and is probably the best choice if you want a list that you can print out and take with you. If you are not on the list and wish to be, please go to your UserCP and "Edit Your Details". Scroll down on that page and you will see the section to add your information. Note that there is a new column now. The first column is the membership status of the people on the list. S = Supporting Member, E = Expired Member, R = Registered Member. A registered member is likely somebody in their trial period that just hasn't become a supporting member yet. These files were updated on September 19th, 2011.
  8. Hi just wondering if anyone knows if the cam shafts from an 07 venture will go into a 97 RSTD. By looking at the parts list they look like they should. Thanks
  9. Hey Eck, I bet you thought you'd found everything you'd be useful for at this point in life. Here is one more thing to add to your list.
  10. This list has been a real help as I struggled to get my 92 Venture back up and running. Starter Clutch replaced, Carbs redone and sync. changed all fluids out, all with help or advise from this list. The results is about 700 miles so far on the best riding for comfort bike I have ever ridden. I have had goldwings and Harleys and none of them takes a pot hole or railroad crossing or that invisable bump like the Venture. Even my Harley die hard was blown away with a RR crossing I dared him to take. The bike matching the feeling in new car (well ok close real close) For a guy with a bad back that is a must. It cost a lot of time and money to get the bike running and I hope I avoid any more trouble but for the ride I will just continue to throw money at the bike to fix it when the problem comes up. Thanks to all on this list who post and help others. My abilities and knowledge is limited at best so about all I can do is say thanks you guys make a difference.
  11. Reading some old articles on clutch whine and basket changes... bored at work so out of curiosity I looked to see what pricing is. Thought it was interesting that the "I" basket applies to ATV's, boats, lawnmowers, as well as the Venture and RSTD. 4XY-16150-09-00 ("I" basket") PRIMARY DRIVEN GEAR $331 @ boats.net $302 @ partspak.com $285 @ boatpartguys.com $342 @ yocracing.com (Yamaha of Cucamonga) $299 @ lawnmowerpros.com "H" basket was 26H-16150-00-I0 Makes sense they'd use it in multiple applications but quite the variance in pricing. I didn't list the higher prices I saw ($385, suggested list $405).... but $100 difference in price between top and bottom. When looking for parts by Yamaha part numbers.... extend your search past bike shops and you might save some $$$$. Unless you have lots to throw around (in that case throw some my way !)
  12. I think I would make two lists of the names of people I have known in my life. One list would be of people I would want to help. The other list would be of people I want to get rid of. So, if I do win, people should think about which list they would be on before they should contact me. RandyA
  13. I am thankful for many things, far too many to list here, but I will list a few. I am thankful for my Lord and Savior. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful for my friends. I am thankful for my health. I am thankful for my second family here at VR. I am thankful for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. I am thankful for our soldiers who fight for our freedom. I am thankful for our country that allows us freedoms others don't have. In closing Charlene and I wish each and everyone a festive Thanksgiving.
  14. While trying to find a new source for Plastex I came across this site http://www.aircraftspruce.ca/catalog/cmpages/01-00542-45.php?clickkey=57384 for all purposes this seems to be Plastex under another name. I do not know how currant the info is but if it is there are a few locations in the USA and one here in Ontario. It appears you can mail order or purchase over the counter if you are close enough. Here is a link for you Americans http://www.aircraftspruce.com/search/search.php?s=plastifix&x=48&y=17 A list of locations Spruce Locations West - Corona, CA East - Peachtree City, GA Canada - Brantford, ON International Reps Avionics Affiliates
  15. Some pages want to load up in a foreign language (Catlin) Google then asks me if I would like it translated to english. There is a drop down list of languages...but english is greyed out. How can I make english the default language?
  16. I cleaned it up a little, did some searching, in doing so I found a spare key under one of the side covers, and speaking of side covers, found 4 broken tabs, on the fix list, added seafoam to the tank, runs like crap on heavy concentration of sea foam......let it soak and try it again tomorrow, will be changing the plugs, check the diaphrams and replace if neccessary. I took it for about a 6 mile ride, it will take some getting used to. Going to replace the fuse box, pulled out 1 fuse and one of the spades that holds it in broke.........on the fix list too. Here are some pics just after the wash, still need to polish and clean up some of the alum and chrome. And the lovely couple who delivered the bike decked out in their St. Jude shirts..............
  17. 4 years ago I started a bucket list Quest. It was to drive through and eat ice cream in all the lower 48 states. I finished it two weeks ago and wanted to thank every insightful poster on the forum. I've learned tire pressure, battery life, clutch replacement, locations to visit, even how to keep my butt from getting sore,,,,,,,,and so,so much more. Thanks to all of you, especially Freebird for keeping this place going. 3d And yep thats a pin for every state and a few extra for places you have recommended I visit along the way.
  18. Hi all, I am trying to find a part number for a vender or tank and not the whole assembly. When I look on star's site it list all the parts but it does not seem to list the actual fender or the tank. I want to just replace the fender and tank and do not need all the other parts. Ebay is not an option since this is for insurance purposes. Appreciate the help. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/images/smilies/mytruck1.gif
  19. I am reviewing the list of what items are necessary to bring with the bike (1st gen Venture) and for the bike when I go on road trips, that are not already included like fuses. My list includes: Tire repair kit, plugs and patches Tire inflator pump/compressor Tire guage Universal fit tire tube, for when tire can't be plug repaired Tool Kit Extra Spark Plug 1 Qt motor oil Shop towel (rags) Spare turn and stop bulbs Extra TCI unit Rain gear, poncho Seat towel Winshield cleaning solution Water bottle Emergency food rations Flashlight Multi-purpose Leatherman tool Cell phone w/ charger Credit Card Any other suggestions? -Pete, in Tacoma WA USA '83, 88 Venture
  20. All the threads regarding Yamaha dealers are in the "Watering Hole" forum, so here goes... In a couple of weeks I'm taking a bike trip through 11 states and wanted to take a list of Yamaha dealers in those states with me 'just in case'. Does anyone know of a website that lists Yamaha dealers by state? I don't care if I have to cut & paste each state into a 'master list'. The problem I'm having is that the sites I've been to require a zip, or city, or only list 'featured dealers' etc... and others just list links to the individual dealer's web site. I only need name, address and phone number in case of emergency, which seems like such a simple thing... Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  21. For those coming to the Asheville Rally, I always like to do an "In Case of Emergency" list. Thankfully, we have not had to use the info for a crash situation, but it was used for coordinating of meet-ups. I would like to use this format so I can just do a cut & paste: It also helps if you keep it a simple font and no color. Your name(s), phone numbers, where staying, estimated arrival, emergency contact number with name or relationship. Randy Atkins 423-726-0431 , KOA, Thur afternoon, 423-335-1484, son Please forward it to my home email; rsatkins@comcast.net or PM me here. I will have copies for everyone who is on the list upon arrival and will be glad to e-mail you a copy before you leave if I have the info by Wednesday or I will see if Warrior can make copies for those that show up early. Thanks, RandyA
  22. I got an email showing that Star Demo Days will be in Sturgis again this year. I read all the way through the list of bikes available to test and noticed no Venture AGAIN........I think you can go to the yamaha website and see the list. Click on news and events on the top header. Then click display and demo schedule. It shows places and lists the bikes available to test ride.
  23. Guest

    Goldwing Rental in Denver

    Planning a trip to Denver and was wondering does anyone in the Denver area know of a place to rent a GW I have been searching but the list is never ending and some are just a dead end... Thanks..
  24. A big thanks to SeekerFor who sent this list to Marcarl who sent this list to me who uploaded it for you. whew.....anyway, it is a complete Yamaha parts list for the 1984 Venture. I hope that some of you find it useful. I have uploaded it to the First Gen Tech Library: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?p=701545#post701545
  25. This is the official Yamaha Parts list for the 1984 Venture XVZ12TD. http://www.venturerider.org/parts/XVZ12TD.pdf
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