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  1. Greetings all After 122,000 kms, I think I should change the FDO. I did a quick search for the method to do yourself. Anyone have a link or the procedure for doing it and the best oil to use?
  2. If you are ever inclined (or have to) remove the fairing (aka Cowl) on your GL1800 Wing, there is an undocumented "step" that you need to be aware of in order to get it off the bike. Hopefully the following link will work for you; however, if not, let me know and I will re-create a post here with the info. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?335313-Removing-the-Fairing-question(s) See my posts #15 and #21 in the above link.
  3. I was wondering if anyone has figured out how to bluetooth their CB into a bluetooth intercom (Scala, Chatterbox, or the like)? I have heard you can do it but it will be a listen only. I want the full CB and think I figured out a way to do it. Just wondering if anyone has beaten me to it. I have good news and bad news. In theory this works, however I need to tweak it some. The problem I have run into is with the volume all the way up you can barley hear the cb. When you key up others can barley hear you. I think the problem lies within the size wires we used. I will tweak this in the up coming weeks. So far this is what I have done. Once again this is needs some tweaks. I wanted to be able to use my stock CB unit in conjunction with my Cardo Scala Rider G4 Power Set. It took me some time but I finally completed the task. I made this product for my Dad’s motorcycle (2007 Yamaha Royal Star Venture), but it should work on any intercom system using a standard 5 pin plug as they are wired the same. The Search: I started searching the internet for a solution to this problem and stumbled across this forum and read many people want this same feature. I think as of now the only option is from J&M and the system cost around $1,000USD! I have also seen where some people used store bought adapters (5 pin to 3.5mm adapter) and in doing so discovered they could only hear the CB. The wiring in the store bought adapters will not allow for a microphone input. The Idea: I located wiring diagrams of the stock 5 pin plug and a product called a Blue Tooth Adapter. The Blue Tooth Adapter (BTA from this point forward) I used is the Cardo BTA II (see link below). You can use other brands but be careful in your choice. The BTA is designed to plug into a non-bluetooth phone and allow the phone to connect to another bluetooth device, like a bluetooth ear mic (or in our case motorcycle blue tooth headset). Make sure you DO NOT buy one that is to transmit only! You will need the device to be capable of both transmitting and receiving. You will also need a 5 pin connecter plug (see link below). The Steps (Please if you are not good with wiring or soldering do not attempt this on your own) Once I had the two items I pulled the top of the BTA. Inside the device you will see a battery, a circuit board, and the coiled wire that has the 2.5mm plug attached to the other end. Three wires connect to the circuit board, on mine they were colored white, red and black. The wires were labeled: white is +microphone, the black is the common ground and the red is +speaker. Be sure to take note what color the wires are and what they do (they may be different for your application). With that taken care of you can reseal the unit. The next step was to cut the 2.5mm plug off the end of the wire. Take the bundled wire and strip off the insulating outer cover. This will reveal the 3 wires you noted in the previous step. Strip the insulation off the 3 wires so you have the bare wire exposed. Using the CB 5 pin wiring diagram (see link below) you may now solder the wires to the individual pins in the 5 pin connector plug. Make sure you solder the wires to their respective locations. In my case the white (microphone wire) will be soldered to the pin labeled 1 (see link below), the black (ground wire) is soldered to pins 4 and 2 (see link below) (this will ground the mic and speakers), and the red (speaker wire) is soldered to pins 5 and 3 (see link below) (this will allow you to hear the CB in both ears). Please if you are not good with wiring or soldering do not attempt this on your own. It takes some knowledge, quite a bit of soldering skill and some specialized tools. You have very little room to work and if not wired correctly it will not work properly. Also, if you use other parts or products other than I have I do not know for sure if they will work. I have not tested any other brand BTA’s or other brand headsets at this time. Thank you J. Yates CB 5 pin plug wiring diagram: http://venturers.org/Tech_Library/attachments/cbwiring.pdf 5 pin plug adapter http://www.frys.com/product/1570803?site=sr:SEARCH:MAIN_RSLT_PG Blue Tooth Adapter: [ame][url=http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d.html/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/191-4266561-3880738?a=B000LGUAU8]http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d.html/ref=redir_mdp_mobile/191-4266561-3880738?a=B000LGUAU8[/ame] I will update my next steps in days or weeks to come. Wish me luck. J. Yates
  4. Guest

    New Yamaha Bagger

    Did you click on this new thread thinking it was a new offering from Yamaha? Well...not exactly...but it IS cool looking. Click on the link to see just how good a bagger can look. http://www.corbin.com/yamaha/ylnrbag.shtml Saw this in a recent Bagger magazine.
  5. Ordered the grips at the below link. Anyone using these? Suppose to be able to use the OEM weights so that is why I ordered them...Wanted something other than the Kuryakyn Grips.... Here's the link to the grips page age Big Bike Parts.. The OEM weights will not slide into the grip ends...JUST a LITTLE to big... Also I assume that on the throttle side there is no need to open up the cable housing? Just remove grip like the left side.... Thoughts if any would be appreciated... Long Tall Lynchburg, VA http://www.bigbikeparts.com/Inventory/Navision/17-376?catalogNo=1
  6. For those of you who were looking for a solution to use the VRChat Room from your Iphones, Ipads, Androids, you can now do so at this link. The Iphone does not use flash so this is a html version of the room that then communicates with the Flash based chat room. I briefly tried it from my Iphone and it seems to work just fine. It is a streamlined version that does not have all the features available but does allow you to chat. Please give it a try. If it works OK, I will add a link to it in the menu bar. http://host718.123flashchat.com/venturerider/html-chat-login.html
  7. I'm starting to feel a little slow here. Trying to edit MY photo albums and what's in them as well as maybe add something etc.. Cannot figure this out.. What am I doing wrong?
  8. Is DiamondR still an advertising member here? Haven't seen their link for a while.
  9. As many of you know, I try to offer the highest quality parts at the best prices and combine them into my "KITS" to make the install easier. I do all of the brain work and you enjoy the benefits. I am now offering a "Kit" for First Gens. and Second Gens. (I didn't forget you guys!) that will replace the stock clutch spring with a VMAX clutch spring, AND a new FULL SIZED Clutch Disc to replace the "Wimpy" half Disc that is in the rear of the clutch pack, as well as a brand new Yamaha Clutch Cover Gasket. As usual, I am shipping these Clutch Upgrade Kits for free and the price is $67.00 to your door! Check the price on the PCW kit to find out what a deal this is. These kits come with written instructions and a link to the thread that explains the install, WITH PICS! The kits are different between the First Gens. and Second Gens. So be sure to order the right kit for your scoot. If you have questions or are not sure what parts you need, PLEASE feel free to PM me. Thanks for your time and good luck with your project, Earl If you have a First Gen. MKII VR (1986 to 1993) Here is a link to the ad: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2644/cat/500 If you have a Second Gen. RSV or RSTD here is a link to the ad: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2651
  10. I was looking on some other motorcycle forums and came across a modification to alter a stock flasher to work with led turn signals and keep the original flasher and the self cancellation function.www.650ccnd.com/PDFs/Flasher_mod_Revised.pdf . I haven't learned how to attach a link, but maybe some one who does will do that for us.I did a google search for Denso flasher modification, and it was the second link that was on the first page.When I convert my turn signals,I'm going to try this to keep the original functions.Hope this helps someone and thanks to the person that invented this and posted a step by step with pictures.
  11. I've been sitting back watching all the info over the proposed weapons bans over the last few weeks. Won't even go there. No desire or need to. Don't intend to either. So please keep with my theme. But I ran across this listing this morning on eBay and it cracked me up. It's nice to see someone still is keepinng a sense of humor during all this. Found it a little late to post the link but made a couple .pdf files of it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Tactical-Assault-Rock-from-CroMagnum-Arms-International-CAI-/261153926569?_trksid=p2047675.l2557&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&nma=true&si=8aRuiXd0wPHlQiprQbVkPlE1YQk%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc The questions posted at the bottom of the listing were the best. Some people can still laugh about all this. The seller even has a Assault Spork listed. http://www.ebay.com/itm/261153740945?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649 Mike
  12. There are some issues with the chat server. The link in the menu bar will not work for now. Please use this link until I get it resolved. CHAT ROOM
  13. Today is the last day that you can enter the current contest for your chance to win either 2nd Gen Carb covers or an Ipod Shuffle. Contest ends later this afternoon and I'll draw a winner tonight. Here is the link if you somehow missed it. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=74684
  14. I have always had a phobia of high bridges on the bike. I have crossed many border bridges and they always seem to be high and I get stuck at the top so the wind will blow me around. I have also crossed the Mackinac bridge in a rain storm and had to use the grate lane as the paved was closed. Simply I hate bridges, Now someone sent me this link and confirms my fears. I know I could not cross this. Some here might like this challenge. I would like to know how they built it? Enjoy the clip. http://www.youtube.com/embed/4T4vc1QqiPM
  15. Thought I would pass this on from my friend Skip. He has a collection of old dirt bikes from the 60's, 70's and maybe early 80's. I have always been impressed with his bikes since after a complete restoration, he will still ride them. Anyways, he has an old Penton he restored and had an opportunity to meet John Penton and they used his bike in the video trailer below: He sent the info and link below: ------------------- Hey all you vintage dirt bike lovers, here's your chance to make a great project come true. Below is a link to a movie trailer telling the story of PENTON and how John Penton changed the dirt bike scene in America. They are in the funding stage currently and hoping to generate enough interest to get this movie produced. Pass along the link to any fans of that era and maybe soon we'll all get to enjoy this movie on the big screen. Any support or help to see this through would be greatly appreciated. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/...le-lovett-rela These are a great bunch that could use some help and the bike in the trailer at the end isn't all that bad either. Thanks Skip
  16. Hello My daughter Natalie Cameron made a video for a scholarship and was chosen as one of the five finalists but in order to win she has to get the most "likes" on it. Could you please go to her link: The direct link is Please make sure to "LIKE" the post itself and not just the group (there are two like buttons on that page. The one at the top right is for the group, the one on the post is for her video). Also if you could share the link. The more votes the better. (Natalie has supported herself throughout her post secondary education and this would go a long way for her) ☺ Thank you again. This means so much to her and me!
  17. Well, The dust has settled a bit since Jean and I have moved into our new home! I have gone thru all of my Classified Ads in the "Member Vendor" section, and they are all updated now. My new shop is still a "Mountain" of boxes, but I have found all of my kit parts, and can ship anything needed. Here is a link to the Classified Ads: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=500&ppuser=4738 It would be my pleasure to help any VR.ORG Member with their winter projects! Earl and Jean
  18. Got trunk complete other then some pinstriping to be done at Don's in June. Could not upload so check out you tube link. [ame] [/ame] hope it works. Tell me what you think. Joe
  19. Shot this while in Idaho Falls Colorado... I guess you should see them when they are not having fun riding http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c66/CNONT/HDSmile.jpg There are some more bike shots on my photo link if you want to take a look in Colorado 2012
  20. I am a fan of Maglite flashlights. Never mind that I worked for them, and took my retirement from there. They are made 100% in the USA (Ontario, California) and I know how exacting the quality control is for everything from machining the aluminum to assembly of the finished product to packaging. At one time Mr. Tony Maglica sent a bunch of lights (thousands, I think) to (hmmmm, was it Desert Storm?) troops because he had read that they didn't have adequate lights for night activities (machine maintenance, etc.). Didn't cost the military or the troops a dime. They now have these AWSOME LED flashlights, but they are mostly very big $. Wait a minute----- check out Home Depot----- a combination LED 3D + a LED 2AA (with batteries, a non-roll device, and holster for the 2AA) for only $27.98. That's less than most places get for just the 3D LED flashlight. The 2AA LED can be more than $20.00 some places. I got mine from the local store, also available on the internet. This link only shows it in black, but I think if you search around you might find the colors. I got blue. http://www.homedepot.com/Maglite/h_d1/N-53xZ5yc1v/R-202550919/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&storeId=10051 I have no dog in this fight, just sharing what I found to be a very good price on an outstanding MADE IN tHE USA product. And Home Depot still offers a 10% discount for military active/retiree/veteran. If you might have an interest in reading about Mag Instrument's growth and history, here's a link: http://www.maglite.com/company_aboutmag.asp
  21. I have an 85 that needs the seals on the luggage replaced. Asked at the dealer just for fun but they are discontinued. What are people using to seal the luggage? Where can I find it? Also are they still shpping the carb boots from the above link, $60 for 4?? TX
  22. http://www.bursigusa.com/
  23. ok They can sell a whole MC for $500.00 & most parts for ours cost more than that....So tell me How the can sell a MC for $500.00 ?? and you know they are not going to lose $$$ on it... http://blog.leatherup.com/2012/07/03/yamaha-sell-500-dollar-motorcycle-in-india-cheapest-yamaha/#.T_N1ipE0m1e
  24. Greetings all, Just had a look at a review of the 2012 Second Gen and it includes a photo of what is purported to be the motor of the bike. First time I've heard of an air cleaner for a 2G mounted between the pots. Who is having a go at whom here, and can anybody identify the motor? http://www.topspeed.com/motorcycles/motorcycle-reviews/yamaha/2012-yamaha-royal-star-venture-s-ar117728.html (N.B. - I just had a look at this link here and the photo of the motor DOES NOT appear, only a description. I originally found it by Googling. See if you can find the same review and also see if the photo of the motor shows up.)
  25. I just got this link from Flyinfool. What a great resource. Thought I would post it for all the new guys.. http://www.boats.net/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1989/VENTURE%20ROYALE%20-%20XVZ1300DW/parts.html Thanks Jeff !! Hope you heal fast. In the mean time keep posting good stuff !
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