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  1. For several years now I have been looking at used Miata's but unless someone wanted a war pension for them, they were usually pretty ragged out. Today, Linda and I found one locally for a good price and took a look at it and it looked a lot better than I expected. The guy that had it had just gotten it from his mother who has had it for the last five years. It looks totally unmolested. He said the timing belt had been changed about 20,000 miles ago and it had a new alternator and battery. The interior and the top looked to be in very good condition. The two things I am not real crazy about is it is white, but the paint is in very good condition and it is an automatic, which Linda wanted because she says she could never learn how to drive a stick. We took it for a short ride and it seemed to be very solid. The engine was quiet and the trans shifted nice and firm. I did smell the trans fluid before I started it and it smelled good. My hope is to upgrade the wheels and tires as it still has the stock ones and I want to add a trailer hitch so I can pull the Time Out camper behind it. With all the upgrades I am doing to my bike and getting this and being retired, I am really looking for spring. I can not post any pictures yet as I have not picked it up and he has not officially gotten the title yet, as it is in the mail where he transferred it over from his mother. I know I will never find another website like this one, but if any of you have any good suggestions, let me know. RandyA
  2. Linda and I decided to take off Tuesday morning without a particular destination for a day or so. After going thru Pigeon Forge for lunch and then down the the Foothills Parkway to 129, this seemed like a good time to show Linda the Dragon as she was wearing my 2nd Vogal Tail of the Dragon t shirt. After a visit at Deal's gap, we continued down 129 then turned north to pick up another mountain road that took us to Robbinsville, NC. Whenever we turned left on the 45mph highway, in a mile or so we had a silver Toyota pickup right on us. In a couple of miles we were turning right and you got it, he turned right behind us. Since we had several hundred feet of straight road in front of us, I slowed to about 15mph and motioned him around. After waving my arm several times, he finally came around and as soon as he was beside me he ran me to the very edge of the road and gave me the finger out the back window. He then took off and after getting a hundred or so feet in front of me, he slams his brakes on. I just slowed down and he finally went on. I really wish I had gotten his tag number as several miles up this narrow two lane road we met a NC Highway Patrolman. It was a bit disconcerting not knowing if we were going to encounter this moron again. I have absolutely no idea what got into him as I was just trying to be nice in slowing down and motioning him around me on a road I had never been on before. RandyA
  3. just want to wish every one a happy thanksgiving. ive got much to be thankful for and i hope everyone else does to. no matter how bad things are i'm always thankful just to be an american and be able to wake up to good friends and freedom everyday. turkey just went in the oven and i'm ready to eat. looking forward to the meets, and hope i am healthy enough to ride again next year. HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all. bill and linda :clap2:
  4. During Linda's and my trip to the Outer Banks during my birthday weekend in late September, we had one of those momentary encounters that made me think. I missed the turn that would have been toward the northern strip of the Outer Banks where Kitty Hawk is located and ended up going up toward Chesapeake Bay, Va. When I realized what had happened, I made a u-turn and came upon a rest area. The interesting thing was one side of the rest area was the highway and on the other side was a canal with a dock. When we pulled in, I noticed there was a sail boat docked there that was probably between 35 to 40 feet long. A real nice boat. The couple on the boat was waiting for a lock or something to open and had several hours to kill. I went in to use the rest room and Linda, being the friendly person she is, had walked over and struck up a conversation with the couple and was admiring their boat. They were both very friendly and seemed to appreciate having someone to talk to during their wait. The wife was more of the quiet type and the husband was more the type A personality. After we got back on the bike and back on the highway, Linda mentioned that while the husband was showing me the boat, the wife had moved closer to her and in a low voice, mentioned that she used to ride. It was like she did not want her husband to hear her say this. Now, this made Linda and me both wonder what this was all about and was this with a previous marriage, or boy friend or what, but Linda felt like it must have been something she had enjoyed doing with the way she said it. It also made me wonder if the woman would have rather been on the back of, or even driving a motorcycle, than to be confined to that sailboat. RandyA
  5. Hey folks, Linda and I got home last Saturday and besides burning out a stator and blowing my Works shock on the 4th day getting to Reno, getting hit by a deer going into the North Rim of the Grand Canyon and getting a flat going into the South Rim, we had a great time for eighteen days and 5,500 miles. This was a group ride with my local riding group (where Don was once one of us) and the main ride was to do a 6 day of a tour of Northern California, set up by one of the local motorcycle touring companies. One of our guys found this company and talked them into selected the routes and providing the accomodations for the 6 days (we didn't need a guide). It first started out as a group flying to Reno and renting bikes, but ended up with 5 of us taking 4 days to ride to Reno and flying the wives into Reno. One of the couples did fly and rent a bike while 2 transported their bikes to Reno and flew in and then rode back with Linda and I on a 5 day trip. So it was a guys (5 bikes) 4 day ride to Reno: Dallas to Roswell, NM, to Pinetop, AZ, to Barstow, CA, to Reno, NV. I chose this route to check out SR-260 across central Arizona from Springerville to Camp Verde. Then it was 6 days (9 bikes) traveling in Northern California: Reno to Red Bluff, CA, to Ft Bragg, to Napa, to Oakhurst (Yosemite), to Sonora, to Reno. The last day, Linda and I beat it back to Reno where I had an appointment at the Yamaha shop to replace my stator and install a used shock (to get us home). When we left Reno Sunday, many of the wives flew back while Linda and another wife rode back to Texas with 5 other single bikes (7 total). I planned a route back to take as many National Parks and interesting roads as possible and make it back home in 5 days: Reno to Cedar City, UT, Bryce Canyon, had to skip Zion because of road construction, Jacob Lake and the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, South Rim, Monument Valley, Durango, CO, Taos, NM, Las Vegas, NM, Tucumcari, NM and home. We were most impressed with the North Rim location and would like to go back and stay a few days? Here is the link to my pictures on Photo Bucket, where you probably won't recognize anyone out side of my wife Linda and Rex Adams (Linda was with me at Don's MD and Rex came with me last year): http://s408.photobucket.com/albums/pp162/MTATX6/2010%20Northern%20California%20from%20Rick/ Oh, I rode 6 days without a stator by removing the fuse to the headlight which also got my running lights but kept turn signals and brake lights. Then every evening, I would pull the battery and charge it up in the room. Since I had a trailer, I also bought a Black & Decker Jumper Battery which came in handy to jump start a bike (which came in handy on more than one occasion). Now Linda and I just dealt with the blown shock by riding slower than usual and picking the smoothest parts of the road, where my 1,200lb spring on the Works helped out some. More than likely this will be our last long ride of this magnitude. Since 1980 Linda and I have taken a 2 week bike vacation just about every year where we have ridden in all lower 48 states (some multiple times) 4 Canadian Provinces and we also took a group to Copper Canyon, Mexico in 2001. Next year we plan on hauling the Venture to Yellowstone (which we have been to countless times) stay and ride 3-4 days, load it up and head for Glacier for another 3-4 days of riding and then load up and go home. But we will continue to take extended rides to Arkansas, etc which are within a few hours ride. Gotta love this continent of ours, Rick
  6. Took a nice weekend bike trip with the family to Berlin, Ohio. Left Friday morning and made it down there about 4. Hit a few shops and relaxed the rest night. A week prior to our trip we phoned Hummingbird and told him our plans, he said he had nothing planned for that day and would love to meet us. Saturday morning we got up early and did some shoping. At 12 we met up with Dick and Linda, went for lunch and then rode to visit a local hardware store that everyone was telling us we had to see while there. After stoping at the hardware Dick was nice enough to take us on a nice 50 mile ride through the country and show us some beautiful scenery. Had a great time catching up and riding with Dick and Linda, thanks again to u both.
  7. la just called me. he sounds great, has a great outlook on his condition, and is looking forward to riding his bike again. i'm planning on riding down for a visit when it cools off a little. can't wait to see the old fart. sure do miss him. he can't drive yet and has been in and out of the hospital. he talked to linda quite a while cuz i was having a hard time hearing him. he is in good spirits. linda and i are praying hard for his quick recovery. we love you buddy. bill
  8. linda and i are so glad that you made it through this terrible ordeal. cindy, i really owe you many more thanks then i can put into words for hanging with me on the 09 rally committee. thought i was going to lose you several times , but you hung in there and never let me down. if you would not have been there this whole rally would have been doomed from the git go. for all you folks that don't know, cindy took the job of registration, t-shirts, and a whole bunch of other jobs to numerous to mention and ran with them. so when your all down there at the rally having a great time, a whole lot of thanks needs to go to cindy. you did good girl. and we love ya for it. bill and linda. :clap2::clap2:
  9. well, i always said when i grow up i want to be just like la.. i'm getting set up to hit the road. bought a tent and lantern. just a start. i'm going to start building a little trailer to haul my camping gear. can't afford all the motels. linda thinks i'm nuts and have oldtimers. i got this picture of me sitting among the trees at a campsite barbequing pork steaks , drinking beer and listening to 50's music on my satilite radio by myself. it don't get no better than that. she said i'm not going, i said you aren't invited. i'm just following my dream. going shopping again tomorrow for some more gear. going to try to get my stuff together for vogel. does this sound like oldtimers or what? you bet it does. don't have no one to leave anything to accept linda and my puppy. so i might as well have a good time. yahoo!
  10. Hello out there!! I am Shane and my wife is Linda. We are leaving on 12 June at 7a.m. from Lawton to ride to Kerrville texas for the Star Barbque. Wondering if anyone was coming this way we could ride with. If need be we have a couple of beds that are open if a couple of bikes want to crash here before going on to Kerrville. Email us at lschis@msn.com as we check that more often and let us know. I am in the Army and have leave for 2 weeks. Thanks, Shane n Linda
  11. wanted to thank all the folks that came to our meet. even though it rained you all made our weekend. the ride to herman yesterday and having you all over for barbeque made the whole thing worthwhile, and like i told alot of folks it got my butt in gear to get some much needed work done around here. linda and i had a great time being with all of you. really had a great group of people here. we love ya'all. bill and linda :clap2:
  12. i guess alot of folks are already heading this way for the meet everyone be carefull and have a safe trip. i think we are all ready for you. not to late to just fall in and come on. i think we have plenty of food. bill and linda.
  13. well got the heat on in the garage, and going to add some more lights to the wing. now if i can just remember where i parked my walker, so i can get out there. linda probably hid it again. she thinks that will keep me from runnin around on her.
  14. i had several events take place that are going to make this a long time coming, great up coming year for linda and me. we hope everyone else has a great 2009, and a very "Merry Christmas". linda and bill predock. aka. mr. & mrs. snarley bill
  15. Merry Christmas to all here. Hope that each and everyone has the best Christmas that their situation allows. Remember the "Reason for the Season". Don and Linda
  16. anyone coming to the eureka springs meet that would like to bring a prize to give away the night of the drawing is welcome to, this is not mandatory. we are going to have a drawing for the ladies and the men separately. so don't forget something for the ladies. i know some have already told me they are bringing some neat stuff, and linda and me did a little shopping too. we are also going to have a 50/50 drawing for st. jude and the procedes for that will go to squidleys tattoo fund. we are expecting a big crowd and going to do some heavy duty riding, eating, and evening partying on the big deck overlooking the woods behind the edelweiss inn. linda and i will be there tuesday around noon. to greet the early arrivals. for those of you that haven't been to the edelweiss it has a restaurant in front of it on the parking lot so you may have a hard time finding the driveway. don't forget to bring helmets, we may ride into missouri and they have a helmet law. have a safe trip and we'll see you there. bill and linda
  17. okay, this is a spur of the moment plea. going to ride to hannibal, mo. sat. june 14th for coffee and just look around and eat. leaving from st. charles,mo. about 10am and will be in hannibal about noon. any one that is interested in riding up with linda and me let me know or if anyone wants to meet us there let me know and we will make definate plans. we are going unless it rains. bill
  18. Well the M&E went fantastic(dispite the wind) Rick & Marilyn brought in 50+mph winds and the temp droped. It was still a 110 temp inversion for them from 57 below to 53 above. The weather by saturday will be 70 again.YAHOO The food was good and the company was even better had a great time. In attendance was Klaus - (Kbert777) & Denise, Scott-(Tooldood),Rick - (Sarge46) & Marilyn,Linda (THE NAVIGATOR)- Ron (kantornado) nice and cozy group. Here are the pictures of the fine group......................Ron Pic#1 Tooldood Pic#2 L-Rick R-Klaus Pic#3 Rick-Klaus-Denise-Linda-Back of Tooldoods head Pic#4 Linda - Marilyn - Tooldood Pic#5 Linda - Marilyn Pic#6 Denise - Myself http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=15323&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1203033042 http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=15324&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1203033042 http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=15325&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1203033042 http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=15326&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1203033042 http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=15327&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1203033042 http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=15328&stc=1&thumb=1&d=1203033042
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