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  1. I have a number of old scoots in the basement and thought I drag would something out while waiting for the turkey to finish cookin.. Thought you all might enjoy a trip down memory lane.. Anyone ever have one of these back in the day?? Its actually later than my early years BUT I realize not everyone on here grew up in the 60's like me hahaha.. Anyway, pretty cool lil bike, I would say the neatest moped ever made.. Course, I love anything on two wheels - old new or in between - they are all fun!! Scott:mustache:
  2. Grab a beverage, there ain't no easy way, or short one to explain my day. Voices in your head are good. Yes they are! I woke up this morning and had things to get done, but I had this lil voice in my head telling me to just stay home. Every time I'd think I need to run here or there I'd get this "JUST STAY HOME" thing bugging me. I kept busy around the place and got some stuff done in the basement and did some cleaning. It was progress anyway. But, I had to stop in on a couple of my clients stores to check displays. So as it was pretty nice out I took the bike as I usually do. I didn't get three blocks from my house and hit the red light at my first turn. I was several cars back so I had to wait for a chance to turn after the green turn arrow went off and oncoming traffic went through. I had what looked like a clear shot after that and started my left turn. A car coming from my right side ran his red light at about 40 mph and missed me as I slammed to stop. Not easy in the middle of a turn and with that danged voice yelling "I told you to stay home!" I didn't know it yet but I should have gone home. I was only three blocks away. I gathered myself and headed on down the road to Interstate 80 and got on East bound headed for Iowa. Normally a 15 mile ride to the first stop. The local road crews have been hard at work again doing resurfacing and they had a new stretch about 100 yards long where they had been grinding the surface again. I hate that stuff because they suck at it here. Deep and wobbly grooves and it can take a bit to keep it rolling straight through it. Checked my mirrors and dropped my speed a bit and rolled into it. I checked the mirrors again and another bike was coming up fast on my tail. I still doing 60 and he's gaining. I try to move to the outside a bit and I look again and he's right there against my right saddlebag . I mean less than a foot away. I hit the end of the rough stuff and jazzed it hard and pulled away form him. He did not try to pass me again. He must have known how I felt about him at that point. And that danged voice was rattling on and on and on. OH! Shut up! So I'm making progress, about half way to my first stop. Now there is another section of construction at the 13 St. Exit. I'm in my left through lane and nobody on my six. Cool. I have one car in front of me on my right doing about 55. Seems to be doing ok so I move to pass. About the time I get even with her rear bumper I see the left turn signal come on and I get one blink and she's moving into my lane. Jeesh! I hit the brakes and the horn and she swerves back into her lane and slows down. Ok, get around this one. I start to pass again and she swerves right back against me. I'm braking and moving to the breakdown lane and the same time and she just rolls on. I caught back up to her in about a 1/2 mile ahead and pulled up on her right side. Yep, what I figured. Texting! And the voice is saying "I told ya so." Yeah, yeah....I'm riding. Leave me alone. Ah ha! My exit. A couple hundred yards and I'm good. So I make it to the parking lot and I stop at the cross walk in front of Sam's to let the busy shoppers roll back to their cages with their hard won supplies. Got a parking spot in my sights and I'm thrilled to be there. I made it. Now I'm sitting there with the bike in 1st and waiting for a clear shot. All of a sudden I'm shooting forward. Kind of thrown against my backrest and going ahead. I thought I'd slipped off the clutch lever but my hands were still on the grips. Only went a few feet but is was a bit of a surprise. Totally unplanned! I looked in the mirrors and there was nothing there, nutttin, nobody, nada. Very odd. I threw down the kickstand and leaned it over to get off and there were people running towards me. What the heck! I get off and turn around and there was the reason for my rear end jolt. A frigging scooter. A lil bitty scooter. And a lil old codger laying next to it. He had a couple of decades on me so I'll call lil and old. And dumb. No helmet, no gloves and a T shirt. At least he didn't have sandals on. He's bellowing about his wrist being broke and his knee is bleeding. He's being a PITA about his "bike" and why I had stopped at the cross walk. I'd been there of about a minute so he had time to see me for sure. One of the folks that came over called for the EMT's and the police. They actually showed up in pretty good time for a parking lot accident. Two of the witnesses told me and the LEO that the codger had come out of a parking lane and never slowed down while turning in behind me. He was dragging both his feet on the ground the whole time. An experienced rider, I think not. I wandered over to the EMT's as they were looking at him. Nothing broken and just a scraped knee. He's gonna live. The scooter, probably not. Those things aren't made very well. I looked at him and said, "You are the reason I was supposed to stay home today." The voice said "That's telling him." Ah shut up! The last thing I heard out of the lil voice was "I told ya so! You never listen to me!" So looking over my bike I had a smudge on the rear light bar. Nuttin bent, broken or damaged. Almost a 900 lb bike VS scooter= I win. Ya know, I don't wanna sound like a wussy but I took a different way home. Long way around, mostly side streets. Spidey Sense was on full blast. I'm taking the cage to work tomorrow. 45's in the glove box. Bring 'em on! I'm proud. I survived my first ever motorcycle accident involving another vehicle. Alive, well and looking for the meds to deal with the lil voice. Mike
  3. Been at the drawing board again. There always seems to be one more lil improvement that can be done. This lil creation takes care of two, maybe three things that I wanted to take care of. So not much fun in just saying what it so I'll just post a few pics and let ya guess. It's in raw condition now waiting for the epoxy to dry and will be ready for the final sanding and a few coats of paint and clear coat over the next couple of days. When it's done and mounted I'll post the finshed project. So have at it. Mike
  4. Ok, I finally got around to installing the Shindegen R/R that Dano hooked me up with a while back. Game plan.....under the seat install. No problem. Yeah right. Seems to be a lil tight under there or maybe my big tail section has just compessed it more than it should be. Maybe. But I ended up installing it inside the left fairing mounted on the black inner fairing. I got rid of the amp for the cassette deck long ago and had a lil room to play with there. So I got it mounted up tonight and ran the new harness and capped the old wire and fired it up. Don't fret about the connectors.....it will all be soldered together tomorrow. I know some of you have done this mod already but I was impressed with the output and how stable the charge was. The OEM R/R would always show a bit on ramping up and down on the digtal volt meter. Not this thing. I didn't get a good reading at idle yet as the bike was cold and I didn't run it very long but when I reved it up it jump right to 14.4 and sat there. No ramping at all. I threw on the two 65 watt driving lights (the true test) and it dropped to 14.2. And sat there. No ramping. Not bad. So between Buckeyes upgrade stator, the Shindengen R/R and the DEKA AGM battery I don't think it can get any better than this. Great combination. Some days ya win one. Mike
  5. I've been playing around with polishing the lower fork tubes and this is after the first go over with the emory compound. Compared with what I started with it's looking pretty good. Still have a couple of steps to go so it should get better. The thing is I have lot of pitting where the stickers were and on the inside (back) of the tubes. I'd like to be abe to smooth that out where is can be seen. The back side I'm not so worried about and it gives me a place to experiment. This may be more than a lil wet and dry sanding can handle. Not looking for a show finish but would like to clean it up a bit. Any thoughts? Mike
  6. For a long time I have considered changing my name, but the name I was interested in, Venturous, was already taken. But it has been almost two years since they were on and no longer a supporting member, so Freebird has changed my name. The other reason I wanted to do this is my son Brian, who has joined as Lil Venturous and I am very happy about that. So, I am now Venturous and I plan to be a lot more active than the last venturous. RandyA
  7. I had a few minutes of slack time today so I thought I'd go over some invoices. Parked my butt at my desk and was sorting things out and I noticed a movement coming towards me on the desk top. Stop...look again.....yep.....spider.....big one. Weird looking. Nothing new really, get them all the time. But this one looked a bit different. So I parked coffee cup over it and got a container. Slipped a piece of paper under the cup and went to flip in into the plastic container. All Heck broke loose when I dropped it in. I thought the dang thing blew up. Well......it didn't. It was female Wolf spider with a full load of lil ones......over a hundered of them as close as I can tell. Quick lil devils. I catch Wolf spiders all the time. I keep them in a 20 gallon tank and feed them crickets. If you have ever had a spider problem in your home......catch a Wolf and keep it fed. Any other spider will vacate the location el pronto!! But since I know everybody LOVES spiders.....here are a few pics of the lil sweety. Oh...and that is an 8" container. So...it's not a lil spider. LOL! Remember to show your wife or girlfriend. Entertainment value. Yes it is.
  8. Just wanted to chime in, I have noticed a lil poping on decel and the engine seemed a lil rough at cruising speed. After reading several post I was thinking time to check the carb sync, called my local STEALER who wants $85 to sync them up (freaking nuts). After watching on this site I saw a post about the price of the morgan carbtune pro being lower due to the exchange rate so I pulled the trigger and got the carbtune pro with case for 93 otd. Rocket fast shipping 8 days to northern michigan, then came my problem. I have always said I am a jack of all trades master of none lol and have done my share of wrenching but when it comes to something new I always get a lil nervous. I have to say this site is so beyond worth the 12 bucks with all the write ups and pictures it was actually a breeze. I took my time, made several adjustments and got them just about perfect, should have took pictures but camera was dead, man what a difference!!! Now I guess this is a big thank you message and a question, does $85 sound right to have a dealer do this? I mean even with a miller lite break it didnt take more than 40 mins so just wondering if they were trying to bend me over. And as far as the thank yous that is for everyone on this site and to Don just have to say you have created so much more than just a website here, I would have been lost and paying for what was a fairly simple job. I will be a member here till the end!!!! Well enough rambling just had to say how happy i was to find this site!!
  9. Thought Id start a post that we could share some of our ideas for losing those xtra pounds. Honey-Ive started using honey whenever I can, the body can break it down better and is actually better for you then white sugar. A lil honey in my coffee and it tastes better to me now then the sugar. Honey is purely natural and good for you, with a long list of benifets. Breads are bad! But if ya love breads try Slimwiches, There a lil thinner and may take getting used to but well worth the change- 100 calories for 2 peices. Fiber! - this is a big one too-- Fiber will actually promote weight loss AND is a appitite suppresant, great fibers Ive put into my diet-- Chili's (beans), fiber 1 cereal (love it) etc My hardest time is in the evening so I eat popcorn which isnt too bad and if cravings get bad Ill have a slimwhich with peanut butter and a lil honey, hmm it is like a treat to me. I wore my leather vest to a friends this weekend and it was nice to take the snap chains off and be able to actually snap the front. Please add your tricks or ideas, anything to make it easier is a big bonas in my opinoin-- And good luck !!!
  10. well.............the plan was, to ride the hour or so from home ( billings, mt) to cody this AM to meet some of the fine people from this site. we were running a lil bit behind, and i knew wed never make it to the wal mart parking lot by 9:30, so i thought wed wait awhile at the junction of wyo.296......we waited till 10:30, and no one showed. i guess it must have been planned to go thru yellowstone instead. anyway, we went ahead with our lil trip anyway, and rode to cooke city, and then home via redlodge and beartooth pass. it was cold, but beautiful. wish i could have met you folks, and shaken a few hands, but i guess ill just show ya some pics instead. this is my 1 week old (to me) 83 VR up at dead indian pass, and in cooke city. irydasteelhorse (jeff & deb)
  11. Has anybody had any experience putting some brand of pull backs for the handlebars on a 2006 RSTD? I would like to bring my handlebars back just a tad to keep from having to stretch my arms out. Not bad, but a lil uncomfortable. Just was wanting some reccommadations from anybody who has done something similiar. Thanks, Jerry
  12. Hey Guys, The bike i am getting is an 84/85 venture and yes I dont know the owner doesnt either he is going to find title and see it is the blue one so i say 85. It has been parked for over 3 years and I am wondering what i need to do and what order. I was told to empty gas out and change oil and filter, I was also told to take plugs out and pour a lil oil on topp of pistons then turn it over with them out to make sure cylinder is well oiled. Is there anything else I should look for? Thanks for any help. hamdavid:confused07:
  13. I hope Santa brings you a 2nd Gen !!!!!!!!!!!:rotf: MERRY Christmas and a Dominating 2nd Gen New Year ! PS . Hey ! Charlie and Cindy , a lump of coal in the mail to you both . BEER30 BEER24/7 'Lil RootBeer365
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