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  1. Made white faceplate labels for 83 dash similar to Reddevilmedic http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=63342 Difference is I completely removed the face plate, Not for faint of heart pulling needles. Then I used the dreaded brake fluid to completely removing the original silk screen printing from the faces, leaving clear plastic glass. Then applied the white vinyl labels, and reassembled. Now my blue LED back lighting shines thru the vinyl label completely lighting up the gages. Major improvement IMO.
  2. on this fourm in the spring there was a paot by someone that sold and installed aux.lighting. who and where is this person? also if theres anyone near or in ky that does this please contact me thank you steve ,, accent lighting
  3. What are the best non factory improvements you have made to your bike? Better performance, lighting or anything that makes a bike better. MoS
  4. I have added a little safety chrome. (and hitching) (and lighting) (and shifting)
  5. I am looking to add some light to the back end of my bike as it is not very bright at night with stock lighting. I am wanting to change the signal lights to L.E.D. running lights with the signal being priority when needed and possibly the tail light itself. I already have a L.E.D brake/running light bar to add just under the trunk but want more and wondering where I can find these in a simple aftermarket application or if there isn't one then how. I have some time as it will be a couple of months before our winter is done.
  6. I'm goitn to rewire the auxiliary lighting on the back of my bike. Currently I have an extra tail/brake light and trailer lighting which is run through an isolation relay set. All of the taps were made using the scotch-lok type connectors (I know they are junk) and it really looks like a mess under the seat. Some of the connections were made by the installer that wired up my trailer lights and some by me. I want to solder all of the taps to the bike's lighting circuits and then run a line to a power strip where I connect the auxillary lighting. What is the best type of power strip to use? So far the only thing I've found looks like the attached photo. Is there something better? Photos of you installation would be helpful. This looks like it may be a cold Saturday job. Thanks, Dennis
  7. Does anyone have a bad Reserve Lighting Unit laying around for an 88 Venture? It is my understanding that the MKI and MKII are different. At least the connector is different. My request is 2 fold. 1. I want to see what is inside of that box to see if it can be modified to suit my needs before I destroy my good one. 2. If it can not be disassembled and modified then I can use the wire harness and connector to make my own unit that will do what I need. Next question; Has anyone identified the connector on the RLU so I could just buy that. I just hate to butcher a perfectly good RLU if I don't have to.
  8. Anyone know DOT regs for side marker lights on trailers? Do they have to be running lights? I was checking it out on my trailer this past weekend because they weren't lighting up and I thought they might be broken. Ends up they only light up when I hit the brake.
  9. Well we finally got some nice weather and I was able to work in my shop and install the gauges on my 1996 Royal Star. I used the 2" Equus gauges because they were the closest match to the speedometer and you can change the colour of the background lighting. Everything working and no leaks so far. Many thanks to Ponch for the water temperature adapter swap. Doug
  10. Anyone have these on their bike? I was with a friend over the weekend and he had them installed on his Ford Ranger and I was very impressed with the lighting. Haven't found one for my 2006 RSTD but plan on getting them for my Silverado. Bob
  11. Here are a couple of pictures to hold me over until she is delivered to my garage tomorrow. the seat is not on and the lighting does not do the paint any justice (lighting) but I assure you that the paint match is dead nuts! These should hold me over for another 24 hours Jeff [attach]27857[/attach] [attach]27858[/attach]
  12. hey everyone just want to update my thread on my lighting problem . and i want to thank GEORGES for all his help and everyone else who gave me little bits and pieces well after taking my bike apart (YES APART) i finally followed all the instruction the georges gave me and found the problem with my short in the lighting system . it was the tail light L.E.D.board that i had put in way back in june of 2008 at lake george . apperently there are three wires coming out from the back of the board and somehow one of the wires got pinched wich was very difficult to see and everytime i screwed the cover back on one of the wires was getting tangled up around the screw. sounds simple enough but let me tell you i had two weeks of hell with that problem any how thanks for everyone the helped me out especially you george thank you
  13. I think my reserve lighting unit went bad. I cleaned the handlebar switch and checked all I can and I still have a dead low beam. Yes the bulb is good. The REserve lighting unit is the only thing I have not replaced. Anyone know if the YAMAHA reserve lighting unit that was used on other bikes is the same thing? Ebay is full of RLU's from other yamaha bikes and was wondering if any of those will work.
  14. Hi All! Recently I had some accent LED lighting installed on my bike everything looks awesome and (for the most part), runs just fine. However, last night I decided that since the night air was kind of chilly, I decided to plug-in and check my Gerbing's Jacket Liner to make sure that it was still working properly for when it begins to get colder. Fortunately, it works just fine. Unfortunately, last night while the bike was running, and Gerbing's was plugged-in and running, I flipped-on my new accent lighting for just a moment and then my gear-indicator lights disappeared. I typically will just turn-on the accent lighting when the bike is off and nothing else is running. Last night was the first time I tried turning on the accent lights with everything else running also. So, apparently I blew a fuse which is connected to my gear- indicator lights. My question is ..., Where is the fuse located for the gear-indicator lights which I blew, and is anything else typically on that same line? Also, what size fuse do I need to replace it with. I don't appear to have lost any other functions that I am aware of. All of my other dash-indicator lights, etc., seem to be working fine. As you can probably tell, I didn't install the accent lighting myself. I know better than to get in to my electrical system. Some things are just way beyond my skill level. Thanks guys! Pete.
  15. Ever since I picked-up my Venture last year, I always had this feeling that it needed a a little touch of something to break-up all those big black areas just a bit. So, during our trip to STAR Days in Arkansas this summer we had Sue Hopper (http://www.signsandwondersbysue.com/motorcycles.php) apply a little bit of her artistic magic. Those who are familiar with Sue's work, know that she could have painted just about anything one could imagine. However, I just wanted something subtle and somewhat original. My inspiration for the requested artwork came from a simple Pilot P-500 pen. It has a bluish-black marbled look to it - kind of like clouds against a midnight sky. So, I showed the pen to Sue and she said that she could replicate that design. So, the goal was to air-brush wispy sort-of com-trails (like what you see come off jets) on the fairing, the lower part of the tank, the lids of the hard-bags, the lid of the trunk and then our names printed on the rear of the trunk lid. We're pretty proud of how it looks. Then a few weeks ago, I began to think about installing a little accent lighting. I didn’t want anything which appeared too extreme, but something which was subtle and attractive. I have always liked the look of midnight-blue, and since it was complimentary to the new touches of paint, the lighting color was an easy choice. The lights I picked-up at a Pep Boy's Auto Supply. I used two different types of LED light configurations on this project. One kind, were little strips of LEDs with an adhesive backing that came in lengths of 5", 10", and 15". The other styles of LED lights were little oval-shaped pods consisting of multiple LED bulbs in a cluster. The pods were about the size of a quarter. All of these LED lights are surprisingly tiny and bright. Total cost of the lights itself was only about $120. Unfortunately, I cannot offer much information on the technical side of the install process because I had someone else (who knows what they are doing) do the work for me. The price he charged me was so reasonable, he told me not to tell anyone one what it cost me - because he won't do it again for that price. But, I was happy with it! All of the accent lighting is hard-wired to the main system and can be flipped-on with a little toggle switch which is hidden behind the seat. It can also be switched-on without the key in the ignition. Keep in mind that almost all states prohibit the use of any blue lights on a vehicle which is in operation. This means that I will only turn-on the accent lighting when the bike is parked. Cops are pretty serious about this law because blue lights are reserved exclusively for law enforcement in most states. Probably the most unique feature of this lighting project is the way I managed to light-up the windshield. But first, I owe credit for this idea to Bryan (Penguin from STAR Chap. #152 in SLC, UT). I totally stole this idea from him. Sorry Brian, but, it does look really cool! Anyway, his theory was that the windshield would have fiber-optic type of properties if properly lit. So, I experimented by placing one of those tiny LED strip-lights at the base of the windshield, inside the fairing and pointing up. Oh my gosh! (As my teenage daughter always says). The result was even better than I had imagined. With the accent lighting on, the base of the windshield now has a subtle, midnight-bluish glow to it, while all along the edges of the windshield there is an intense glow. My windshield is just a medium-height, Show Chrome brand. I believe that this trick would work with most windshields. So, if you're looking for something non-practical but very decorative to do to your bike, these were a couple of my most recent attempts. Be Safe! Pete & Sandy
  16. I am brand new, and thanks to Lonestarmedic I have found a great group to talk about my project. I purchased a 87 VR in fair condition, (runs good, looks bad) but the prior owner tried to rewire the lighting and now nothing works, I have the tech manual on disk and all the wiring diagrams. The problem is that he cut and tried to splice everything instead of following where they went. Am I going to have to remove all tape from everything and trace from each light to the fuse box, or is it easier to buy a new wiring harness? I am not as worried about asthetics as I want to get it legal so that my Duramax can get a rest on good sunny days. Thanks in advance
  17. I was cleaning out my motorcycle cabinet in the garage when I found a Reserve Lighting Unit from my old First Gen (83). I no longer have her. I now have a 05 Midnight. I won the unit on E-Bay when I was chasing the dim light problem with first gens. Turned out to be the solder on the computer board and not the reserve lighting unit. So I have this one that works and no bike to put it on. If anyone is interested in it shoot me an e-mail or PM. I'll give it away,(free) if you will cover the shipping. Moakster:mo money:
  18. For those of us that like a lot of lights for the cagers to see us with I found this on e-bay. For the price it looks good and took me all of 30 mins to install. http://cgi.ebay.com/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-LED-Brake-Running-Light-Bar_W0QQitemZ330207470152QQihZ014QQcategoryZ35598QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  19. http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h113/tx2sturgis/rack/th_IMG_0892.jpghttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h113/tx2sturgis/rack/th_IMG_0889.jpg http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h113/tx2sturgis/rack/th_IMG_0890.jpghttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h113/tx2sturgis/rack/th_IMG_0888.jpghttp://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h113/tx2sturgis/rack/th_IMG_0891.jpg So...I didnt mess with the alumaloy after all...built this out of some aluminum I found at a salvage yard here. I know, its VERY ugly, but no-one will see it except with the tent on it. I needed something to hold my tent, since I hate to carry it up high on the bike. The rear lighting is still visible, and if I decide to strap on a cooler sometime, I'll add some lighting. In the pics, it looks like the exhaust is blocked, but actually, the rack is above the exhaust stream..I checked! Thanks to all who contributed.
  20. I want to add some auxiliary lighting to my 91 VR. Has anybody tried these (link below) from Electrical Connection? I don't necessarily want "fog lights", but I want more light in the foreground and side area, so I want something like 30 degrees as opposed to high beams. Also, should I go with 35W or 55W? Could the 55W overload my elect system? I don't run the aux lighting all the time, just when needed at night. I have 55W aux lights on my Goldwing and they really work well. http://www.electricalconnection.com/driving-lights/dl_performance.htm
  21. I am about to buy a Back-off brake light modulator and discovered that Signal Dynamics makes a large number of lighting controllers. http://www.signaldynamics.com/lighting_control.htm I found a few things to note: There are two version of the Back-off modulator. Only the XP version is made to work with Incandescent Lighting, LED Lighting or a combo of both! (MikealiasMike - this may be why your LED trailer lighting wasn't working so well when we installed the non-XP back-Off module on your bike.) The have a module to help with fast flashing LED lights. For those that want to get real fancy they have Wig-Wag module and a self-canceling turn signal module for those that do not have this feature.I was surprised to see just how many options they offer for improving motorcycle lighting.
  22. I'm going to update the front lighting on my RSV. The bike is currently equipped with the stock headlamp, Yamaha light bar with standard lights, and a set of PIAA aux lights mounted on the bottom of the forks. The PIAA lights were installed with a fabricated mount which has proved to be inadequate, as the lights cannot be properly adjusted/ hold adjustment. I'm considering several options: 1. Replace the aux lights with moto-lights http://secure.electronicart.com/www_motolight_com or these: http://www.shopatron.com/product/product_id=PIA74238/353.0 2. Swap out the existing bulbs for brighter after-market bulbs (PIAA, Silverstone, etc.); if I do this, any suggestions for specific makes and models of bulbs? What fits the Yamaha aux lights (H3?)? 3. Install an H.I.D. light and drop the aux lights altogether. What bulb replaces our headlight? Does the high-beam/low-beam H4 work in our bikes/any bikes. Any suggestions as to make and model? I'm looking at these: http://www.xtralights.com/index.asp?PageAction=VIEWPROD&ProdID=1349 Any thoughts? Would appreciate comments from those of you who have looked to or installled any of these options, or examinged these questions?
  23. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290164262571&ssPageName=ADME:X:RTQ:MOTORS:1123Was wondering if anyone knows what this is or what it does.
  24. Has anybody found a cheap source for bulk LED Wedge Bulbs that fit into #161 or #168 sockets? Should look something like this: http://www.customdynamics.com/Images/4802-honda.jpg I am think about converting all my additional lighting to LED's to free up some capacity for the trailer lighting. Generally these seem to run around $5 to $9 a piece, but I think that must be a tremendous mark-up, especially when you are looking for 20-25 bulbs in amber and red. Thanks in advance, Klaus
  25. I am trying to find lighting options for my 06 RSTD and I was thinking of lighting up the back turn signals like I did with my 03 Vstar. Last time, I just bought a set of front signals and pulled the harness out, but this time I thought I might buy these. http://www.customdynamics.com/chrome_tie_wraps_stainless_steel_wire_loom.htm#1157_Socket_with_Pigtails For $5 I can make my turn signals running light too. Anybody do this or is there a cheaper way?
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