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  1. "Good Looks" catch the eye! But a "Good Personality" catches the Heart! Many people walk in and out of your life, but only "True Friends" will leave footprints in your Heart!
  2. Greetings I had to replace my Battery today, on the road, and was wondering if 4 years on the OEM Battery is normal or below normal, for a well maintained Battery?
  3. I just wanted to say how much I love this site. It has become an addiction. When I first get get up in the morning, when I get home; and before I go to bed; I have to check to see the latest posts. I know you are saying; this woman has no life. Yes, that is true, I have no real life. However, this web site has brought me many hours of enjoyment. I have made many new chat friends, and had a bunch of fun. I just wanted to say that. I love this place! Let's ride. Peggy:7_2_104[1]:
  4. Lessons learned while riding my bike (and living life): I was just making a quick run to the store to pick up a couple things. Three blocks from my house a stupid cager suddenly turned left in front of me and I had to slam on the brakes. I was really angry. Come to find out this was a 19 year old single mother who had just got off a 9 hour shift at her minimum wage job and was rushing home to fix dinner, throw in a load of laundry, and try to spend a few precious minutes with her children before leaving again for her second job. I needed to top off the tank before heading to a friend’s house. Total was $8.22. After having to speak up twice to get the clerks attention, I handed him a $20. It took him three tries to get my change correct. I stomped out wondering about the younger generation and what this world is coming to. Angry again. Come to find out this clerk is a 25 year old college graduate who is still living with his parents because, after two years of looking, he still can’t find a better job. Seems like he is in the same place as when he was 16 years old, except now he has $45,000 in student loans coming due and no idea how to pay. Not going anywhere in particular, when this idiot takes my lane on the freeway. Hard braking, swing to the right, almost too far nearly hitting the guard rail. Was that a damn cell phone in his hand? There’s no excuse for that you dumb, ignorant,…..! Furious this time! Come to find out the driver is a 60 something year old gentleman who was really looking forward to retirement next year. The phone call was from his broker who called to let him know that his savings he had worked and sacrificed for all those years was just gone. No one’s fault, just gone! I pulled up to a stop light when a bum comes rushing over begging for some spare change. Just whatever you can spare to help a guy out. Hell no! Get away from me! Why don’t you get a job like the “rest of us”? When is this light ever going to change? Come to find out this man is a son, a brother, a husband and father of three. All who love him dearly, but he just can’t get past the addiction that makes his life something out of your worst nightmare. He’s tried, he really has. But real help is always just out of his reach. A beautiful country lane on a sunny day, looks like a Norman Rockwell painting. I would be enjoying it a lot more if it wasn’t for the old fart and his wife in front of me driving 20 mile per hour. He’s taking up most of the road, pointing out sights to each other. Why can’t they get off the road if he ain’t going to drive that thing! Really irritated! I have places to go! Come to find out they are childhood sweethearts who have been married for almost 50 years and are looking at the places where they grew up. Remembering their youth. They are taking their time because her biopsy report says they will never get the chance to take this trip again. Yes I get angry when I ride, especially when someone does something stupid and puts my life in danger. But I chose to be there. I put myself in that situation. And my “problems” aren’t worth mentioning.
  5. We may not be rich, but I am blessed in so many ways.
  6. Yesterday when we got up it was about 10 below zero here. It is warmer today...actually zero right now and is supposed to climb to a balmy 12 degrees F today. Actually staying fairly warm on the sleds but took the time yesterday to drive into Hayward and picked up a couple of facemasks. Also picked up a couple of very nice RibEyes. It's a tough life here but somebody has to do it.
  7. I have a question for anyone that's used one of the Harbor Freight lifts, pros/cons, good,bad. I think I remember a post where someone said they were a little "tipsy"? They have 2 different models, a "motorcycle", and a "motorcycle/atv" which is 12" longer. My wife thinks that it would make my life easier with one of those vs the regular m/c jack. Hey, I'm all about something new for the garage. Thanks in advance.
  8. Hey Eck, I bet you thought you'd found everything you'd be useful for at this point in life. Here is one more thing to add to your list.
  9. :Happy Birthday:I just want to wish my husband, Moped, a very happy birthday. It has been fun riding through life on two wheels with you all these years. Yama Mama
  10. With the world coming to an end today I just wanted everyone to know what a pleasure it has been. I have thoroughly enjoyed being a member on these forums. It is one of the things I think I will miss most in the next life. I can't help but wonder if there will be motorcycles to ride or if walking will be the norm. Any how, I hope to meet up with all of you on the other side. Mike
  11. Well the Mayans got it right. How do I know this? I know this because "Sweet Home Alabama" came on the radio today and I turned it down. Shocking I know never in my life have I ever turned it down
  12. TAKE TIME FOR CHRISTMAS I'm bound to write a piece for this season It is on my heart to tell you the reason To share of my feelings, it's all about love For all of you riders, from the Master above. ******************************* It's not all that easy to send one away Many have felt that, when war had it's way We send out our loved ones, to God knows where at To fight for what's right, and then lonely we sat We worried, we stewed, and hardly could bear The thought, that maybe, no more moments to share To wait for the time when all would be done Would they be safe? and the struggle be won? If you have not yet had that feeling inside Thank God for the peace He has 'llowed you to bide For many have learned and lost in the fight And then life went on in the dark of the night. No sharing of griefs would seem to replace The loss of a loved one, no more to embrace. The world has gone mad with it's race to succeed For years it has happened, and with you I now plead. The result is the same today, as before We will not find the rainbow of lore. It's peace that we need, of this I am sure So read to the end, there is hope of a cure. Jesus was born, His way to the fight He didn't have to do it, for Dad it was night. To let His Son go to fight with the devil It wasn't easy, and nothing was level. No rules were laid out, the battle was joined The outcome was known, but had to be coined. He lived 30 years and fought the good fight The end was His death on a cross in the night. For us He was born, so we might have passage If He were to rise, we could loose all our baggage Victorious He was and we can be thankful For the fact that He came and put down the devil. On Shopping and Santa we are focused today We're losing the story of Jesus and hay. He came to this world, for you and for me Take time in your life, His glory to see. Yes, take some of the day, that's has been set apart And worship The Soldier, from deep down in your heart. The future is bleak, while here we do ramble For ages we have tried and made it a scramble From one pit to another we tumble at best Today we're no closer to meeting our quest. We think we can do it, we have it in hand But then we soon realize; our Captain is banned From schools to the judge, from work and from play When will we realize we've thrown it away? What is our goal,,, will it take the right bend? We need to consider our course in the end! Forever is long, and there is no going back Make up your mind now, and give it no slack. Consider the road that leads to perfection! Just ask Him to join, there'll not be rejection. A family for certain, and sure we have troubles But peace in the end and then,,,, no more struggles. Carl Norg
  13. Ya,, kind of proud I am,, on 2 counts: One for our soldiers, both fallen and serving. Two for my granddaughter Tiffany, she's 11 and has many challenges in life, but she sure has got this one straight. Thanks Tiffany. Grandpa [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMhJ06uDf2Q]Rememberance Day Canada by Tiffany N - YouTube[/ame]
  14. Al and I look forward every year to the PIP get to gether. We love the ride but more so to see everybody again. The friendships we made will last us a life time. Each and everyone , wether they are old friends or new ones, is so unique. For a few days we are leaving our everyday life behind and replacing it with fun and laughter. I must say it is well worth it. This year we were missing a few friends who could not make it (Mike & Jodee, we missed you ) hope you will be back next year. Lowell, you were on everybodies mind, God speed my friend, hoping our pass will cross again someday. THANKS Ann and Gary, for your hospitality and everyone who makes this PIP happening every year. Allready thinking what I can bake for next year. LOL P.S Marilyn , I hope you feel better. :bighug:
  15. I am compiling the true facts of the Pork in the Pines to be posted later today after my two brain cells get back from vacation. OH the stories, we laughed, we cried, we ate, we gave thanks, we remembered, we were thankful for friends, life, liberty, and our way of life, we bonded, we watched and took care of each other. We all realize what a great and special group this is and that it is a treasure that is priceless. No names will be mentioned but I am sure you will know any way. I have to go off to start my new job so I will get-R-done later today. Just wanted to warn the guilty parties. And no I don't have pictures so you are safe there! :whistling: :rotf::rotf::rotf:
  16. To my Sleeperhawk. You are my partner, my sweetheart, my confidante, my adviser, my comforter and friend. You are my quiet place away from the rest of the world. All the stars, moon, sun and each and every beautiful thing of nature remind me of our relationship, our love, our romance, our chemistry. Each and every moment of life is like a celebration with you. Nothing in this world could ever be as wonderful as the love you’ve given me. You make my days so very bright and just right, just knowing you are my true love. I am glad that I am able to share my life with you. You have made my life complete. Always and forever … that’s how long I’ll love you. Happy Anniversary, Honey!
  17. We were in chat last nite with one of our newer members and the discussion got around to trailers and he has another trailer just like this one! He wants to know who it is to talk with him but I can't remember the guy's name for the life of me! So help me out, getting senile...
  18. Jack may get upset with me doing this - as often he is a very private person - but "we" all are family and I would ask if we could make a moment for he and his family. I received this e-mail from him this morning: Dear Friends, Last evening at aproximately 8 o'clock Nadine lost her battle with liver cancer and peacefully passed on to a better place. We were married for 45 years, and she was the love of my life. In passing she was surrounded by family and friends. Memorial service will be held on July 21st at Trinity Life Center, Sacramento Ca. More details to follow.. Jack Barbara and I send our love and prayers to you and your family, Jack. May Nadine rest in peace.
  19. that I may be going to work as a salesman at our local MC dealership... IF you are a praying person please pray that I will get this job IF it is Gods will...This would be a dream job for me.. The $$$ is good but not important at this point in my life, it's finding something that I love to do... I love MC and people associated with them so this could be a great fit.. I have been semi-retired but I find that I have to much time on my hands, I've worked all my life since 13 so it's hard to go from working to not doing much.. so I need something that will keep me busy...thanks in advance for your prayers and support
  20. I've had a few people wonder why I got back into biking some years back when money was and still is so tight these days. My career took a major hit 20 years ago and another one 10 years ago, so we have had to watch every penny, especially since my wife finally had to retire. I work at a crappy, frustrating job (commission only) that pays $12,000 in a good year and about $4,000 to $5,000 in a poor year (One good year in the past 7 - mostly poor to fair for the rest) with not too much available in retirement funds. At 64 years of age I can only hope to retire by the time I hit 75 - if I'm lucky. Now, as has been pointed out to me - I could sell a couple of bikes and a car (Only need one car if I don't work) and with the insurance and maintenance savings and selling the house, I could retire now - and sit at home watching TV all day! No thanks! I enjoy riding - the bikes, the open air, the people - everything! The house will hopefully be sold this year (It's bigger than we need, but the market is crap for this one around here) but I'll keep the job. Why? Well, as I've told others, I want to live not just survive. The day will come soon enough when all we can do is sit and watch. I'd like to try and enjoy life with my wife while we still can. We have had some tough times and made a lot of sacrifices to make sure that our girls had a good education (They each have a University degree and a college diploma) so that they wouldn't get nailed like us. Now we want to enjoy life as much as we can. So why this story now? My neighbour Ben, a good old fashioned Italian gentleman turned 75 this year. He was still working at his job (Low stress - selling men's clothing in a high end shop) and trying to save up for a better retirement after he and his wife put their two girls through school. Well, I found out yesterday that Ben has been diagnosed with Leukemia - this after having heart problems for the past 12 years. I've always tried to help out (Clean out their driveway every winter since he can't and paying to have it done gets expensive in a bad winter.) but there's not much I can do to help him now, except be there for him. So ... I continue to not put off having some fun with my wife (Awww come on - get your minds out of the gutter!) on the bike and enjoying life as best we can. I'm not a spiritual or religious person, but Ben is and I'm sure he would appreciate knowing others were praying for him. So you're welcome to send a few his way. He may not be a biker, but he is "good people" and deserves a break. Thanks, Andy
  21. SIMPLE TRUTH 1 Partners help each other undress before sex. However after sex, they always dress on their own. Moral of the story: In life, no one helps you once you're screwed. SIMPLE TRUTH 2 When a lady is pregnant, all her friends touch the stomach and saying "congrats". But, none of them come and touch the man's penis and say "Good job". Moral of the story: "Hard work is never appreciated. No Underwear - Makes Sense to Me A man came to visit his grandparents, and he noticed his grandfather sitting on the porch in the rocking chair wearing only a shirt, with nothing on from the waist down. 'Grandpa, what are you doing? Your weenie is out in the wind for everyone to see!' he exclaimed. The old man looked off in the distance without answering. 'Grandpa, what are you doing sitting out here with nothing on below the waist?' he asked again. The old man slowly looked at him and said, 'Well....last week I sat out here with no shirt on and I got a stiff neck. This is your grandma's idea.' FIVE RULES TO REMEMBER IN LIFE 1. Money cannot buy happiness, but it’s more comfortable to cry in a Corvette than on a bicycle. 2. Forgive your enemy, but remember the *******’s name. 3. If you help someone when they're in trouble, they will remember you when they're in trouble again. 4. Many people are alive only because it’s illegal to shoot them. 5. Alcohol does not solve any problems, but then neither does milk. THERE YOU HAVE IT...and remember, life is good.
  22. [ame] [/ame]
  23. A great day of riding on Saturday capped with a bag lunch on the Blue Ridge Parkway, a total of 360 miles logged and even bumped into a fellow Vr'er along the way (tip of the helmet to ya, yamaduck!). Follow all that up with a night of good old dirt track racing and a day of rest to recover, does life get any better than that? I think not but I am pretty confident there are some out here that can try.
  24. Ok, this is dumb, but on the 83 Venture there is a part of the frame that goes from right under the seat in front of the master brake cylinder to the forward part of the frame, the side covers attach to this peice. Now I am putting it back together and I know where to mount the rear portion, but cannot for the life figure out where the front was mounted......I have taken it off several time in the past, but for the life of me I cannot remember where it connects, it reaches the front motor mount but the hole isnt big enough for the bolt to go thru...........can anyone supply a picture of their 83 with the sidecover off so I can see where it goes..............I took some picture but not of this................:bang head:
  25. between not liking the transfer to midland,tx and being away from the wife with medical problems. It's time to retire from the company and find something in my home town. maybe monday thru thrusday 8 to 4 enjoy life alittle. 30 years of 80 to 100 hours weeks makes ya old fast!!! hope to hit more m & e and rallys:fingers-crossed-emo
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