This has been an issue for me since I purchased the bike in feb of 2011. the seat is just unbearable. I was planning on sending it to Butler to have it modded but the owner before me made some mods to the seat pan.
Time has come( Tax return and bonus season) to set my sights on an aftermarket seat that will be comfortable for my wife and I.
We dont do extensive trips but we dont want to hurts after 100 miles. I would like to ride 400 and not think twice about riding again the following day.
Id liek some pros and cons from those that have Mustang, Corbin, Ultimate and although russel day long doesnt have one currently for the 96 rstc Id still like some feedback
as it is now I am turning away from corbin because I have sat on a few and the seat I found very hard, although no soreness. i still would like someting a lil plush.