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  1. http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image002.jpg INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Trunk Lid Spoiler w/ Light STR-4XY62-03-XX Royal Star Venture (XVZ1300TF) http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image004.jpg Please read and understand these instructions completely before installation to avoid injury to your self or damage to the motorcycle or accessory, Dealer: These instructions contain important information for future reference and must be given to the customer. 1.Parts List: Item Part Name Part Number Description Qty 1 Spoiler W/ Light Molded ABS 1 2 Wire Guide 24” rubber “D” extrusion 1 3 Screws Phillips head self tapping screws 3 4 Flat Washer Steel 3 5 Rubber Washer Rubber 3 6 Drill Guide Plastic Strip 4 7 Drill Template Paper 1 http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image006.jpg Fig 1 http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image008.jpg Fig 2 http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image010.jpg Fig 3 http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image012.jpg Fig 4 http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image014.jpg Fig 5 http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image016.jpg Fig 6 2. Preparation: a) Clean trunk lid thoroughly 3. Installation: a) Place spoiler upside down on workbench use a towel or soft cloth to protect paint. b) Center hole in drill guide with mounting stand off and attach to spoiler with a small piece of tape (fig. 1). Repeat for the remaining 2 mounting stand offs. Locate 4th drill guide under end of light with hole centered on spoiler (fig. 2). This will be used for wire routing. c) Mark the centerline of the lid with of masking tape using latch button as center (fig. 3). d) Center spoiler on trunk lid with back edge just above “Yamaha” logo approximately 2-1/4” from the bottom edge of the trunk lid (fig.4). Using a tape measure level the spoiler on trunk lid by measuring fro the bottom edge of the spoiler to the trunk lid edge at each end of the LED light. These measurements should be equal (fig.5). e) Using masking tape, tape the 4 drill guides to the trunk lid (fig 6). Double check location. f) Gently remove spoiler from trunk lid leaving drill guides in place on lid. g) Using 1/16” drill bit and drill guides carefully drill 4 pilot holes through the drill guides into the trunk lid. Remove drill guides and enlarge holes using 1/4” drill bit. Carefully debur holes. h) Feed the three light wires through the wire routing hole and attach spoiler to lid using self-tapping screws (#3), flat washer (#4) and rubber washer (#5). Tighten securely being careful not to overtighten. NOTE: DO NOT USE LOCKTITE ON MOUNTING HARDWARE. i) Remove passenger backrest, rider and passenger seats and set aside. Cut out drill template (#7) and tape it to the inside of the trunk lid as shown. Carefully drill pilot hole using 1/16” drill bit. Remove template and enlarge hole using 1/4” drill bit. Carefully debur hole. http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/spoile1.gif Fig #7 j) using a piece of stiff wire (like welding rod) pull light wires through wire guide (#2). Clean inside of trunk lid using isopropyl alcohol. Remove backing from wire guide and adhere guide to inside of trunk lid along path to wire exit hole drilled in step J. k) Route wires through exit hole. Loosen face panel on front panel and carefully route wires behind panel. Tighten panel and replace passenger backrest. l) Dress wires along fender under seat to taillight/Turnsignal connector near battery box. Strip 3/8” from wire ends. m) Unplug the Taillight/Turnsignal Connector. The TRUNK SPOILER LIGHT WIRES will inserted into the “female” Taillight/Turnsignal Connector (fig 8) following the “wire color code below. http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image027.jpgRed Orange Black http://www.venturerider.org/spoiler/image025.gif Yellow Blue Black a) Reconnect Taillight/Turnsignal Connector being careful not to dislodge or “short” the wires to one another. Check operation of lights. b) Install seat. 4. Maintenance: Periodically check all fasteners for tightness and re-torque as required. 5. Care and Cleaning: See your Owners Manual 6. Customer Service: For further information see your Yamaha dealer. July 2003 PAK-4XY63-00-XX
  2. I was reading some history about the RSV Millenium Edition. I understand that Yamaha built 1,500 of the 2000 Royal Star Venture Milleniums and 1,000 of them were shipped to the United States. It looks like they were the only Venture model that were a specifically numbered series. The Numbered Tag is on the trunk lid. So, how many of those 1,000 Ventures are still being used on the roads in the U.S.? What number do you have? MM #452
  4. Got my new saddlebag lid covers week before last from Nanci at AceHighLeathers. Finally had time to install them today and I tell you, I couldn't be happier with them. Nanci does fantastic work and is a pleasure to work with. I can't tell you what they would cost because I bought the fabric and braid over a year ago. I was looking for something to closely match my Hopnel tank and trunk bibs and bought this material with plans of trying to make my own. Finally decided I wouldn't ever do it and sent the materials to Nanci. Here are a couple of pictures. I pretty much just told Nanci to do what she wanted with them because I knew that they would turn out great. Like I said, I couldn't be more pleased. She is a class act. Check out her other items for the RSV here: http://www.acehighleathers.com/motorcycle/other-cool-stuff/
  5. I'm in need of the right side saddle bag lid for my '86. I think it was stolen while I was in the auto parts store. Who knows? Maybe I just didn't latch it. Any way I sure need one. If you can help out, thanks.
  6. The trunk on my 83 VR has not closed great since I bought it. It looks like the p.o. let it tumble off the bike while driving. The gaps on the top and bottom halves, don't match up when you close the lid. Has anyone tried to tweek the cases on these bikes? I have tried but I am a little scared of breaking them.
  7. i was talking to a guy who had a venture and we were shooting the sh!t about pipes etc. he mentioned something about a saddlebag lid stuck closed??? he said a strap from a peice of luggage got looped around the locking mechanism and could not be opened IN ANYWAY. They cut through the side of the saddlebag to release it or something?? i guess anything could happen once, and i do not know what other methods they tried, but this sounded very bizarre to me and now i am paranoid. anyone ever heard of this??
  8. First a thanks to Orlin and family for a great week end. My 180 Mile return trip ended up taking 7.5 hours thanks to a jackass in a P/U that took out my bike and the car behind me. My poor bike is now held together with Gorilla tape, and bungee cords. Just before Madison on 14 a P/U had a rock about the size of a softball roll out of the bed and come bouncing down the road. I swerved hard right and thankfully I was able to keep on the road, but the rock just caught the left saddle bag breaking the lid, the lid and the rock then flew up in the air and both hit the windshield of the car behind me. The rock ended up going thru the windshield and ended up in the empty passenger seat of the car. Other than some very rattled nerves there are no injuries. Both of us were very lucky. I had to sit at a McDonalds and eat ice cream till I calmed down enough to ride home. Had I not swerved hard I would have caught that rock square in the front. Seeing what it did to the car, I am sure it would have come right thru the plastic front end of the bike. I did not even know the bike and trailer and could even make a move like that. I guess the practice drills at swerving that I do in a parking lot are worth the effort. Oh and of course the P/U never stopped. I am now in the market for a left saddle bag lid for a 1st gen MKII. Preferably the metallic Maroon to match my 88. I have not inspected the bottom half for damage yet.
  9. 1986 Honda Goldwing Aspencade - Triked with the same trunk that was on the two wheel bike. The pictures show what he has now and the parts are missing. He was at my house today to pick up a flag mount. [ATTACH]68202[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]68203[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]68204[/ATTACH] A friend at church needs a part for his latch on his trunk. He has looked and says he gives up. So I volunteered to help him find the part. I told him that I had connections that worked every time. He is not computer oriented. He needs this for his original trunk, part of the latch that is connected to allow the latch to grab hold of the top lid hasp. The lid is fairly large and it has a wind deflector sport type visor on it also. There is two parts there, one on each side of the lid. He said there is a part that goes in the latch on the bottom, a couple small rods of some type. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Fuzzy
  10. I need a right side storage compartment lid for my 84. I need the full size lid. Let me know, thanks, Ray
  11. I need a left side saddle bag lid, if any body has one to sell please contact me through PM
  12. one of the snaps on my trunk lid broke off some time ago. i've been riding with just the one but it is wearing thin and won't stay fastened. I guess I'll have to buy a new lid. is there a place to buy one besides yamaha. I'd hate to think what that would cost. any insight on this problem is appreciated. David
  13. Was wondering if anyone has installed a chrome side lid protector of a Royale Star onto a Venture Royale?
  14. Have an 85 VR. I just restored the trunk, is/was there some kind of strap or cable that keeps the lid from flopping all the way over onto passengers seat? I was thinking of attaching some kind of cable but thought I would ask here first in hopes to get some creative ideas on how others have done.
  15. Does anyone know if ANY of the premade lid covers for Harley's fit the RSTD bags? they look similar to our bag shape. Seems it would be easier than trying to get someone to make some. I'm getting things ready for spring and I would like a set of the covers. Thanks Reno
  16. I emailed Nanci at the link below after seeing a post in the 2nd gen tech section and inquired about making leather lid covers for the 2nd gens. She asked me if I had an old set to use as a base for making these up she could possibly make some sets. I dont but if anyone does have an old set, scuffed, cracked, or whatever and are willing to send it to her maybe she can start making these up. Thanks, Jeff http://www.acehighleathers.com/
  17. I am looking for the name of the grommet that holds the top lid down in the front. I call the top lid the lid that you have to remove to service the air filter, (not the air filter box lid), it is held in the back by the one phillips screw and washers. My front lid is wanting to come up as I am driving, and I think there is supposed to be a grommet that it presses into in the front, or under all the wiring. Does anyone have one for sale or send me in the right direction with a part number, or that has come up with another method to hold the top lid down? Forgive me if I am calling the top lid by the wrong name, I tried searching using a lot of different phrases and came up empty. It is an 89 Venture. This is the one I am going to fix the fuse panel on this winter. Thanks, Don
  18. A great buy on ebay. A little more than the last set, but still cheap... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Royal-Star-Venture-1300-Saddlebag-Lid-Guards-Trim-Rails-_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem2c59510568QQitemZ190477043048QQptZMotorcyclesQ5fPartsQ5fAccessories
  19. Hi All, I have an 83 Venture Royale, with an 86 1300 in it. I also have a parts bike, 83 VR with 1200. The 1200 has a plain airbox lid, while my other one (1300) has a lid with an apparatus on the front part, that has a 4 pin square connector with 3 wires on it, and a separate spade terminal wire. It also has a red LED which is lit at idle, but when the engine is revved up, the LED goes out. What is this apparatus, and is it for the 86 engine, or something that was originally on the 83. This bike also has the Markland cruise control, which isn't working right now, but that is another post...?? I am just curious as to what this device is? Size is about 3-4 in. wide by 2in. deep
  20. How to wash a toilet This was simply too much of a time saver not to share it with you. 1 Put both lids of the toilet up and add 1/8 cup of pet shampoo to the water in the bowl. 2 Pick up the cat and soothe him while you carry him towards the bathroom. 3 In one smooth movement, put the cat in the toilet and close the lid. You may need to stand on the lid. 4. The cat will self agitate and make ample suds. Never mind the noises that come from the toilet, the cat is actually enjoying this. 5. Flush the toilet three or four times. This provides a 'power-wash' and rinse'. 6 Have someone open the front door of your home. Be sure that there are no people between the bathroom and the front door. 7 Stand behind the toilet as far as you can, and quickly lift the lid. 8 The cat will rocket out of the toilet,streak through the bathroom, and run outside where he will dry himself off. 9. Both the commode and the cat will be sparkling clean. http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f11866%5fAIoIw0MAAA0qTOcnPA5mzzRrF4c&pid=2&fid=Inbox&inline=1 Yours Sincerely, The Dog http://ca.mg4.mail.yahoo.com/ya/download?mid=1%5f11866%5fAIoIw0MAAA0qTOcnPA5mzzRrF4c&pid=3&fid=Inbox&inline=1
  21. Has anyone replaced the lid supports on a Piggybacker? Mine has those flat metal strips that are not too stable. I was thinking of getting some of those hood supports.....same as the ones on a truck cap door. Or did they have them on there before and were trouble? Just looking for a winter project.... Thanks Keith
  22. trying to bleed the brakes - starting at rear - i cannot remove the reservoir lid due to a molded plastic piece in the way - i do see an allen screw which appears to hold it in place - must i remove that screw to access the reservoir lid?? see pic...............
  23. Hey folks. Just picked up a beautiful original luggage trunk rack for my 88 and want to get it mounted. At one time, I saw some cool large washers used under the rack (topside, not under the lid) where the rack posts contact the box lid. They had a star encircling the center hole. The hole was in the center of the star. Has anyone seen these or understand what I am talking about from my description? I'd like to locate some. Thanks.
  24. When I got home yesterday I realized my left saddlebag lid had fallen off! I retraced my steps but so far it looks like it made a clean getaway. Does anyone know where a used saddlebag lid could be found for my 1989 Venture Royale?
  25. i've tried twice to put this in classifieds....tired of sitting at computer....i've tried to put in pics...won't accept..guess too big....anyway...i think i can e-mail pics to anyone 2007 midnight venture..bike blown over in storm....frt fairing, rt lower, rt. frt. and rear crash bars..rear trunk lid......the fairings are not cracked, just scratched...frt getting the worse of it...all original mounting tabs are intact.....parts needed to attache the new parts were taken off......crash bars are dented from impact with the concrete and some road rash from curbs and such....they are not bent as bike was not moving forward...trunk lid was not damaged, but i replaced it because i wanted the yamaha rack..lid is scratched from mounting straps from travel bag....flag not included i want $30 for shipping...or come pick 'em up free....i'm not setup for paypal or credit cards..so cash/check.........i don't wanna junk these parts and hoping someone could use 'em......pm or call me...717-774-3914
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