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  1. Lewis come over and gave me a hand on the Venture today. It was hard keeping him focused at times. And he keep saying something about being 12 years older then me. As you can see I had the hard part of taking it apart already done.... Here are a few pictures of Lewis helping out.... And here's one of me checking the gap on a spark plug the technical stuff. (Yes in the right light you can eyeball the gap..... Ok maybe not.) Lewis worked all day repairing this bike. He keep pointing out things that needed doing and then asked "Do you want to go ahead and fix it " Now Im not one to stand in the way of progress so I said "Lets do it" We put new plugs in...synced the carbs....rewired the accessories lights so they turn of when the bike is shut off.... and countless other things. And to top it off Lewis synced the carbs on a Ninja 250 that my son was working on. Thanks Lewis. You helped do some things I know that I couldn't have done. And thanks for spending the day with me working on it. I really enjoyed the day. Landon says thanks to.
  2. Skid

    Hey Lewis

    I still got one spot left, I sure I get to fill it next year. I haven't missed one yet. [ATTACH]70484[/ATTACH]
  3. Beth and I made it home about an hour and half ago. Safe trip home and a good ride with Walter and Betty. Had a great time at Vogel and was great seeing everyone. Thanks again to Lewis and Charlene for all they do with this event and St. Judes.
  4. just got a personal invite to the vogel meet from my good buddy lewis. this will be my third vogel, and it looks like we may be able to make it. lewis is always a great host.
  5. since st. jude is kinda my favorite charity, and i haven't helped much this year to get money for lewis, just thought i would help out by reminding folks that you can email donations to dragon riders paypal account. lewis will have to post his email again, i forgot it. maybe we can top last year. it is one great cause and you can visit st.jude as quite a few of us have and see your money in action. really heart warming.
  6. Charlene still doing good?
  7. Charlene is back in her room now, surgery went well, they removed 3 discs and put in 3 cages to fuse the vertabrae, she is a little sore and using the pump to stay relatively pain free. Next surgery is on Thursday, when they insert the rods and screws to straighten her spine. Please keep the prayers coming. Thanks Lewis & Charlene
  8. Hey Lewis, wooohooo the saints are going to the superbowl.:cool10:
  9. Jamie and I have decided to open a motorcycle repair shop and we just interviewed our first employee, here is how it went.............[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ey0gLcNXjAw]YouTube - Lewis & Jamie's Busted Knuckles Cycle Shop[/ame]
  10. Made it home from Vogel and would just like to thank evryone we met for making this a wonderfull trip for jackie and I! Thanks Lewis for putting it on, it was awsum! Ken and Jackie
  11. Lewis I was real upset that you didn't make it to Skid's because we sure had a lot to talk about!!! LSU WON THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP IN BASEBALL!!!! No one there seemed interested. I'n not sure if they dont like baseball or if they don't like Tigers.
  12. just a little plug for lewis from one who has been there done that and doing it again. vogel is a meet not to miss. lewis really does it right and it is some awesome riding, and some of the most beautiful scenery there is. i've been there the last two times and always look forward to going back. not to mention the neatest tshirts of all the meets. hope to see a bunch there. bill:clap2:
  13. OK Folks, We haven't had a good practical type joke in a while....so I'll be the typical culprit and start this one. As many of you know this last weekend down in NC Bobbie (Sleeperhawks Mechanic) and I got our inking done for the St. Judes Donation drive we had. Lonna and I drove the wagon down to NC as the weather wasn't going to permit the bike. We stopped for fuel and I found a "Gift" for Lewis. I thought he might be showing up and I was going to give it to him there....we'll he couldn't make it ....but the "Gift" was still in NC. So now what I'll tell you all what, a bit of an enigma for Lewis. Lewis now has to catch up with his "Gift" as it is now starting a trek of sorts around the country. You see, this "Gift" will be continually changing hands at M&E and such. The person that travels the farthest, on 2 or 4 wheels will take the gift with them to their home. Only to take it to the next M&E they go to where it will then continue on, until Lewis is at one of the M&E's that it makes it to. I also want to add that this is strictly voluntary for folks to participate in. If you dont want the responsibility of having it, then please dont take it. This is all in fun and I dont want this to be a burden on anyone. I wont devulge what the "Gift" is, but I can guarantee you that he will love it. Now what I want to do is let everyone, including Lewis know who has the "Gift" David Duquette AKA Riderduke has it in his posession in Virginia. The next M&E Dave gets to is where the "Gift" will be. When the "Gift" changes hands, either the person that handed it off or the recipient will then post in this thread who has it and where it's located. So now all the pressure is on you Lewis, you have to hunt down your "Gift" and nobody is to tell you what it is. You'll just have to go get it to find out....happy hunting my friend
  14. Hey All, I have been talking with Lewis and he has mentioned to me that the folks that donated for the St. Judes Tattoos are eligable for some gifts. Now the gifts vary upon how much was donated up to $34.99 is a St. Judes Lapel Pin, up to $74.99 is a T shirt, up to $149.99 is a Hat and $150.00 or more is a license holder for your car or bike. There is a problem here, this offer is only good for 1 week and we have to have an answer by Monday morning. This might be a nightmare, but we (Lewis and I) want you folks to have the choice to accept these. Now there is another option that Lewis came up with and I really like. His thoughts are that we break the donation amount down and get 165 pins or a combination of that and shirts and sell them on the site in the classifieds. We could either put them up for auction, or fix a price and sell them outright. The monies that we make off them could go right back into a St. Judes fund that we are working on. The choice is all of yours that donated, we will do what the masses want, although you could really make us work our butts off with a certain answer Let us know how you feel, I will put up a poll up top that we will use for the decision. I will make it so that those of you that donated anonymosly can also stay that way. Thank you all again for the donations that took us to almost $3300.00 for St. Judes
  15. i was just sitting here at the keyboard and the picture of lewis coming off the highway at a turn off near memphis, flashed in my mind. although it was'nt funny at the time it makes me chuckle now. it was a 90 degree off ramp and lewis hit the weeds. dust and crap was flying everywhere. luckily he got back on the pavement safely. i almost followed him on my wing. luckily all the debris flying caught my attention and i stayed on the road. sorry lewis not to good with secrets. reason it made me laugh is the same thing happened years ago with a buddy of mine as he missed a turn at 50 mph and i saw the same picture. luckily we sat over a beer later and laughed about it. bill
  16. I just wanted to put this up incase anyone wanted to tag along. Lonna and I will be leaving my work in Pontiac at 11am on Friday morning. We will do a HARD 500 mile ride and make it down to Bowling Green KY. to spend the night. We will then leave there early Saturday Morning where we will catch up with Ebat somewhere around Nashville TN. and head towards Memphis and the meet up with Lewis and the crew at the Flying J. Unbfortunately this wont be as relaxing as I would like it to be and will be all super slab to make time. If anyone wants to hook up along the way give me a shout and we'll see what we can make of it....I'm pretty excited about getting there
  17. Just got in an hour ago. We spent the night in Misissippi. Did a total of 857 miles. It was a great trip and I am glad that Lewis set it up and we decided to go. There were 12 bikes if I counted right and my wife rode 2 up with me. We learned a lot about the place and found out the donation that we make every month, for the last couple of years, goes to a great cause. It makes me want to do more. Will post some pics shortly. It was also great to see old friends and make new ones. Thanks again Lewis for setting this up and for caring.
  18. If you haven't read Lewis's post about the ride to St. Jude, please do so. This will be a great experience for anybody who can make it. As some of you know, or Tail of the Dragon rally that has been organized Lewis for the past 3 years has always served the dual purpose of not only allowing all of us to enjoy getting together, riding and eating but even more importantly, to raise money for St. Jude's. The amount of money has grown each year and I am very proud to be a part of any group that is a part of such an event. It would be great if as many of you as possible could join Lewis at St. Judes to present them the money that was raised. Not only would we be very proud to have any of you there to represent us but you will probably get MUCH more out of it than you can possibly imagine. It truly is an opportunity that you will feel good about afterwards. Please see this thread for all the details. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14760
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