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Found 20 results

  1. Has anyone found adjustable clutch/brake levers for the 2nd gen venture?
  2. I remember reading a long time ago on a forum that a good way to keep the brake and clutch fluid fresh is to use a turkey baster and suck out the fluid in the reservoirs every time you change oil. Just be certain you don't pull on the levers. Did I dream that or would that work on our Royal Stars? Just wondering......
  3. The only aluminum on my 2006 RSTD is the brake/clutch levers and resevoirs. Can you buy chrome replacements for these? Where?
  4. Hello, After riding my "new to me" '99 RSV for a few weeks, there was something about the control levers which I couldn't put my finger on. Oh.... that's it.... I have small hands and have now noticed that the shape of the Venture's levers are a bit odd. The designed shape don't really work well for a smaller hand. After searching around a little, I've come up with a solution, get yourself a hold of the OEM (or aftermarket) levers from the first generation Royal Star say a 1996 model. These levers have a different shape which is better suited to a smaller hand, and bolt right up to the RSV's master cylinders. Please see the attached pictures for a comparison. Mike
  5. Just got my ironbraid.com leather covered chrome plated levers installed today. They turned out great! I have the two toned 2009 Venture and so I had the leather braids done in cream and black...turned out really well. I also cleaned and lubed the clutch and brake while I had them off. Here are a couple of pictures, sorry about the quality, I used my iPhone (didn't want to break out the camera). By the way...what does the adjustment screw on the brake adjust? the brake light?
  6. OK, I have done a search, but did not find the directions for REPLACING my clutch and brake levers. I just ordered a new set...chrome with leather braiding from Ironbraid.com. But the posts I found mostly discussed where to get them at online. My question...can someone explain how to change them out in PLAIN LANGUAGE. My wrench skills are weak...but I'm willing to try. Will I have to remove any cables? Is this a difficult swap to do? Thanks, Wally
  7. Can someone tell me why yamaha made clutch and brake levers to fit a gorilla hand? The reach on these levers is rediculously far with no adjustment! And my hands are not small, I'm 6'-0", 190#. Does anyone else agree? Does anyone have a solution?
  8. I'm looking for extended brake and shift levers for my 98RoyalStar. I'd like to keep the boards just extend the brake pedal an inch or so.(my foot all ways seems to be stuck under it) The same with the shift lever,eliminate the heel shift and extend the lever an inch or so. I found the Soft Brake site,they offer a brake pedal but I dont see a shift lever for the RoyalStar just the RoadStar. Any one know of another company making levers for the RoyalStar? thanks jim
  9. Quick question, I used to ride a BMW RT1200P and was spoiled by the adjustable brake/clutch levers. Im 6'00 and can reach the brake lever on my 04 BUT...does anyone know of a lever that reduces the reach a little bit. I've looked through the threads and only saw new levers mentioned based on appearance (chrome or flat blade). Thanks for any help. Clint:Venture:
  10. :225::225:You know some times no matter how hard you try things just seem to go from bad to worse. About 5 and 1/2 months ago I sent some parts to a vendor to have the levers leather wrapped and some other parts leather worked. So my MM has been sitting 5 1/2 months. I have been trying to get the guy wrapping the levers to send me the levers for 6 weeks. I told him I wanted to get my MM on the road. He keeps telling me he will send them right out. Well the last time he was suppose to send them right out was by last Saturday. I'm still waiting. Now this is frustrating enough by itself so I decided to try and find some used levers to put on the MM until and if I get my levers back. Well I got the used levers in night before last and tried to install them. Well guess what. The front brake lever did not have the 6mm screw in it. Well if you think about it (now I'm thinking about it) you would need that screw if you change to new levers. Okay so I'll replace the clutch lever and run down to the Yamaha Stealer for parts. Well I go to install the lever and I notice something is missing. Then I remember I found a part on the floor awhile back I didn't recognize. So I get the part and run up to the computer and check and sure enough it goes between the clutch lever and the clutch master cylinder. Alright I know where it goes now all I have to do is install it. I go to install it and I notice I'm still missing a part. Ah ha I remember finding another part I did not know what it was and I also remembered where it was. Alright I got it but I needed to do something so I laid the part I just got on the corner of a box and I when and did whatever it was I needed to do. Alright I get back to replacing my lever and for some stupid reason I decided to move some boxes before I got started. Well remember the box I put the part on well that is one of the boxes I moved. Oh know! Where did the part go. I have hunted two days for that part and still have not found it. So now I have to order that part along with the screw and nut for the other lever. I get to the Yamaha Dealer and of course they don't have any of the parts in stock. Why would they? So I order the parts and of course it will take 3 to 5 days. I sure will be glad when this is all over.
  11. Does anyone know of manufacturer that has smaller levers for bikes? My wife's Vulcan 900 has too much reach for her to be comfortable riding.
  12. If you must store a Scoot try to go past it once in a while (as often as possible) and work the clutch lever and the brake levers a few times. It is best to start them as often as possible but if you can't work those levers and save yourself a lot of trouble when you get them back out. Just take a few seconds to stop and pump them a few times.
  13. OK,with all the chrome I have on my bike I noticed I did not have Chrome Brake and clutch levers..My Question,where can I get the ABSOLUTE best looking and best chrome and where can I get them?Thanks,Tom
  14. 1. Add a $6-9 battery switch (60-70 amp available many auto supplies, ie. PepBoys) to the negative side of the battery. Mount switch next to battery (in fairing on 1st Gen.). Saves battery if bike sits for more than 2-3 weeks. 2. Add a 10 amp headlight switch to reduce the load when starting up on low/bad battery. Cut into fused side of the headlight circuit. 3. Add a 10 amp switch to turn on the radiator fan anytime. From the accessory side of fuse curcuit run power to a switch then down to the fan circuit along left side frame, light blue wire. The noise should remind you to shut off the power when engine is stopped. Use when thermostatic switch comes on too late, non functioning, or with extended idling. 4. Install individual switches for different accessories, if they don't completely shut off. (memory, clocks, CPU's) 5. Run external wires off the battery to connect a a charger so the cover does not have to be removed. Cover exposed ends well. 6. Screens on the radiator to easily remove bugs and prevent stone damage. Aluminum looks best. 7. Trunk handle- mounted to open trunk easier 8. Install power outlet for temporary accessories, car compressor, etc. 9. Magnets (strong ones) mounted on the center stand to trip stop lights, cheap at hardware stores. 10. Pull carb caps off and slide out. Replace white spacer to drop jet needle .010-.015" Needs to be deeper in emulsion tube. Increases MPG by 5. 1/2 hour job. Use small washers. 11. Drivers back rest. Mine cost $20-30. Walmart Igloo cooler. Added foam pad. Spongee corded to trunk and passeger handles. Adds a lot of storage. 12. Fork seals. Put a second set if yours are leaking on top of 1st set. Leave originals in place, they lubrication new set and last 50+k miles, 10 years longer! Use super glue around edges. 13. Add plexiglass wings around the windshield for added wind protection. Use a sharp drill and rubber washers. 14. Throttle rockers help weak wrists and reduce fatique, Ebay $10 15. Hiway forward pegs, JCWhitney, Ebay, allow legs to stretch. 16. Reposition clutch and brake levers so they are easy to reach, & even, this is a major safety item. I like them lower so my fingers do not have to wrap up over levers. 17. Lower the foot gear and rear brake levers so you do not have to lift you foot off the pegs. All are adjustable, easy job, much safer too. 18. I got more!! Questions write me chuck_french@juno.com make sure you write a decent subject line so I don't delete.
  15. Hello everyone. My wife decided to take the plunge and learn how to ride her own scoot. She's 5'1 and 115 lbs so we started small and picked up an 08 Honda Rebel with 280 miles on it at the local dealer for a great price. Anyways, she's learning quick but we keep running into one nagging problem. She has very small hands and can't get a decent grip ont he clutch and front brake. These levers are not adjustable on the Rebel. I'm rather shocked at how far out these things are on such a SMALL bike. Anyways, looking fo rsome opinions on some solutions. I've tried one company, I think it was AXT???, that makes adjustable levers and they said they do not make one for the Rebel. Maybe have a shop heat them and bend them back some??? I'm sure I'll get some great suggestions here on the board. By the way, you should see how absolutely funny it it when her Rebel is parked next to my Venture!!! In all honesty, me being 6'4 and 240, I do not belong on her bike, but that thing is a blast to ride, like mopeds back in high school days. Makes me want to get something in the 600cc range to compliment the beast Venture. Anyways, thanks guys and I look forward to hearing form you.
  16. a stupid question at work ordering frilly crap for the bike . are the levers on a second generation wide or tapered?
  17. stupid question , im at work ordering frilly stuff for the scoot are the levers on a second generation wide or tapered
  18. Pardon me if this question has been answered before, but I can't find exactly what I'm looking for. I have a 2003 RSV. I am 6' 6" tall and have a problem with the handlebars hitting my knees when I'm in a slow-speed full-lock turn. Actually, it's the brake and clutch levers that limit the turning capability. I don't need much clearance, but adjusting the levers would take more than I want to do with them. My question is this, will 4" straight risers work on the RSV--that is, will they clear the faring? How about pullback risers, are they better for this purpose? I notice some of the riser advertisements say no new cables or lines needed. It seems to me that these would have to be changed. I'm currently looking at straight 4" risers from JC Penny (cheap in case they don't work) and would appreciate any information anyone can provide. One other thing, I don't need the bars any closer to my body than they currently are, so maybe a 2.5" riser would work better? By the way, the bars are too close to the fairing now to get enough height to eliminate this problem. Thanks.
  19. Who makes chrome levers for the venture. Tired of getting tot work and my hands look dirty. Thanks Jim
  20. Guys, I know several of you including myself have been interested in changing our levers to the wide-blade style lever. I had been using the ones from the old Royal Stars but they are no longer offered and were a bit short anyway. The ones I have now are from JC Whitney and work alright but don't look as good as Yamaha's. However I am currently working on a friends 2006 and noticed that the levers are now the nice wide-blade style of the old Royal Stars but longer. But they are only brushed aluminum rather than chrome. I checked the parts fiche and it looks like Yamaha changed to these levers in 2005. The parts numbers are: 1D6-83922-00-00 1D6-83912-00-00 Flatout has them for about $23 each. Just thought I'd mention this as an option for those looking to change theirs out. Rick
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