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  1. Hey Guys, Are there any of you who have a set of Leveling Links you are not going to install....that you want to sell? Send me a PM, Rick
  2. Is it just me or is it slightly harder to pull the bike off the side stand with the leveling links installed? Honestly, it could all be in my mind but I installed the links this weekend and it just seems to me that it's harder to pull the bike off the side stand. Anyone have the same experience?
  3. leveling links? what are they ? & what is the gain in using them? I'm sure there is thread about them
  4. I have a 91 venture royale 1300. The computerized monitor, fuel gauge, and clock along with the computer leveling air suspension system is blank and does not work. I am wondering if this is a computer problem? I have traced the wires on the leveling system and they seem to be ok. The only thing that is displayed on that is the PSI sign itself. Nothing else will show. The actual pressure of the front and rear will not display. I can not set the pressure or check the pressure with the automatic adjust on the monitor. It is separate from the cluster on the dash and that is why I am wondering if it is a computer problem? I did buy a instrument cluster on ebay, just in case mine was bad. I did not really think it was, but I got the cluster for 26 bucks and was told everything worked on it. I figured it was a good investment as I have seen them go for 100-800 bucks on ebay. As cheap as I got it for I figured it was worth it as it might come in handy some time. I am leaning towards it being a computer problem tho. Everything to do with a computer read on this bike does not work. Fuel gauge, clock, suspension psi etc. I have not gotten the cluster out yet to trace wires, but have on the leveling system. Everything else works on this bike. All electrical, gauges, lights etc. Anyone have any input on what I need to look for on trouble shooting the computer? Thanks in advance for any input. I intend on tracing the wires on the dash and repairing and fixing any wire or connections as I do, but I am thinking this is a computer problem as it effects other things related to the computer that is not in the cluster. I have this half way tore down tracing wires and it has been a nightmare so far....
  5. I just got my Diamond R leveling links and they work great as advertised. Low speed handling greatly improved, must easier initiating turns at speed. Push pressure on the bar greatly reduced when getting the bike to turn in, I feel like I'm back on my old Honda ST 1300. The seat height is maybe a 1/2'' higher, don't really notice it. Thanks to Rick Butler for designing them, and to Diamond R for their craftsmanship and great service. Ron:cool10:
  6. I just received the Diamond R leveling links the other day. Since I have the bike on the lift I thought I'd take a look and see what that job would entail. I held the new links up to the OEM ones and they appear to be the same length. How do they work if they are the same length.
  7. Just ordered the leveling links from diamond r, she said they would be on friday. Can't wait to try them. Only thing is I have the 130 tyre on the front, hope its not to quick till I can get a 150.For a month now when I press the starter button, the lights dim and I can here the starter relay click. After I press it several times it starts right like nothing is wrong. RSV is an 07. Do you think it is the battery, starter button, or starter switch ? tew47
  8. I made some leveling links per freebirds instructions and installed them Sunday. It's hard to believe such a small change can make such a huge differance, but it does. The one area I have been disapointed in with the RSV is the slow speed handeling. It has been a real chore in some instances. Well no more! The bike is more nimble and acually feels lighter while doing slow speed manuvers. I went from strugling to do a U-turn to being able to ride tight circles and figure 8s in tight quarters with little effort. I'm sure this will mean better handling in the twisties. I'll test the twisties this weekend. If you havent done this mod, DO IT!
  9. I have been reading a lot of the threads on leveling links some like them some don't and I can make my own. The problem I'm having at slow speeds an coming to a stop is if I let the front end much past center more like halfway between center and the stop it tries to pull itself all the way over to the stop. This is when i really notice the weight of the bike and what I think nearly caused me to drop it the other day. Took the bike to the dealer right after i bought it an had the front yoke bearings packed an adjusted and asked to have them a little tighter service manger told me he could only tighten them to specs. and explained how over tightening would cause irregular wear on the bearings and it made sense to me. All of this said is this the problem that leveling links will correct or something I have to get use to. In reading some of the other threads V7 Goose had replied that he had a thread on the subject of leveling links but cant find it or figure out the advanced search works to find it.
  10. I am thrilled! I had an 86 Venture Royal 12 years ago. This past weekend, after a very long wait I got an 89. Having some issues with it. When I bought it last weekend the leveling system worked. Now, with it in accesory position I am getting an E4 code. I took the trunk off and have access to the system. I cleaned the rubber piece with the foam in it. Nothing, all I get is a click every 15 to 20 seconds. I sure hope the system didn't go, it looks really expensive to repair. Any ideas? Can I use the bike if this is not working? Next issue; the battery symbol is lite on the monitor screen. The owner tells me the battery is new. The bike starts just fine. Any ideas? Thank you so much to whoever helps. I am grateful and can't wait to get this beauty on the road. Ed
  11. is anyone making the leveling links , here on this site or diamond r the only one?
  12. I have my buddy's bike in the garage to do a clutch overhaul.. riding his bike over here, I noticed how much more agile his bike is compared to mine.. Keep in mind I had thought to have blown my Works shock on the last road trip but turned out to be only in need of adjustment.. Who would have thought the roads here in Nova Scotia were nicer than down in the USA? I had hit a huge divot of a hole on the interstate that threw me up out of the seat and the handling went to hell after that. An adjustment to the rebound on the road fixed most of it, and adjusting the preload when I got home brought the bike back to normal, so all is good there.. However, as mentioned before, I thought my bike handled nimbly but his bike is much more nimble than mine.. The only difference is that I have the Works shock and his has the stock OEM shock.. When I measured the rear of the bikes, at the rear corner of the right saddle bag, with the handle bars turned all the way over, and on level ground in the garage, my bike sits 1 inch taller than his at this point.. We both have leveling links installed. Does the Works shock and leveling links affect each other? I'm curious if the leveling links has my bike a little too tall now and affecting the handling a bit.. If I were to go back to OEM links, would it make a difference in the positive? Anyone else with a Works shock notice this?
  13. Picked up a new OEM rear shock for 400.00 and installed the leveling links someone very graciously gave to me today. I will never make the same mistakes again. Did you know if you don't put a jack in FRONT of the leveling links linkage you can't get that shock out for nothing? Nope, ain't gonna happen. Tried for 3 hours and my mind was becoming mush then I put jack where it needed to be and the shock just dropped out. Called it quits after getting shock in for the day putting everything back together but man that was a PITA. Going on Iron Butt ride this Sunday from Iowa to Hattiesburg Miss, then to New Orleans for a day. Then off to Panama City FL. From there were not sure if were going to North Carolina or Tenn. From there I want to try and make it to the Kentucky gathering on the 27th or 28th. Should be around a 3500-4000 mile ride all and all. Gonna have to get a little time in with the new shock and leveling links to get reacquainted to what a bike should feel like.
  14. Anyone have a stock set of leveling links they would like to part with.I need to remove the lowering kit on my bike so I can install the Voyager trike kit I just bought.
  15. From what i read so far I have went to the website to purchase the leveling links but now I think these may be for teh 02 and up ventures. I have tried turning the locknut and collar on the mono shock under the bike and I m trying to find the sweet riding spoty. it seems like the collar only moves a 1/4 of an inch or so forward or backwards.That doesnt seem like it would do much difference in comfort. the bike also seems hard to egt into deep turns. i have scraped a time or two but not consistant. Am i just sitting too low and too heavy. Im close to 400lb solo.
  16. Well I installed my leveling links last night was pretty easy but I have 1 question, I used the new bolts supplies by Diamond R when I had the new bolts tight to 36 ft/lbs with torque wrench there was a small amount of slop, you could push the bolt back and forth maybe 1/16" I did not notice this when I took the other ones off but that doesn't mean it wasn't there is this the way its suppose to be? I have rode the bike to try out the new links WOW what a difference it definetly makes a difference in the handling if you don't have them on your bike yet I would reccomend them. Diamond r - what great service I ordered a backrest, L.E.D. brakelight for under my trunk and the leveling links on Fri and had them on Mon. I talked with Patty on the phone and she was very freindly and helpfull. Then yesterday I received an e-mail telling me that she crediting back 20 bucks because shipping wasn't as much as anticipated how many places do that now days Jeff
  17. I read through the leveling links threads that come up when searched here. My interpretation of it is that these bikes typically sit high in the rear?? My bike sits high in the front. Much higher then the rear actually. I was going to check air in shocks tonight but all my gauges start at 10psi. It is something you could pick out in a picture actually. ?? Is is it typical for the "ride height" to be more in the front then rear??? Or should I see a more pronounced level stance?? TIRES ARE FRONT= Dunlop D404F 150/80-16 REAR= Dunlop D404 150/90B15
  18. Okay more questions. #1 I have been reading about the improved handling with the Leveling Link, but I only see it advertised or mentioned on the Venture and not the RSTD. I noticed on my RSTD it has a link on the rear shock. Is the Leveling Link available for the RSTD or is it only for the Venture ( I am a little unclear on this)? And to be honest , so far I have been happy with the handling of the bike but if I can make it better I would like to do so. #2 Slipping the forks? Looking at the forks on the RSTD I I raised the forks doesn't the Schrader Valves on top of the forks hit the bottom of the handle bar? I don't see how this works without the bar interfering. Anyone with Photos? Thanks again. Tom
  19. spent saturday tinkering in the garage, removed the diamond leveling links, i am 5'10" and 32 inch inseam, was on balls of my feet most of the time at a stop, not what i would consider to be ideal. so off came the links, opened up fairing and raised forks in the triple tree, reassembled and rode off. first impressions: feet now flat on the ground, much more stable stops. bike handles better at low speeds than with links, no high speed changes in handling. just a more confident feeling when stopping with a 900 lb machine. was well worth the time and effort spent....
  20. Has anyone tried this? By my calculation and I may be wrong. It would increase rpm's by 344 @ 60 mph, calculated. The rear would be 1.18 inches lower but a leveling kit raises about an inch so it would be about the same and help 5th gear?
  21. Well folks I took the plunge and had ordered a buncha parts and tools, one of which were the Leveling Links from DR. The instructions didn't look complicated per se but they talked about remove a bunch of hoses from some contraption and silly enough it was a little intimidating to me.. However, once the bike was sky hooked and sitting stable, a quick looks showed how simple of a job this was going to be.. wow. Pull two bolts, replace the old hardware with the new, grease stuff in the process and voila, Leveling Links installed.. Down she goes for a test ride.. and egads I almost dropped the bike LOL.. I say almost because the babe wanted to kiss that corner like there was NO tomorrow and she recovered sweetly like I had never seen her do before. wow.. what a difference!! Ever do a tight turn and have that weird sensation that the front end was going to turn into itself and lock up, causing you to drop the bike? ( c'mon, I know you have lol) Well the leveling links basically got rid of that sensation and allows you to properly power out of that tight turn like the should do when properly handled.. I can hardly wait to let her loose on the MOST II course this week =) Hesitating about doing the links? It's simple and well worth the expense and time/effort to install.. wow. You can paint me as one satisfied customer!
  22. I'm getting ready to make some leveling links and got to thinking about the reports of the shock going bad. Has anyone had the links on when it failed? Did Yamaha have any issues covering the shock under warranty? Maybe I should put the stock links back on before sending it to the shop if/when the shock fails?
  23. Does the leveling link Mod make the rear lock up sooner than it already does in stock trim? Seems it might since raising the rear would shift some weight forward. Thoughts? Thanks, RSTDdog
  24. I installed leveling links on my RSV today and immediately felt like I was riding a new bike. I can't believe how much easier it is to handle. Two things: I felt more air as I was sitting up higher and looking over the windshield - and I used my Carbon One adapter and couldn't take the bolt out so I had to lower the bike and just use the jack. If you haven't installed the links you are missing a great ride!
  25. Question not that I don't believe all the great comments about these leveling link but if there so great why hasn't Yamaha put them on as a standard part? I'm going to get a set for my RSV because of all the great comments but won't you think that Yamaha would make the change so we didn't have to. Jeff
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