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  1. Anyone know where one can order replacement lenses. Small one is for the lower wrap around side bag guard. Larger one is for the lower chrome unit below the turn signal and Yamaha Lens.
  2. I have had a Kuryakyn Triple Whammy on my Road Star for a couple of years now and have been looking for one for the RSV. Problem is they don’t make a plug and play Triple Whammy and I’m really not in the mood to cut on any more wires on the RSV. It is not available for the RSV as a plug and play. So anyway I bought a wire harness from a member here Steve Kawalcky aka M61A1MECH on the forum and in the course of the conversation I asked if he could build an adapter to plug the Road Star Triple Whammy into the RSV. After some discussion and pictures going back and forth an expertly build adapter arrived at my house. I plugged it into the RSV and wa-la I had triple whammy taillights on the RSV. Everything works the same as on the R* and I couldn’t be happier. No cut wires and things worked perfectly. I ordered another Triple Whammy for the R* so I will have that added safety feature on both motorcycles. If you are interested you will need to buy a Kuryakyn part number 4602. This will come with lenses red bulbs for the turn/running lights. If you have already converted to clear lenses and red bulbs you will need a Kuryakyn part number 4612 this not come with the lenses or bulbs. If you shop on line you can find better prices than on Kury’s site. Thanks to M61A1MECH for all your help. Kent P.S. If you don't know what a Triple Whammy is go to Kuryakyn web site and you can see what I'm typing about.
  3. My speedo and rpm gauge lenses are hazy and there is a crack in the rpm gauge. Is there a way to replace the clear plastic lenses without replacing the whole gauge unit?
  4. Looks like I found us another good vendor. I ordered 2 baron style lenses, cost:$2.95 each plus shipping for a total of $11.90. I did this on April 21 2012. Order received today, no additional shipping, nothing extra but then I noticed on the shipping envelope that the cost of shipping came to $12.90. Now it cost them more to ship those 2 little lenses than what I paid for the whole issue. Yes,,, it took a while, about 4 weeks,,,, I'm not surprised, they're getting harder to find. Thanks goes out to: Outdoors in Motion, Rutland VT http://www.outdoors-in-motion.com/index.htm
  5. I haven't been able to find any specific info about the red lens covers that are on the aftermarket chrome trunk wraparound on this '86 I picked up. I'm not sure if they were made by Barons or not, but I think they are. Any of you 1st genners have some info on where to get some new red lenses?
  6. I added running lights to the turn signals on my 83 Venture. Now when the key is on I have both turn signals are illuminated along with the two bulbs in the tail light housing. I purchased two new light bases at Auto Zone for about $4.00 each. These are dual filament bases that use an 1157 bulb. [ATTACH]43678[/ATTACH] I used a dremel cut off wheel to remove the two spot welds that hold the base into the reflector housing and removed old single contact base. I lined the filaments up vertically on the bulb base prior to soldering [ATTACH]43682[/ATTACH] New base was a good fit into reflector housing. I then used a high wattage soldering gun to solder the new base to the reflector housing. I also attached a ground wire to bulb base at one of the solder points. The light was reattached to the bike. I spliced the new ground wire and the turn signal wire into the existing wires for the old base. The wire for the low wattage side on the new base was tapped into the tail light wire at the pigtail. The existing lenses for the rear turn signals are amber color. I wanted to have the lenses match the tail light which is red. I used Rit Scarlet clothes dye to accomplish the color change. This was available at local grocery store. [ATTACH]43681[/ATTACH] I put about 1 tablespoon of the dye into an old pan with about 2 quarts of water and boiled the lenses for about 15 minutes (checking often). The lenses are now a very close match to the tail light color. [ATTACH]43679[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]43680[/ATTACH] There is also a spray paint available for changing the color of lenses but I couldn't find it locally. Gary
  7. While upgrading the lights onmy '83 I found two cracked bulb receptacles on the Ventureline lightbars. Can't get the bulbs to come on no matter what. since these things are riveted in place putting new ones in would be somewhat of a challenge. I know someone mentioned where to get the replacement lenses for these but I can't find it. Figure if they have the lenses they have the lights. Anyone?? On a aside, going to try and fix the lights in my chrome airdam. If I pour epoxie in the bottom and set new sockets in it, am i going to blow bulbs? i.e. does epoxie conduct electricity??
  8. awhile back somebody posted a pic of red pointed rear turn signal lenses that fit the standard turn signal. Similar to the old caddy/chevy cars from the fifties. I would be interested in adding them to my bike, but not if I have to change the whole blinker. I noticed that the Strats have a pointed clear lens, and wonder if they would fit the rstd/venture. Any help would be appreciated
  9. The 2002 Venture I am picking up this week has the sealed beam passing lights. The dealer tells me that I would have to buy the light kit (including housings) for $137 if I want to switch to halogens (35W, H3 lamp). He also quoted $22 each for replacement sealed beam bulbs in case I just want to replace the existing lamps! Canadian prices are quite a bit higher than USA prices, but this seems a little out of line. If I decide to go with the halogen lamps, does anyone know whether I have to replace all of it or if I can just fit the new lenses and new reflector to the housings for the SB units- if so, where can I get these? If I can't switch to the halogens for a reasonable cost, what aftermarket sealed beam lamp is suitable? I am also thinking about changing the amber signal light lenses to the clear ones (with amber bulb). (Is the lens interchangeable?) The plastic lenses appear to be reasonably inexpensive but the front bulbs (dual filament - run, turn) are VERY expensive - a lot more than the lenses! It seems to me I read somewhere that you could buy a standard automotive lamp at a small fraction of the Yamaha price and file off one of the lugs to fit these sockets. What would be suitable for the rear bulbs (single filament, turn only). Thank you Ross
  10. I have heard/been told that if putting an LED bulb in place of an 1157 style (turn or brake light) use colored bulb with colored lense. Since the turn lenses are clear, will the amber bulbs show very well?
  11. Do red lenses exist for our turn signals? I don't want to make red turn signals. I want to use the lights for something else though, and would like red lenses. Are they available anywhere? I'm not finding them.
  12. several months ago, someone posted a link to a place that had replacements lenses for the accessory rear lighting. These are the small oblong red lenses that go in the chrome rear bumper and side panels under the saddlebags on a 1st. gen. I somehow have managed to lose this link. If anyone knows of what I am talking about and has that info, it would be greatly appreciated if you could repost it. Don H.
  13. Does any one know where I can purchase red turn signal lenses for the rear of an RSV? I want to purchase a run-stop-turn module and will be needing red lenses.I know I can get red LED's ,but don't want to use a load equalizer and I like the self canceling turn signals.I have seen them on other member's bikes on this forum,but can't seem to find them anywhere.I also thought about using the Harley accessory tail light,but don't know if they could be wired to also function as turn signals.Any help would be greatly appreciated,such as where to buy,part #s,etc.
  14. More chrome! Has anyone tried these things? How does light shine through chrome? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-V-Max-Road-Star-VStar-650-1100-CHROME-LENSES_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35580QQihZ011QQitemZ320198418772QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  15. A while back I thought to purchase new lenses for the turn signals and taillight because they were dingy and they would not look good. Then I found Meguiars PlastX Clear Plastic Cleaner & Polish. This stuff works very well with minimal elbow grease. Needless to say, I am not in the market for new lenses. These things are now very shiny This stuff works on the four turn signal lenses, taillight lense, the clear headlight cover, all of the reflectors, the clear dash plastic, the radio glass and the CLASS glass. I love this stuff and thought I would pass it on to all of you! PS. Do not use it on the windshield!
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