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Found 25 results

  1. Every now and then someone asks what size a particular bolt is. Just thought it would be helpful to post this from another site. FYI, you can get the part# from most Yamaha dealer websites or here. "How to get sizes of bolts from the part numbers... The Yamaha microfiche shows the bolt size, you just have to know how to read it. Here is how it works... The part number is broken down into 3 parts 99999-06012-00 is an example. The second part, which is 06012 tells you the size. That bolt is 6mm in diameter and 12mm in length. If the second part was 08024 the bolt would be 8mm in diameter and 24mm in length. The first part of the part number tell what type of part it is such as bolt, screw, washer etc. and last 2 digits generally determines the finish such as black, cad, etc"
  2. So I've read a plethora of resources and online pages/blogs about performing a swap of the front end on my 77, but I can't seem to figure out one thing. There seems to be a variety of front ends that can be used for a conversion to a beefier/newer setup like from the Ninja's, but I'm curious if all of these require additional work due to steering stem length... Are there any compatible front ends that have the right bearings and stem length to basically be a "plug and play" setup? I'd like to do the conversion, but I'm looking for the easiest route possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Most of the online resources I checked or was directed to have loads of "lists" that cover this, but don't seem to go in any detail as to whether they are actual direct fit or need additional mods.
  3. call me crazy, but, i saw a video of these on a RS, so, i put some on my 1st Gen! easy, less than 100 bucks. took a little tweaking with hangers to get centerstand to come up, but done! man, they sound good in the saddle for sure! ps...no welding. thrush part #24202. ID 2", overall length 27". used reducers from advance auto, 4 clamps. custom hang strap courtesy of local harware store, painted black.
  4. I'm a newb, just wanted to say thanks to y'all already for the tremendous help this site has been before and after recently purchasing my 99 Venture. I'm in love with this bike. Still have a few things to work out and figure out, but I'm a tinkerer, and not shy about getting my hands dirty. I'm in the process of fighting the baffles out of my Bubs (full length) with PB Blaster at work in the garage I came in to search for some tips on here. Thanks again!! And, Yes, I'll post some pics soon.
  5. For those who have installed Progressive Springs in their MKII, I have a few questions. I need to readjust my spacer length and so I'd like to come as close as I can to the perfect desired ride. I love what the progressive does to the handeling of my MKII, but mine is way too stiff. I would like to use a spacer size that would be the most appropiate for my 170 lbs(birthday suit). I rarely ride double and my storage trunks are pretty much empty. I would allow 10 to 15 lbs of stuff all together in my storage trunks. No Gas Tank Bag. I'm usually a one day rider so I travel pretty light. What length spacer do you use? What wt fork oil What length of non oil space did you leave after compressing your forks. Whats your weight? Hows soft and smooth is your ride? Would you like to use a different length spacer, or oil wt and why?
  6. -Good morning to all, I need the measurements of all the brake hoses for a 1984 VR? There is a manufacturer That is on E-BAY today but I need to give them the information so they can build me a set in stainless steel. I also need the clutch hose length. Thanks for the help I know is coming as always. Just want to say that I am overwhelmed when I think of all the knowledge that I have access to because of all the good work running this site.
  7. I just received the Diamond R leveling links the other day. Since I have the bike on the lift I thought I'd take a look and see what that job would entail. I held the new links up to the OEM ones and they appear to be the same length. How do they work if they are the same length.
  8. I finally got the LED's installed on my V Star. They were given to me at Vogel by Infonaut, aks Peter Harris from Philadelphia, Pa. Peter is going to be making up sets for bikes and hopefully selling them, and has also expressed interest in doing a maintaince day for LED's here in Newnan. If you contact him I am sure he can help you out big time. He gave me enough to do over my engine and then some but I only had enough connectors to do on length. That will likely change in the future as soon as I can buy some more. I posted some pics here and a short vid of them in action. These suckers are bring so good thing there is a dimmer on the remote.
  9. Could someone measure there trunk on the 2nd gen and tell me the measurments of it. Need to know the width side to side and how deep it is along with the length. ONLY NEED OUTER SIZE. Thanks Joe. Star4772
  10. Well, I finally got my starter out....haven't had a chance to work on it for a few days. I even got 2 broken bolts and stripped thermostat bolts out! When I opened the starter I was expecting a LOT of dust etc...but there wasn't hardly any. Which makes me wonder if the PO had done anywork on it. Question....the brushes are about 7/16 (or 1 cm") in length. They look like they fill the length of the holders pretty well so I'm thinking they are nearly new. But you tell me.....Do these have lots of life left or should they be replaced? I'm thinking it is such a PITA to get to, I might just as well do it while I'm here. I'm planning on putting in Dingy's ground mod...anything else I should do while I'm there? polish anything or ????? I'm in uncharted territory as far as anything I've done before!
  11. For those of you who have installed the shiny handlebar risers from eBay, did you use the bolts that came with them? They're a bit shorter than the stock bolts plus the riser length, meaning they'll have less threads engaged than the stock bolts. I'm wondering if they're fine, or if I need to order longer bolts from somewhere. Or for anyone with Barons risers, do you know what length bolts ship with those? The ones from eBay are 60mm (thread length). The risers are beautiful, btw. wowza.
  12. Monty

    RSV Length

    Will my RSV fit in a 5'x9' U-haul ramp trailer? They don't have any of the motorcycle trailers available here. Anyone used one?
  13. I am trying to reply to a thread w/ a quote and it tells me my message has to be at least 3 characters long. I have about 3 sentences in length.
  14. Does anyone make a side-stand extender for the 1st Gens? With my progressive springs, it would be nice to have a little more length. If not, I can just weld some metal on the bottom.
  15. well everybody, I just added about four feet to the length of my trailer I pull behind my 91VR. HAd to add length to stop the thing from tail wagging on me. My question is is there anyone near by that can weld? I would rather pay and meet an memeber instead of taking it to a local welding shop. If there is anyone available and willing I will pay for time and lunch,dinner ect. I'm in Mcleansville NC just east of Greensboro. The trailer is able to be pulled soi can bring it to your shop or place that you desire. Thanks in advance. David
  16. Looking for a DIN 5 Pin Male to Female patch cord to exend the connection for the passenger communication system. Approx 18" - 24" in length. Any one know of a source? Many thanks for any recommendations.
  17. OK, I've always been told that the proper length for CB coax should be done in 3' increments, with the optimal length being 18'. I've heard that if you cut your coax in lengths shorter than 18', setting your SWR's would be at best difficult if not impossible. So my question is, if I wish to put a CB on my bike, do I need to find a place to stuff 18' of coax?
  18. I have a 97 RSTD.It seems to lean a little to much for me. I have heard their is a difference in length and they are longer on the later models. Does anyone have any input into this. I think the 05 models have a longer stand. If this is so does any one have one the would like to part with.I really would like to find a longer kick stand. Thanks all, Steve
  19. My son works for a welding company and has access to #4 cable and connectors, they make there own welding cables. Can some one tell me the length one post has 33" another 36" is this cable length or cable length and connectors. I want to get them made before I take mine off. Thanks, Dale
  20. Hi Folks, Do any of you have the length for the side stand on your RSTD. I've heard it is shorter by a few inches than the RSV. If it is could you pass on the length. Thanks in advance Johnny.
  21. OK finished my winter project here in Florida and as promised wanted to share the experience and pictures! Once again thanks to all who contributed such great advice! Extended tongue length to twice the axle length Aligned tongue accurately perpendicular to axle Repacked bearing (17 year old daughter helped!!) Checked tongue weight 65lbs Checked trailer weight 452lbs Painted trailer to match bike Test drove the trailer in 25 to 30 mile winds Sunday. Averaged 35mpg and did not know the trailer was behind me. Did not exceed 62mph during the test drive. My next trip I plan on speeding up to about 80 just to see how the trailer will act. All in all, I am real please with the project. Had a local match the bike paint and did the painting myself. It was my first time and I am overjoyed with the results!
  22. Guest

    Need bolts or bolt info

    I believe it was at the Potato Creek rally in 2006(?) I purchased and installed a no-name "Superbrace" and now wish to remove it and reinstall the factory issue brace....the problem is I must have purchased new longer bolts for the new brace because they are much too long to be used on the stock brace. Does anyone either have four of the stock bolts that I can buy, or can someone at least give me the proper length of those bolts? Thanks.
  23. Hello Everyone, Thinking about buying a piggy back trailor. But have some questions. Here goes, does anyone have one? And how do you like it. also looked at the XL with the 12 inch chrome tires. The little trailor has a tongue length of only 33 inches and the xl is 45 inches. Which one would tow better? Theres a 200 hundered dollars difference in price. Any help would be great! :confused24::confused24:
  24. Don. When you put your Flanders bars on did you have to swap out the throttle cables AND the hydraulic hoses? And where did you get these items? My local dealer does not have any extra length cables for the Venture. But then they have a tendency to stick with just a couple of suppliers. Thanks
  25. I ordered a pair of First Gear Air Overpants from New Enough. Got the tall version and tried them on. Wow, they were long as I stood there. I proceeded to call NewEnough to order the standard length and get a return number for the tall length pants. I returned the talls, received the standard lengths, NewEnough quickly credited my account. With me so far??? I then proceeded to go for a ride with the standard length pants. They were too short once I sat on the bike. Needed the talls. SH*T - already returned them. I then reordered the talls, got a return number for the standards, and waited for them to come in. Once the talls arrived, I tried them on - while sitting on the bike - and they fit great. Returned the standard length pants, NewEnough credited my account. Bottom line - I was a customer from Hell (although I recognized I was in the wrong and was nice to them while explaining my being a Numbskull). NewEnough was polite, professional, and only laughed a little bit when I explained my perdicament. The dollars were properly and promptly evened up, and all is great with the world. THIS IS A COMPANY TO DO BUSINESS WITH - THEY ARE GREAT!!! More will be purchased from them. BTW, the First Gear Overpants are pretty nice. RR
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