We took a small ride to Rachel, NV on the "Extraterrestrial Highway", with a group of friends and stopped at the Little-A’Le’Inn gift shop and general tourist trap..... That is near the famous Area 51 it was about a 340 mile round trip. The weather there in Rachel was great! We left Vegas early this morning, but man!! Coming back around 15:00 hrs.....we arrived to the start of HELL......106 DEGREES!! Put the bike in the garage and went inside the house A/C .....jumped in the shower and .....ahhhh felt good again enjoying a few ICE COLD glasses of Lemonade.......LIFE IS GOOD.
Tomorrow poker run starts at 1000 hrs and will be home by about 1800 hrs.
Supposed to hit 110 but we will see. +/- a couple degrees it still feels the same
(like sticking tour head in a oven) Great thing is NO HUMI-DID-ITY so not to bad REALLY..............Ron:dancefool: