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  1. Anyone have any experince with the Pass. highway pegs. We're using the bike more and more for vacations and the wife would like to be able to stretch her legs a bit. Any isues with them? They look as if they would interfer with your legs if you were stopped, just standing up holding the bike? Thansk!
  2. Well, I have searched and searched and found no answer... so I'll ask those who know. My wife is short and has short little legs. Her floorboards need to come up and maybe back a bit. Does ANYONE make anything to reposition them? I'm talking about the floorboards not the legs.
  3. Guest

    Air Deflectors

    I just bought a new RSV. I am looking for a solution to reducing the air flow off my upper legs. Is there a vent / deflector out there to cut some of the air? In the summer, not a problem. In the winter, I can see this will be a cold spot on my legs. I checked the Yamaha catalog and they have a set that mount on the outside of the lower fairing. This is great for the lower legs. Thanks.
  4. I have a Pitbull Lift and the Carbon One Lift Adapter with the legs option. The fixed wheels on the Pitbull Lift are in the way of where the feet on the legs need to go. I was wondering if anyone has this combination. The Pitbull is considered to be very stable and this is achieved by being very wide. This added width causes the lift to interfere with the legs. Anyway not the end of the world, but a little disappointing as I think it would be easier to change the oil if the bike is on the legs and the lift is moved out of the way. Thanks.
  5. I purchased a lift adapter with legs from Carbon-One nearly two months ago. Yesterday was the first time I got to use my new toy, and it sure works well! Lifting the bike has never been easier or safer. The lift adapter is light-years ahead of using wooden blocks or other cobbled-up spacers. The legs turn a great product into a fabulous product. The lift adapter with the legs attached, make for an extremely stable work platform. Tire changes and other maintenance are now much easier and safer.
  6. The good lord blessed me with a lot of things but not long legs (29" inseam)...LOL I've been in a few unavoidable areas where I have had to back my bike up and it is impossible for me to do so while on the bike. Yesterday I found myself with the kick stand down, placing my backside up against the passenger grab rail and it worked pretty good... Got me to thinking, this is exactly how you pick up a bike that is layed over, using your legs! Now I need to find something i can bolt on to the grab rail or the side of the bike that gives me a little more surface to push against.. Any suggestions?
  7. I have not seen a post like this so I would like to start it. Lets share our tips and tricks for staying warm and give our advice on hat gear nd combination work. I am tiredof riding winters where 3 hours are fine but getting back home is mysery. My hands are exposed. Will I need wind guards to go with heated gloves or will heated gloves work plenty. I have no lowers, will chaps be plenty to keep my long john and fleeced legs warm. I have always felt cold legs but Im sure it because of the wind. I hope this thread gets some action.
  8. My wife bless her saved our a$$ today tried making a u turn to get out of bumper to bumper traffic in Gatlinburg Tn. It was to tight an the bike went over at a dead stop was holding for all I was worth I'm 6'3 next thing I know she is beside the bike shoving us back up right without a scratch and then hops back on like it was no big deal. Still shaking my head because most the time she does good to get on and off. Was so proud of her and told her so what a gal even with her short legs. The highway peg did fold up about halfway that's how close it was.
  9. The start of our journey through the U.S. started with MD in Ohio.....now that's what I call startin' with a "bang" We are now in Fairborn, Ohio --staying for a couple of days to let my legs rest, and AL wants to check out the USAF museum here. We then head to Kentucky. Will keep you all up to date in here from time to time.
  10. Just about finished with the deburring, sanding and polishing/buffing of the lower fork legs, the 4 beer cans and the lower tree. What a job!! Grinding all the casting marks off of the lower tree and lower fork legs, sanding with 220, 320, 400, 600, 800, 1000, and 1500 paper. Its a hell of a lot of work, especially since I did most of the finish sanding by hand. No wonder shops charge what they do for polish or chrome work. Its a killer. All thats left to polish is the nooks and crannies on the legs and a final buff with white rouge. I used the tripoli rouge today along with a bench top buffer. The difference from the stock, grungy, pitted lower fork legs and now is night and day. Cant wait to get the final buff done. It looks like chrome already. Tomorrow, if im up to it, ill finish the final polish and then ill post some pics. Also plan to polish up the front and rear floorboards and sand the chrome off of the pitted Barons fork bullet covers and buff them too. Maybe if im feeling energetic ill do the front wheel as well. Maybe even the R1 brake calipers too.
  11. Like it says about to go on our first ride on the 86 VR. Going with medium in the air ride at first I think. Rode it about 300 miles so far and it is doing good. She rode on the back of my 2001 FZ1 once and did not like it. She has rode some through her life just not with me. Should go good, but my legs are still weak from the ride I got earlier for my birthday. Also wondering about fixing the intercom, Tryed dads and with his intercom it was mono from both sides and put here voice in the center of my brain. I do love her alot though.
  12. What is "normal" temp for a first gen? My bike likes to run just below the red on the stock gauge. The fan comes on and off like it should. On the highway it runs a little cooler, but not much. Do I need to flush the system out again? If I just cruise around town my legs will get reel warm reel quick. It is WAY worse running the side covers than without. Any ideas? Shaun
  13. could use a few prayers. well im getting ready to head up to MN tomorrow to get ready for my daughters wedding. things where going good most of the day. got my basic things done laundry ect ect. all packed car full of gas. went to my sisters to get her gps to use. im not there more then 5 minutes when a knock on her door and theres a man who said im sorry but my wife just hit your car and a little girl. damn im not to worried about the car but my great niece was out there when i pulled up. sister and I went flying out the door. great niece was ok and standing on the sidewalk. the lady who hit my car also backed over her own child. she was backing out of her driveway and didnt know the child got out of the van to tell her daddy goodbye.. they where going to go get icecream at the local rootbeer stand. my car can be fixed but the poor little girl was moving and crying. but im sure both of her legs are broken? i saw one was bent in a way legs dont bend. im asking for prayers for her and her family. i could use a few too many thanks James aka oldgoat.
  14. I know everyone says they make a big improvement on the "cold knees", but do they keep the rain from getting to the inside of your pants legs?
  15. well as most know i had some bad health issues with knees kidney and back problems. could hardley walk. been useing a walker and moving verry little. well i had both knees injected with a new kind of shot. and one in the back? today i went from a walker back to my cane. im getttin stronger in the legs. and now the knee replacement can be put off till im 55. im going to be 53 in august. so my graduation present. is i can now move up to aqua PT i can use the pool to exersize the legs more. i tould my doctor. to please keep me on PT. as its working. i also went from 270 pounds down to 255. im shooting for 230 by MD??? i also went up and had a friend fire up the bike. in storage. it leaked a little gas out one of the carbs on the kick stand side? it allways done this since i bought the bike. a slight tap with a screwdriver and all is well? he took it for a ride of 4 miles. went to restart it and it fired up but sounds like starter clutch is getting lose/ noise up front more a whirl like noise? i did have a sticky starter switch last year but i replaced the whole grip and all with one from pinwall. lubed the cables had a hell of a time getting the cruise to work but got it. anyways just a update on how im doing.
  16. Does anyone know the size of the big nut on top of the steering head????????? A few of my sockets seem to have gotten legs and can't find one that fits.....Thanks....
  17. I made a custom road peg mount for the bike this week. These let me stretch my legs all the way out. When they were mounted to the crash bars they were not far enough forward. Gary
  18. Been a while since I posted so I thought I would let everyone know what's going on with my 83 Venture Royale. It is officially hot here in Phoenix now. Too hot to ride. My mechanic is taking the bike this week and will sync the carbs and fixed the throttle. The throttle response is poor when I come off the gas - it takes too long to get back down to idle. The other issue I am going to have him investigate is the heat. The bike just feels like it is very hot in the area around my legs - much hotter than other bikes I have ridden. I want him to check out the cooling system and make sure everything is good to go. Once I get the mechanics done, its off to the painter. I am having the bike painted in a metallic grey (same color as my 2004 F150). Looking forward to seeing the finished product!
  19. My job last night had me getting out at 3am. At 2:30 I was outside smoking and it was clear as a bell. 3 O'clock rolled around and it looked like something out of a Stephen King Movie. It was so thick and heavy you could feel it when you were breathing. Many of the non-smoker were coughing over the moisture. Well, I had about an hour and half ride home ( with good conditions) but, I wasn't wanting to try it in the soup. So, I made a few phone calls and ended up going to one of the bartenders house. I had to ride there and it was about 7-10 miles. As I was riding I thought I could feel cold water running down my legs. I wasn't going to look down, I couldn't see anything more than 10 feet in front of me anyway. Tail lights on cars were less than useful and I knew nobody could see my little tail light. So I had the Hazards on. The water was sheeting off of the wind screen like it was drizzling. I tried to smoke one on the way... but my cigarette was too damp to burn. I drove about 30mph to get there and when I jumped off the bike, my pant legs from the knee down looked like I had been in a down pour. The fog in my head light as I sat there looked like snow suspend in midair. I have seen some nasty fog in the mountains in TN... But I ain't never seen it like this:think:
  20. The previous owner removed the cowling/vents that are in front of the driver's legs.. he said they are something to heat up the user's legs. They were included with the purchase, just not attached, the bike is also missing the front lower air dam. I have never driven another 1st gen other than this one I got off ebay less than 1 month ago.. No owner's manual either. What is the purpose of these vents.. I'm wondering if these are used to cool off your legs? I could get an air dam off ebay,... they're a bit pricey , but there are a few on there.... just not sure if I'm missing something I don't have or better off without it. I live in South Bama temps are peaking at 90+ now, the heat off this beast is a bit much on the legs right now, but maybe I'm just a light-weight.
  21. Riding as a passenger, my wife gets a lot of wind on her legs. This makes her uncomfortable (duh)...what is the best way to keep her warm back there (CAREFUL with the suggestions!!!!)? I know there are the Buddy Rich devices to help the rider, but am unaware of anything like that for the navigator. We have considered chaps or the Kevlar jeans that are currently being discussed, but are not convinced either of these would be the best solution. What have y'all done to rectify this situation? I guess I need to add...the problem is when we leave sunny Texas...you guys are TOO much!!!!
  22. As the frigid & cold weather starts to taper off here in the south, I find myself doing what a lot of others are doing... Watching the weather forecasts like our lives depend on it. Obviously, it's been great riding weather here in ENC for the past few days, cresting over 60 degrees... Today is supposed to be around 66 degrees... Outstanding. There WAS, however, a minor oversight on my part... Overnight lows. I'm all dressed for work, in my slacks & polo shirt, strapping on my leather jacket, and gloves, with a fleece underneath. I opt for the half-helmet with the removable ear muffs... I'm ready to roll. 34 degrees as I'm beginning my 40 mile journey to work... Stupid, stupid, stupid... Shoulda bought chaps when I was at Shamrock Biker Outfitters last time. 20 minutes in, legs go numb, face moves really slow when I try to poorly sing along with The Doobie Brothers (jammin' from my Shark Radio) but my torso is cozy... Khakis are the worst cold-weather gear known to man, next to shorts. I'd like to say "I don't know what I was thinking..." but I do. I was thinking, "It's gonna be 66 on the way home. This is worth it." It's really not. I should've just ridden when I got home from work. Since I don't have any lower deflectors to go with my Nat'l Cycle Switchblade windshield, the wind came right over the tank, and in my face. Clicked a few values into a wind chill calculator, and it was about 15 degrees. I've been at work for 2 hours, and I STILL don't have complete feeling in my legs, not to mention they are STILL cold. If anyone knows a nice alternative to spending $150 on lower deflectors from Nat'l Cycle, or fabricating a mount from my factory windshield/lower mounts, let me know. I'm gonna need 'em.
  25. Does anyone use highway pegs on their 1st Gen? I had to remove my lower louvres(see pic) to allow my legs to be able to extend out for pegs, but I haven't gotten a pair yet. It seems to me that if I put them on the engine guard, they won't be out far enough for me to extend my legs. I am 6'. Looking for ideas so I can get a set of pegs.
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