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  1. Warden and I made 25 years today!! I don't know how but I wouldn't trade it!! I love you baby!!:clap2:25 Legal ones we got over 30.
  2. 'cause we are not going to make it back to the states this year. I had a pre trial conference on Monday with my lawyer and barrister and the other side has finally acknowledged that they have some liability!! My legal team do not want me leaving the country this year. I have another pre trial in six weeks [30th April] Legal team for Main Roads Dept. want to send me to see more Dr's and an Occupational Therapist again. They are trying to say that I can go back to work!! which reduces my claim. I'm in this till the end... as it's the rest of our lives!! So sad we wont get to see you.....BUT........ I have already submitted the paperwork to the shipping agent for the trike to go to the U.S. in 2013 So, you need to take photo's of M&E's and rallies so we can enjoy it all long distance
  3. This was on the new's today buy stolen property and it's legal. www.propertyroom.com Some good stuff. Joe
  4. I would love to build one of these for the street using a Venture Royale and Vmax engine! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-R6-Turned-Into-Street-Quad-Must-SEE-R1-YFZ-450-RAPTOR-700-R-/270833791592?pt=US_motorcycles&hash=item3f0ef3b268#v4-39 Can this thing be street legal in your state?
  5. If I lend my bike to my son, who has a cycle endorsement, do I have to worry about any legal issues if he decides to take a passenger? I know my motorcycle insurance will cover lending the bike to someone legal to ride, as long as it is not more than a certain number of times a year to the same person, after that they need to be added to the policy. But is there any other things I need to be aware of?
  6. Sorry if this has been discussed before but I did search and couldn't find anything. Anyway, I was driving to work this morning when I came up on a very new looking Honda ST1300. As I passed him I noticed he was flashing his headlights at me. I couldn't figure out what I had done to tick him off so I just kept going. He must have sped up some because I noticed him again behind me a mile or so later and his headlights were still pulsing on and off. It became apparent that he was not doing this manually but must have installed something on his bike to do this constantly. It was extremely distracting. So my question is, has anybody heard about this and is it legal? While it may have made him more visible it was at the expense of taking my attention away from other things on the road, so I personally think it is dangerous and should not be legal, especially on the freeway where you may be riding long distances following the same vehicles. Also, I think it's just going to tick off most cagers and the last thing we need is something else to turn cagers against us. Any other thoughts?
  7. Has anyone tried this, and what makes it different from regular gasoline? According to what I am reading it doesnt get stale and its legal to store in your vehicle, so what makes it different? Other than the highly inflated price? http://sparefuel.net/ Brian
  8. STREET LEGAL BUMPER CARS It's easy for a gear-head to be discouraged about the state of the world, especially in times of Carpocalypse and Cash for Clunkers. But occasionally, a bright light of awesome renews the spirit. Road-legal bumper cars do just that. Yes, you read that right; these little beasties are street legal. EitherKawasaki or Honda motorcycle engines for power, and retired vintage bumper car bodies - transformed into the most awesome form of mini-car we've ever seen. There's seven of these little monsters floating aroundCalifornia, and they're all the creation of one man, Tom Wright, a gyro-gear loose builder on the outskirts of San Diego who figured the leftovers of the Long Beach Pike amusement park needed a more dignified end than the trash heap. They were originally powered by Harley engines but rattled like heck and Tom replace them with Honda or Kawasaki 750's... and a couple have been 'measured' [not run at] theoretically as capable of 160 MPH which is terrifyingly fast in machines with such a short wheelbase. Doesn't mean we would totally rock one should the opportunity present itself. In fact, we now have only one burning desire, to see these things running a go kart track with a clown in the drivers seat.
  9. I passed a small cruiser last night on a country road. It had training wheels! (sorry no camera) Is it legal to use traing wheels on a public road? It doesn't seem all that safe.
  10. OK, I am not a LEA, but got this from a friend, It looks like if you are legal you have no problem but don't be a car thief in B.C. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_a4c9NUn3M]YouTube - Automatic License Plate Recognition - RCMP Canada[/ame]
  11. This probably should be in the joke forum but..... Is this a legal helmet? just my For a closer look: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Honda-Gold-Wing-SE-1994-goldwing-SE-trike_W0QQitemZ260374776801QQihZ016QQcategoryZ50002QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. I was thinking about getting details covered as I am getting ready to leave for VentureWest next week. I was wondering if radar detectors are legal in the northwest states? I will be travelling thru MT, ID, NV, CA, OR ,and WA. if they are illegal is it just illegal to run them or is it illegal to even have in your possession? I would also like to confirm that radar detectors are legal in BC and Alberta, I seem to remember that they were but now have the laws changed? Thanks Brian:cool10:
  13. Well I made the SS bike legal today.Tags and insurance I have made arangements to go get her after work tomorrow.I am getting a ride to work and then another ride to Swansboro to Beer 24/7s shop.I will ask Becky or Gene for a ride to the house to get the SS bike and she will start being the transport for all of the Muffins needs till the Blonde is back together. So look out for a fat guy on a Black First Gen with NC plates. It may be me.If you see me stop me and send me home I am sure Mini would appreciate that.:rotf: Jeff
  14. Several download sites offer Free and Legal downloads of music so they say. Is there such a thing as legal and free music downloads? I know I know everybody is doing it.Not me at least not yet. I'm looking for a good source of music from 60's to current files of different variety.I need to load up a MP3.I'm just concerned about legalities.
  15. This Saturday Nov 17th on CourtTV @ 11am est, 10am cst, 9am mtn, 11am pac (Check your local listings as times can be different from Satellite to Cable) There is going to be a program about services that I use from Prepaid Legal, Inc., explaining their memberships and talking about the history of the company. If anyone would like more information they can go to my daughter's website. It's www.prepaidlegal.com/hub/KLRoy or email her @ KLRoy@prepaidlegal.com FishinJer
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