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  1. Just wanted to let everyone know that Paul is having his surgery tomorrow on his left leg. Let's all hope for the best. Get well soon Paul.
  2. Hate to do this but just posted my Venture trike for sale in the classifieds.Health reasons and for some reason there has been a rash of Cagers running over us riders.The one last was a close friend"s brother.A man driving a car driffed into the other lane and hit the Goldwing. Needless to say his left boot and leg was still on the bike.He lived just a few hours after the wreck and another one last week was one a man had sold his bike.Was going to take one last ride and someone ran stop sign,he was DOA at the sight.I would for some one in the club to get this bike it is in excellent condition.
  3. Folks, Last night I reciecved a call from oldschool, Ray Crosby in Temple TX. He is on his way to Chicago on his bike as his son, Chris, was involved in a hit and run. He is broke up pretty badly having had to undergo surgery to pin and screw his leg and arm back together. If you could take a second and send a little knee mail up to the man upstairs I know Ray and I would greatly appreciate it.....
  4. Prayers needed for my Cousin, if ya`ll could spare a few. He was riding dirt bikes with his sons and went off ( what he thought ) was a four foot drop that turned into a 30+ foot drop, he has had 4 surgeries so far, is in a drug induced comma, luckly he can move both arms and one leg, the other has bad nerve damage. This happened last Sat. and he is still in ICU in Las Vegas Med center. Thank you very much! Kreg
  5. Quick question: How much fork oil for each leg on my 1988 Royale? I've seen 14.5 oz. per leg. Is that the standard? I'm installing Progressive springs, so I hear that changes the capacity from normal fork oil changes. Thanks. Rusty
  6. But yesterday after leaving the hospital and arriving at work I was confronted with some very bad news. A young truck mechanic I worked with went home early wed. Because he was feeling very ill. Thursday morning his young wife called in and informed our employer that doctors had to remove Nathan's left leg above the knee. The right arm and right leg were also effected, and a lot of tissue was removed, do to flesh eating disease. On top of that he almost died on the operating table. Nathan is one of those rare people who is always helpful and never has a bad thing to say about anyone. He has two very young preschool children and a wonderful wife. I truly would love to see the same shared prayers sent for this young man as was shown for my father and others in need of them.
  7. "just when you start to make both ends meet -- some bugger moves the ends!":bang head: I had decided that I needed to get a trike with reverse, and also not have Quickstep laying on the ground checking the pre-load on Voyager kit for years to come. He would then take the Venture back to two wheels and ride it. Need a trike with usual bike seats, as I climb on to back seat first, then swing bad leg over tank and slide forward. Also can't have engine sticking out at side--need the room for stiff leg. So, of the bikes that come with reverse: G/Wing -[NO] BMW-[NO] both have engine sticking out. Bingo !! found the answer -- H-D Ultra Classic Trike NOPE!! Do not comply with Australian standards - too heavy :crying: Dealers have tried to get the new trike into Oz but powers that be won't budge. Was going to buy it when we came over, ride it then ship home.... Oh well, back to the drawing board
  8. I have a rather strange question for the forum... has anyone every relocated their kickstand to the right hand side? The reason I ask is because I recently had an accident resulting in a broken ankle and a dislocated knee cap. It happened while I was trying to kick my leg over my saddle because I had a T-bag on my pillion and i couldn't swing my leg as usual. Anyhow, I am in for a long recovery (this year's riding season is done ) So I thought about relocating my kickstand so I could mount my bike from the right and not stress my weakened left leg. I can't see any good reason why I couldn't do this. The only real reason most bikes lean left is because most bikes had their pipes on the right (not an issue with the RSV). It might give me some issues when i'm parking in a group of bikes, but that's a minor thing. The hardest part of this I can see is modding or making a new swivel for the kickstand. I might be able to just flip it over - but I'd have to cut off and re-weld the tab that sticks out for you to operate it. And of course, I'd have to weld a reinforcing plate on that side and re-route the switch wiring. Any advice?
  9. Well, as Minimuffin has posted in the sticky section...WE ARE COMING TO THE USA IN 2011 Have a rough itinerary worked out and my Quike is booked with deposit paid to ship next year. My lawyer said "GO" so we will borrow from Alan's super if the claim is not settled. MD at Freebirds' in Ohio is the first thing to celebrate with VR folk Then some touring (in car?) before making our way to Portland to pick up the bike, and purchase a used one for Quickstep. Hopefully we will find a dealer who might do a buy-back deal. Then we wind our way to the International Rally in Cody. Room already booked--thank you Condor:thumbsup2: After that we will ride your great country, and see as much of it, and as many members as we can.:happy65:Remembering that I will need some days to just "veg" out and elevate the leg. We would like to thank all who have offered places to stay (too many to list) over the time I have been a member here. Will certainly take some of you up on that! But mainly your generosity to two people you haven't even met yet!! You are all helping me realise a dream I've had for year's (riding tour of USA)...........God Bless...................... Bent, Buckled, But Ridin'
  10. Was following a Harley on I35W South in Minneapolis yesterday and the front of my car got covered in oil. Dudes bike was pouring oil out bad. His passengers right leg and foot was soaked in oil. Best part, they were clueless about the massive oil leak. I supposed I could have let them keep riding till the engine seized up, but then they could have wrecked. So we alerted them to the oil spill they were creating and they pulled off the road. How do you not notice that your leg is getting soaked in hot oil? I'm glad I was not on the bike. I didn't feeling like changing the oil in my hair just yet.
  11. This morning my buddy Bobby went down, a guy in a truck pull out in frount of him, he managed to dodge the truck but lost control of his Electra Glide and went down, right leg broken just below the knee and just above the ankle, both bones tibula and fibula. No other injuries, was taken to Tifton hospital and then transfered hughston medical, he did not want a rod in his leg but I think he going to have one. The part that really got us was the trooper said because there was no contact between the vehicles that there was no evidence that the guy( one of the othropedic surgeons who the trooper knows)pulling out in frount on him caused Bobby to crash, it appeared to him the Bobby just lost control and dropped his bike. The insurance companies could sort it out. He just was not going to right anyone at fault. A""hole. Gregg
  12. Our MTA group is headed for the Letchworth State Park in New York the weekend of July 16th. I have been looking for some place with 7 or 8 rooms available that don't cost an arm and a leg. Is there anyone here that may know of a good local place in the area (willing to ride 20-30 miles to get to the park) that is clean and reasonable. thanks, bob
  13. I ran into a former employee, the one who told me he used to text while riding his crotchrocket down the interstate. He, at the time, told me he quit riding cause he didn't want to kill himself. Well he started riding again, crested a rise going into a very shallow turn (his words) which he missed due to excess speed (110+mph). He went of the road and hit a 4x4 with both shins, both legs broken and hanging by the calf muscle. Since he lost his phone in the crash, he had to drag himself back to the road and wait for someone to flag down. He lost his left leg below the knee, has a rod in his left femur, a rod in his right leg, scarring from a trach (sp?) -- he was out for several weeks-- and and some other "minor" scarring. At least he was wearing a helmet. He has a prosthesis on his left leg, they had to replace the rod in his right leg with an antibiotic one due to infection which will be switched back to a regular rod this week and they will have to do something about the shin bone not growing back. But he's alive! So much for one upmanship and reckless driving. At least he knows it was his own doing and he does have a good outlook on his future.
  14. On my way home last night I hit a deer.........Glad I was riding the tour Deventure.... Never went down.... Cracked the right side lower and the passing lamps and bruised up my right leg.... But no cuts or road rash......... WOW what a night.... Went out today and bought lottery tickets....
  15. Hello everyone. Got home from hospital late Saturday afternoon. Very strange not to have this heavy weight on the end of my leg! Have some stitches in my knee, where they did some corrective surgery on a bone spur, and plenty of holes where the wires went through my leg. All going well so far. I'm off to see orthotics on Tuesday about a brace for my leg. Good to be home.
  16. My scoot runs great. I couldn't ask for it to run any better. But.... since it has warmed up, I am noticing that my left leg gets warm. I stopped today, and touched the pipes. The left two pipes, I can only put my hand on for a second or so. The right two, I can leave my hand on. They are pretty cool to the touch. This was after about a 30 minute ride. Like I said...it runs great. The coil problem was already taken care of by Buddy. My only real issue is that one leg gets warmer than the other. Any ideas? P.S. Also, I cleaned the insides of the pipes when I put them back on last week. They still look shiny and new inside. I cleaned them to get an idea of how each side is burning. They are looking the same...like brand new.
  17. Went for my review with the surgeon, and "fingers crossed" he said the fixator would come off my leg in four weeks. Then we have to figure out some kind of brace for the leg. With the knee not bending the lower half of my leg will always be under stress and the surgeon said it could break again I informed him that I WOULD NOT wear another fixator...three is enough!! ....so, please cross everything folks
  18. Haven't been able to come sit at the 'puter for a while as I ended up with infection in some of my pin sites (where wire goes into leg) This hot weather has made it harder So strong anti-biotics four times a day, and elevate the leg....Geez, enough already Miss your company more than you will ever know.
  19. Hello to all my wonderful friends. Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers. Home from hospital and trying to adjust to all this metal on my leg!! I will wear it till the bone heals, which could be up to six months I wore the other one for eight months!! I have four metal rings around my lower right leg and attached to those are 12 wires going into the bone, and two bigger bolts going in to hold the bone out and in place in my shin. Biggest risk is infection, and I have to keep them clean and not allow the skin to attach to the wires etc. OUCH !! Doctor's think that because my knee doesn't bend anymore the leg chose the next weakest area to try and bend.....which was at the bone graft site. Once the leg heals I think I may have to wear some sort of brace on the lower leg to prevent it wanting to bend -- but that's okay, and better than not walking at all. So, will take some time to sit here at the 'puter for long, but the good thing is: I'M BACK
  20. went in tues for my second surgery to get my leg to heal up from breaking it in 05 when i wrecked my 01 venture. around sun i started getting a pinching in my lower back and didn't think i was going to make it to surgery it was hurting so bad. they gave me 2 valiums while preping me and it didn't do a thing. when they rolled me into the surgery room the sleep doc gave me a shot and last i remembered was them strapping my arms down. when i came to they said the surgery went a lot longer than the 1 to 1 1/2 hrs to 5 hrs. the 2 bones in my leg had grown together and they had to cut and saw them apart. back was still hurting some, but my leg was killing me. they was giving me morphine but wasn't easing my pain much. got out fri and got home around noon and went to bed and got some sleep. pain meds last about 4 hrs and i stay awake a couple of hrs so i don't get hooked on pain meds. got me in a plastic walking form wrapped with a bunch of ace wraps. going back to doc on 15th to see how it's doing. hope it all works out in the long run so i can get back to work.
  21. A good frind is rider #1 in this news story. He is in pain but OK. The news story http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33965174/ His email: Welp, it happened. My beautiful sparkling Intruder has some scratches. More than scratches, actually. Here's my tale of woe. Enjoyed a nice lunch ride up to Julian with daughter Dawn, and had stopped for gas just before getting home like I always do. Pulled up about 6 feet behind a fueling Honda with the rear half of my bike angled to the right of the car that was fueling from the left. I'm still on the bike, side-stand down, engine turned off. The lady finished and got into her car, fiddled for a few seconds, then started her car. There was no one in front of her. She then started moving backwards and I started yelling while pulling in the clutch and backing away. When I yelled, she floored it. I was spun around counter-clockwise 180 degrees, bike and I hit the ground behind and to the right side of her car, and we were both dragged by her car for about 12 feet then I and bike broke free of her car which was still accelerating backwards. She then traversed another 30 feet backwards and, coincidentally, hit another motorcyclist who was waiting to get air in his tires. He saw it all happening, and tried to jump out of the way but she was moving too fast (I didn't see any of this as I was still on the ground). She hit him, flinging him backward and down an embankment followed by the car after it jumped a curb. The car's backward motion was then stopped by a building, and the other guy was pinned beneath the back of the car. It took me about a minute to try to stand up. My left leg hurt above the knee where it had been pinned under the motorcycle, but I was able to stand. Several people had rushed to the car and were trying to lift the back end, and push the car forward while the woman inside was trying to climb the curb with the front wheel drive. It wasn't working. At this point I was unaware that anyone else had been involved and yelled to wait for the tow truck. I then called 911 asking for a police car. Turned out there were several witnesses, and several people called 911 at about the same time (which explains why my call went to a recording telling me my call is very important, please stand by). About 5 minutes into all this, 6 police cars, two fire trucks and two paramedic trucks showed up. I decided to doff my helmet and motorcycle jacket at which point I discovered blood dripping off my elbow through the long-sleeve shirt I was wearing. I also felt down where my leg was hurting, and there was a raised bump about the size of two fists in area. A female paramedic checked me out and said I needed to go to the emergency room (the elbow wasn't hurting - yet). Here's where I doffed the chaps because hospitals take great delight in cutting motorcycle clothing off. By now we're about 15 minutes into everything and my left leg is starting to hurt and feel weak. My wife showed up and I was then bundled off to the emergency room. Daughter Dawn has just found a news link to the incident. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33965174/ Daughter Laura taped several news broadcasts last night (Sunday) and two of them covered it. I'll watch them later. Bottom line: My leg is still weak and hurts when I try to use it. I got several stitches in the elbow, and that's REALLY stinging now. New bruises are showing up. My pristine motorcycle with 42K miles, no scratches and not even any swirl marks in the painted surfaces, is no longer pristine. They say the bike's not as bad as I thought. We'll see. Regards, Gary Watch out for the cagers Rod
  22. First I hate to take any kind of drugs!! Just not me. I have a medicane cabinet full of Pain killers that would probally do this but won't take them unless I'm ready to start screaming. I have eaten enough of the things. Problem is this stupid leg & foot is waking me up at all times of the night and when it does I'm usually up for hours. Has my schedule so upside down I can't stay awake in the daytime and can't sleep at night. I have a hard time getting up to do anything when I am awake. No energy at all. What I'm trying to say is there any way I can return to sleep without drugs? Most of the time the leg settles down I just cannot return to sleep. Any natural way I can get back to sleep?
  23. Yammer Dan


    I have always run my air at 12 lbs for the front and 45 lbs for the rear. I noticed since I got "Ugly" that I was having a lot harder time with low speed handling. Today I was playing with the air settings and rode a while with 9 lb in the front and 35 in the back. Memories of the "Blue Beast" coming back. Handles GREAT. It just never entered my head(too full of knowledge) that the bike would handle the air that much different. It just doesn't take as much air for "Ugly" to sit up as much as the "Blue Beast" did. Too much air was putting me out of my comfront zone along with the leg and I was blaming everything on the leg. Point I'm trying to make is "Play with it once in a while" NO! NO! The air settings!! Adjust them a little different and see how it feels. See how it feels......... Hey Muffin I think I'll be ready for that ride!! Hurry up and get home!!
  24. I meant to ask you, how is the leg standing up to riding?
  25. Tail of the Dragon IV @ Vogel Aug.12-16, 2009 Wed. 8/12/09 1:00-5:00 PM Registration in front of Conv. Store/Office. 6:30 Pm Dinner Ride Thurs. 8/13/09 8:00-9:45 AM Registration......same location as above. 10:00 AM KSU & Depart for Helen, Ga. Shopping, Tubing, Eating, Browsing. Return to Vogel at your discretion. 7:30 PM..There will be a get-together somewhere in the park, will be announced or posted. This will end at 10:00 following park guidlines. Fri. 8/14/09 8:00 AM KSU to depart for all day ride. 1st leg of ride will take us back roads to Telico Plains where we will break for gas and refreshments at the Exxon, where we will also be meeting some other riders before departing for the Cherahola Skyway. Distance..66 miles 2nd Leg will take us over the Skyway to Robbinsville, NC. Distance 53 miles. 3rd Leg will take us to Deals Gap for lunch, before tackling the Dragon. Then we will leave Deals Gap stopping in Robbinsville for gas before heading back to Vogel with a refreshment stop in Anderson, NC. Distance 107 miles 6:00 PM Depart Vogel for free concert in Brasstown, aprox 30 mile ride. This ride will be lead by Royalstarjac. Sat. Aug. 15 No scheduled rides today. There will be carb sync be done in the parking lot of shelter #3. These will be available from 10:00 am till 4:00 pm. 4:00 pm till Final get-together for this years Dragon@Vogel. Drawings for raffles with numerous prizes and a 50/50 raffle benefitting St. Jude Children's Hospital. This years menu is being catered by Shane's Rib Shack. Menu will consist of : Pulled Pork Chicken Brunswick Stew Green Beans Peach Cobbler Sweet Tea, Unsweet Tea, Lemonade Texas Toast or some sort of bread. Sun. Aug 16..... Tail of the Dragn IV @ Vogel ends............till Aug. 2011!!!!!
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