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  1. "Good Looks" catch the eye! But a "Good Personality" catches the Heart! Many people walk in and out of your life, but only "True Friends" will leave footprints in your Heart!
  2. I just picked up a cheap set of heated grips, bike master. They leave a lot to be desired. They are at least an inch shorter than the stock grips. The clutch side is very tight but I could probably get it on. The throttle side is really loose, it measures 1 1/16" id. I don't like the idea of having only glue holding it in. The temperature changes might break it up and leave me sol somewhere. Does anyone have any recommendations for a good set? Thanks
  3. due to all the aches and pains ridding the 1st gen during the Asheville rally I decided it was time to upgrade .So yesterday I did just that.It is silver in color with CD player,navigation system,and it will run off and leave a 1st gen with ease.It also has a REVERSE gear.Pictures to come later.By the way I did have it up to 130 mph today and it had a lot left in it
  4. I was killing time between appts today, and thought I would run into Wal-Mart to get a few things. When I pulled up in the lot I came across a silver Venture with Wyoming plates parked there. I waited about 25 minutes for the owner to come out but had to leave for the next appt. before he came out. So if any of you were at Wal-Mart in Aberdeen South Dakota today, it would've been nice to talk to you.......
  5. after too many years Renate finally came off the road for medical reasons. Was pretty lonely at home by herself so a week ago we went to the humane society and adopted a hound cross as a companion. 11 months old and smart and stubborn at the same time, quite a handful. they bonded within 2 days and now he wont leave her side. Just got to figure out where to put a 50 pound dog with the wife on a bike. hey gary, any restictions on pups at pork in the pines? al
  6. Alright looks like the meet and eat will be Sat. July 7, 2012. We will be meeting at 9:00 am at the Pilot Truck Stop at Exit 41 off of I-85. Coming from the north take a left turn under the interstate and the Pilot is on the right, coming from the south take a right and the Pilot is on the right. If anyone wants there is a Subway and a Wendy's there if they want to eat breakfast before we leave, expect KSU at 9:45 am. We will take some back roads down to Warm Springs where they have a shop, Extreme Motorsports that opens at 11:00 am, also have a M/C musem, there is an admission to get in. We will spend about an hour there and then head into FDR State Park and ride over Pine Mtn, mild twisties nothing like the Dragon but a nice ride with some very nice scenic overlooks. We will make a couple of stops in the overlooks, bring your cameras for some nice pics. From there we will leave the park and head down to the small town of Pine Mtn. and eat at a great little BBQ stand called Three Little Pigs, great food, but they dont take credit or debit so make sure you bring cash or you may go hungry.............!!! After that some more back roads back towards Newnan. Hope to see lots of new and old friends there.
  7. Hey I said I would start a thread on this, so here it is. Plans so far: MarCarl to leave home at 8 am, arrive at Casablanca about 9 Leave Casablanca at 9:30, arrive at Fort Erie about 10:15 Cross the border and head for Quality Inn, Elyria, Ohio, hopefully be there in time to have a shower (only if needed) and then go to QSL for supper. So who's coming, and where do we have to wait for Ben?
  8. Sick Leave I urgently needed a few days off work, but, I knew the Boss would not allow me to take a leave. I thought that maybe if I acted 'Crazy' then he would tell me to take a few days off. So I hung upside-down on the ceiling and made funny noises. My co-worker (who's blonde) asked me what I was doing. I told her that I was pretending to be a light bulb so that the Boss would think I was 'Crazy' and give me a few days off. A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and asked, 'What in the name of GOD are you doing?' I told him I was a light bulb. He said, 'You are clearly stressed out.' Go home and recuperate for a couple of days.' I jumped down and walked out of the office... When my co-worker (the blonde) followed me, the Boss asked her, '..And where do you think you're going?!' (You're gonna lovethis....) She said, 'I'm going home, too. I can't work in the dark.
  9. Is there such a thing as too much seafoam ,, and is there a time limit to leave it soak . I am leaving my bike behind to go on a 3 week cruise(ship) and was wondering if it would hurt anything to leave seafoam soaking in my carbs?????
  10. I've attached a couple of pictures of 2 chrome bubbles on my chrome front fender extension. Was wondering if I should just leave it or to take a razor blade and slice it then put some finger nail polish on it. Or maybe some other suggestion. What causes chrome bubbles and do they continue to grow?
  11. ok, so i got a 42s fuel pump. it comes with a screw-in filter. should i leave this filter on as well as the inline filter i already have?? or should i just go to ACE and get a fitting, and leave my stock filter? thanks.
  12. ...carpal and tendon work on one hand and and injections on the other hand. Life as a young athlete, military, and getting old...one out of three bites! I will leave the one up to you.
  13. So I have been growing tired of looking at my weathred old studs. Not pretty. bike looks good from far. Takingoff the studs will leave stud holes so Im pondering how to cover or dress up. I hjut ordered some leather laces lets see hat I can come up with.
  14. As usual, Marca and I plan to ride Wednesday nights,, start @ 6:30 for now although we could start @ 6 if that's good for those who want to join. We ride until dusk,,,, spend time to check out ice-cream and\or coffee, listen to everybody's BS and then ride back to where we came from. Want to join us?????? you would be welcome!!!! Destination is never decided until we leave,,,, it depends on who comes along. Mostly we're back by 10 - 10:30pm
  15. Hopefully the weather Saturday will hold enough for us to get out for a good ride. Anyone interested in going for a ride with us? We'd like to leave in the morning, stop for lunch and home around suppertime.
  16. Just got back from spending a day with all the great folks at Vogel. Saw some old friends that we haven't seen in awhile, met some new faces and put faces to names seen here on the forum. Many thank to ALL who had anything to do with putting on this great event. No names cause sure as anything, I'd leave someone out....... Hopefully we raised a bunch of money for St. Judes!!!! Great turnout and hope we will get a chance to see all again!
  17. There has been a change of venue for our M & E on Aug 6th (the Upstate NY Cruise & Cream). The Harbor Towne Belle cruise has been changed to a cruise on the Sam Patch packetboat on the Erie Canal(website: www.samandmary.org). We did not meet the minimum number of passengers for a trip on the Harbor Towne Belle. The cruise on the Sam Patch will start at 2:00 PM from the dockage at Schoen Place in Pittsford, NY. I have reserved 20 seats for this cruise and can change the total up to Tuesday the 2nd of Aug. We will leave my home at 1:00 PM for the ride to Pittsford. (Approx. 20/25 minute ride.) PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME FOR DEPARTURE FROM MY HOME. We will also have a complimentary shuttle service for everyone that is staying overnite, on Saturday night, at the two hotels listed in the original M & E notice (Holiday Inn Express & Hampton Inn). We will be offering adult beverages at the dinner after the cruise, and this will allow you to leave your bike at our home and be escorted to your hotel in the evening. You will also be picked up in the morning and returned to our home to retrieve your scoot. We will serve coffee and donuts, bagels, etc for a morning snack when you retrieve your scoot. Please let me know if you are staying overnight. If you arrive early on Saturday, we will be serving a light snack of “finger foods” before we leave from my home on Saturday. Please update your name on the calendar, if you want to delete your name or, if you have not previously signed up, and wish to participate, please do so ASAP. I will need a final count for the cruise by Aug 2nd. Thanks Jim
  18. RandyR from Georgia arrived here safe in Western Nebraska late this afternoon. We hope to leave for Cody around 7:00 AM? See you there!
  19. We are leaving Idaho tomorrow morning and heading toward the Saw Tooth Mountain. Hope to get back to Houston, Texas in about 4 or 5 days. We are going to take our time. Had a great vacation here enjoying the cooler weather. Was going to leave today but it is our anniversary, so we decided to have a good steak dinner before we left. Hal n Val
  20. Here Goes. Looking to meet up with riders headed to Cody. Due to Time my route will be, July 22nd Friday, leave Tijeras NM (albuquerque area) after work at 6:00pm ride North on I-25, 250-300 miles and stop around Trinidad, CO. July 23rd Saturday, continue North on I-25 to Casper and catch hwy 120 to Thermopolis and into Cody. July 24th-28th in Cody (may leave the 27th) Have to be in Las Vegas, NV early Friday the 29th. If you are in the area and wouldn't mind another bike along send me a PM. We're gettig close so I putting this out 1 bike, ! rider. Thanks, John
  21. Seems I've hardly been able to catch my breath since maintenance day. Had just enough time on Sunday evening and Monday morning to sort of get things put away and then had to leave for Indianapolis to set up for a trade show. The show lasted through Saturday at 4:00 and then by the time I got the booth torn down and packed up and made the 5 hour drive home, I got here about 11:30 last night. Now I'm home today but have to leave for a week in the DuBois and State College area of Pennsylvania first thing tomorrow morning. I tell you, I am really tired of the constant travel and would love to find a good job that would allow me to be home every night but in this economy and at my age, that's not likely so "I owe, I owe so off to work I go". Due to the show and etc., haven't been on much since maintenance day but hopefully things will start calming down a bit now. I did manage to get two new tires ordered this week and called Chad at Pioneer to take advantage of the good deal that he is offering on brake pads so they are on the way to me also. I intended to pick them up while he was here but completely forgot about them. Looks like it's going to rain here today so about all I can do is stay in the house and rest. I'm not too disappointed in that.
  22. This Saturday, May 31, Ice cream ride from Saraland, Al., Exit 19 on I 65, truck stop. Will leave at 1 pm and ride to Jackson, Al. for ice cream. Come one Come all. tew47:lightbulb:
  23. I have the cam covers off, and the gaskets need replacing. I read somewhere that the gaskets from a later model (RSV?) were better than the original VR versions. Does anyone know what part is best? The valve clearances themselves are just a fraction under the minimum clearances .... maybe .01 to .02mm all round. The engine has 56k on it. That's actually not bad, especially the very even wear aspect of it so I will leave them alone for the summer and check again in the Fall. By that time I can find out which shims I'll need, and won't mind waiting for them. In the meantime it will come to no harm. Thanks.
  24. I've got my RSV on a lift to replace the fairing. While there I checked for looseness of the steering head bearings by grabbing the front end & rocking it. Never had any problems with it but thought I'd check while on the lift. I've got 40k on it. Don't see any looseness at all. So do I need to remove and retighten the nut or just leave well enough alone? Also, is there any greasing to be done? I don't see any grease around the area, but do see dirt that looks like it's glommed onto grease that's seeped out over the years...not a lot, but some. Just wondering if I need to do anything or if I should just leave it alone? Thanks for the help in advance...JR
  25. This sign is directed at me. Even though I am not speeding, someone thinks I am and went to the trouble to cause attention to when I leave the subdivision. I am very considerate of my neighbors, but I guess you can not please everyone.....Ron
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