"patience my a$$, ... " Rained out two days this week and Tuesday it took me 10 hours to do 3 hrs of work. And it's not even winter yet! Temper is getting a bit shorter so the lack of progress on the chair is annoying. The trike shop that is "helping" me build the mounting hardware for the EL is sooo slow, and they aren't exactly booming with work. The owner, an engineer, has spend more time to do a CAD drawing of the set up and now, a full day of research on leaning sidecars (including patent searches), then he has builing the blasted sub-frame/mounts. It took me 30 minutes with some leftover lumber to determine what is possible while he took a full day to say it couldn't. Now he's researching how other leaners hook up, when all he needed to do was contact the guy I bought it from (who has almost a decade experience with leaners!) Even his fabricators says he tends to overanalyze everything! I know, good in one sense, but they have no experience with sidecars, so even I know more, but he won't listen.
Send him an E-mail stating what I want him to do, no answer; ...(yet).
And on top of that his shop man is going on his honeymoon next week, so unless they did anything usefull on the frame today, it's going to somewheres around the end of the month!
Aaarrrgghh!! I'm going to kill something now .....