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  1. Well, I am well into my bike trying to figure out what the heck my deal is (as per thread: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=68293) and have it basically narrowed down to the ignition unit or the lean/tilt/angle/bank sensor. The service manual has it labeled on page 8-3 as an "Emargency stop switch" (spelling accurate as per service manual, which made me chuckle). I have also 'located' it on the parts fiche (Part 54 on "Electrical 1" 2001 RSV [not that the year matters): (EMERGENCY STOP SWITC 4BH-82576-01-00 (replaces 4BH-82576-00-00)) Now, my problem is I cannot find the darn thing on my bike. I have checked behind both lower cowlings, under the tank, along the neck and I cannot for the life of me find it! Here is a picture of it: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Venture-Royal-Star-XVZ1300-BANK-ANGLE-SENSOR-/370012459623?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item5626761267&vxp=mtr Anyone know where this s.o.b actually is?!?!?!?!?!? Much obliged. :bang head::bang head: Cheers.
  2. Looking for a little help. I am to the point where I need to check the cam timing on my 87 to make sure it is correct. Been working on this project all summer now and the bike is still running lean. I am sure there is someone out there that can guide me through this process rather than trying to figure out the complicated procedure axplained in the Yamaha Service Manual. I already have the carbs and valve covers off. A diagram would be great, even a hand sketch. Is there any way that the TCI unit could be causing a lean condition ????? Thanks for such a great site. Mike Allen
  3. Hey all, I've got a 1999 RSV with 46k miles and I noticed yesterday that when I do 60 mph, I get a humming noise from the rear tire. when I lean to the right the humming becomes MUCH louder, & when I lean the bike to the left its just a little bit louder. When I speed up to 70 mph or slow down to 50 mph, the humming goes away. I believe it's been there for awhile, I just usually have the stereo playing and have never noticed it. Does this sound like a worn wheel bearing? and when it hits its harmonic frequency at 60mph it humms? Is replacing the wheel bearings a difficult task? Do I need to purchase any special tools to accomplish this? Thanks D.W.
  4. I have looked and looked and I cant find this screw. I just picked up an 89 and it runs well enough but I swear that it has a lean idle. The previous owner told me that his Yamaha dealer rebuilt the carbs but I don't know what they did or didn't do. I think that they left it too lean. It requires full choke when cold and takes at least 2-3 times as long as my 86 to come off of choke. Also when pulling out from a stop, it requires more throttle and lags a small bit until it gets going. And this is after it is warmed up. Accelerating while moving is laggy for the first 15% of the throttle. I read in a thread that three turns out on the idle screw is a good place to be. Is this a good method or should I just drive the bike to PA to see Earl?
  5. Does a 2012 Venture have a Caytilitic converter?Secondly are the Venture motors jetted lean for emmisions?Would richning up the carbs help in anyway.
  6. I am thinking about buying a Venture. I worked in a Yamaha Store when I was a kid, and the owner let me take a new 1984 Venture home on weekends. I rode it pretty hard. A few years later, I bought a 1984 Aspencade. The Honda did not handle nearly as well as the Venture. I never really enjoyed the Aspencade unless I was rolling straight down the highway. I took it up through Northern Arkansas on some wonderful roads, but it required so much concentration to keep the bike going slow enough so as not to drag the pegs/footboards/centerstand that it was just not fun. Fast forward to the present. I still like to ride fast. I know that the Goldwing now has a lot more ground clearance/higher lean angle and will go around corners much better than the older Goldwings. So, finally, here is my question. How does the current version of the Venture compare, lean angle-wise? I'm not looking for something with Ninja sportbike handling...But, I don't want to constantly have to be extremely careful not to drag things everytime I take a "spirited" ride down a nice twisty section of asphalt. Surely, there are some "spirited" riders in this group that can advise me. If the Venture doesn't have much of a lean angle prior to throwing sparks, tell me. I really loved that old 84. I think it was called a "Venture Royale". It was fast. It could go around a corner, and it had a nice stereo. Now, I am wanting something comfortable that can go long distances, carry me, my wife and 3 days worth of clothes and be fun in the twisties. Thanks for your advice. dana
  7. Has anyone had to adjust the length of their kickstand due to lowering their bike. Mine is going in tonight to be lowered 1 inch and I was wondering if I would have to shorten the ks to make sure the correct lean angle was maintained. Sure would hate to lay this thing over.
  8. If I let go of the bars while in motion the bike will always start to lean to the left. What is this an indication of..?? Thanks for your input.
  9. While at the Venture Round UP in Cody, Wy a couple of years ago, the side stand bolt on the Virago broke. As a quick fix, I purchase a bolt from the local hardware store. Ever since, the bike has been developing a horrendous lean. Finally found a side stand for a decent price (cheap is a way of life here) and also ordered an OEM Bolt. Had a break in the rain today, so decided to put the new side stand on. Turns out there was nothing wrong with the stand. The bolt that I used was bending. The more it bent, the further the bike would lean. So, for you folks that are experiencing excessive lean while using the side stand, you may just want to check the bolt holding the side stand on.
  10. hi all,i have a question about the rsv side stand, Is it at all adjustable? The reason I ask is I have a 2003 rsv I bought used, It came with a baron lowering kit which I have since removed. The bike seems to lean over more than I think it should. The U shaped toung pushs up the floor board on that side ,is this the norm?
  11. I would like anyone with a 96 rs to send me a pic of the monoshock and mounting brackets. i think my bike may have been lowered because I scrape at minimal lean angles.
  12. OK, I have only been riding my XVZ1200 for a couple of miles (50 perhaps) but I think the noice from the airbox is quite loud. I also have som intermittent howling from the rear that comes and goes as you lean the bike from side to side. Has anyone tried to put in some sound absorbing material under the tank dummy? The rear howling, is it perhaps bad bearings in the rear wheel?
  13. '91 Venture Royal. Stupid thing stands almost straight up when its on the kick stand. Makes it kinda difficult to put the stand up with a passenger aboard 'cause I have to lean the bike to the right. I took the stand off and used a grinder to flatten the foot. Apparently the mold is shaped so the foot has a "peak" at the mold line. This gave the bike a little lean, but not as much as I'd like. Question is, is this an inherent design characteristic, or is the stand too long. HINT: The stand was replaced by the pervious owner. Thanks! Y'All ride safe....
  14. Just got the new bike back from deal after 600 mile service. It seems to have a back fire when deceleration. He said it was set lean from factory and he adjusted. Am I wrong or does this bike not tend to backfire when it is running lean. If he set it richer should that take care of the back fire
  15. here's two things i have noticed about my sirius radios. the one in my truck i wired direct to the radio with the optional antenna hook up. i was getting fade out in certain areas with large power lines. on my v-star the radio would fade in alot of curves. i finally figured what was causing it was since my antenna is mounted on the brake reseroir, and was already not perpendicular to the road, when i lean the antenna was losing the satilite signal at the extreme lean angle. the one on my wing works fine cuz the bars are flatter.
  16. Has anybody tried a car tire on the front?? Seeing as the trike does not lean as much, wouldn't a flatter bottom give more grab for turning???
  17. ok so i barely bought my 98 royal star from a guy who's the first owner, he said he bought it from the dealer with aftermarket pipes on it.... the problem is that the bike doesnt seem to have been re-jetted since it seems to be running a little lean.. it takes a while to warm up and if i try riding it when it barely starts, it kinda hesitates to run....how do I know what kind of exhaust it is?? what could be the problem??
  18. I've read a number of threads here that give explicit details on how to synchronize the cards on an RSV using the Morgan CarbTune...basically "make all four of the bars match". Have a look at the attachment for reference. There are a LOT of smart folks here, so here goes: What is the effect adjusting all of the carbs so that their reading matches carb 4? Does this make things too lean or too rich? What is the effect adjusting all of the carbs so that their reading matches carb 3? Does this make things too lean or too rich? What are the net effects of running too lean or too rich? Any facts, conjecture or comments would be greatly appreciated! :confused07:
  19. My 89 is a little lean at light throttle. When I test rode the bike before I purchased it, it appeared to be fine. However, when I started to service it, I found the air cleaner was probably the original and extremely dirty. I installed a K&N and then I notice that if the bike wasn't completely warmed up it would bog a bit at light-medium throttle. If you opened the throttle, it was fine. Idle was fine as was response off of idle. The lean condition was only noticable for a minute or two after you pulled away with a cold engine. The bike has about 37,000 miles on it now, and runs great. I've set the idle mixture and the bike idles's great now. Of course, I've also synced the carbs. Whatever is wrong is on all 4 cylinders because when it bogs, all 4 bog. Of course it tends to fart out the exhaust when this happens also. When I bought the bike it had cut out mufflers. I've replace them with stockers and also replaced the baffle chamber with a known good one. My gas mileage is a touch less than 40 MPG @ 75 mph indicated (72 GPS). When I rode a little slower for a tank, it gave me 46.5MPG. This is with loaded bags and 2 up. This morning it was about 55 degrees F. here and the bog was really bad. I believe I need to raise the needles a little, but I see that Mk II's aren't adjustable as the 1200's were. I know everybody else has rich carbs. My 83 was on the rich side. You'd start than one up with a little choke in cold weather. Then pull away with the chock on a bit and turn it off after you were moving. It would run great no matter how cold it was. Not this 1300....Anybody else had this problem or have any ideas?
  20. Anyone know what the maximum lean angle is before you start dragging boards or pegs (on a 1st gen)? Thanks!
  21. I pulled my rear 2 plugs last night and looked at them just out of curiosity. They were white and looks like it is running lean. My question is, what causes this and how do I fix it? It's an '05 RSTD.
  22. Hmmmmm..... All of these posts about too much lean angle. I am always worried that my 88 V1 will tip over to the right side when parked on the side stand. What is the "correct" lean angle? When I stop I have to lean the bike to the right past the CG to get ground clearance to get the SS all of the way down. It only takes about 10 lbs of force to bring the bike up off the side stand to the CG. A 5 year old girl has no problem tipping it over on the right side with one hand. Unfortunately I learned this. When I park on the side stand I always have to pull the bike hard to the left after the SS is down to raise the suspension as much as possible. I always worry about the wind blowing it over to the right. There is almost no slop in my SS, the bolt is tight and not bent, and the SS does not appear to be bent, but I have nothing to compare it to. I do still have all original springs and shocks. Where I live I have no garage just an 8x10 steel shed and the windshield just clears the door top by less than 1/8 inch. I had to remove the pan head screw in the middle of the door frame for windshield clearance, it is that close. The bike handles and rides fine with the suspension as is, if I put in new progressive springs or raise the shock pressures, it will sit higher, and lean better, but NOT fit thru the door to my storage shed. It can not be left/kept outside overnight or the insurance co will be very unhappy with the replacement cost, and I really do not want to cut the top of the windshield or door frame either. I was debating milling off the bottom of the SS and welding a new pad on a little higher to get some more lean angle. I can also then make the pad a little bigger to help when parked on grass or very hot asphalt. (Yes I do carry a 4 inch round chunk of sheet metal for parking on soft surfaces). Anyone else ever mess with this issue?
  23. I'd been hoping I could make it at least one year before I fell over on my bike. Now I'm not talking about wrecking or having to lay it over (which I haven't yet done), I'm talking about falling over while being stopped. Well, I finally fell over yesterday with just one month to go before I had my bike for a year. And unfortunately, there were witnesses. A young friend of mine who had been a trumpet player in our church orchestra found out that I had a bike. He has two and he was in town last week so he felt we needed to go for a ride. I invited our minister of music and a couple from my Sunday School class to come along, they agreed. We were to ride from Amarillo to Palo Duro Canyon and back. Not a long ride by any means, but it sure is scenic and for me, a lot of fun. We were to meet at the Hollywood Cinema at I-27 and Hollywood, then ride east to Washington St. and south to the turn off for the canyon, picking up our minister of music along the way (he was waiting at the convenience store on the old Claude highway turn off). The decision was made by the masses that I lead the group, so after I jump-started a fellow riders shiney gold wing with my crappy old 84 VR, we headed out. We made it just past the canyon turn off when we had to stop. Our minister of music's Harley had the top steering column nut trying to rotate itself off. Luckily we had a set of sockets, so with a few quick turns we were back on the road. We went on down in the canyon and ran the entire route through the canyon. We stopped back in at the horse stables where they had a large covered area with some tables set up. It was time for a soda. I pulled in first, right up to the curb and at a slight angle to lean my bike properly into the uphill slope. Came to a complete stop, killed the engine, grabbed the front brake hard, spaced my feet properly (so I thought) and leaned forward so my wife could dismount. I don't know what went wrong after this, but it felt like she had her entire weight on the left side (uphill side) peg and was leaning outward. I couldn't hold the bike straight, it started to lean, and lean, and lean, and lean until there was absolutely no way II could recover or regroup. And down I went. Not hard, nothing got broken and I suffered no injuries, but I was thoroughly embarrassed and flustered. I promptly picked the bike back up, caught my breath and set the side stand. Now this in itself is a milestone for me as this is the largest displacement motorcycle I have ever had to pick up from being laid over. It shook the wife up a bit, she didn't fall, she was already off the bike when I fell, but she didn't like seeing me fall. Anyhow, we drank our Pepsis, chatted for a bit, then rode back into town for ice cream. Even with the fall, it was a great ride and I'm looking forward to the next outing.
  24. I recently purchased one of Don's modified center stands for my 2nd Gen. For those of you with a 2nd Gen with of these center stands: Have you noticed a significant reduction in lean angle to the left? If so, what have you done or modified to correct it? Will "pumping up" the rear and/or front shock help? Thanks in advance for your help.
  25. a couple of the plugs are black and smell of fuel,bigtime this means she running rich,right?How do you lean it out a bit?1987 1300cc What do yall recommend?
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