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Found 21 results

  1. Seems like there are ALOT of carb issue threads, so I may as well add one more. I've been wrking on my 83 which supposedly ran just fine a couple of years ago. I saved the bike from the scrap yard due to transmission issues. I upgraded to a 1300 trans and now trying to get the bike running. The carbs ended up being really really dirty, after going thru them a couple of times, the bike runs now, but I'm having an issue with a bad delay when I give it throttle coming off of idle, and then a very slow drop from 2500 rpm back down to idle. The carbs are really nice and clean inside, every passage seems very clear now. I did not mess with float levels, nor did I check them. I have sync'd the carbs using a carb stick and that went well. I did not replace anything, not even the diaphraghms because they look to be in excellent condition. The slides all dance about the same when the bike is running. No vacuum leaks at all that I can find. I've sprayed starting fluid around the intake boots and bottoms of the carbs and no leaks. Any ideas of what to look for next?
  2. I have been diligently reading all the carburetor posts and articles hoping that I would discover the secrets to remedy the problems with mine. I have only been partially successful thus far. I did find vacuum leaks between the boots from the air-box to the top of the carbs. Took it all apart, cleaned and reassembled. Started up and there was still a leak, a boot had slipped off of the carb. I have redone this process several times and the boots will not stay on top of the carbs when enough force is applied to stop the leaks. Is this a problem that is familiar to anyone?
  3. Swapped Neutral Switch, for cracked gear position switch...works perfect, no leak from here anymore....now to stop the other leaks.
  4. I have a brother that just purchased a very well taken care of '86 Goldwing. It puffs some blue smoke at cold start-up for a few seconds. He was told to try Bars Leaks engine stop leak with conditioner. He's wondering if it will mess with the clutch plates. With the wealth of knowledge on this site, maybe you'd have some comments. Thanks Ventureriders. Brian in Mankato, MN 2000 RSV
  5. In an attempt to track down any vacuum leaks, I was changing out the o-rings that go between the carb manifolds and the head. The outer screw on the left front carb boot had metal shavings on it as it came out. I am not sure if this is from a previous attempt at a repair and it is part of a helicoil coming out, or if it was just tightened too much and stripped some of the aluminum from the head. Anyhow, it will not tighten up now, and leaks oil profusely on start up. I also worry that some of this metal got into the engine since this is in an oil galley. Does anyone have a suggested way to repair this? Can I tap it out to the next size up? Help!
  6. can anyone tell me the name of the brake line conection value near the steering head. and where i may be able to fine one. it has a small rubber boot on it the size of a nickel. mine has a small leak. it only leaks if i push it w/my thumb any help would be greatly appreciated thak you. 89 vr.
  7. i have put 1200 miles on this new to me bike without any problems. The last few rides it has gotten over 60 fareheit and I have been smelling fuel. i know this is not normal because one goldiwng I had smelled like that but yet no other bike except for this one have this problem. I checke dthe vent tube in front, fuel cap is on, No visible leaks. I have sat down watching carefully while reving the throttle and no leaks. This is a bit disturbing because I start smelling like fuel. Any ideas??
  8. I am looking at purchasing a 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe, this is an upgrade from the 1982 Honda Deluxe I go back and forth to work on. My mechanical knowledge of bikes is minimal to changing oil, filter and charging battery, oh I can change light bulbs to. I have a few questions; do they make a lowering kit for it? Is there anything I should be cautious about or look for on this bike that would tell me to avoid it (other than the leaks, drips and signs of damage)? Is there some other instrument cluster you could get for it be either aftermarket or off a different model bike (just don’t care for that look)? Thanks!
  9. What are some good ways to stop a pesky bead leak? It would be nice if I could do it without having to take the wheel off the bike. If I end up having to take it off, and I'm able to break the bead free from the rim, I just clean up the bead area and apply some bead sealer. I keep looking at the green stuff and the like that get put into the tires to seal leaks. But they appear to be intended for the tread area and not for bead leaks. Any ideas? Bill
  10. If the bike isn't ridden for a couple of days one of the valves makes alot of noise, it will clear up after being ridden for awhile, I was told at the KAW shop that this was normal because since they are hydraulic, it leaks down. Would someone please tell me if he is correct. My warranty expires in Mar. and would like to have the problem taken care of, my pockets aren't that deep. Thanks and ride safe Truckin48
  11. I recently noticed several small leaks in my 07 RSTD radiator. the amount of coolant which seeps out is very small and seems to stop leaking once the bike is driven. can i add some barr's leak safely.....or please suggest other alternatives. yes the bike is under warranty should i need to take that route.
  12. My bike with 17k miles has developed a spongy clutch lever problem and bike won't go into neutral. This has all happened in less than a week. Don't see any leaks and clutch reservoir is full. Any thoughts?
  13. hi folks got a question about a fram tough guard 7317 oil filter. i have been using a walmart super tech #7317 for a while now. but yesterday i went to 2 different walmarts and they didn't have any st7317's on the shelf. i ended buying a fram t/g 7317 filter. this morning i installed this filter and started up the scoot to check for leaks. no leaks and it fit good. when i came in to record the milage in my log, i realized the regular fram filter i could have used is a #ph6017a. any one got an idea if i should go head and use this filter or take it off & replace it. i like to try different things but sure don't want to burn up a engine. reguards don c.
  14. Well i am trying to run the khrome werks exhaust again on the venture. I have made sure that it has no vacum leaks and no exhaust leaks. The pipes sound great , no backfires when shifting, but on decel a lot of pop,pop,pop. Not loud, more like a gurgle. Have also just done a carb sync. Is this just something that you have to live with when changing exhausts? P.s. - also have already sealed the small leak at exhaust y pipes. Any info would be great.
  15. I have looked and do not see how the chrome trim is removed from exhaust to check for leaks. Any ideas? I am sure i have just overlooked something
  16. I've been having a problem with my '99 Venture wandering or darting side to side when hitting uneven roads or bumps. Yamaha checked the suspension and said it looked ok. I still feel something is going on. Any advice on what could be checked to diagnosis what could be happening? How do you check the front forks for problems besides leaks. Is there a way to check the spring tension from side to side?
  17. On my 89 VR 2 of the carbs are wet with gas as far up as I can see without taking things apart. Looks like the front carb on left side and rear one on the right side, both look to be wet from the middle down. Leaks so that when on side stand it had a small puddle on the garage floor about the size of a coffee cup coaster. I drove it Saturday and overnight it piddled on the floor! Naughty Bike!!!! Any suggestions?
  18. hey i put new gaskets on mufflers where slips on. then checking them with engine running. i found the mufflers have three holes on the bottom which i thoight where drain holes . but they all three on both sides have pressure exhause leaks . is this normal .i have a 02 venture . and i am a half way self do it your self guy.
  19. hey fellow first gen riders......I amsure you have covered this a few dozen times but i am fairly new to venture bikes. my back shock holds pressure but my front leaks down. i have checked for leaks and have not found any yet. I have looked on the old post and could not find what i was looking for. Are there other things besides air leaks in the line or fittings. thanks in advance for any suggestions on this matter. On the lighter side I got to do a little riding this week and carried the better half along. She is fairly new to the experence and i think i have her a new nick name "squirmy" She will kill me when she finds out i told you guys lol. thanks for the help guys. steve:7_6_3[1]:
  20. Help!! I have an 84 Standard. I was having problems with the gas gauge , It would read full and I"d drive 30 miles and I would have less than 1/2 tank. The mechanic I go to told me it was the sending unit in the tank. I pulled it out and used a new gasket to seal it up. Wrong leaked. Took it apart and tried again. Leaked. Stopped by the local shop, Yamaha #4. Leaks. Hand cut a cork material. Leaks! Any thoughts on what will seal this up???Joe
  21. Guest

    problem shifting

    I have an 86 venture royale and early this spring I noticed that after the engine is warm my clutch lever was very spongy and the bike became hard to shift. I took it into the local yamaha shop and they bleed the clutch. It helped for one trip of 30 miles then started again. There is no visable leaks or fluid loss. I have had this bike for 2 yr. and it only has 26,000 miles on it what may be the problem. thanks for any help I can get. ross
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