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  1. Does anyone know what the failure rate is for the rear shock on the 2nd gen ventures? I have a 2004 with 30000 kms on it and the rear shock is leaking oil. Any and all advice is appreciated! Cheers!
  2. Ok so I had the coolant leak at the drain valve, so I repair that with sky_docs kit. No more leaking there. When I leave the bike sit overnight there is nothing leaking, until I start it, then it leaks a little and stops. Will not leak any more the rest of the day no matter how long it sits, or how cool the outside temp is. Did not have this leak before. Any ideas? I am going to pull the lower chin fairing off tomorrow before I start it to see where it is coming from. has anyone had this happen before?
  3. hello all after i put the carbs on from pinwell my stator caskit started leaking so bad i had to replace it when i put oil back in and ran it for a minite or so to ck the oil leavel when i opened the oil filler screw air pressure released i have never seen that before i cked the carnk case beather hose to see if kinked did not see any and now my valve cover gaskit is leaking so bad i sill can not ride it the dealer just adj the valves so gong back to them to fix leak and put on a stator gaskit it is sill leaking also is that normal bumble bee 1999 rsv
  4. i went a few weeks ago to help a young member with his 96 royal star 28mm carbs. got it to run better, but while checking out the float levels the drains screws wouldn't stop leaking. i was going to help him out after i got back from ohio, but he took it to a shop where the guy who owns and does the work. he worked on it and got it running good but when josh took it home it started leaking gas out the overflow again. he took it back and they worked on it again and said the carbs are right, but the gas is boiling in the carbs at about 100 dregees and causing the carbs to overflow. i was wondering if anybody else had heard of this before. i have worked on about 30 of these bikes and never ran into this at all. terry is the guy working on it and i invited him to come on and post on here and see if anybody can help him out. terry's two wheels is the name of his shop and i have sent several friends there that has bmw's as he is really good on them. he also works on several other brands of bikes including a couple of police harlies, hondas and bmws. i'll keep an eye out on this and let him know what to look for when he comes on the site.
  5. i get the bike running great again now after the test ride i am leaking oil real bad under nith running down the kickstand and spraying oil all over lt side of bike onto the wheel all i did was chang the carbs the oil leavel is only half way in the sight glass so not over full any ideas as to what might me leaking frustated bumbkle bee 1999 rsv
  6. I have a 2000 Royal Star Venture and I have a leak that is making me crazy. Yamahas are not supposed to leak. It forms a pool on the lower shock and drips. I recently changed the clutch fluid. Is this the slave cylander leaking?
  7. I'm getting a little oily on the bottom of my speedo cable. What could be leaking from that? Any particular fix suggested? Here's a pic. http://db.tt/LkvwHh7f
  8. Is anyone out there loaning/renting a valve shim kit? I can't verify that the PO ever checked the valves and one of the cover gaskets seems to be leaking, so I might as well pull it apart and make sure. Thanks in advance, Iz
  9. Hello everyone! Our bike did not pass the safety test because of an exhaust leak... I took it apart, it was leaking BIG at the rear cylinders which I fixed with new seals and a good cleanup. Then it was leaking at the 6 joints around the collector box... I tried the copper sleeves recommended on VR.org but couldn't get it to fit right so I went to our local Yammy dealer and bought the six OEM seals. It all fit so well together, but still leaks at the two joints at the front and the two heading out to the tail pipes. GRRRRRRRR I can't plate it and ride it if it ain't passed safety. How can I seal these joints if a new seal isn't doing it? I've wire brushed the whole collector box and it looks real good. No leaks, no cracks, no black marks, I even painted it silver with high-heat paint so I could see if and where it's leaking... the box is not leaking. But the joints, with new seals is still leaking. HELP, please, please, please.
  10. Any one ever replace a clutch line ?? any thing special to be aware of?? Foundm a leak in mine thought it was the slavce cylinder (lost the clutch) but line leaking never replaced one and can't find any thing specific on it but seams pretty straight forward.
  11. HELP!!!! you dont know how luckly we are to 1st ride a RSTD and to have a site like this, with people who will help you with yr situations. (well almost anything). I have a 06 RSTD 82k the AIS has oil leaking from around the the AIS Box?? Help????? what can I do to fix the situation. I have never removed it . But need to be cleaned and stop the oil. thanks,,
  12. ok. so im leaking oil from the top of the left side case cover. its spraying onto floorboard, not cool. i figure while i have it off, i might as well replace stator. should i go with a Ricks? or someone else. also, which gaskets am i going to need. the parts fiche is a little vague. should i do the r/r also? which vendor for that? any help would be appreciated. thanks.
  13. I have a small oil leak. Attaching a few pics. The leak is coming what looks like a connector coming from just above the exhaust and the back side of the engine. There is a hose connected to this but it is leaking at the point it comes out of the engine. Sorry for the lack of technical expertise and hope the pictures explain what I have a hard time putting into words!!
  14. Is there anyone in northern Indiana that rebuilds forks. (83 venture)I hit a man hole and now my right fork is leaking from the bottom. What is a good price for this to be done.
  15. Help!!! I am supposed to be taking a long trip starting tomorrow and my 07 is leaking Antifreeze. There are a couple small drips coming from the rear finned cylinder cover on the left side. I removed the cover and found where it appears to be coming from. But I have no clue what it is. It appears to be a 4th screw hole towards the bottom of the cylinder. I guess it could've blown from somewhere else, but it sure doesn't look like it. - There are no other Antifreeze trails except below it. Have any of you seen this before or have any ideas what is going on? Craigr
  16. Hello, I am leaking oil (not just a few drops) on the Right Side of motor, from in front of where the Clutches are... there is a cover that say's YAMAHA...it is leaking from under that area. I cleaned the area, went for a ride... and now had a "smear" of on the underside of whatever cover that is...smearing over the clutch cover...and can see oil marks on my leather luggage... all on Right side of bike HELP! What is that cover? What is under it... Is it a function of replacing a gasket?
  17. I noticed coolant leaking from the left rear cylinder... http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-28_16-40-52_203.jpg I removed the side cover from the cylinder and found this brass looking plug leaking coolant. What is it, and how do I fix it? http://i868.photobucket.com/albums/ab243/BriRit/2011-03-28_16-45-54_601.jpg
  18. Found a hole in my family room ceiling and what looks like "PYGMIE PEE" leaking out of it. You missing one of them little boogers ?....
  19. OK, the 29 Year old, Honda CX -500 sitting in my garage, started leaking fuel from the tank last night. Seeping fuel at the lower edge of the tank. Anyway, don't want to put a lot of money into this thing, for a new tank. I see on the web, there a re several products on the market for makeing fuel tank repairs. Anybody here have any experience with any of the fuel tank leak repair products ?? IF so I'm all " Ears " as they say. Any reccomendations, or horror stories ?? Thanks for any tips
  20. I have a 07 venture that i purchased new in 08, it has 40,000 miles on it and realy like this bike. Problem is that i have already had in the shop twice to fix water getting in the final drive and now the head gaskets are leaking. I know it is under warranty but this has me concerned for the future. Did i get a lemon or are there others with same problems?
  21. i just had a shift pin put in i have oil leaking on the lfet side if bike were can i get gaskets from
  23. After putting the carbs back on in the process of rebuilding after the second gear repair, a couple of them are leaking slightly out of the drain hoses. The drain screws are fairly tight (don't want to over tighten). Any tips/thoughts on how to stop the drips? Amazing how a little gas can stink out the whole garage... driving the Mrs nuts. Other than the leaking carbs, so far no other leaks that I can see ... fingers crossed. TIA
  24. Hi all, I have a 2005 RSV that started leaking oil from the right exhaust pipe today. It's been sluggish on occasion until the bike gets warmed up. Today it seemed extra sluggish and doggy starting from a stop sign. I parked it in the garage, went in the house for a half hour or so and came out to see a 4" by 2" puddle of oil on the floor underneath the right pipe. Any ideas on what it could be? I'm under warranty until 2/2011. I use Rotella synthetic and purolator pure one filter. Will these cause me any issues for warranty work if I bring it in? Thanks
  25. Just when you think all is going good....you start leaking fuel. My '86 has always averaged about 32 mpg. With a trip coming up I wanted to improve that and so I did the needle shim mod about 3 weeks ago and got an improvement to 38-40 mpg. All was well!!! The next tank I dropped to 35-36 mpg and shortly after I started to get wiffs of gas when I stopped but never had any signs of leaking under the bike. I also notice a little bit of vibration in the bike. So, I got out the carbtune and did a sync. Things were a little better but still get a gas smell here and there. Started thinking - stuck float. Last night I put the bike on the center stand and started looking for the leak and was getting a few drops under the bike in front of the rear tire. I removed the side panels and gave each carb a thwack with the but end of a screwdriver. No change. Gave the bike a rest and came back to it 20 minutes later and repeated the procedure but this time when I popped #3 I suddenly got an evening out of the idle and a slight reduction in rpms. Turn the bike off...no more drips. This morning I ride to work, park and suddenly get the smell of gas.. shooooot. I get off and has a dollar bill size spot under the bike. I just got back from Wally World where I purchased SeaFoam and dumped a full can into a just new tank of gas and a short ride to get it in the carbs. Smaller puddle when I parked it this time but still there. I guess we'll see how it does parked in the warmth with SeaFoam in the carbs for the day. Could something else be the culprit here... diaphram issue or needle come loose? OH The frustration!!!
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