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Found 9 results

  1. When I bought my 83VR in December I had no idea what oil was being used in it. I changed it using 20w50 Valvoline regular motorcycle oil. I would like to chance to synthetic oil. In the past when I tried to use synthetic oil in cars that had some miles on them they leaked oil quite badly. My 83 has 48000 miles in it. Do you think it would be safe to go to synthetic?
  2. I bought a new Barons V4 Water Pump Cover and replaced the stock cover, using a new o-ring, and it leaked when starting. I tightened it down more but still leaked. So I got another new o-ring and reinstalled again today, making sure I got it seated properly. After torquing per the book (7.2 ft/lb) and refilling radiator, it leaked again. I tightened the screws down a bit more (10 ft/lb) & it still weeps. I've got 1 more o-ring left so am thinking of putting the stock piece back on again. Just wondering if anyone else with this V4 cover had any leaks? And wondering how tight do I dare torque those bolts in? Also, what's the normal water temp if the bike's been sitting at idle for 5 minutes?
  3. I was out running my VR83 and stopped for ice cream,When I came out I noticed an oil leak under my bike.My bike never leaked anything.I did not think about it untill I got home.As soon as I turned it off,oil poured out from the middle of the kick stand area.It stopped after a few secs.I started it and it did not leak at all.Turned it off and leaked repeated its self.I have not investigated yet.Does anyone have any ideas where I should be looking?Thanks all....Ray:confused:
  4. Since official Informations about the 2010 VMAX showed up recently, in Fact the Bike seems to stay untouched with Exception of the Color(candy Red), Rumours about the 2011 Model leaked out somewhere ... I won't say anything else than ....
  5. Here it is guys & gals... Yamaha leaked their "prototype" !
  6. The other day b4 I left home my wife and I were pulling out of an ice cream parlor in town. Stupid me thought the bike was in 1st gear but as I pulled out I realized it was in 2nd. This made for a slower start and a wobble. As I looked back and saw a car approaching quickly,I decided to stop. I must have grabbed too much front brake and the bike went over onto the left crash bar only,with my wife still sitting on the bike. She qickly got off so I could pick it up ,and as I did I noticed a puddle of anti-freeze on the ground the size of a 50cent piece. I couldn't see any damage and no idiot light ever came on. I proceeded to drive home aprox.4 mi. with no issues and haven't started it since. Question: Is there sometype of overflow that could have leaked the fluid? Or is there no way this should have leaked any fluid unless I broke or damaged something. Thx in advance for all your input on this. Cap:bang head:
  7. Now that I'm going thru the process of cleaning the carbs with seafoam its time to tackle problem # 2: Brakes Before I took the 84 off the road last year the brakes were spongie and leaked fluid. Now the fluid leaked out somehwere on the handlebar down the side of the fairing. In reading the posts it looks like the next step is to break it all down and flush and clean the entire system First question: do I start high and work towards the back of the bike? When removing the hand lever/resovoir, what's the best way to clean it all? is there some kind of solvent. I read blowing out with air is good too Thanks in advance Jim
  8. Greetings all! I need some expert advise. Two days ago Mama & I dropped the 07 RSV (first time) No one was hurt & nothing was damaged. I didn't realize that they only went over so far. I'd guess about 45 degrees before the crash bars save the day. Anyway a passer by helped me get her back on the kickstand. She sure is heavy! Some gas leaked out while she was on her side. I believe it came from the hose connected to the carbs. I started her up and we rode home with no apparent problems. Yesterday I went out to ride, started her up and let her run for a minute. Gas started leaking out below the radiator and inside the left cowling below the air cleaner. Seems to be coming from the hose from the carbs. It only leaked when the RSV was running. I was able to get it to my dealer. He just called me and said that nothing was loose. They blew out something connected with the carbs &/or floats and said it no longer leaks. They said it was probably bad gas and that I need a carb cleaning which runs about $350.00 for the RSV. I have about 7,300 miles on her now. I bought her used with about 5,800 miles on her. Is this normal for this bike? Is there something I can do before I commit to the carb cleaning ? I'm planning an 800 mile trip soon & I don't want any problems. Any & all help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance, DNB
  9. Help!! I have an 84 Standard. I was having problems with the gas gauge , It would read full and I"d drive 30 miles and I would have less than 1/2 tank. The mechanic I go to told me it was the sending unit in the tank. I pulled it out and used a new gasket to seal it up. Wrong leaked. Took it apart and tried again. Leaked. Stopped by the local shop, Yamaha #4. Leaks. Hand cut a cork material. Leaks! Any thoughts on what will seal this up???Joe
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