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  1. I hadn't ridden my 83 VR for a couple weeks due to extreme temps outside. I checked the oil and it was fine, rode to the store with no problems, but got hit with a slew of LCD displays on the way home. The kickstand, brake, oil and headlight pictographs are all on constantly, and the red warning light flickers brighter the faster I rev. I got home and rechecked oil- ok. Lights all operate, charging system at around 14 when running, temp in the mid green, resevoir at proper level. Brake and clutch fluids all clean and full. Runs like a top but I'm worried it's gonna die on me or I will harm the engine. I checked it cold also and have same problem, even without starting the engine. When it runs thru the power-up checks, those LCDs just stay on. Could it be a bad ground in the LCD panel? I read a thread about the repair, but wasn't clear on the symptoms that prompted it.
  2. You have to love Best Buy. 4 years ago I bought a 52" LCD Sony Bravia. I had their "Black Tie" warranty. It developed a green line 4" from the edge (not really bad) which would go away after 40 minutes. They can't get the replacement part from Sony for 2 months so the GAVE me a NEW 55" LED Sony Bravia Internet TV FREE!!! because Sony doesn't make 52" LCD tvs anymore.
  3. i took my class apart today to re-solder the pins and to my surprise this has been done several times before i thought something was funny when i looked at the case and it has several cracks in it so dug deeper and a complete and utter mess i have burn marks on the board at just about every diode resister and capacitor LCD display was burnt and a trail of liquid dripping on the board from the LCD display i have no air in suspension anyone know where i can get a new/used class at a reasonable price checked flea-bay no luck and is there an easy way to put air valves on this so i could manually put air in
  4. 2009 RSV (Canadian version)... hadn't noticed anything "missing" until a recent post by a UK member showing that their speedometer showed MPH on the glass display and the LCD displayed KPH. Mine only has KPH on the glass display and the LCD is blank. Question for Canadian (bike originally sold in Canada, and not US import) bike owners... does your speedometer show anything other than the needle on the LCD ? Is yours the same as mine or like the one in http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showpost.php?p=695026&postcount=18 Mine is like attached. General question - is there a button combination (reset/select) to toggle the display?
  5. First off... I have a 2009 RSV. I have really grown to love this bike (finally), although I still have a few minor complaints. But I am having an electrical issue that is DRIVING ME NUTS (kinda). The audio controller locked up after only having the bike for about 3 months. None of the buttons or switches worked at that time. I believe when it happened the FIRST time...I did something with the CB switch and it started working again, but that was about a year ago now. It happened one other time...very similar...turning the bike all the way (turning the KEY all the way off) and then back on...made the unit work. Now today, while on a 200 mile ride...the audio cutout, and when I looked at the audio controller, the HEADPHONES icon was on (top right corner of controller)...AND the controller was going dim, then blank, then back on again. So I thought maybe it could be a loose wire or power issue. I pulled off the road, turned the key/bike off...turned it back on and it worked fine again. Started riding again, and the AUDIO STAYED PERFECT...but the LCD on the controller started getting dim and disappearing and then coming back clear...the AUDIO STAYED PERFECT during the time the LCD kept dimming and disappearing. So now I am thinking it is a defective controller or something since the Audio did work even when the LCD was blank. Problem is that now it's working again and...most of you know how hard it is to FIX SOMETHING THAT AIN'T BROKE!!! Anyone else have this malady going on... Wally
  6. The difficulty separating the plugs was overcome by using WD40 and all the CMU wire connectors looked good but I sprayed them with electrical cleaner anyway. I now have the LCD display out of the CMU. Could a blown fuse be the cause of no LCD display? The warning light is the only thing that lights up when the ignition is on. Looked at this thread on the CMU removal and soldering on a MK1: http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=33328 Hopefully it is the same as doing it on a MK2. Is it the strips indicated that need to be soldered or the connections (bumps)?
  7. Someone here posted about a LCD dash for the 1st gens tryed the search , did not work , anybody know where it is ? i have found a few for m/c but they are too small to see , only 4 in. across . is it possible to remove a small lcd screen and install a larger one ? i would like to get rid of the cms and use LCD plus i have a 75 Lincoln i am installing a PC in and would like to use this http://www.fusioncontrolcentre.com/FusionStore//catalog/index.php to connect the speedo , oil and temp senders , elec window and lites too the PC . Anybody know if there is software to do this ? i can get lcd the rite size but i am short on brains and long on want ! Dumb Thom -- but i can fix RVs and trailer bike well !!
  8. Need some opinions PLEASE My wife would like a 40" LCD flat panel tv to mount above the mantle on our fireplace . What brand would you suggest? I started researching LCD's and the information varies depending on what site I look at. Which LCD brands do you prefer and what retailer, internet included, had the best deal? Dave
  9. OK, 1985 Venture Royale, 46,000 miles Battery level lcd always shows indication and red light flashes. I have tried the resister (1.1 and 2.2), taken the dash apart and checked all solder connections on the first board, cleand all connectors. Still shows indication. All other lcd indicators function properly. The only thing that I noticed on the board was that the solder for a black transister looked a little funky, all others looked good. I resoldered the connection to board joints anyways to ensure that thy were good. Ideas?
  10. I found this to be pretty interesting.... helmet with military style lcd display..."the idea is based on "Head Up Display" systems used by fighter pilots..." http://edition.cnn.com/2004/TECH/09/16/piers.tucker/index.html Some of you may have seen it already as it was posted in 2004 on cnn. Funny thing is the article claims within five years (in 2009) the helmet should be accessible to us common folk. I wonder if progress has been made on this?
  11. Is your speedo different? Is it KMH up top (printed) and MPH below in the LCD part? Or is it the reverse like the US model.
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