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  1. I looked for a while and could never find a video of an off the line launch of the RSTD so I decided to make one awhile back in case someone else was curious. I know it’s not a rocket but I wanted to see what she would do nothing crazy, didn't dump the clutch or anything just seeing how it would compare before and after mods. Right now the only thing done to it is a set of BUB's but it seems quicker than the numbers I have been reading. So after I install the Dyna 3000 and V-Max swap I will post another video to see if there is any noticeable difference. If anyone knows of similar videos please feel free to share. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghLRHZCXTW4]Royal Star Tour Deluxe Launch - YouTube[/ame]
  2. Just recieved my insurance renewal. Hard to believe They INCREASED it $200.00 over last years to $900.00 for the year. This is for $1,000,000.00 public liability ONLY .(No collision. No personal Injury. No loss). How in the world can they justify such legalized highway ROBBERY. And this is through RIDERS PLUS who are supposed to be motorcycle friendly. I am convinced that there is a secret agenda by the Government of Canada and the Insurance Companey's to rid the world of Motorcycles. Am I ticked off .....you bet I am. I think its long past due that All Motorcyclists launch a MAJOR PROTEST.
  3. LOL!! http://www.bitoffun.com/video_vault/boat-launch-fun.htm
  4. I took a road trip to Augusta, Ga. and back this weekend (2 1/2 hrs one way). the bike has been running fine. While there I got rained on for a few minutes. But, on the way back it developed a little accleration ( I hesitate to call it a problem) more like an accleration surprise. While acclerating at cruising speed all of a sudden it would sputter a little bit then launch with a sudden burst of power that would lift the front wheel off the ground and launch the bike forward like it had NOS and someone flipped the switch. .......OMG was my first reaction. Thinking it might be carbureation on the next fill up I bought a can of seafoam and poured 1/2 a can in the tank to see I could clear out whatever partial blockage was in the carbs. Evidently there is some unrealized power potential in this bike I haven't witnessed before and I would like to figure out why and harness it full time. Today, riding to work and back I tried to duplicate the experience everytime I had some accleration room ahead of me so that I could watch what was going on closely. Everytime I was acclerating in any gear and the RPMs reached 4500 to 5000 it would launch up 1000 to 1500 rpm with an incrediable boost of power and seemed to keep going untill I backed off of the throttle. Does anyone know what might be causing this?
  5. This is the LAST shuttle launch. Looks like an "estimated" July 8 launch date? Causeway tickets should go on sale (lottery) shortly after Endeavour lands Wednesday. Anyone interested in going? Would like To pool resources as far as acquiring causeway tickets. Steve and I are both entering the lottery to double our chances to get tickets. We could increase our chances if we increased our base? PM me if you are interested. Joe That is unless of course, we know someone with some with pull, that could get us in another way:whistling:
  6. Here's the link: http://web.venue365.com/ksc/index.jsp?ic_campID=4&ic_pkw=GH_STS134_Feb211 registration is only open for a few more days... currently targeted for Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at 7:48 p.m. ET. I'm hoping for: NASA Causeway: Admission ticket* to Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex and a Launch Transportation Ticket to view the launch from the NASA Causeway. You can purchase up to 6 tickets per transaction... Anyone else interested in going?
  7. Hi folks.. hoping someone out there who has intimate knowledge of this can help me out.. My buddy and I are always looking for excuse to ride the slab and this year we decided that if the timings worked out great we would make a run down the I95 from Houlton Maine all the way down to Florida to catch one of the Shuttle or rocket launches from the 'where ever it is called that they launch stuff into space from".. the name of the place escapes me right now.. too cold, too much snow.. However, we're the type that hates getting lost in a huge thick throngs of a crowd and were wondering if there is a location we could aim for to the north of where the launches are that you could still see the rocket's red glare, sounds and maybe some of the vibrations.. We're thinking that because everyone and their dogs are going to be crowding the general area with the same idea of taking in a launch, we would lodge a few hours to the north, ride south, see the event, and mosey on back to the north where we lodged for the evening.. If you've been to see a launch, and know of a location north of the launch pad, that would allow a couple of Canucks to ride in, view the launch and escape from the thick crowds, please do drop me a line.. Failing that, if you know of a better idea, let me know.. How's THAT for an excuse for the first BIG ride of the season =)
  8. Four questions. Where's the best place to get one? What size do I need? 2007 second gen. Whats the best MC front tire to use with the Kumho? (I like the dunlop 404) or will the dunlop elite II or III going to get me that much better milage? I have 3/16 tread left on the Dunlop 404 rear and 5/32 on a Dunlop 404 front. Am heading to Florida in April to watch the launch... about a 3000 mi ride down and back... So don't think they are gonna make it the whole way...
  9. Was reading posts about meet and eats and it struck me that Sleeperhawks Feb 26,2011 11:00 am meet at QuakerState would fit in nicely with my run to watch the "Last Scheduled" launch of the space shuttle Endeavour on 2/27/2011 3:35 PM. it's just 522 miles away from Greenville, SC. So if one traveled at least 6 hrs (300 mile) after the M&E Saturday, they would be within a 4 hour (200 mile) ride to the launch site. Anyone else interested?
  10. Just got back from my trip to view the latest shuttle launch. I did my first Iron Butt trip leaving thursday from Houston to the Kennedy Space Center to view Launch on Friday. Went 1056 miles in 16 hrs. Great weather for the ride over, met along the way with some fellow Houston riders on Goldwings. Venture rode fine as always, seat did great with Rick Butlers mod. Only lost a highway light by a rock on the way back. Got a little wet on the ride back thru Baton Rouge, and was hot getting back into Texas. Have cleaned the bike and ready to go out again. Here are a few pics of the launch.
  11. Smoke-Free Wisconsin supporters that is. http://www.holdingourbreathwi.com/ http://www.facebook.com/pages/Holding-Our-Breath-For-a-Smoke-free-WI/61896496426
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