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  1. I just got home from a vacation in Las Vegas. We had a good time, although our hotel wasnt that great. Matter of fact it was pretty bad. We stayed at Ballys, and the rooms/hotel were in need of remodeling BADLY. So anyway, it got me to thinking, whats the best place to stay? Lets hear what you guys think and why!
  2. We're flying out to Las Vagas Monday AM with Brother-in-law and his wife, we've never been there and they've been there enough to have our rooms comped for the week. We're using sky miles for the flight and a comped hotel so the whole up-front cost is less than $200 for all 4 of us. Realistically, it should cost about that much per day per person so it looks like I've got a lot of spare cash to use for ?? One thing we definitely going to do is a day trip to the Canyon, going to take a bus and let somebody else worry about traffic. Nope, not gonna walk out on that glass thingy - I get nervous just looking over the edge of a hill - Most likely this will be the last thing said about the trip because everybody knows that what happens in Vegas - - - -
  3. Anybody know where I can get an antenna and bracket? Mine broke las t week while doing a 400 mile run thru Michigan. Thanks
  4. If the salvage price is reasonable, I may want to buy my VR back from the insurance co. The key is finding someone who could take possession of it in Las Vegas, then maybe between several members could help ferry it back to Buckley WA where it could serve as a parts VR for my 89 VR. Please let me know if you can help or know of someone.
  5. Went down near Tonopah NV. last Tuesday 19th of June. I lost control of the VR. Broken right ribs, right collar bone, left hand and wrist. some rear road rash. no head, neck, back nor leg injuries. Oh ya, right lung punchured. My beautiful 91 VR with 9200 miles is totaled. Hand & wrist surgury done. I should be getting out of the UMC, Las Vegas in 2 days. Vacation started great on sat 16th june, ride down from Buckley Wa. Leaving Las Vegas monday morning for Vacaville where my daughter is an RN, Will spend a a few weeks there to heal up before taking the drive back to Buckley. Looking for ideas to get the highest value for my 91 VR, It was like it just rode off the show room floor. It was that nice.
  6. There is a chance that I could be riding to the Las Vegas Area around 19 June to 2nd of July. I would like to ride to the Grand Canyon area and into maybe a bit south, kind of want to experience the Arizona landscape. Question 1) How do you ride in the heat, yet still have adiquate protective riding gear. My riding gear consist of Tour Master Transition 2 Jacket with the matchinig Tour Master Venture Pants. Obviously I'll remove the thermal and waterproof lining and have all the jacket and pants air vents open. I also have the Clearview shield with the air vent. Will being lots of bottled water. Question 2) Leaving Las Vegas I would like to ride thru Death Valley going towards Sauramento. But leaving Las Vegas means that I would be going into Death Valley late morning. My 91 MKII gets the normal 40 mpg +or - 2 mpg depending on how I twist the throttle. Being that it looks pretty straight and flat I'm thinking that I should be getting the plus 1 or 2 mpg at about 65 mph. Where are the gas stops? Would I really need to bring an extra gallon of gas? Most of my life I've been able to handle heat better than the average, and not normally a complainier of uncomfortable environments. Except I do complain of high humidity. I just want to ride safe and would appreciate your heat riding experience advise. Also if there are any members that would like to take me on some local rides, I'd be open to that.
  7. Any stops worth while on Route 66 from Las Vegas to the Grand Canyon?
  8. Has anyone rode the route from Seattle WA to Las Vegas NV. Via (Seattle, Yakima, Kennewick, Bosie, Twin Falls, Las Vegas). Might be taking a ride around the June / July time frame. Whats the gas station situation like between Twin Falls Idaho to Las Vegas NV. I'd love to try that 1000 Butt ride thing, but probably won't for I'd probably fall asleep riding. My wife said she won't ride that far looking directly into the back of my helmet or constantly turning from side to side. She'll go by air. That be fine with me for I can make better time. Less potty brakes and rest stops.
  9. If anyone is interested, I just got around to placing our 2011 trip photos into one link on my website. We travelled a from Central KY along a northerly route to coasts of Oregon and Northern CA. We went south to Monterey an then east to Yosemite. From there we dropped down to Las Vegas and returned across I40. The photos are posted at: http://www.traynorphoto.com/wc2011 The SPOT track can be viewed at: http://spotwalla.com/tripViewer.php?id=2fd74df6c9a6b12d4 The two wives along on the trip flew into Portland, OR and back out of Las Vegas. Dennis
  10. We're going to stop in Las Vegas for one night on our way back from the west coast this summer. We want to take in a show that night and are not sure what to see. We are thinking about Celine Dion or Terry Fator. If you could only see one show what would it be? Dennis
  11. Because I am the Chairman for the Motorcycle event and a big fan of VENTURERIDER you all get first hand knowledge of what’s going on and before this event hits the Nation wide Media blitz on May 15th and the hotel prices go up then get scarce. So if you’re going to make it to Las Vegas for this event book early. Some of the entertainment for this event are Carrie Underwood and Kid Rock are slated to perform. Just too mention a couple. The party after the ride will be big Ladies and Gentlemen. As Mentioned before September 11, 2011 marks the 10th year anniversary of the tragic events that fell upon our nation. To honor all that have been affected, I am proud to announce a spectacular memorial, "A Decade of Remembrance September 11, 2001-2011. A three day event that will link east coast to west coast via multiple media. This is expected to be one of the largest events to ever occur in Las Vegas. Here are some of the events that are going to take place over the 3 day event. 9-9-11 opening ceremonies with car show in the historic down town Las Vegas. 9-10-11 Motorcycle run down the Las Vegas strip to Russell then to highway 15 back to Las Vegas Motor speedway for a really big party. A 9.11k race and 1 mile fun walk. There is also a 91.1 k bicycle ride and Horses for Heroes Family day. On the 11th of September Heroes Processional then a Gala event on the evening of 9-11-2011 and not to mention all of the memorabilia that is being made such as coins, cups, t-shirts. pins just to mention a few. So I hope you will attend at least the west coasters the east coasters can hit NEW YORK....................Ron http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/184917_168905709823185_159022570811499_341940_3131757_n.jpg
  12. Las Vegas will be the site of one of the largest remembrances for the events of 9/11. 10 years ago our country was attacked. We came together as a country during those times and have slowly drifted apart since. Please click the link to this page and click like. It will continue to provide you with updates as the events are announced. Lets come back together as a country and remember. Please share this with all your friends. This is going to be a great event for a great cause. If you are looking for a great place to vacation HERE IT IS. VEGAS baby. This will be one heck of an event for Bikers. The bike run will be down the strip and to the Las Vegas motor speedway for a great party on 9-10-11 that’s on Sat. There is a parade down the strip on Sunday the 11th. A car show and a horse show. If you have always wanted to be part of something this is your chance. You need to register for the run to get all the goodies. This will have a New York / Las Vegas simulcast. THIS IS HUGE..................Ron http://www.facebook.com/pages/911-A-Decade-of-Remembrance/159022570811499?sk=wall&filter=2 https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fueled-by-the-Fallen-Memorial-Race-Car-Team/9857964895?ref=ts http://www.fueledbythefallen.org/
  13. :wow:LAS VEGAS — Las Vegas police are looking for an armed casino bandit who escaped on a motorcycle with perhaps $2 million worth of gambling chips from the posh Bellagio hotel-casino. Police Lt. Clinton Nichols told The Associated Press the robbery happened quickly. He says the bandit wore a full-face motorcycle helmet as he displayed a gun in a casino pit area then demanded chips and sped away on Flamingo Road on a black sport-style motorcycle. Detectives are reviewing video and camera images of the robbery that occurred just before 4 a.m. Tuesday at the Las Vegas Strip resort. No shots were fired and no one was injured. My question now would be - how the heck do you get ride of those chips - the person must have a lot of friends - LOL.
  14. The time is almost here. I have the whole month of July off and taking my new tent trailer and off I go to Las Vegas. My route down is planned but of course open to different sights as the days progress. My route home I will be winging it thru Texas to the ocean then to New Orleans. From there I have no idea yet. Stay safe everyone and I hope to keep checking in.
  15. Hello all, I am soon to be planning my first long ride of this sort. I'll be leaving Toronto, Canada on Sat. July 3rd. and checking into a condo in Las Vegas on Sun July 11th for a week then returning to Toronto for Sun July 25th (Yes this is the time frame as the International Rally, so I will be missing it) I will be riding down on my own, and my wife will be flying down to Las Vegas for the week and I will be on my own for the ride home. I have just purchased a leesurlite tent trailer that I will be towing down for my nightly sleeping while on the road. ( I do not have possession of the trailer yet for any pictures) One of my many questions would be; roads, or sights that would be regretable for me to miss out on. Just looking at the maps it would look like the following States would be the most straight forward route: Michigan Ohio Indiana Illinois Missouri Kansas Colorado New Mexico Arizona Nevada The route home I was hoping to take a different way which may include different States. Any thoughts, suggestions or ideas, would be greatly appreciated as I soon want to start planning my route. Thanks Dave Dogman
  16. We stayed in las vegas for 2 days sorry no pics. We wandered around lost a couple hundred and had a good time. there are to many people going 90mph for my taste. While walking down the strip with my wife and son there were lines of small brown people shoving business card in my face for other types of slot machines. the side walk was covered with these cards they all had pictures of ladys in their birthday suits. I guess I am just a country hick because I have never seen anything quite like that before. There must be a hundred thousand cars for sale there. There were lots of buildings under construction but nobody was working on them I guess the money just ran out.
  17. Are there any members in Las Cruces that can check out a 2000 Venture for me? I am ready to move on this bike but would prefer an opinion from one of the members who can check it out first hand. I have been told by a long time member of this group that fellow guys and ladies can be trusted for their experience and willingness to help. I am ready to buy this bike and start riding with the group. I will figure out how to get it back to Corpus Christi, Texas once I determine this is the bike for me. PM me or feel free to call at 361.946-0685 Thanks in advance for your help. Mike
  18. Some folks may find this interesting.... Always fun to look at some of the old scoots... Las Vegas Motorcycle Auction this weekend. MCAUCTION#1 AUCTION#2 AUCTION#3
  19. I am wondering how many members we have in Vegas or Daytona. I am a regular visitor in Vegas, and I am starting planning on a Daytona bike week visit. I would love to get the chance to meet some more members. If any of you would like to meet up, or would be willing to give me some local info, that would be great. I will be in Las Vegas November 6 - 13. Without bike however. I always have planned to ride in Vegas, but alas it has not happened as of yet. Hope to hear from someone! Sonny
  20. Hey Everyone! As our riding season will soon begin to experience a chilly slow-down here in Utah, a few of us (couples mostly) are trying to plan one more overnight ride before the snow begins to fly in these parts. Last year around mid-October, we road up to Yellowstone Natl. Park. While that was a fun time, it got pretty cold and wet. Afterall, that's what happens in the Rocky Mountain's in October. We probably want to go sometime around the end of this October. This year, we thought that we would take a day or two and ride South down to Las Vegas and catch a performance of the Blue Man Group. I have already seen them on TV and on-line, and have heard that their live shows are awesome. So, that should fun. This is what we're looking for - the best deals there in Vegas that I can find. Either a package deal with a room at the Venitian along with the show, or perhaps an inexpensive hotel and some discounted show tickets from someplace. The hotel doesn't need to be anything more than a place to sleep. But, we do want someplace which is clean, comfortable and which is an unquestionably safe to park our bikes (and our bodies) at night. Can anyone offer us some suggestions? Thanks for the help! Be Safe! Pete & Sandy
  21. Rick & Marilyn on Wednesday 02-13-08 at 7:30pm at STEINER'S 8168 Las Vegas Blvd south. It is pretty easy to get too! http://www.mapquest.com/maps/map.adp?formtype=address&country=US&popflag=0&latitude=&longitude=&name=&phone=&level=&addtohistory=&cat=&address=8168+las+vegas+blvd+south&city=las+vegas&state=NV&zipcode= Turn your volume down for there web site. http://steinerspub.com/ Hope some of you can make it. I reserved enough space for a cozy gathering of a 100 or so.:rotf: I just need to get a idea of how many can make it so I can let them know and if you just show up I am sure we can make room.. So no need to be bashful get there or be left out of a GREAT GET TOGETHER...............................................Ron
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