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  1. Got my lift adapter home today and I'm very pleased with it... Great work Larry!! Many thanks!
  2. I bought a set of arm rests from Larry for my '09 RSV. Larry shipped them same day he received payment and I received them about 6 days later (in Canada). Had a minor issue with alignment and went to Larry's to work it out together. He has his triked so it fit a little different but Larry resolved it same day and even took me out for dinner ! On the ride home (about 350km), my girlfriend commented on how comfortable it was. She's happy... so I'm happy ! I've gotten several items from Larry (Stebel horn bracket and wiring, lift adapter with legs) and as usual, the items are top quality with great support. While at Larry's I also picked up the engine guard braces. Here's the mandatory pics :
  3. Wishing all VR members here a safe & happy New Year. Hope to see many of you this coming riding season at various events. Larry
  4. Said goodby to the best bike I've ever owned this week. BUT those tears are going to be short lived as I've already have a replacement lined up and will be picking it up next weekend. Larry
  5. Just got back from visiting Larry and Joyce, and Ragtop69 as well. Larry looks good considering and it was great to see him stand up! I was expecting on seeing him still in bed but he is up and around, using a walker for anything more than a step or 2 but that's just for protection and security for trips to the bathroom, etc. It's hard to keep a good man down! Of course his ribs and shoulder still hurt but the redness from his scrapes and bruises is getting better. Sure was good to see the old coot and spend some time with him!! Right now the biggest issue for him is the boredom! I know EXACTLY how he feels having been thru it myself where you are injured or recovering from something and you feel OK enough to get out of bed and move around, but you aren't healthy enough to do things around the house, etc. You know he wants to get out in the garage and putter around but can't yet! So needless to say he was really glad to see us as so were we to see him! Kudos to Jay and Jeanie (Ragtop69) for keeping him company and being there for him when he really needed them! He is already looking for a new trike to ride!! I did not see the trike but saw pictures of it. It is definately totaled, and was just confirmed by the dealer this afternoon. Now is just the long wait for the insurance adjustment, and for him to be healthy enough to make whatever he decides on into his very own ride! We are looking forward to riding with him once again! GET WELL SOON LARRY!!!!!
  6. Carbon1..Larry...went down today. we were riding a fall color ride with some other members and some hunt-club guys. a 16 y/o boy, on a learners permit, crashed into him. the boy said he didnt see him. he was with his mom. Larry was taken to the hospital. he was concious as he left the scene. trike looks totaled, he must have flipped at least 4-5 times. lets keep him in our prayers.
  7. Larry (Carbon One) was hit broadside this morning while we were on our Fall leaf looker ride in Northern Michigan. He has multiple injuries, broken collar bone, scrapes and bruises, waiting on CT results. but will be ok. Bike is totaled. I'll post later with more details, We are at Munson hospital in Traverse City. Please don't call the hospital at this point.
  8. Just to let every one know. We just sent a get well floral arrangement to Larry. Your Special Activity Fund donations at work.........
  9. All the best Larry... For the cochlear operation from us
  10. Bike related of course My first would have to be my bike. Second my $12 + bucks Which will be due again pretty soon. Third would have to be my Carbon One lift adapter. Great product Larry and a great investment that will more than pay for itself in savings by allowing me to do more of my own work.
  11. Happy Birthday Carl Hope you have an enjoyable day. Larry Should of noted this was Marcarl's B-Day
  12. Just got my Carbon One freestanding lift adapter unpacked and I am impressed. This is top notch quality and packed expertly. If anyone is on the fence about one of these get off and buy it. Thanks Larry Scott
  13. While surfing the E-Bay this evening I ran across this tire changer similar to what Harbor Freight used to sell. http://www.ebay.com/itm/pppp-Tire-Changer-for-Motorcycle-GoCart-Trailer-Bike-ATV-Truck-size-4-to-16-5-/310408758673?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4845cdc591 May be just what someone wants & can get without breaking the bank. Larry
  14. Anyone here have a stock 2nd gen left hand mirror they're not using? Larry
  15. Due to requests I have now added trailer hitches to my list of products I offer for members here. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3919&title=rsv26amp-3b-rstd-trailer-hitch&cat=24 Thanks in advance, Larry
  16. OK who's going to the International Motorcycle Show in Novi next weekend? Anybody want to meet up and when? http://www.motorcycleshows.com/novi Larry
  17. Here's a link that was sent to me that you Wing nuts will enjoy. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?304851-I-modified-my-Wing-cat-is-out-of-the-bag This guy has done some major mods on his ride. Larry
  18. Just ordered my lift adapter from Larry and can't wait to try it out.
  19. The site that is. Been trying to log in since about 3pm. No go till now. Anyone else have a problem or is it just my server? No other sites were affected on my end thou. Larry
  20. anyone in the area able to help with a synch? thanks, Larry
  21. Just when we thought winter was done for the year we are now getting/going to get 2-4" of that crap once again before noon tomorrow. I know some folks have had way more snow then us here in southern Michigan but really enough is enough I say. Larry
  22. Hey Guys!------I changed the "thermastat housing" and all the hoses on my 89 Royale and now it seems to be running "hot"---any ideas why this could be?---I have the plastic drain plug at the bottom of the radiator with the "off" mark at the "2-O-clock" position like someone on here said was the correct place for it-----It seemed to cool down some after I returned from the initial run and let it idle with the fan runnining------I actually revved it up to about 9000 rpm's one quick time to see if maybe something was stuck and the temp guage seemed to drop to about 3/4 way up (at least it was in the green area after I did that)----I used the same thermostat that came with the housing because it had only 29,000 mi. on it---Do you guys think maybe it was just kinda stuck?----i sure hope that's all it is:fingers-crossed-emo..................................................Larry
  23. My son was at the pharmacy getting a prescription filled and saw a can of this polish. The clerk said they didn't think too much about carrying it in the store but since word has gotten out that they have it they can't keep it on the shelf. It supposedly cleans and prevents finger prints. I used some on the glass frame of my autographed picture of Larry Pegram on his racing bike. It really leaves a shine. I'm going to try it on my bike. Just wondering if anyone has tried it.
  24. OK guys--I think my starter is fried--My question is-do you have to remove the Outside cover to remove the starter?--I have the bolts out and it's loose but will not release ......................Larry
  25. For those adventureious souls who like hiking. http://www.angelfire.com/ak2/intelligencerreport/scariest_path.html Myself I'll pass. Larry
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