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  1. Can't believe this happened but last night as I was pulling off the carbs, I attempted to sit my butt down on an empty 5 gal pail I use when working on bikes, and I missed. I could not avoid my falling backwards. All I could do was brace myself for the hit on the concrete floor. But when I landed on my back, I also landed on the lower left fairing piece that I had sitting nearby and it shattered into several pieces. Lesson learned; pay more attention when sitting on something used for working on the bike, or, move all items far enough away from the bike so you don't land on them if you do fall. Now then, does anyone have a lower left fairing for a 1st edition; any color? I've looked on E-Scam and none are listed. I will pay whatever. Thanks all. MasterGuns
  2. I was tapeing this when I was attacked from behind by another watching mother on nest. Dropped phone and it landed up and kept shooting watch till end. [ame] [/ame] Joe :rotf:
  3. I had asked earlier about a dual sport for my son. Thanks for all the advice. He decided that he wanted to start on a 49 CC scooter. We found him a nice year old Chinese made one last Friday. It only has about 150 miles on it. Well, on Sunday, Doreen's family got together here in Madison for Easter. I thought I would take the scooter for a spin since it was such a nice day. As I attempted to slow down to check for traffic before leaving the parking lot, the front brake locked up and I dumped it. The damage to the scooter is minimal, mostly cosmetic, and possibly the triple tree (or a resonable facsimile thereof). Me, on the other hand, scrapped my knee (the right one with the artificial joint) and landed with most of my weight on my right shoulder. I am going to see the DR Wednesday in Sioux Falls (VA) and find out what is wrong with it. I can move it in every direction, with pain, but not too bad if I go in slow motion. I am really glad it was not my Venture!!!!! I think it probably would have landed on my leg and I would really have problems then. Thanks for listening, and keep your fingers crossed it is not something too serious. Dave
  4. Things didnt go well at work today, I had an accident, I tripped over a low metal cart, the kind that are made a steel and not very forgiving, I was carrying a rather long piece of alum., and didnt see the cart sitting where is was not supposed to be, I hit it with my left shin, fell over the top of it, after jettisoning the metal away from me, I landed with my right knee on top of the steel corner therefore messing that leg up, and balancing out the pain from the left side, on my way down I must have thrust my right hand out to break my fall and that it did, of course I landed on it badly causing me more pain to equal the pain in the right shin & left knee. A co-worker saw me land badly and came to my aid, by the time he got to me, I was sitting up, I dont remember how I landed, but I do remember him squatting down next to me asking me if I was ok, I sort of stared at him dumbly, and he asks me again if I was ok, and my reply was yeah I'm fine with the exception of the pain in my right shin:starz:, pain in the left knee :starz:and a throbbing right wrist:starz:...........I sure would like to get hold of the Idiot that left that cart where it was not supposed to be, I would shove it up his you know what, then ask him...........Are you OK? To add insult to injury, I had to go get my wrist x-rayed, and they had the HR manager take me, and she does nothing but talk about the most boring things the whole time. I was so glad when they called me in for the exam, first thing out of their mouth, pee in this bottle for a drug screen.................Dang, if I would have known that, I wouldnt have taken a leak before I left the plant. Had to hang around after the Xray till I had to pee.........Then they test it and I test positive for opiates, I take Hydrocodone daily for pain, just once in the morning, but it was enough to show positive, now they have to send it off for further tests to make sure I am not abusing it................at least they didnt release those results to my employer, they will only do that if it shows I was impaired or abusing it.........which I am not.......might need to take some now for all the aches I am having....................... And how was your day??????
  5. Went Halibut fishing on San Francisco Bay all day yesterday. Unlike the previous trip where we slayed the Butt's, this time we didn't land one. But all was not lost. One our first drift I landed a 53" 50# White Sea Bass. My first WSB, and the biggest on the Bay this year.
  6. I was aware that I was being overtaken by two bikes. I should have expected to, since I was only going 80mph in 60mph zone. They were still small in my mirror when I began the freeway-to-freeway merge. There is an advisory speed of 40mph on this dual-lane left exit. I slowed to 60mph, and was prepared to go even slower. As I began to bank into the turn, one of the bikes--the sportbike--blew past. My wife thought he was going 100mph, but it was more likely 80mph. Uncontent to merely pass, he decided to teach me a lesson by cutting in front of me. As he did, he hit one of the expansion joints. It was patched like crap, forming a little hump. Hitting the hump, he went airpborne. He landed astride the next, even bigger hump. At that point, I had a problem. He was skidding, fishtailing and leaving a dark black mark on the road. I thought for sure he was going down and I was running him over. I slowed rapidly, senses hyper aware. He managed to keep it straight enough, but began smoking. He was also slowing, and made an emergency veer to the right shoulder. He made it safely and was looking down at his engine as he rolled to a stop when I passed and didn't look back. I take that back, because I know his riding partner, a chopper, was stopping for him. I saw that I had driven through a rain sprinkle, with droplets on my windscreen. When it didn't begin to run like water, I reached over the screen and felt oil. He had indeed taught me a lesson by spraying my bike with his oil. I think he spanked his oil pan when he landed or something. So now... how do I clean motor oil from the front of the bike? It's on the chrome, the paint, the plastic, and the windscreen. I don't suppose I can use Formula 409, so what can I use?
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