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  1. HEY Annie, its Friday in the land of OZ. I wonder if you guys are still there!:rotfl::rotfl:
  2. Is anybody using a V.O.I.P. Phone service to replace your traditional land line? I downgraded my land line service to 911 dial out only though incoming calls are received. This saved me about $50 a month. We use cell phones for dial out and I'm testing V.O.I.P. as a backup source through the internet.
  3. Over five thousand years ago, Moses said to the children of Israel , "Pick up your shovels, mount your asses and camels, and I will lead you to the Promised Land." Nearly 75 years ago (when Welfare was introduced) Roosevelt said, "Lay down your shovels, sit on your asses, and light up a Camel, this is the Promised Land." Today, the Government has stolen your shovel, taxed your asses, raised the price of camels and mortgaged the Promised Land! BEER30
  4. Hello Everyone! Wife and I are thinking of riding the Cabot Trail this year for our vacation. Would like to know if anyone has taken this ride and what your opinion of it is. We have nine days to do it in, our starting location whould be from Massachusetts. We will be doing the entire ride on land to take in the coast line rather than useing the boat trip from Main. Any help or suggestions would be helpful. Thanks Joe & Val
  5. The kind old gentleman I bought the camp from I have know all my life. He only has distant family remaining whom I have never meet.I'm two years into our three year land contract his lawyer made. In twelve months the contract comes to term and I must pay the remaining balance in full. It has been a rough couple of years in the market and my plans for building a house down there have been set back. He told me verbally no problem you can just continue to pay me monthly if needed but that wasn't put in writing. Sad to say Friday he died unexpectedly from a short illness.I put a call into his lawyer to see where I stand. AT the moment I don't even know who to write the next check to.One things for sure. I must pay in full in twelve months. Hard to get a loan on land with no house on it just an old camp with no plumping etc.
  6. My dutter is sick...very sick....got a virus..I will stay on as long as I can tonight, but the dutter is going in to see the geeks tomorrow...will be offline for a few days...for those of you who are waiting on their fleece jackets...I will have to call you by land line when they arrive and when they are being shipped...for anyone who needs to place an order , you also will have to use a land line..Its gonna get boring around here for a while.. I will have to get my fill of you guys tonight and cause as much chaos as I can....:rasberry:
  7. I've been working on Don for a year or so now for a name change, the feller that had it didn't choose to join up, so now I've got it! From here on out, with no regrets or going back, here on the board and out there in VR land I'll now be known as Dano. Formerly known as Danob11. Plus it saves a lot of typing!!!!
  8. Since it's Friday and all of you sluff off at work today give me your opinion...would ya? Gary and I were awestruck during our trip this summer to the Canadian Rockies, Glacier and Beartooth Pass. It was so beautiful that it was breathtaking. For those of you who have a lot of your states colored in on your maps, this question is for you....where do you think the most beautiful area to ride is? I'm not talking a twistie road (Tail of Dragon, etc) but an area or state as a whole. Just trying to add to the bucket list and I can't believe there is any place that can beat the scenery we say this summer. Oh yeah....is the Redwood Forest worth riding from nowwhere land all the way out to California?
  9. I have at my disposal an 80 acer piece of land ( Baja MX Millington MI ) use satellite view and zoom in. http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&q=baja+mx&ie=UTF8&near=mi&f=l&split=1 After talking to the owner of the track they are open to the idea of hosting a rally/get together on their property. We could offer a large community bon-fire at night, as well as individual camp/cooking fires, swimming pond, port-a-lets (clean), Movies at night (outside, drive in style) via projection TV and a DVD player on a 12'x12' screen, A concession stand for lunch ( burgers, hot dogs, Pizza, chicken strips, Fries, sodas...ect.) There is a lot of land for camping. Frankinmuth is a stones throw away, Prime outlets mall just down the road, and some nice riding in the county. I am just wondering how many folks would be interested in something like this. We could even have a trial run the last week of Aug this year if anyone was interested in just getting together with friends. What you guys think? Am I biting off more than I can chew? Art~
  10. I managed to catch the notorious pond monsters on video this year.....ill get that up later. I also got a couple pics....... the first one I THINK is one of the pond monsters who actually came up on land and tried to cleverly disguise itself as a venturerider the second pic is two of them trying to hide in the pond
  11. i am interested in finding out about a "player coach", by the name of LEW FONSECA. I BELIEVE he played in the '20's and 30's, up in YANKEE LAND! just jt
  12. Haven't taken the time to read all the Darkside threads , but has anyone pulled a trailer while having a CT on their scoot ? How does it handle flat land , cornering , twisties , etc. ? Just curious . BEER30
  13. Boy! I worked out all the little issues with my '85 save one. That irritating, sloppy front end wiggle while making tight parking lot turns. I hate that! Is there a GOOD fork brace out there in wiggle land that will tighten things up a bit?
  14. It dont look too good for the Jacksonville area come Thurs if Fay decides to turn into us here. Bad thing is this storm is so misguided that they cant even make an accurate prediction at this point. Storms usually break down over land but since this passed over the Everglades, it had enough moisture to get a bit stronger. Keeping my fingers crossed here. I just hope that wherever this thing lands that everyone is safe.
  15. I'm trying to locate the boundary lines of a certain plot containing .008 acres of land. What I would like to see is a land plot drawing of the following. The reference is West Virginia Plane Coordinate System South Zone. 1. Beginning at a corner South 30 degrees 03' East 25 feet. 2. South 08 degrees 04' West 128 ft to the intersection of new right of way 3. South 86 degrees 24' West 15 feet 4. North 38 degrees 17' West 18 feet to a corner 5. North 12 degrees 45' East 140 feet to place of beginning. Is this a 4 or 5 sided land tract. I would love to have a software program that would draw a scale model of this plot. This is a piece the Government purchased to modify a section of road years ago. I have located a metal stake which is one of the boundaries in this section but can not locate the other boundary markers to see if any of this crosses what I believe to be my lot.Is it possible to follow this with a compass? Not ready to pay $$$ yet for survey.
  16. The brakes on my '83 VR aren't real flash. Has anyone done a mod to upgrade ? Jim O'D In the land of OZ.
  17. Time of year for you guys to get some weather action. Hold on to your hats and anchor down those scooters. Looks like a wild ride tonight. MamaMo says no way she would live out there in flat land country. We get maybe 1-2 small tornadoes per year statewide here. Those are mostly very small scale with little damage. Good luck and this brings a question. Anybody every see a tornado when riding your scoot?
  18. Had one of my drivers who crosses into the USA regularly, hand me a flyer that he recieved from the USA customs when he crossed into the USA last Friday. Attention Canadian citizens travelling to the United States by land or water. As of January 31, 2008, if you travel to the USA by land or water, a US law will require you to present: A government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license; AND A birth certificate or citizenship card; OR A valid passport: OR A Nexus or a Free And Secure Trade (FAST) card; OR For those 18 and under, a birth cerificate. Canadian citizens flying to or through the US must present a valid Canadian passport. www.canada.gc.ca 1-800-622-6232
  19. As of January 31, 2008, if you travel to the U.S. by land or water, a U.S. law will require you to present: a government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's licence; AND a birth certificate or a citizenship card; OR For youth under 16, a birth certificate; OR A valid passport.Canadian citizens flying to or through the U.S. must present a valid Canadian passport. Canadians will also be able to enter the United States by land or water with a NEXUS or Free and Secure Trade (FAST) card. The Government of Canada will keep Canadians informed as the U.S. makes further changes to its entry requirements.
  20. hay spear or anybody from the land of oz , can you guys put on a time and temp. in your sig. ??? it would be kewl to see what time and temp is down there . squeeze is now using one it looks like it is wet and cold over on the other side rite now .
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