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  1. Just posted on the events calander. We are planning a Finger Lakes Ride. Nothing fancy just show up and ride, with a few stops for site seeing, food and shopping. More info to follow.
  2. July 14th. Its called the Pathway ride. You can find info on Motorcycle Monster. If your looking for something to do this weekend, Come on out to the Finger Lakes.
  3. Hey, I was limo driving here in the Finger lakes area yesterday and saw a fine looking 86-93 Blue first Gen go flying by heading South. This was In Hector just north of Watkins Glen. Was that anyone from here? I thought it might be rstacy test ridin that new 19k mile 1st Gen he just bought. Was it him or someone else from here it was around 2-3pm.
  4. So call me crazy, but I've had this '06 MV for two months and I want to go for a nice long ride. My wife's niece is getting married on May 5th in Detroit Lakes, MN, so I'm trying to plan on leaving Carlsbad CA on Friday April 29th, have to be back to work on Tuesday, May 10th. Up I-15 north to somewhere in Colorado or Wyoming or Montana and east-northeast to Fargo/Detroit Lakes. Any ideas, comments, psychiatric care, or whatever is appreciated. I figure it's about 2K miles each way, planning on about 500 per day. If the weather that area is currently getting continues, it's probably not going to happen, but I'm hoping it'll be warm enough to go. We did a 315 mile each way 2 weeks ago, the Butler Mod helped alot, and we could have gone for a couple hundred more easy... what's everybody think about this idea? thanks! Brian
  5. SPRING!!! I have three weeks vacation. One week is already committed to an airplane trip to a conference in Florida. A couple days to move daughter back to school. We are hoping to get at least four or five long weekends on the scoot. We're thinking of... Rte 6 in northern PA Finger Lakes Blue Ridge Parkway Smoke Hole, WV Niagara Falls/Toronto Where will you be heading when it warms/drys up?
  6. We were planning on taking a ride around a few of the lakes within an hours ride of Regina over the Thanksgiving day weekend, but i had the throttle cable break on Sat. So instead Joanne and I decided that we should take a drive on Sunday as it was a bit over 70f and a great day to be outside. Here are a few pics, and I even found another bike for Rocket to fix in a park beside one of the lakes, lol Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!! Brian
  7. Wife and I are only a few hours from Milwaukee. Left the North country early and went thru the land of 10000 lakes before noon. We are enjoying riding thru Americas Dairyland. Hot for us canucks!
  8. Just returned from the Finger lakes m&e. What a grand time...The company was fantastic.. Great to meet some new members and great so see some old again. the food was fantastic , and the ride led by NY Jerry was awesome. beautiful lakes, waterfalls and scenery. WOW, WOW, WOW........The winery tour and tasting , along with meeting our NEW RICKSTER replacement was an added treat...The ice cream stop came at a perfect time in the ride along with the cooling down shower...HOW DID YOU GUYS PLAN THAT??? RAWHIDE the BBQ was fantastic and thank you for allowing our bunch to spend the night...waking up to the smell of coffee and bacon sizzling on the grille was heavenly....you are a terrific hostess...THANK YOU ALL WHO MADE THIS EVENT HAPPEN..I look forward to this becoming a yearly event.........GREAT JOB RAWHIDE, NY JERRY AND DEBBIE...............PS THE TWO BIRTHDAY CAKES WAS A LITTLE OVERBOARD...I GONNA BURST !!!
  9. I just want to thank Big Tom, Spanky and their friends, Don, Darrell and Debra,my brother Al and his son Marc for joining Rawhide and me here in the Finger Lakes for a day of riding and eating and more riding.(and more eating). This was a little preview of what we hope to do this August here in New York and hope plenty decide to come.We had a great day. I learned I need to slow down a little so people can enjoy the sights a bit more.( Damn 1st.gen, just goes too fast). We missed a few member we would have like to have had here but maybe next time guys and gals. PB&J.Phil.
  10. You won't find a more adventurous and scenic ride then the Lake Superior Circle Tour. I did it in 2007 with a group of 5 other bikers (affectionately known as the Mild Hogs) and had a blast. This 1800 mile ride will take you all the way around the world largest fresh-water lake following the picturesque shoreline through Minnesota, Ontario, Michigan, and Wisconsin. We took seven days to truly enjoy the scenery but if you pushed it a bit you could shorten the ride. There's even a website dedicated to this ride. Once you complete the ride you can order a Circle Tour pin for your leather. http://www.great-lakes.net/tourism/circletour/superior/ Here's a link to the photos from our Circle Tour ride on the Mild Hogs website: http://www.ib4e.org/mildhogs2007.html My favorite Circle Tour stops: Split Rock Lighthouse Grand Marais (Oly & Svens for pizza) Sleeping Giant Provincial Park (spend a whole day visiting this beautiful park east of Thunder Bay) White River, ON (birthplace of Winnie-the-Pooh, you can laugh but you'll stop for a photo) Wawa, ON (cute little Canadian town) Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum (visit the Edmund Fitzgerald display) As a sidenote, I rode all five great lakes in 2008 from SE Minnesota to Niagra Falls and back and found the Circle Tour ride much prettier.
  11. This looks like it would be a great ride for any okie or anyone near Oklahoma. Please check out this site.http://www.westernoklahomariverroadrun.com/ You get 3 meals, 2 lakes and a good ride.
  12. Do we have anyone living in or familiar with Charlotte, NC? We have a friend (My best friend's widow) who is planning to relocate to warmer climes and is looking at a development called "Sun City Carolina Lakes" which is just across the border in SC. If anyone knows the area, what are its good points and bad points if any. I know that is a pretty broad question but, have at it anyway. Anything you know about the area will be good information since we know nothing about it. Thanks folks. _________________
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