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  1. I hit the donate button on the bar above for the second time just now. On the way to work, it started raining. A turning car was stopped in the left lane, and I moved into center lane. I slowed, knowing, just knowing, one of the cars behind the obstructor would pull out. The trailing Lexus did just that when I was within 30'. I hit the airhorn, but they kept coming. At that point, I could either hit the Lexus or go down. I went down, still blaring my horn. I slid 20' or so. I'm unhurt... it was another slow-motion go-down. My bike is unhurt too, thanks to the crash bars. But I am angry at the Lexus, who not only didn't stop to render aid at the accident they caused, but zoomed off at warp speed. That ticks me off. Anyways, as is the custom, I donated $5 to the site following this latest incident. I am grateful for the community here, and this is a small thing to help it survive. If you've had a drop and haven't donated, this is your reminder.
  2. I looked around in various areas on the site but didn't find the answer to my question. Does anybody happen to know the approximate weight/load bias on these bikes (in my case 1genMK2)? I'm real curious what % is up front vs. out back. I suppose I'd be interested in knowing both without a rider(s) and with.
  3. Looking for someone to give me some insight as to why there is a Dynojet Power Commander for Roadliners up to 2008 and then a different one for 09 and 10 model years. I would really like to know if the one listed for models through 08 would work on my 09. I bought one without knowing there was a difference.
  4. Is there any way of knowing what RSV engines could be used for replacement, say, on an ’03 RSV. When it gets time I would like to give my “ride” a new lease on life. I like this machine. Yamaha and parts suppliers aren’t much help. Their position: responsibility rest with you for knowing your needs.
  5. At 1 AM this morning my step-son passed away with his wife by his side and family nearby. Bill lost a short battle with cancer as he was diagnosed last September. He leaves behind a multitude of friends and family including a 3 year old daughter and a 5 year old son. 38 years on earth is too short yet long enough to make an incredible impact as Bill has done. God blessed us with Bill's presence and now we are blessed in knowing he is in God's hands.
  6. Hi everyone, Just want to take a moment to thank everyone for their love, prayers, and concerns while undergoing my 2 surgeries and now as I begin my recovery at home. No words could express how much I appreciate your friendships that we've acquired over the years through Venturerider.org. I know it's going to be a long painful recovery, but knowing I have so much loving support and continuing prayers from the venturerider family members, it'll keep me going. Once again, thanks to all. Looking forward to seeing everyone again soon. Charlene
  7. I have a list of folks I know, all written in a book And every year at Christmas time I go and take a look And that is when I realise that those names are a part - Not of the book they are written in, but of my very heart. For each name stands for someone who has touched my life sometime, And left such a print of friendship that they are good friends of mine. And while it sounds fantastic for me to make this claim I really feel I am composed of each remembered name. And while you may not be aware of any special link, Just knowing you has shaped my life more than you can think. For once you’ve met somebody, the years cannot erase The memory of a pleasant word or of a friendly face. So never think my Christmas cards are just a mere routine Of names upon a Christmas list-forgotten in between. For when I send a Christmas card that is addressed to you, It’s because you are on a list of folks I am indebted to. For one is but a total of the many folks they’ve met And you happen to be one of those I prefer NOT to forget. And whether I have known you for many years or few, In some way you have had a part in shaping things I do. And every year when Christmas comes, I realise anew - The biggest gift life can give is knowing folks like you!! And may the spirit of Christmas that eternally endures, Leave its richest blessing in the hearts of you and yours. Merry Christmas Everyone Annie and Alan Collins
  8. First I want to thank Yammer and Patsy for letting us stay with them this weekend. It was great to actually meet Patsy. We had a great time staying with you guys even with that driveway of yours. Next I'd like to thanks Skid & Leslie for putting up with us and torturing them with something being up but not knowing what we were about to do. Next I'd really like to thank Riderduke for letting me hitch a ride this weekend. It was fun. I'll warm my hands up next time. Margaret
  9. Bought my bike Friday... Had to wait for the check to get from the bank to the steal.. er um dealer.. They called me this morning saying I can come pick up the bike... I got an hour till I get off work, and I pick my wife up in an hour and a half.. Just knowing my bike is sitting there waiting to be picked up.. and it's BEAUTIFUL outside.. I'm too excited to think...
  10. Trying to post these photo's Friend of mine, just sent me these photo's of his neighbors ride !! Old Mustang 2 wheeler, thought sombody might be interested in knowing that at least 2 of them are still in service !!!
  11. http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2009/01/ohio_studies_vehiclemiles_tax.html We'll all big brother knowing where we've been and how many miles we've driven in a year.
  12. Guest

    Speedo died

    Is ther any fix known to repair the inner workings of the speedo. Mine gave up the ghost, it appears to be where the steel wheel runs on the inside of the bell housing that is attached to the needle. Or is there anyone who has a spare unit that works on an 83. Thanks for any help. Now that we are having some fantastic weather its a bit frustrating not knowing how fast one is going. Gordon
  13. Guest

    Venture 2000

    I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction. Hazen got in a accident with his bike "deer vs Hazen" deer won but good news is Hazen is going to be. Bad news I thought I had put the full coverage back on it and I did not so it only had storage (: So what I would like to do is start looking for replacement parts without him knowing so I could suprise him.
  14. Our friend in Madison, Alabama sent me this email relating which I wanted to share with you: "I have a true story to share with you. Last Saturday, a couple friends of mine and I went to a Patriot Guard mission in TN. There was about 30+ bikers coming to show respect to this fallen hero and his family. We were staging at a local Walmart, when this lady and her very young daughter came up to us. The lady asked if it would be ok for her daughter to sing us a song. Several folks spoke up and said sure. The little girl looking at all of us bad looking bikers began to sing "God Bless America"! I can not tell you how that little girl touched our lives knowing she had her values right where her parents wanted them. It made me feel proud knowing someone that young cared." What a wonderful experience that was! Ride safe! Bobbie
  15. About two years ago, I upgraded my seat to a Mustang. Unfortunetly, I didn't order the one with the backrest. Now here I am wanting the backrest, but don't want to buy a whole new seat. Does anyone know how to add a backrest to a Mustang, or know of anyone who can? Mustang cannot add it on. I have to spend $700.00 for a new seat. Or better yet...knowing the ingenious members we have here, does anyone have any other possible homemade solutions? My back thanks you!
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