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  1. Has anyone tried one of these "knock off" stebel or bad boy looking horn that are on e-bay? I had a tire blow out on my truck and when it did it took the inner fenderwell with it and my air horns. So I needed a horn and saw these on e-bay for around $28 each shipped. Comes with a relay & harness. I got 2, one for truck and the second to add to my stebel thats already on the bike. http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Horn-Air-Horn-Kit-car-vehicle-yacht-boat-motorcycle-bike-RV-Airhorn-Black-/00/s/NTAwWDUwMA==/$(KGrHqZ,!jgE6lm2KJ5WBO16h9,JVw~~60_35.JPGhttp://mydlady.com/eBay_images/horn/airhornblack_j.jpg
  2. My steering head has a center-detent that just gets worse as the miles pile on. Can I knock the bearing and race out, rotate and put it back in?
  3. Brown Sugar has started to show a heavy knock (Can't think of better word) when started in the cold. Goes away as she warms up. Clutch basket? Only 70k she is almost broke in. Probally due for oil change soon.
  4. And its not hello you are welcome! 1987 venture royale, 126,000 miles. I put 12,000 miles the summer before with grin always plastered to face! Beautiful ride, love the cruise control and radio. Wanting to raise my idle speed this summer, I located what seemed the "general screw" after turning the throttle that would do this on the carbs. I upped the idle speed and to my horror the motor started to knock. I backed the screw to what I thought was the original position but the knock is still there and has stayed with me the rest of the summer. My mileage went for a dump big time, down from 175 miles/tank to 145/tank. The knock does not seem to be "location specific" ie.: one piston/left/right side. I can remember tuning cars (dad was a mechanic) in the seventies with the first emission cars where turning the distributor to set timing, you could induce knock. Have I inadvertently done this and how do I proceed to get rid of this? Tanx!
  5. Hi there i live in the UK . Just Bought a 2001 Venture with 19000miles on the clock and love it. But just got a few questions. Hope someone can help. Firstly the whine which i know alot of these bikes have? Is there an oil of choice or additive that helps ? The whine isnt terrible but its a shame to wear a full face helmet on one of these . Secondly sometimes when starting just on the anitial press of the button, theres a knock just as it ingages ? is this anything to worry about . Thirdly The audio all lights up searchs for radio stations etc . all seems to work apart from theres no sound , ive removed the fairing and checked connections doesnt make any difference . Any ideas ? Many Thanks in advance Edge.
  6. Just wondering if anyone has a good story to tell about using the VR assistance list. Other than looking for a phone number I've never really used it (knock on wood) for a break down or anything. Sure glad to have it available thought.
  7. I have a knock coming from the lower end of the engine, on the right side, in the water pump area. It's usually heard at idle and up to around 1500 rpm. I found some other threads about a similar problem, it has been recommended to sync the carbs, I checked them and they are spot on. I have fresh Rotella synthetic in it with no change. The coolant is full as well. Is it possible that the pump needs rebuilt? The motor has 70k miles. I'm really concerned about the knock, I just bought the bike and don't want to rebuild the motor already. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks, Briley.
  8. I worked on my bike these past few days, and got it ready last night to ride to work today. I started her up and let her idle as I put on helmet and gloves, and put down the garage door. I eased down the driveway, not wanting to wake the cul-de-sac by roaring off. As I approached the intersection, I let off the throttle to listen for popping. (One of the things I did was to re-install the pipes since a faulty joint was a suspect on my popping on decel issue) As I turned and accelerated, she began to hesitate as if out of gas. I know she has gas since I had taken the tank off and had to heft it back. I switched from reserve where I normally run to main, with no help. Finally, she stalled and wouldn't start. I pushed her home, and man am I sweaty! We had fog, so you know it was Houston Humid. I've found she'll start and rough idle with full choke. Try to blip the throttle and she dies. Take off the choke, and she dies. Over the weekend, I took off the tank and side panels. I installed Powerlets on the left side plastic panel where the passenger floorboards mount. Is there something I forgot to hook up? I think I hear a knock when the fuel pump is energized, but not the knock knock knock that happens if she is off for a while. Ideas? Dave
  9. In the last several days I've heard a click or klak when pulling away from a stop and when starting to decelerate. It is a single klak which seems more like a knock on hard plastic than metal on metal. It does seem to come from the front but not sure where. Any suggestions where to start looking?
  10. Brother-in-Law getting close. Going to look at a 02 V-Star 1100 this afternoon. He has already checked it out wants my approval?? Says there is a low speed knock in it. Goes away as soon as you give any gas?? Anything to look for here? Where you at Lew???
  11. Hi The cost of getting the diamond R links sent to the UK is too high at present. Can anyone tell me if mild steel would work for these links. I have a friendly metal worker who can knock some up but needs to know which metal to use. Thanks
  12. Just purchased, in "as is" condition, a 90 Venture Royale with a motor trike conversion. This is a really nice ride but it has a knock in the front end when you hit a good bump in the road. It sounds like metal to metal in the fork tubes. I've checked the triple tree and it's tight and the forks hold air, any thoughts from the experts.
  13. Read the post a couple weeks ago about the frogg togg knock offs for $25.00 at Walmart:think:. Gary and I have checked 4 Walmart's and all they have are plastic rains suits in a bag, and pants (19.88 and jacket for another $19.88). Is this something they just carry in early spring?
  14. The last two times I rode the bike Ive been getting a knock from the engine. Like a tap tap tap sound that goes away or so it seams when I rev it up but at idle it sounds like some thing wants to come through the water pump cover. I wanted to make sure it wasnt something else so I changed the oil back to the amsoil that I usually use. I used Spectro the last time and it had never been there before. Well the knock is still there and It concerns me so much that I wont ride it that way. Anybody have any ideas? Should I pull off the cover and last but not least is this something that is common. I been here quite a while and havent seen any threads on this but maybe I wasnt looking. I did do a search but frankly the search here is not the best
  15. Thanks to all who helped me work through the issues and bring the bike back to life. GeorgeS, Squidly, and Condor, and others thanks for taking the time to explain each step when I had yet another question. Now if I can locate someone willing to give the Royale a once over to see what else should be done. The engine seems to get a little loud once it is a operating temperature. A little less noticable when the clutch is pulled in. Not a knock like a bearing but more of a possible valve train issue. I live in South Central Pennsylvania, Bedford County. so if anyone lives in nearby PA., Western Maryland, or West Virginia and would be interested in taking a look, please give me a yell! Regards Dave
  16. Got about 60k miles on the bike, a vague knock started developing. Wishful thinking it could be exhaust gaskets, sucked a little atf & confirmed the leak. After replacing the gaskets on the # 1 & 3 cyl, engine became quieter but the dreaded knock remained. The knock initially seemed to be coming from either the #3 cyl or clutch basket area. Also noticed the idle became a little rough and a fine vibration can be felt on the right footpeg. Checked carb synch and they were. Pulling the clutch in didnt change the noise. Ultimately I shorted out the cylinders and confirmed the knock came from the #3 cylinder. Rod knock. I'm wondering if it is possible to replace the bearing without the pulling the engine out of the bike? How much incidental parts are involved asidede from the gaskets and bearings? Or are we talking about a complete A-Z rebuild Any input would be appreciated.
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