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  1. Several members asked about something to get the wind off their knees. I have made up some Knee Wind Blocks. They are 38.00 a pair which includes shipping (40 USD if you live in Canada or Alaska). They mount with Velcro so they are removable for hot days. For cold days and nights these will really make a difference on your knees guys. I made mine up 4 years ago and was happy I did every time it got cool. Mine cut about 90% of the wind off my knees These are available in Black or smoke. I will make them in smoke if anyone really wants them like that but they will have some distortions because of the heating and bending
  2. Has anyone successfully managed to lower the front footpegs on a 1st Gen. I am 6ft tall with a 33" inseam. The bike, despite its bulk, is cramped. Even with the pegs adjusted as far back as they will go there still isn't room for me to fit the two front pockets without my knees catching them. For the first 500 miles this isn't much of an issue. After that, up to around 1000 miles I start getting cramp in my knees and pelvis. This can be alleviated some by a combination of shifting my feet onto the highway pegs, or riding with just my toes on the riders pegs. Standing on the pegs helps too, but the wind blast is no fun! So I am thinking that "unbending" the knees a bit would actually help quite a lot. That could be done by raising the seat, or lowering the footpegs. I can deal with the seat but was wondering if anyone had managed to drop the pegs by about an inch.
  3. I know everyone says they make a big improvement on the "cold knees", but do they keep the rain from getting to the inside of your pants legs?
  4. well as most know i had some bad health issues with knees kidney and back problems. could hardley walk. been useing a walker and moving verry little. well i had both knees injected with a new kind of shot. and one in the back? today i went from a walker back to my cane. im getttin stronger in the legs. and now the knee replacement can be put off till im 55. im going to be 53 in august. so my graduation present. is i can now move up to aqua PT i can use the pool to exersize the legs more. i tould my doctor. to please keep me on PT. as its working. i also went from 270 pounds down to 255. im shooting for 230 by MD??? i also went up and had a friend fire up the bike. in storage. it leaked a little gas out one of the carbs on the kick stand side? it allways done this since i bought the bike. a slight tap with a screwdriver and all is well? he took it for a ride of 4 miles. went to restart it and it fired up but sounds like starter clutch is getting lose/ noise up front more a whirl like noise? i did have a sticky starter switch last year but i replaced the whole grip and all with one from pinwall. lubed the cables had a hell of a time getting the cruise to work but got it. anyways just a update on how im doing.
  5. Got my new (to me) windshield in the mail today! (thanks oldbear!). Decided since it warmed up to 13 degrees today, I would get out there in the garage and install the windshield...while I was at it I went ahead and installed my new windblocker (to keep the air off of my knees) that my dad got me for Christmas. Here's a pic of them installed and the difference in the windshields...
  6. Got to ride my cousins RT yesterday. I must say I was quite impressed. I'm far from obtaining another ride as yet, but I'm always thinking and scheming for something else. His was not equipped with a trailer. Even Patricia was excited about the ride. http://www.motorcycle.com/images/content/Review/3spyder0901.jpg Maybe next year if I can get things turned around. Been having real problems with the knees (chondromalacia) as of late. Have had the problem for some 20 years, but I was trying to get back into some exercise routine and have really irritated both knees, particularly the left.
  7. Well folks after almost 2yrs. of lurking and not participating it's abut time I let everyone know how I'm doing . the original cancer seemed to have been successfully treated thru chemo and radiation. There have been small setbacks but they were handled successfully as they came along. This last bout just about brought to my knees! One of my kidneys has failed, and the Drs. are treating me for different infections As far as blessings go The Lord has blessed me beyond my greatest expectations!!! Today I get to see our newst GRANDSON!!!! There are blessings that still flow everyday, we just have to take the time to look for them Don Hiltabidle TxVenture
  8. Today the Queen Bee (Margaret) decided it was time to try out her new knees on the bike. She had her second knee replacement December 28 and has been recuperating. She has been faithfully following her PT regiment and has progressed nicely. This morning we took off on the scoot for a 'trading days' in Livingston Texas. On the return trip I told her I felt a detour coming on and we took off across 105 all the way to Montgomery Texas and then back to Houston. All told about 200 miles. She faired very well. We stopped about every hour for a stretch. It was so nice to have her riding with me again! I have missed her company. On a side note: Boy do I need to get my clutch upgraded! Here's hoping for a fun 2up riding season!
  9. For those who have the Drag Specialties driver's backrest on their MKI & MKII, do you still have room for the passenger? I put one on my MKI this winter and I sat on the back to see how much room there was for a passenger. It felt kind of tight. And I'm not a real big guy around the middle. A bit more that average, but not a lot. Plus my knees felt like they have to quite a ways apart to get around the supports. Anybody have them on their scoots and are able to have a passenger still ride with it in place? Thanks, Bill
  10. On my 06 RSTD, I've noticed I get alot of air coming up around the fuel tank at 70 mph. If I hold my hands beside the tank directly in front of my knees its gone or deflected away, eliminating air hitting my arms and chest. I'd like to have someone make something that would mount to the side of the tank w/adhesives (like the emblem) bout 2-3" wide and bout 1-2" tall kinda like a wing that would mold from my knees around to the front of the tank. I've thought about looking into having someone machine something out of aluminum but I'm scared of how much it would cost in excess of $500. Bike is stock, with 16" clearview with the wider lowers. Any thoughts on if that idea is possible or alternative ideas ....tks PS I've thought bout sending my tank emblems to someone like OCC and have them machine something with the same diameters but extended it out 2-3". '
  11. http://www.starmotorcycles.com/assets/accessories/250/str4xy492000-250.jpg Has Anyone ever used this mini tank cover on their 2nd Gens? I am rubbing the paint off of my tank where my knees ride against it and need something to put a stop to it. Pros and Cons? Thanks,Tom
  12. ....no not as in starting the bike, but new to the Venture bike and my first dumb questions! I'm in process of procuring my "new" '84 Venture and wondered if the Royale model driver seat backrest is an easy "put on" to the Standard seat? Also, just to confirm that the adjustable side louvres on the fariing by the knees will redirect engine heat to one's legs? List of things not included on the Standard model? on-board compressor radio backrest clip on wind thingees by the knees on the fairing anything else? When I get the owner and shop manuals from the seller, I should be able to find some answers before wasting your reading time! thanks
  13. Well, I'm done (knock on wood). I bought a 1983 VR a month ago, low Km's ran great. It had a few issues I thought should be no problem. Silly me, lol. I should tell you I have never owned a bike that had more than Spark, Gas and Go before so this was an ad(venture) in working with a whole lot in a little space. My yoga teacher would be proud, lol. Speaking of proud, it is the members of VR that should be proud. As I said I was lost at a few stages of overhualing this wonderful bike. I had such a great responce to my questions and extra info on this bike I never knew I needed to know Me and Mrs Knees have been out on it every night this week just piling the km's on it to make sure everything is trip worthy. My god what a ride, time and km's seem to just drift by. I appreciate all the help with getting everything up and running and the only thing I had to buy was the stater. When I get some pictures I'll post them, show you what you helped put together. Knees In The Breeze
  14. No, not on the bike. I was pouring concrete at my house wed. with my wife and son helping. Just 7 yd. but the last half was getting tough to drag and I ended up on my knees. The knees began to hurt I thought from the rocks but when we got thru I could barely walk and when I changed pants, realized something worse had happened. Concrete has alkaline in it and I ended up with 2nd degree burns on my knees and about 5 inches down my legs. So needless to say I have been in some pain the last few days and haven't been on the site. Not only that but wed. eve. we had tornados and the power was off until last night. One neigobor lost a roof and a trailer destroyed down the road with a lot of trees and power lines down. Anyway that's enough crying on your shoulders, it's getting better, according to the doc it could have been a lot worse.
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