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  1. I'm interested in converting my RSV to a trike. Who makes Kits that I can install at home? Beside Triwing and Voyager? Any input on things is appreciated.
  2. I have a friend looking for an RSV Trike. No Voyager kits. Anybody have a lead?
  3. Considering converting my portable generator to propane. Has a Honda 13HP GX390 engine. I have googled this and found some different kits. Anyone here have any experience or input with doing this? Thanks RSTDdog
  4. As many of you know, I try to offer the highest quality parts at the best prices and combine them into my "KITS" to make the install easier. I do all of the brain work and you enjoy the benefits. I am now offering a "Kit" for First Gens. and Second Gens. (I didn't forget you guys!) that will replace the stock clutch spring with a VMAX clutch spring, AND a new FULL SIZED Clutch Disc to replace the "Wimpy" half Disc that is in the rear of the clutch pack, as well as a brand new Yamaha Clutch Cover Gasket. As usual, I am shipping these Clutch Upgrade Kits for free and the price is $67.00 to your door! Check the price on the PCW kit to find out what a deal this is. These kits come with written instructions and a link to the thread that explains the install, WITH PICS! The kits are different between the First Gens. and Second Gens. So be sure to order the right kit for your scoot. If you have questions or are not sure what parts you need, PLEASE feel free to PM me. Thanks for your time and good luck with your project, Earl If you have a First Gen. MKII VR (1986 to 1993) Here is a link to the ad: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php/product/2644/cat/500 If you have a Second Gen. RSV or RSTD here is a link to the ad: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=2651
  5. When I got my '86 VR about 6 years ago, it was missing some things like the owners manual, cover for the Cassette, tool kit. I found most everything except the tool kit. Oh several of them showed up on E-bay, but I always lost out....TO THE SAME PERSON! yes, someone was hogging kits and cornering the market on VR tool kits. Now these are cool, with the VR logo, and more than just base tools, including a ratchet and socket set, but wow, this guy was bidding $200 and more sometimes for these things. I eventually gave up, bought a kit from another Yamaha and made up my own kit. then a couple weeks ago, I saw a nearly perfect complete kit on E-bay and decided to try. Got it for more money that it should cost for sure, but still less than those top bids a few years ago! So now my quest is complete, now I just need to get the bike running its best again! and fix a leak, and......... Anyone happen to know that E-bay'er that bought all those tool kits?
  6. I am looking for an Air equalization kit for my front forks, Progressive doesnt offer these kits any longer.....Does any one have any suggestions as to WHERE they are available? I have a 07 RSTD...Thanks
  7. Does anyone make an aftermarket clutch basket that does a little better than this factory I basket? I see lots of clutch kits with springs, friction plates, etc.
  8. Well, my health issues are not getting any better, and I think it may be time for me to consider a trike or sidecar option for my venture royale. Anybody have any input on either? Anybody know of any used kits for sale? I really didn't want to spend more on a trike kit than the bike is worth. Any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Good Afternoon All, I have read just about every thread on lowering that I can find on this forum, but I have more specific questions. Like many others, I am concerned about dragging parts but I am also concerned about bottoming out. I thought that If I gave you specifics you may be able to help me decide what to do. I have a 2005 Royal Star Tour Deluxe with Venture Pillowtop seats with the Butler mod done to them. I also have the Bub complete exhaust system which does raise the mufflers closer to the sadlebags. I am 5'7" with a 30 inch inseam. My Wife and I weigh 340 lbs together, about 170 each. I have been considering buying the Baron Lowering kits for the front(one with emulators and springs) and rear. I also intend to add a scootworks trunk and a quadzilla fairing in the future. Given our weight and my plans for future mods, do you think I would have any problem bottoming out on front during quick stops or rear while going over bumps riding two up? My next question is: if these kits would be a good fit for us considering our situation, is it worth the money to go with the full blown Baron front lowering kit with progressive springs and gold valve emulators rather than just the spacers? I don't want to spend this kind of money for nothing, but either way I would have the forks apart and would like to do it right the first time. Has any one here used these kits on a newer RSTD that weighs about the same as we do? I would really appreciate any input, opinions or experiences. Regards, Tony
  10. Getting a Voyager Kit installed on my '91 VR and my riding buddy has a Voyager Kit on his '97 RSTD. We both need covers. I've read stuff about the Hannigan covers (Sorta like a Nelson-Riggs????). What's the deal? Will a Hannigan cover fit over bikes with Voyager Kits? Thanks. Y'All ride safe
  11. I have installed a Tow Pak trike kit on my "99" RSV and have momentary steering "shakes", usually when not missing a bump in the road, and am wondering if one of those rake kits would help reduce this. I have read that Harrigan makes a kit for their conversions but don't know if they would work with a Tow Pak. Does anyone know of any other suppliers of rake kits if the Harrigan kit doesn't work? Does any one have any good or bad experiences with rake kits?
  12. Where is a good place to buy fork seal kits for a 1986 venture ?
  13. Allrighty. I'm taking orders, if interrested. Please allow 3 - 4 weeks delivery. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3040&title=dash-gauges2b-tachometer&cat=7
  14. I'll have a limited supply of Royal Star Venture Mic-Mutes kits @ MD. I'll also have Mic-Mutes kits for the GL1800 Gold Wing and for the J&M CB JMCB-2003-DU. I'm no longer able to accept credit cards at MD. I can though accept CCs thru a PayPal email invoice or also on my website. Cash is always best though. If you know that you'll want to install Mic-Mutes @ MD. let me know so that I may reserve one of the RSV Mic-Mutes kits for you. I can also bring GL1500 Gold Wing and Valkyrie Interstate Mic-Mutes kits by request, but I don't intend to have those kits if no one asks in advance. Price is: $139.95 for GL1800, GL1500, RSV or Valkrie Interstate. $154.95 for GL1800+CB PTT switch, GL1500+CB PTT switch, Valk+CB PTT switch $119.95 for the JMCB-2003-DU I'm not charging for installation, nor am I performing installations. I'll be glad to help and direct you to do it. Like last year I'm sure that there will also be plenty of others willing to lend a hand as well. Hope to see you there! Bill Morphy www.Mic-Mutes.com
  15. I'm looking to update my lighting on blondie. I've seen a couple threads on DIY stuff but i'm a little worried about taking that on myself.. are there any light kits still avaliable out there?
  16. The BUB's on my 03 RSV had been getting louder and this season the packing must have eaten itself because they sound louder then ever. On the Venturers site someone posted a pictorial on how to repack them and what to buy, which I did. I also took this opp to paint the peeling chrome tips flat black. I bought two kits from Moose Products, $25 each. Each kits comes with stainless steel screen material, stainless steel padding and a lot of fiberglass matting. For Bub's, there is way more then enough fiberglass material in one kit for both mufflers but not enough of the other material. It did come with replacement rivets, that was appreciated. $50 though? Not again. Anyway, it was easy, only requiring the rubber mallet and a good amount of persuasion to get the baffle out of the shell but they eventually gave way, then the tips popped off the baffles easily. I expected better results through. Audio/Video: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhVj6wrDz0E]YouTube- Repacking Bub Mufflers on a Yamaha Royal Star Midnight Venture[/ame] http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wTwlUlxCI/AAAAAAAADaQ/mHR4FzTR4Sc/s800/P3130615.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wTxBdwTuI/AAAAAAAADaU/_aq0iK7Bctk/s800/P3130616.JPG http://lh4.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wTxZj2RWI/AAAAAAAADaY/c4HxHw0pUlE/s800/P3130617.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wTx7CJIgI/AAAAAAAADag/FQkvS5vUY5I/s800/P3130624.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wUE9BNctI/AAAAAAAADao/ZgNtYKOvR5E/s800/P3130623.JPG http://lh5.ggpht.com/_9EMyKcng_yA/S5wUFiUC5aI/AAAAAAAADa0/0V3VIf7Xaj0/s800/P3130635.JPG
  17. A few weeks ago there was a thread running about brushes for the starters. I saw today there were a couple of listings for starter rebuild kits. This is a pretty good price for the kit seeing as how the brushes are a bit out of line from the dealers. Everything your need for a full rebuild. Just fyi. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Starter-KIT-Yamaha-M-C-XV12T-XVZ12T-Venture-XV12-XVZ12_W0QQitemZ290400764713QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item439d3c0329 Item # 290400764713
  18. At the Toronto International Bike Show today, I saw an 05 RSV with a Voyageur trike kit. It was in amazing condition, with only 1750 miles on it. I talked with the current owner who said it was owned by the proverbial "little old lady who had health problems". Apparently, her husband had the identical bike/trike. The owner is asking $13,500 obo. Don't know whether that is a good price (especially here in Canada as new RSV's are over $20,000 at the show. Also don't know whether these trike kits work well. Apparently it is easily removable so the RSV can be rode with or without it or it could be sold if there is a market for these. Interested in opinions on these kits as well as the price. Also, I have the guys contact info if others are interested. I have tried to attach some pics.
  19. I need to rebuild both the Master and Slave clutch cylinders on my '99 RSV. Where can I get the kits? Anyone have part numbers?
  20. Will carb rebuild kits for the V-max work on 1st gen ventures?
  21. The new law requiring the use of hands-free cellular accessories in Ontario takes effect next month and as a result I am investigating the various Bluetooth car kits available. Does anyone have any experience or comments on any of the models available? Not looking to open a discussion about the law...asking about the equipment.
  22. WHAT IS THE BEST L.E.D. kit to add to my Venture????
  23. I'll be on hand to help install Mic-Mutes @ MD. I'll have 10 or so Mic-Mutes kits with me. www.Mic-Mutes.com Bill Morphyu
  24. Hey All, when I bought the 03 RSV it had the K & N Air Filters. I added a set of Emego 29" Fish Tail Straight Thru Pipes (non-baffled) from JC Whitney, and some 8" Baffles. Yes, it is loud, but I Like It. My problem is the bike runs Rich at Idle, and Lean going down the road. I went to several dealers and a few after market places and appently in all there parts books there is No Jet Kits available for the RSV. I used my Carbtune and sync it right on, but the problems still persist. Does anyone know how to get a jet kit or to solve this issue? Your help would be most appreciated. Thanks-
  25. Anyone tried the 9003/H4 HID kits that are all over Ebay for cars? Instead of burning a 55W bulb you're burning a 35W HID lamp that gives you a lot more light with a 20W savings. I also wonder if the computer will freak out or would you have to remove the Reserved lighting unit and other wiring and simply wire it to the handlebar switch and call it done. any ideas? a single Ebay kit would upgrade 2 bikes. You can also get bike specific types that have a HIGH/LOW beam.. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/BI-XENON-HID-CONVERSION-KIT-H4-3-For-Motorcycle-Bike_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trksidZp1713Q2em153Q2el1262QQcategoryZ36476QQihZ020QQitemZ300260708063QQtcZphoto for example.
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