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  1. today i was out doing laundry. when i saw a lady in the parking lot looking at the back right side of her car? i went out and she had a flat tire. she said she had no spare no jack nothing to change this or fix this tire. i went to work and got out my floor jack and huge 4 way tire wrench. with my knee i had a little trouble but got the tire off. told her to watch my laundry and i will be right back. i went down to kings tires just down the road to see if it could be patched? well the tire had a huge screw in it that came out the side wall. and the tire was pretty well shot. so i said hey do you have a used tire you could sell as they do have them. then i explained why i could not afford a new tire. the owner put on a brand new tire and just charged me for mounting. then said merry christmas. it,s people like you who do good things for others and i want to help pass it on. so i give a big A++++++++++++ to kings tire of lasalle IL the woman is now back on the road and the smile and thanks from her just made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
  2. The History Channel just did a story on the Overmountain March that started at Sycamore Shoals in Elizabethton, Tn and ended up At Kings Mountain,NC. Is is said it may have been the turning point in The Revolutionary War. I have been thinking about sometime this spring or summer in loosely taking the same ride, starting in Elizabethton and riding across the mountain, spending the night somewhere and then visiting Kings Mountain State Park in NC. What I have been thinking about, since I only live about ten miles from Elizabethton, is making it kind of an open get together for anyone interested. I have four bedrooms that I am restocking after the divorce, plenty of room for anybody that wants to camp, plus my little camper and a three room tent. We could all chip in a little and grill out, or eat out or what is preferred, kind of like the Asheville Rally, real laid back and fun. We could even look at a bit of time set aside for some maintenance, like carb sync's and maybe Steve Neal (SGN) could bring over his tire changer and we could mount it somewhere, if anyone may want to come a day or two earlier. Anyway, this is just in the dreaming stage and I thought I would throw it out. We also have Jonesborough, TN, which is the oldest town in Tennessee and was the original capital of what would have been the 14th state, which would have been Franklin, but some say that Chattanooga, Franklin just don't come out right. Jonesborough is about seven miles from my house. Anyway, it is going to be about 14 degrees tonight and I am just dreaming and wondering if there is any interest. RandyA A little cut and paste: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sycamore_Shoals http://www.sycamoreshoalstn.org/Where%20Liberty%20Began.htm In The Winning of the West, Theodore Roosevelt wrote of Kings Mountain, "This brilliant victory marked the turning point of the American Revolution." Thomas Jefferson called it, "The turn of the tide of success." Herbert Hoover's address at Kings Mountain said, "This is a place of inspiring memories. Here less than a thousand men, inspired by the urge of freedom, defeated a superior force intrenched in this strategic position. This small band of Patriots turned back a dangerous invasion well designed to separate and dismember the united Colonies. It was a little army and a little battle, but it was of mighty portent. History has done scant justice to its significance, which rightly should place it beside Lexington, Bunker Hill, Trenton and Yorktown." In 1931, the Congress of the United States created the Kings Mountain National Military Park on the site of the battle. The park headquarters is in Blacksburg, South Carolina, and hosts hundreds of thousands of people each year
  3. Just got my Road Kings swapped out to the Khrome Works I picked up from Godlover. I am really liking the sound of those. Sounds kind of Maserati'ish... Good looking pipes too.
  4. This should be fun to watch.... See if the Bull organization will 'rescue' them.... http://www.westauction.com/auction/index/id/207 I found this in this mornings paper. Solves the mystery of why and who....... Business decisions haunt former Kings coach Brown Published: Tuesday, May. 5, 2009 - 12:00 am | Page 1C Randy Brown is well aware of the perception, even if it doesn't match reality. That, more than anything, is the most painful part of an already challenging time. "People figure that here's this guy … he's played in the NBA, he just got fired (as a coach), he's broke, and here he is giving up his championship rings," he said recently, frustration clear in his voice. "That hurt me because those (rings) mean a lot to me." Less than two weeks after he was one of four Kings assistant coaches fired with interim coach Kenny Natt, Brown – the former Kings player and role player on the Michael Jordan-led Chicago Bulls teams that won titles in 1996, '97 and '98 – finds himself as the latest poster boy for athletes who mismanage money. When news broke April 28 that West Auction had gained control of Brown's three championship rings as part of his bankruptcy filing, the timing of the story led to a tailor-made story line of the financially failing athlete. It served as a brass-knuckles blow to the man who was part of one of the NBA's most celebrated teams. There's a looming May 19 auction date, a starting price of $19,000 apiece and an uncertain fate for his most cherished hardware. But this situation, Brown wants to make clear, isn't what it seems. "I'm going to be working for another NBA team here in a couple months, and (the recent media coverage) portrayed that I'm broke already and here are my rings (being auctioned)," said Brown, who hopes to find his next NBA coaching job soon. "My family suffered a lot, my wife suffered a lot. It was old news to us and news to everyone else. … I (don't) want to be portrayed as a guy who didn't manage his money well and who is giving up his championship rings for a nice dinner out with his wife." Bankruptcy came even before the Kings hired Brown, a Chicago native who was based in the Windy City before returning to Sacramento. He said the process "started in August of 2007." After a series of failed real estate and restaurant dealings with "some bad people who I thought were my friends," he was in a financial hole too big to dig out of alone. "Some buddies who I'm not even going to call friends anymore, left me in a 20-year lease with 20 properties and just left me with all those deals, so I filed bankruptcy in 2007," Brown said. "I already told my attorney that I'm going to contact the NBA to see if I can talk to the young players in this league about signing their name to some business situations that turn out to be no good. At the end of the day, I had some business partners, but it was Randy Brown's name that was on everything." It was then that Brown changed careers, with former Kings coach and longtime friend Reggie Theus hiring him in July 2007. While bankruptcy would mean the debt wouldn't be fully repaid, creditors wanted Brown to pay one way or another. "When it came down to it, the judge said your name is on everything and you've got to come battle for this stuff," Brown said. "My business partners went and hid behind the rocks." While the rings aren't the only valuables Brown has been forced to give up, he said they are his most cherished possessions. "They went for my heart," Brown said. "They knew those rings were on my finger, my name was on those banners. They went for my heart, they went for my name, and for the most part they were successful. They don't care about what happens with those rings." Until last week, Brown had been told he could regain the rings by way of a third party through the auction. Now, however, he has been informed otherwise. If Brown can't reclaim the rings, he said the Bulls could replace them. "It pulled me apart," Brown said. "Legally, I understand these creditors wanted the rings, but they knew they were getting my heart."
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