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Found 23 results

  1. Passed a MkII on Dallas Road on Thursday. Couldn't see very well due to the blinding sun. Looked like it might have been Kevin in Victoria. Not too many MC's wave at scooters.
  2. Today is number 56 for Leadwolf56. How appropriate! Happy birthday Kevin! May you have the best year of your life! Joe and Donna
  3. Myself and Kevin (Kevinfalk on VR) headed out on Sunday for a nice approx. 800 km ride. From Stettler down through the Kananaskis and back. About 45 mins from home a deer flew out of the ditch and hit Kevin causing him to crash. I guess I paniced and grabbed to much brake to try and avoid everything and laid mine down also. Both of us faired pretty good, Kevin ended up with a broken ankle and a really sore shoulder. His bike not so good, the only thing not damaged is his new Russel Daylong seat. Myself, I ended up with road rash on my elbows, knees and hip. Bike got chewed up on the leftside pretty bad. Thank God for leathers is all I can say, they did a stand up job keeping the asphault from eating at my skin. My question though, does anyone have any tips on dealing with insurance . I know every state and province is different but anything might help. I just always get the feeling they're going to put the boots to ya in the end. Conrad
  4. Mt daughter and I are going to tour Da UP next week. The only destination that is set in stone is KI Sawyer AFB. I was stationed there for 6.5 years in the late 80's and I would like to see how much has changed since it was shut down in 1995. Kevin
  5. Well, unless someone gets off the fence and a settlement is reached on a pending civil law suit, looks like I will be sitting around in court waiting to testify rather than joining you good folks at Potato Creek. While these things usually end up settling on the first day of trial, I still have to block off the complete 3 days just in case. Anyway, I will be sending the sold tickets, plus a couple of hundred ticket blanks to Leadwolf56. So, those of you that have not had a chance to purchase the winning ticket, or would like to purchase a few more, check with Kevin (Leadwolf56) at the park. The tickets will be sent off Friday, so you still have a couple of days to make your donations to me via PayPal if you are so inclined. But after Friday, you will needc to see Kevin at the Park. Russell
  6. I have been visiting this site for the past four years mostly for the technical / modifications aspects and found great ideas and have applied a lot of them. Now I was wondering how many members are around the Montreal area? It would be great if we could arrange a meet and great in the near future. Kevin
  7. I purchased a pair of E3's at the end of last season. I'm having the local dealer install them. Is $200 a fair price if I supply the tires? Kevin
  8. BradT

    Thanks Too

    Leadwolf, Tinkerbell and 93 Venture, for the impromptu meet and eat. Rhonda and I headed down their way on Firday and met up with them Saturday morning. We went down to look at a Bike for Rhonda, that 93 Venture went and looked at for us. After being somewhat disatisfied we had a nice lunch, and Darrin recomended heading to another Yamaha Dealer. Kevin phoned ahead and setup a test ride for Rhonda. When we got there they were ready for her to go for her test ride. We did not end up getting a bike, but we did find out, that the bikes Rhonda likes will have to have a few modifications for comfort and safety. Kevin guided back up to the highway and we headed home. Again thanks and we had a good day. PS I did not get one picture. Brad
  9. rod

    Carb sync

    Kevin (AKRefugee) came by the house today and we did carb sync using my old carb sticks. Neither one was too far off but our bikes are smoother now. Nice to see a MM and 2006 next to each other. I had a good day. Thanks Kevin ride safe Rod
  10. I am sure this is going to start a debate but I am going to change the oil in the bike and switch to syn. So far all I have seen is Mobil 1 and its almost 9 bucks a qt. I seen the rotella in a blue bottle that I seen some here use but it doesnt say motorcycle safe on it that I seen? Were is everyone getting there oil at? Thanks for info Kevin
  11. I noticed the other day a wet spot under the bike and it was gas, it doesnt do it all the time and I smell gas alot on it since it was new. I stopped by dealer and talked to them and they said that they do that alot and uptil this year if they change the needle in the carb and something else it has been taking care of it, but he said since they have changed the formula on gas he is seeing more of it this year than before. Anyone have this problem? Thanks Kevin
  12. OK you guys have gotten my curiosity up. How many speedbleaders do I need to do my whole bike? It is an 87 VR? Thanks, Kevin
  13. What years are in the 1st gens, and what is a MkII? Kevin
  14. I have tried taking the front calipers apart and cleaning them. Now what is the secret to bleeding them? Thanks, Kevin
  15. My 87 VR doesn't have a knob on the reserve valve for the gas tank. Anybody have one extra or can tell me where I can get one? Kevin
  16. 87 VR has sat since Oct, last year. THe front caliper is sticking now. What is the fix? Kevin
  17. I bought 2 helmets at a garage sale last weekend. Don't remember what kind of headsets they are, but does anyone have a diagram that I can get and wire these up so I can talk to the wife while riding without screaming? Kevin
  18. I replaced the battery and the new one has a threaded filler cap and is to large for the wire that tells you when the water is low. What can I do? Thanks, Kevin
  19. I took the forks off to have them rebuilt and now I need to know if the drive unit goes in front or behind the forks? Thanks, Kevin
  20. hello all i have a 99 rsv i feel a vibration at 65 & 70 i thought it might be the tires but i put mich on it sep 6th and it is still there my son had a 03 and when i rodo his i did not feel it any thoughts as to what to look at next thanks kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  21. Hello all last week my son went down in nc the adj looked at buike to day and said that thay maybe totaling the bike he will let him know by fri it was a good one only 14000 miles when we find out i will up date thanks kevin wisor 1999 rsv jax fl
  22. I use a windshield mounted E-Zpass in my vehicle for business and was curious if it could also be used on my venture and where it would need to be mounted? Kevin
  23. Do the air hoses on the front forks unscrew out of the forks? Thanks, Kevin
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