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While vacationing in Fla, with the family we took a day off to do separate things, Charlene and I went east over to Coca Bch, Fla and paid a visit to 1-Up, aka Ken Derrett. We went to eat at a fantastic seafood rest. Charlene and I got a platter for 2 and the amount of food they served us could have fed 4 of us. The platter in front of Ken is not part of the 2 person platter, all the food in front of Charlene and I and the plate in the middle was ours. Ken took us around and showed us some interesting sites we want to come back and see when we have more time.
I am sure there is a thread on this - I want to mount a serious horn on my 1st Gen - any instructions on this? Ken
Any VR member near Eau Claire, WI that could look @ a 1990 VR for me? Ken
Ok bryan!! It's safe to come out and ride again!! Cherie's bike (lucyII) is complete again after the de-blinging at the leaflooker ride. Dang!! She wouldn't let me sleep untill it was done!! And ken is getting his set next sunday...sure hope we can ride to meet him and vicky for dinner.
Ok bryan!! It's safe to come out and ride again!! Cherie's bike (lucyII) is complete again after the de-blinging at the leaflooker ride. Dang!! She wouldn't let me sleep untill it was done!! And ken is getting his set next sunday...sure hope we can ride to meet him and vicky for dinner.
I got off work yesterday morning at our local Wally World to find a rather familiar rig sitting at the far end of the parking lot. Ken's "Trick-Lights" rig was sitting there along with 2 motor coaches, 3 bikes, and a car [and who knows what else!]. Didn't take long for me to spot a certain white 1st gen so I figured Thom had to be along as well. Since I had no idea as to when they had pulled in, I headed for home without disturbing them. I sent Thom a PM to let him know they'd been spotted and to say HI! to Ken for me. When I went to work last night, the whole gang was still there. So when I got off work this morning, I pulled over by Thom's bike to see if anyone was going to be up and around anytime soon. Ken came out to take his dog for it's morning walk. I ended up getting invited in for morning coffee and found out why they had been parked there for two days. They were on their way back from the rally at Somerville. The lovely 60 mph wind gusts we'd had over the weekend had taken the awning off Ken's rig and they were waiting for parts to replace it as they were also on their way to the rally at New Braunfels. Oh Fun! Thom says HI!! to everyone and to let folks know that his cell phone went out on him over the weekend so he's been unable to read his "mail" and to add his 2 cents worth to things. He also almost froze his tootsies off as we had something like 40* weather around here last night! It got cold! For May at least. Parts for the awning are due in today. They have to get it rebuilt and rerigged today as they have to head out for New Braufels tonite. Another Oh Fun! I may make a run into town later on to make sure they got back on the road ok. That is not a small awning!
I would like to pass along a thanks to Ken Austin at Auburn Motorcycle. I just had my 08 RSV serviced there and he saved me a lot of money over the normal dealer price. Mike
I just wanted to let the rest of you know that I got a set (3 keys) from one of the members on this site [ame=]VentureRider.Org[/ame] and he did a great job. My dealer was out of these keys and I live in a fairly small the service Ken provided was great (and fast). All I had to do was provide my key code and he done the rest. Here's a link to his (KJ4V) profile, and he is a locksmith so you know they are done right. [ame=]VentureRider.Org[/ame] Ken...tried all 3 keys...worked perfectly. Thanks again. Wally
A few weeks ago, KEN8143 (Ken Yoder) contacted me with a list of items he wanted to address on his 87'VR before he went on vacation. He also told me that he just purchased his very own Carbtune and wanted to try it out on his bike. Now Ken is one of my favorite people to have over for a visit and Jean has accused us, more than once of "having WAY to much fun" out in the garage! So when Ken stopped by, I was ready for him part wise. Now one of the projects that Ken had on his list of "TO DO" items was to change his Valve Cover Gaskets. Needless to say, this is not a "fun" job, but in this case, it was way past needing done. Because you can't get a ratchet on the retaining bolts for the rear cylinder, the method I use is to pull up my roller chair and proceed to take the 8 bolts out with a 10MM boxed end wrench. To say that this takes some time is an understatement! Ken was on the other side of the bike and I heard him comment that, "there MUST be a better way to do this"! Then he muttered something else about, "having the patience of JOB"! At that point, we started to talk about "special tools", and how I wish I could afford to purchase some for jobs just like this. I then explained that because of my surgeries, and the fact that I have not been able to return to work yet, I was grateful that I had a 10MM wrench to do this job with. Ken pretty much dropped the subject after that, but before he did, he looked me strait in the eye and said, "That Won't Do"! We finished working on his bike, he did his OWN Carb. Sync. with his very own Carbtune, and Jean prepared us a wonderful lunch. We talked and laughed and then Ken had to head home. After Ken and his wife had returned from their vacation, I received a PM saying that his bike averaged mid 40's MPG wise two up, the bike ran flawlessly, didn't leak a drop of oil, and overall, he had a great trip. I was happy for him, as I always am when a VR.ORG member gives me the privilege of working on their bikes. Earlier this week, I receive a package in the mail, and much to my surprise, I find enclosed a set of Craftsman Metric, Ratcheting Wrenches from Ken with a note thanking me for taking the time to help him with his bike. Because of the events that have happened to me this summer, and the fact that I have not been able to ride and visit with the members that I usually see in the summer, I have cherished my contact with the VR.ORG members that have been kind to Jean and myself. Needless to say, I got a bit "choked up" when I opened the package and saw this very thoughtful gift from a dear friend. So when Jean came into the office and saw me "choked up" it turned into an all out "blubber fest". I know I have taken the long way around here to thank KEN8143 for his kindness and his fellowship. If you get a chance to share some pavement with this gent, it will not be wasted time. Thank you, Ken my friend Earl and Jean
Does anyone have a spare in good shape (maroon with both mounting posts intact)? Ken
A question for the Canucks on here what bike jack do you use! I see Canadian Tire has one does it work okay? Any help would be appreciated! Ken!
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If you have been inactive like I was this is very cool! I chatted with London yesterday It works flawless and used the mike for my rockband game with usb on my laptop to do it with. [ame=]YouTube- The Qsonet CQ100 Virtual Transceiver[/ame] I heard India on this morning too. No QRM! try it for 90 days free and can even do CW with the keyboard but copy is by hand. If you join, email me and I will be your 1st QSO
Ok...another video posted...I strapped the camcorder on the rack of my ElectraGlide and taped my buddy, Ken, riding...The trunk and rack on a Harley DOES shake a bit... Yet again, an older video I've encoded to digital....and some viewers may recognize the tunes from another video I posted last year. [ame=]YouTube- Ken Rides the Black Hills[/ame]
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If you know of anyone that can do it better, please reply with an attached video. I'll graciously bow down... [ame=]YouTube- KEN BLOCK GYMKHANA TWO THE INFOMERCIAL[/ame]
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Anyone with carbtune in south central PA
Guest posted a topic in Venture and Venture Royale Tech Talk ('83 - '93)
Want to make a long trip this weekend and would like to have my carbs tuned. Anyone in the York/Lancaster/Harrisburg area have a carb tune and willing to help me out? Shoot me a PM thanks, Ken -
I posted last week that I would like some help syncing my carbs in the Knoxville area. Eck answered first offering to ride 100 miles to meet me half way. And Ken (slick97spirit) who was visiting his brother here from MO. offered to haul his equipment here and do it for me. I just want to offer a public thanks to both of you. Ken did a great job, and had them in sync in just a few minutes. It runs very smooth now, and my wife & I enjoyed meeting him and his lovely wife.
My wife and I will be zooming up to Standish, Maine to check up on my house and put togeather a suprise birthday party for her mother (80). From the 18th to the 26 we will be putting on some RSV miles. If you Main-a's know of any motorcycle or local events happening during that time please let me know. Thanks. ken
I just moved from Ontario to Michigan...does anyone have advice for the cheapest motorcycle insurance in Michigan? Ken in Kalamazoo
Looking for feedback on local Yamaha service centers in the San Antonio/Hill country area. Not having any trouble with the bike right now. We just bought an RSV and hopefully will not need service for a long time to come. But would like to find the best available service center when needed. Thanks much, Ken
I'm Taking Brad's advice and starting a new thread on this. I have purchased a camp trailer from 1-UP in Flordia. Now the problem of getting it to it's new home in central Oklahoma. Ken has kindly offered to bring the trailer as far as Nashville, but I am heading out to the West Coast on the job on Monday and won't be back until the middle of November. Can't get out of it. I was hoping to find a Nashville member who would be willing to meet with Ken and take posession of the trailer until I can get out there at the end of November and pick it up. Ken's schedule isn't set yet, so I can't tell you when he will arrive. But we can work it out. Setting up a relay from Nashville to Oklahoma would be more fun, but I won't be around to coordinate. Sorry. Thanks Dale.
The Dragon Cave is becoming a regular stopover for VR members. Ken Derret aka 1-Up is on his way to Indianapolis to his cousins house, who just so happens to be married to my cousin, (small world isnt it), and stopped here for a visit and an overnite stop. His new trike is awesome and Ken really loves it. We sat and talked for a while, but alas I had to retire and leave Charlene and him talking in the livingroom. Its great having members stop by and visit and the door is always open and if there is an empty bed, which there always is, any VR member is welcome to spend the nite or two. Wont see Ken before he leaves as I have to be to work at 0600, but it was great seeing him and being able to visit.
I rode to work today my first ride in the dark on the new RSV. the stock light is no where near as bright as i like. what have other members done to correct this issue. what replacment bulb are you using? What light bar are you running? thanks Ken
Ken suffered a major heartattack last night...he was sent to Winnipeg where he then suffered a stroke. He passed tonight at 5pm. His kind gentle spirit will be remembered. He was devoted to educating young aboriginals in their culture and always had time for us who wanted to learn about it. He and his wife were raising their grandchild and he is a classmate of my little Courtney. We will miss you Ken......