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  1. I have putting off the invetiable foo long now, starting a liquid diet this morning and wont be able to eat anything solid till around noon tomorrow:crying:. Tomorrow morning I will be heading to the hospital for my colonoscopy. I should have had this done a long time ago, but procrastinated way too long. I havent been having any problems, or symptons of anything, so I am keeping my fingers crossed that I get a clean report after its over. So what are your plans for today..???
  2. The Last rain storm my with & I rode through pulling the trailer, I could not see a thing, (picture this) the wife looking over my right shoulder, telling me I'm in the lane, no where to stop and wind & Rain hammering us from the left. Now I now how the pilots on a B 52 bomber feels. I was watching the gauges, keeping the bike at 45 ( the wife talking to me through the intercom) What the Heck do you use on your windshields, to stop rain from beading? and the inside of the shield from fogging up?
  3. I have 87 royale and was wondering about removing the stereo/tape deck. Then installing a newer radio with IPOD attachment. If I did this would the CB still work? Or is there more involved in keeping the old CB?
  4. Well my hand not the only thing keeping me from riding, we going to get some snow here in Ga. tomorrow,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oops, I said the S... word.................
  5. Well, I finally got around to checking my valve clearances on Biggal this past weekend. I'd been putting it off all summer and this week I had some vacation time so I used it to catch up on some long overdue preventive maintenance. Many thanks go out to all the discussions on this website and MD 's at Don's the last 2 years, as well as Freebird's posting about getting the carbs off in the Tech section. V7Goose's article article in the Tech section was my main instruction book for doing the valves. I also used your procedure for setting the floats on the carbs. Thanks Goose. Dingy has a very good spreadsheet in the Tech section as well and it came in very handy. Thanks Gary. You made working with metrics a lot easier and keeping up with what's shims are in each location. After changing the coolant, as well as the oil, filter, sparkplugs, tightening the steering head bearings, and syncing the carbs (didn't really need that) she runs like a champ again. I'd say I've got my 12 dollars worth of help and more!! Thanks to everyone again!
  6. Don't worry...unlike SOME people on here, we're keeping the bike too.
  7. Our youngest, Andy was diagnosed with MS just before his 19th birthday. We are so blessed that his is not very aggressive at this young age. Both Andy and Jan are riding in the Harmons Best Dam Bike Ride 2011 to raise awareness and research funds to find a cure. While keeping in mind the current economic times, anyone that feels they are able to make a small donation, I have included the link below. You can donate on behalf of Jan or Andy Harris. https://secure3.convio.net/nmss/site/Donation2?idb=604336954&df_id=31240&FR_ID=15231&PROXY_ID=9324307&31240.donation=form1&PROXY_TYPE=20&JServSessionIdr004=0yr044n173.app330b Thank you in advance for your thoughts, prayers or donations. Dave
  8. They keeping you that busy down there???
  9. Started a thread yesterday about my new to me bike. Thanks to Phoneman1981, he helped me resize my pix!!! So, here she is!!!!! I am so tickled I got her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and I'm even more tickled, I'm able to handle her!!!) And yes I'm keeping my Virago, as she's the best bike I've ever owned !! 2004 1100 VStar Classic
  10. VTirelli


    Doing me 'every once in a while' check in. Haven't had a lot of spare time....Retirement is a real time consumer........I heard from the couple that bought my '05, they've put about 10,000 miles in her since March and are still going strong.....still thinking about if I want to replace her but I'm not so sure....Long Island is such a dangerous place to ride and there are only so many places that you can go on a day ride....I DO have another project (pictured below) - 67 GTO ..something that I've always wanted, an old muscle car.......its keeping me busy but we love it. Also keeping busy with my grandson...he was 6 months old yesterday and is quite the little man (also pictured below)....Hope everyone is doing well....stay warm this winter!! vIN
  11. Is there anyone that possibly has an 86-89 serviceable TCI they are willing to sell or ???? I have an extra but am not too confident it is good. I suppose I could swap them out to find out if the extra TCI I have is operational, but......that involves extra time, something I don't have a lot of these days. The TCI on my 86 works 100% but since I plan on keeping this bike forever, I would like to have another on-hand. This is my sweetheart, is absolutely flawless and beautiful so I really don't mind spending on her.
  12. I know, I haven't been on in awhile, but wanted to say "hi". Was waiting for my company to implode and finally got my permanent lay off date and held them to it. The girlfriend is happy because I was finally able to move because of the lay off. Just need to settle in to the new apartment , which we can't move into until the end of September. Had to sell the bike for some buffer zone money, but will be keeping my eyes open once I find a job or two. Figured I should pop in and let people know i was still around. Been in South Carolina for about 2 weeks now and really like it so far, still feel a little geographically lost, but half the fun is exploring.
  13. I am selling my bike for 3K. Its an 85 VR with all the trimmins with 39,000 mi. on it. I love it, but i want something that more suits my age, i'll enjoy a new venture when i have the time and money to enjoy one. Right now, I'm keeping it in the family and getting a V-Star. 3K is alot, so you can tell how much i want to sell it. I'll probably be enjoying this bike for awhile longer!
  14. does anyone have any tips for keeping your hands warm at below 40 degree weather? The rest of my cold weather gear works pretty well, and I've got a pair for waterproof thinsulate gloves. But after about 10 minutes my hands are freezing.
  15. I've been seeing more and more ads and commercials about how important "keeping it local" is. I have no problem with that all. I support my local butcher and fruit/vegetable farmers as much as I can. But then there's just about everything else a guy needs. The local grocery and hardware stores have way over inflated prices, and that's only if you happen to be able to find what you need. One of the lacal hardware stores wanted $4.50/ft. for some chain for my snow-blower. I found it in the next town over at a Mennonite owned hardware store for $1.56/ft. So I end up driving 45 minute to Wally World where it's cheaper. But then they still don't carry a good share of the things I'm looking for. And if you ask they usually say it's seasonal or just plain have no idea what I'm asking for. It's gotten hard to find someone who knows what their talking about behind the counter at some the auto parts stores. Menards and Best Buy seldom ever have anything I need. So I end up doing most of my business online. So I have to wonder if the same people who put on those ads saying to "keep it local", ever talk to the "local" businesses about their extremely high prices. I think that if they were asking fair prices, I would have no problem doing more of my business with them. Is it because I'm getting older? Am I turning into my Dad?!?!
  16. Well yesterday most likely was my last ride of 2009. It was 34 when I left on my 60 mile commute to work. I'll have to say the GW has great wind protection and I wasn't really that cold. Got up to 54 for the ride home. I had a hard time taking the exit for home The bike wanted to just keeping heading south. Hope I get to ride again before 2010, but the temps are below freezing today and calling for the white stuff soon. Jay
  17. Ok and plumber's out there? I have a hot water heater that is 4 years old. Its a 2 element unit. that is not heating. I have checked and the breaker is Ok and I have 120 volts on both sides of each element. I have replaced the upper element ( I was told this is the heating element and the bottom element was for keeping the water warm.) I turned up both thermostats to max and still no heat. any suggestions ?????? Cold showers were great when you were 16 but not so good when your 60 LOL
  18. :7_2_104[1]:Bongo Bob really does now own a 2nd Gen!!! Grand spankin new '09 Sandstone and Raven with now around 300 miles on it!! Surprise, surprise!! Yes, I'm going to keep it, and no, I did not get rid of Goldie!!! I'm keeping both!
  19. I just got a call about this. The guy who was riding the motorcycle is a friend of mine and we were co-workers for many years. It will be awhile before I find out his condition but his grand-daughter was killed. I've always felt that these kind of postings had the benefit of keeping all of us on our toes to watch out for the cars out there. Never thought I'd be one of those guys making the post. Be careful out there my friends.... Bob http://www.krem.com/topstories/stories/krem2-051109-crash-victim-father.177ad9e2.html
  20. Lewis, this is a personal "thank you", for all you do, and have done in the past for the kids at "St. Judes", and for keeping Mark's name and presence, alive! you ARE "da man"! 'nuff said! just jt
  21. Yamaha has released the 2009 RSV and RSTD models and not a dam thing has changed. No upgrade in the sound system, no FI, no increase in HP etc.. Oh well I guess I'll be keeping my 2006 RSTD with the newly purchased mustang seat..
  22. I have an '06 RSV and it's recently devlepoped an interesting problem/glitch. Every once in a while the audio system stops responding to any of the buttons. The only thing it responds to is the volume control. If I push the up or down arrows, nothing happens, and the same holds true for the AUDIO, SELECT and CB buttons. If I hold the AUDIO button long enough, it shuts off then I can turn it back on. But that doesn't always fix it. I haven't been keeping tabs on when it happens, but I think it doesn't happen when I first start it cold in the morning. Anyone have any ideas????? Also, is there any "system reset" for the audio system??? Thank you in advance CG
  23. on Ebay lately. A month ago there were 2-3 complete bikes listed and an item count in the 700's, and now it's hovering around 200 with one seller keeping the count up with his listings of sub-parts. Case.... a side shift assembly torn down to the pedal and mount, or a clutch master listed as lever and reserve.... Doesn't sound too smart.... Anyway it's like the Sahara Dessert. I usually watch 20-30 items, and when things are really good it's up into the mid 40's. This morning's count... 9.... I guess 1stGen riders are keeping there bikes instead of selling them to VR killers.....
  24. I had to miss M/D, so where are the pics...........somebody must have a camera, Freebirds computer is free with him keeping up with everybody...............Come on...............Please!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Economy forecasters are like weather men they seldom get it right.I know one thing keeping the family budget afloat is getting harder to do.These waves of recession are getting high and some say a depression is just off the port bow.Now some joker just said the stock market will hit 16000 by years end and it's smooth sailing. My bills are still paid on time and I put more trust in my computers 100 day budget forecast then anything but prices just keep going up.My kids are having it worse with the oldest daughter fighting to stay in college with two mouths to feed and the future son-n-law currently between jobs. We meet a man the other day who was building a new 4 bedroom log house for his wife. She left him and now he lives all alone. The house is almost finished but he lost his desire to complete it.He has chose to live life as a hermit. He has no electricity,running water,telephone,etc. He says he is debt free and just decided to live with no monthly bills. You might say he is permanently camped out along the river bank. Once in a while someone will stop by with some news of whats happening in the world. This brings a whole new meaning to still having room in the budget for a few more cuts.
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