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  1. Attention all VR Members: As you know, we recently took our donation to St. Jude's and toured the hospital. While on the tour, we noticed the "walkway" had several engraved bricks. We asked our tour guide about them and she let us know that for a certain donation, you could have a "brick" engraved. As we toured the hospital..we noticed there were walls inside with engraved plaques. Again..for a certain donation, you can have your name on a plaque on the wall. As we kept walking..we started thinking...wouldn't it be really neat to at least have a brick out there with "VENTURERIDER.ORG, For the Children" on it? So with Freebird's permission and Dragonrider's blessing...we are going to change up our St. Jude's Fundraising a little bit this year... With your help, we can raise enough money FOR AT LEAST ONE BRICK!! And who knows? If we get enough $$$ maybe, just MAYBE, we could get a plaque. The rates are as follows per the website: I went on the St. Jude's website and this is what I found: 1. Small brick: $1000 2. Lg Brick: $1500 On the TRIBUTE WALL: 1. Small Plaque: $2500-4999 2. Lg Plaque: $5000 SUPPORTER'S WALL: $10,000. If we could get just ONE DOLLAR ($!) from every member..we could do it! This is such a worthy cause. Over the years we have donated alot of money, but didn't know we could ask for a brick or plaque...This is YOUR chance to give just a little bit and yet..do SO MUCH! so what do you think? All you have to do is send your $$ to Dragonrider (Lewis Cramer) by paypal @ partin_guy@yahoo.com or by mail. Will have to add the address on a later post. Come on folks! We can do this! How about it? Are you with me? Thanks Patti and Don :fingers-crossed-emo
  2. kbran

    St Judes

    Sent from my MB860 using Tapatalk 2
  3. We are making plans to meet Dragonrider for the St. Jude ride on Oct 6. Anyone else going? This is always a great ride. You can tour the hospital or Ronald McDonald house...either one is a great tour. We meet for lunch first and then ride to St. Jude's where we present our check. Then we get the tour. If you can't ride, how about a donation? We could really use it this year since we didn't do "Vogel". Contact Dragonrider and he will let you know how to do this. If you ARE going, let us know...maybe we can meet up along the way and ride together. Patti
  4. The NARR group had it's October meeting tonight and we have over 1000.00 pledged for next years St Judes event! No competition next year but I would like to see these two groups get together and present at the same time again. We had so many members who made their first visit to the hospital and were deeply moved by the experience. We had the drawing for the handmade quilt that we raffled off as part of our fundraising effort and a lady whos adult daughter is fighting cancer was the winner.
  5. We got home from St. Judes about 8:00 oclock, other than fighting the cross winds on I 40 everything went well. (even the plug in the tire) It was good to see old friends and make new ones. Hope everyone makes it home safe.
  6. Just a heads up for you 1st genners, I have put up 2 items for St. Judes in that area of the classifieds http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3077&title=venture-drivers-backrest-pad&cat=15 http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3078&title=-2786-to2793-1st-gen-drivers-backrest-brackets&cat=15 If your looking for them, bid these up, it's for a good cause. I will personally pay for the shipping to anyone on this website no matter where they live.
  7. Hey Folks, I recieved a PM from Dragon rider today about the actual auctions for the St. Judes items have gone missing I have attempted to see what had gone on with them in the admin portion of the site, but lack the expertice to know where to look I just wanted to let you all know that we will be working on this as soon as Freebird comes back, we'll be able to research it with a more knowledgeable person. Give us a little time and we'll get it straitened out and let the winning parties know who got what
  8. Beth and I made it back from St. Jude trip about 2PM today. Except for the rainy ride home we had a great time. We camped for the first time since the kids were small at Arkabutla Lake near Tunica,Ms. Had a good turnout for St. Judes, Thanks Lewis for the effort you put into this for the kids. And it was great that Nancy (MeanDog wife) could make it. Here is a few pics, will post a link to the rest when loaded on photobucket. Oh and Boomer and krew, sorry we coudn't make it to the casino, had a rainstorm at the lake about the time we were supposed to leave so we stayed in LOL.
  9. Just got some pics downloaded. We had a great time!
  10. Went for my first ride today since hip replacement:cool10: The wife is out of town for a few days no car so had to go to town:whistling: It was great feeling the wind in the face after 10 weeks. Had absolutely no probs or pain:banana: Should be good to go for St Judes Run John
  11. OK, some BSing, eating, riding, taking the ferry, more eating, hanging out, BBQ buffet and to top it off, the whipped cream pie in the face for St Jude's. Yes, it's in the VR photobucket. http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y262/venturerider/The%20hub%20tuesday%202009/
  12. Last call people......... to get your tickets for the trailer raffle..........1 for $10, 3 for $25 (yes we will be selling them yet at the rally for attendees) also last chance for those not attending to get tickets for the st judes one of a kind belt buckles raffle tickets...and remember all moneys go to st judes. you can send paypal payments to vrrally2009@yahoo.com for either of these. simply mark the payment either trailer or st judes and please include your site name.
  13. Hey Folks, I know this has been a long time coming, and I apologise for it's dealy. I have gathered all the monies and gone through who paid what and have a total for the St. Judes weight loss we did at MD. ...........$460.00 Thanks for your paitence and trust, just had to get all the owed monies collected. This turned out to be a great shot in the arm for our St. Judes yearly pledge. Thank you to all that participated and Darrin (93 Venture) for comign up with the idea way back in January. Now we just have to figure out what the next hairbrained idea will be
  14. We have decided to open up the raffle for St Judes for the 2 one of a kind belt buckles we posted about previously. The reasoning behind this is to raise more funds for St Judes. Those not attending will now be able to purchase/donate to raffle tickets for it..... 1 for $5 or 3 for $10 ONLY those NOT attending the rally will be able to do this thru paypal. anyone attending the rally who wishes to get in on this raffle will need to get their tickets at the rally. The reason for this is to not make a whole lot of more record keeping work for us. You can send payment to vrrally2009@yahoo.com and please in the notes or comments section of your payment put your site name and that this is for st judes . We will have a cut off date of July 29th for these ... here is the info on the belt buckles... [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=38305]2009 rally st. jude raffle - VentureRider.Org[/ame] www.exoticstainlesssteel.com and sleeperhawk i expect to see you as the first to purchase...... and remember all funds collected for this raffle will go to St Judes
  15. Are any of you going out to St. Judes? Mechanic and I are kind of open as to when we leave Friday afternoon/evening going through Ashville, NC or going to Atlanta. Need to get a count going to let Dragonrider know. Oh Yeah, Mechanic is sweating it out big time now. :crying::rotf:
  16. Ok...folks today is the day that the auctions end...Get over there now and bid. Come on...there are some really neat stuff to bid on, besides it is for a good cause. Get your St Judes hat, T shirts and other accessories. Hurry before it is to late!
  17. Hey Folks, Well here we are at another New Year, I know many have made resolutions ( I hate that word) and will try to change a negative in their life. Darren (93 Venture) came up with what I think is an awsome idea to raise some money for St. Judes. His idea is for a weight loss for money to donate to St. Judes. I have thought over the holidays what might be the best way and this is what I and some others have brainstormed. We will get some volunteers to be a group that will attempt to loose the weight. They will come up with a weight that they think they can loose before Freebirds Maintenance Day on June 6th. Folks would then pledge so much per pound on the combined total weight that the members want to loose. There is a twist to this also as we want folks to be realistic in their attempt on loosing weight. If someone says they want to loose 40 lbs and they only loose 30 they have to pay lets say $1 per pound that they didn't loose. Keeps people somewhat honest and motivate to lose the weight they said they would. As mentioned if your going to participate in this, BE REALISTIC! dont say that you want to loose 60 lbs in 6 months. This will be a total of all the goals set by the individuals. There will be a second thread started once we have the volunteers where members can donate however much per pound. So what do you folks think....are you up for the challenge??
  18. Some of you may have noticed that I've added a banner at the upper right of the site that says "VentureRider St. Jude Auctions". If you click on that banner, it will take you to a new classified's section that is dedicated to the items being auctioned off to benefit St. Judes. Those banners are random so you may have to refresh the page a couple of times to see it. You can also just click on the "Classifieds" link in the upper menu bar. I also want to thank the ever wonderful DragonRider for his continued efforts in regards to this cause.
  19. hi bill & linda i don't look at it as you failed the kids. you have been doing this for years. kay jewelers has been doing a lot of tv adverising here in houston, but i never seen anything about buy a bear and they would send it to st. jude's. it's a shame that they want you to buy something else ( plus buying a bear ) in order for them to send the bear to st.jude's. shame on them i will now not ever set my foot inside their store/s. I FEEL A TEDDY BEAR RUN COMING UP. any one game? i'am willing to buy some teddy bears and make the trip to st. jude's. but i will not have any more vacation/ floating holidays off till january 1. but i am ready to do this. i can possible put 50 or more teddy bears in my trailer to pull behind the scoot. and if need be i'll drive my pickup i have a shell covering the bed. how many bears do we need? sorry brad & lonna will have to miss the michigan m&e if we can put this together. let me know bill. best reguards don c.
  20. Hey All, I have been talking with Lewis and he has mentioned to me that the folks that donated for the St. Judes Tattoos are eligable for some gifts. Now the gifts vary upon how much was donated up to $34.99 is a St. Judes Lapel Pin, up to $74.99 is a T shirt, up to $149.99 is a Hat and $150.00 or more is a license holder for your car or bike. There is a problem here, this offer is only good for 1 week and we have to have an answer by Monday morning. This might be a nightmare, but we (Lewis and I) want you folks to have the choice to accept these. Now there is another option that Lewis came up with and I really like. His thoughts are that we break the donation amount down and get 165 pins or a combination of that and shirts and sell them on the site in the classifieds. We could either put them up for auction, or fix a price and sell them outright. The monies that we make off them could go right back into a St. Judes fund that we are working on. The choice is all of yours that donated, we will do what the masses want, although you could really make us work our butts off with a certain answer Let us know how you feel, I will put up a poll up top that we will use for the decision. I will make it so that those of you that donated anonymosly can also stay that way. Thank you all again for the donations that took us to almost $3300.00 for St. Judes
  21. Lewis, this is a personal "thank you", for all you do, and have done in the past for the kids at "St. Judes", and for keeping Mark's name and presence, alive! you ARE "da man"! 'nuff said! just jt
  22. Hey All, Well....here we go, my somewhat smartalec idea of getting Sledgehammer to get a tat has taken a turn, a good turn. Many of you know from the thread that Sleeperhawks Mechanic posted a few weeks ago about Tim's new dew rag http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=26022 kinda morfed into something for St. Judes childrens hospital, well here is the skinny. Bobbie (mechanic) has agreed to get a tattoo with me to try and raise money for St. Judes Hospital. Many of you know that here at VR.org St. Judes holds a very dear place in our hearts. Lewis Cramer (Dragonrider) has been doing the 50/50 raffle at Vogel for 3 years and donates half of the raffle funds to St. Judes. Year before last, he and about 10 other Venturerider members personally went to St. Judes and gave them the donation. Many of you also know that this was the last ride that Mark Stills (Meandog) ever took. We lost mark early this year to his battle with cancer, but he was hellbent on going and helping to deliver that money. He was amazed at the courage that the little ones had as they were and are battling this epidemic called Cancer. The donation will be presented in the memory of Mark Stills (Meandog) http://stj.convio.net/site/TR/Events/Tribute?px=1618382&pg=fund&fr_id=1341 Well it's time, time for us to help the little ones again. Many of us here pride ourselves at helping others. Whether it be wrencing on a bike, or offering an ear and encouragement for those going through difficulties in life. Bobbie has agreed to get a tattoo, not that she really wants to, but instead to sacrifise for a cause that is worthy...like St. Judes. She and I have talked and here is the plan. Our goal is to raise $3000 by October 1st, this is the price that Bobbie feels her going through all this is worth. Now there is a disclaimer here, you are not going to know what our Tattoo's are going to be or where they will go on our persons until we meet that $3K goal. Is it a lot of money....Yes and No. $3K will buy a lot of items, but it's a drop in the bucket considering what the little ones go through. So I challenge all of our over 5000 members to hopefully find it in your hearts to donate what you can and help us meet this goal. I want to say something here in all seriousness, this is strictly voluntary, if you are tight on cash then DONT donate. We have all been there and I'm definitely not asking you folks to give if money is tight. But if you have a spare few buck, perhaps putting off buying that 1 chrome piece for the bike for a few weeks or whatever. I ask that you please help us to meet our goal and make things happen. I will take the lead and will send $100 to Don through paypal as a gesture of my seriousness. I wont burden him with taking the donations, I will handle that as it was my mouth that got this ball rolling. My paypal addy is weldman333@yahoo.com or you can email or PM me for my home addy if you want to send it through the mail. It's a lofty goal, but one that I believe is easily attainable, please help us in helping others that are in way more need. If there are any questions or concerns feel free to contact me either in this thread or by PM/email. Thank you all for listening and I look forward to being able to help us help children that need it St Judes website http://www.stjude.org/stjude/v/index.jsp?vgnextoid=f2bfab46cb118010VgnVCM1000000e2015acRCRD
  23. OK I was setting here thinking how wonderful St Judes is. A place where the less fortunate can take there kids and get help for them. Then I looked over and seen the number of members we have here 5740. So I was thinking and trusted me I do not do that vary often it hurts when I do it. If the ones who could, would put one dollar in a envelope and send it to Squidley it would be a small thing for us but a big thing for ST Judes. $1 less then a coke, about the same as an bottle of water or a candy bar. If we could send more then that would be great to. I hope I do not offend anyone but I think this is a wonderful cause. All we need is a address and I know all of us big hearted Venture rides will come through again we aways do. Ride safe and as I have heard before never ride faster then your angel can fly.
  24. Since we have been joking about Squidley and Sledgehammer getting a tattoo and raising money for St Judes. I have been looking over the web site for St Judes. They have patches that anyone might want to order for their vests. I thought they are nice and show that I support what St Judes stands for. Will be ordering one for myself. http://shop.stjude.org/GiftCatalog/shop.do?cID=11910&pID=10647 They have some nice items in the gift shop. Dragonrider said he just might join in with a tattoo. How about the joint logos vr and st judes. Just a Idea. By the way Tim We love ya. You can do what you want.
  25. If you haven't read Lewis's post about the ride to St. Jude, please do so. This will be a great experience for anybody who can make it. As some of you know, or Tail of the Dragon rally that has been organized Lewis for the past 3 years has always served the dual purpose of not only allowing all of us to enjoy getting together, riding and eating but even more importantly, to raise money for St. Jude's. The amount of money has grown each year and I am very proud to be a part of any group that is a part of such an event. It would be great if as many of you as possible could join Lewis at St. Judes to present them the money that was raised. Not only would we be very proud to have any of you there to represent us but you will probably get MUCH more out of it than you can possibly imagine. It truly is an opportunity that you will feel good about afterwards. Please see this thread for all the details. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=14760
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