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  1. Perhaps this guy had a little too much Black Death??? http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/raging-airplane-passenger-duct-taped-seat-165526162--abc-news-topstories.html
  2. Hope ya have a great day:thumbsup::thumbsup: Craig & Kim
  3. Hope ya have a great day Jonas!!!!!!!
  4. Taters and I made it back home last night around midnight...It was a very long day with a lay over in Boston of 9 hours(enough time for a lobster dinner).....Nice to be home, but the heat here is nuts .......over 100 degrees...we're not used to that around here...Our trip was absolutely FANTASTIC........Thank you Jonas and Greta for being our host and tour guides...We love the both of you ....your family is terrific and made two strangers feel so welcome....loved the bakery, never saw a bakery the size of 4 football fields....WOW...............Jonas, I had no problem with the salmon and customs, and I picked up the special green bottle at the airport for the cook.......I really don't know how to put into words what Iceland is like except "ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC...." everyone will speak english for us foreigners so communicating was easy...(sometimes the tour guides will mess with your heads though) ..... so next year when you plan your vacation, keep Iceland in mind you won't be dissapointed.....ps...and the police are friendly too ! :rotf: Again, thank you Jonas and Greta for a wonderful week....... :bowdown:
  5. Greetings fellow Venturers. Today is the 18th. of June and me and Greta are visiting a dear friend in Woodstock Ny. The plan is to head out in the morning to Alden NY and try to take the route in one day. If not in one day we will stop somewhere in the fingerlakes area for the night and proceed in the morning. We are gonna meet up with Tom Warner and his wife in Dryden and take it from there. We will update this tomorrow night Friendly regards, Jonas and Greta
  6. here are a few pics from yesterday......
  7. For all of you who would like to meet Jonas and Greta please see the thread Jonas and Greta's whereabouts ..I HAVE SCHEDULED A MEET AND EAT IN THEIR HONOR FOR TUESDAY , JUNE 21ST AT 6:30 PM.. AT THE OLD RED MILL INN IN WILLIAMSVILLE NY......... please see other thread for more details.............hope to see you there....
  8. Just got a call from Jonas. He and his beautiful bride arrived in NY city late last night.....WELCOME GRETA TO THE USA.....Hope you have a wonderful time..Taters and I are anxious to finally meet you...Don't let Jonas ride to fast..If he does, just smack him in the back of his helmet like Taters does to me....I will keep the light on for you......!!!! WELCOME AGAIN.... :dancefool: I FEEL GOOD....
  9. cecdoo


    Has anyone heard from Jonas since the Volcano erupted in Iceland? I sent him a PM to see if he was ok, and if he was affected at all, havent heard anything. Hope he and his family are ok and he doesnt have too much cleaning up to do:fingers-crossed-emo Craig
  10. Greetings again fellow Venturers ! In 2009 I met a very nice couple at „Freebirds Maintenance Day“ and we started talking. They asked if I was taking the bike back to Iceland and I told them no, but it was getting a little bit to expensive to store it in Woddstock/Bearsville NY at a repair shop (600 US$ + a year ) so I would have to figure out another way. This nice couple then told me that they lived in East Pensylvania about two hours from JFK and that they could possiblie store the bike for me if I wanted. I did write down their name but when I got home from the trip I had lost the note. So,,,I am hoping that they will read this and get in contact with me. It is prettty far fetched but I am hoping that they will stumble upon this. The only description I have is that they were both around 40 to 50 years old and very pleasant. If anybody in the club knows this couple by this detailed (hmmm,,,) description above or have any suggestions then please let me know. Apart from the bike storage I would very much want to get in touch with them again. Friendly regards from Iceland, StarFan Jonas Th. Lilliendahl and Margret S. Bjornsdottir jonaslill@istak.is
  11. Got my vacation schedule yesterday....Taters and I are going to Iceland to visit Jonas in July........Look out Jonas and Greata, the yankees are comming......Lost 19 officers due to early retirement and didn't think I had a shot of getting the time off.....My Lt. gave me the word yesterday.....YAHOO !!!!......Hey Jonas, You have a rock for me to pee on?........ :rotf: Hey wait.... Do they have ice cream ???.. Ok, they have skyr....close enough........!!!!! (hey Jonas, I finally spelled it right)..........YAHOOO !!!!! :fnd_(16):
  12. Well I have to tell you folks, I sure missed our Icelandic friend Jonas at Maintenance Day this year but he made sure that we didn't forget him. He had sent a couple bottles of the famous "Black Death" that he brought with him last year. Now one bottle didn't survive until Maintenance Day...it must have evaporated or something. The other survived though and got cracked open Saturday night. Those who were hanging around the Maintenance tent that evening got to sample it and MOST seemed to enjoy it. So...thank for remember us Jonas, we hadn't forgotten you either. Also, I got a call from Jonas a few minutes ago. He says to say hello to all of you and he plans to be here, with his wife, for Maintenance Day next year. It will be great to see him again.
  13. Was very excited to hear from Jonas last night. He called to see how everybody was doing and it was a nice surprise to hear from him. He is still working in Norway and putting in a LOT of hours...way too many but says that with the economic conditions in Iceland, he is happy to have a job. He won't make it back over this year but plans to visit again in 2011. I hope it happens, he is a true gentleman and it would be great to see him again.
  14. After having spent the weekend at Freebird's Maintenance Day working on a few bikes, having a bunch of laughs, and meeting some of the nicest people on the planet it was my privilege to have Jonas from Iceland ride with me from Ohio to Pennsylvania to stay with Jean and myself for a few days. We rode some of Pa.'s most beautiful roads, met some very interesting people along the way and I even got Jonas to pull his bike into my "little shop by the creek" for an oil change, a Carb. Sync. and a few coats of wax. Jonas turned out to be a VERY intelligent and articulate gentleman, well versed on many subjects, and was full of praise for Jean's endless home cooking and my sense of humor. Both Jonas and I rode locally after the repairs on his bike and he found the rural area I live in to be one full of windy roads and endless beauty. I, myself looked upon the area I live in with "new eyes" as I took him from 400 feet above sea level to 2900 feet above sea level in just under 12 minutes. His bike ran flawlessly as did mine and we were just two riders, with no agenda, letting the pavement flow beneath our tires. I am sure it will be memories that Jonas will have for a lifetime, as will I. A special thanks goes out to Don Nelson (Freebird) for opening up his home and allowing me to visit, (you sir are a man among men!) and Dan and Sheri (IH TRUCK GUY) for having the courage to let me pretty much tear the top end off his bike. It is a pleasure to be a part of this wonderfully diverse group of people. A few pics of Jonas are attached, Earl and Jean
  15. Taters ,myself, Don, lou lou, and Spankym are still on the road..from MD, we went to GETTYSBURG,LANCASTER , INTERCOURSE, BIRD IN HAND, BLUEBALL, VIRGINVILLE,PA. ...TRAVELING WEST NOW TOWARD HOME ...Met up with Jonas in the Poconos and had a wonderfuL dinner with him...thanks again Jonas.....WE HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF HIM.. LOOKING FOWARD TO HIS RETURN.....SORRY ABOUT THE CAPS.. I'M VERY TIRED.......NOT ANGRY...Just want to eat and relax.....had rain chase us all day through the mountains...and as far as you jokesters, I'll deal with you all when I'm rested and seeing straight...Need to check out all the pics from MD..........ps..How do you gals wear those thongs all day? think I have a permanent WEDGEE...OWWWWWWWW!!!!:rotf:
  16. For those of you that weren't able to make it to maintenance day....here is Jonas from Iceland, and with his bottle of Black Death
  17. Taters , myself ,spankym, don and lou lou arrived into gettysburg around 6pm today from dons md...Thank you don for a great time.It was great meeting everyone there..we will do the tourist thing for a day or two and will head north toward lancaster, hershey,intercourse and scranton. planning to hook up with JONAS in a day or so... will ride north with him and then sadly have to say our goodbys..Jonas is a great guy and I am proud to call him "friend"..Bongo..read your post...we are all in shock..thank god your both OK...talk to you soon. will try to keep you posted of our location...spanky says he will post his pictures of md when we get back at the end of the week...ps....dont those line green shirts the ny gang wore down look great..lol..oh yea after yesterdays weight in............. I STOPPED AT DAIRY QUEEN TODAY...:fnd_(16): It tasted great.....BIG TOM IS BACK!!!!!!!
  18. Hi and thank you all for your warm welcome. Just to save me some typing then I am taking the liberty to advertise my USA telephone number here if any of you need to get in contact with me. 347 901 2533 AT&T service. See you all at Don´s and some of you earlier. All the best from Woodstock,NY. Jonas
  19. Just hung up with Jonas...(Starfan)...what a great guy... I don't know who is more excited about meeting..Jonas or myself... he seems excited about his trip here..assured him we are all anxious to meet him.. can't wait to meet face to face....
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