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Found 19 results

  1. This fast food joint located in his home town has FlyingFools inventiveness signature written all over it!! Yamaha V Max | eBay
  2. They even have a BBQ Sundae @ The Smokin Eagle http://www.idine.com/details.htm?merchantId=113872
  3. So ...exactly one month ago I had a bit of a fall on my road bicycle. To make it short, I broke my left hip. Fortunately the break was far enough from the joint that no replacement was necessary. I did however, end up with a titanium shank and 2 bolts, one on the bottom stabilising to the femur and one at top into the joint stabilizing across the break. I was on my feet with a walker the next morning and have since graduated to two ski poles. I figure end of this week I'll be on the home bike-trainer and in another 3 weeks or so I ought to be able to ride. But an uncomfortable thought keeps creeping in; Will I be able to hold up the RSV with that left leg and how long that's likely to take. So on the chance that some of you may have had a similar experience , I thought I would ask - what should I expect?
  4. I have a 2003 rsv with 64k miles on it , there is a chirping noise coming from the area around the universal joint. I am wondering if anyone has serviced or replaced theirs, what is involved and how hard a job is it?
  5. I have consulted the WS manual and found that the CV join can be pressed apart and that there are 4 needle bearings in it. I now have bought a (-83) XZ550 with an extra engine for nearly bicycle money. The CV joint (I assume it's a similar construction, only smaller) flexes nicely in one direction but not in the perpendicular ditto. I suspect one of the needle bearings to be shot (rusty). Has anyone any experience of servicing the CV joint?
  6. hey everybody i need some help please i have a 2003 midnight venture with 87000 kl on it and i am the original owner. it vibrates when i cranck it in 3,4,5 gear . now im pretty sure that it could be the u joint on it but some other buddys have a difference of opinion on this as they say my carbs need to be sinked. so lets take a poll carbs or u joint
  7. I need to remove one of the coolant joints in the cylinder head, because it is leaking and the O-rings have to be replaced. The joint is held in by a spring pin, and access is very tight. The part itself is plastic and doesn't seem to want to move. Before I resort to breaking this part out, with all the risk that entails, does anyone have a method of removing this that has worked for them? Thanks.
  8. Has anyone had a joint replacement of the finger? I didn't know about them until today. Doc told me that was the best option for the middle finger middle joint on my right hand. Hurt it fifty years ago playing football. My whole right hand is full of Arthritis. Hope I can still use my front brake after the surgery. tew47
  9. I'm hoping someone can give me some advice. 89 VR about 70k on her and I have a rear wheel bearing that has worn out. what i thought would be the easy part, getting the right side slip on can off, is now apparently going to be the toughest. the joint is all rusted together and I can't get it to brake loose. I got the old muffler clamp off by twisting the head of the bolt off. the joint obviousy is rusty. I've soaked in penetrating fluid for a few days now. it looks cleaner but not budging. I've tried hitting the end with a hammer..nothing. tried heat..nothing. put a strap around the can so I could have someone pull as i hammered below...nothing. i did remove the mount bolt by the rear footrest. any help would be appreciated. I'm worried I'm going damage the collector if I rip and snort much more. can the rear wheel be dropped any lower by removing a linkage bolt? I need to get the rear axle out. thanks much Bob.
  10. 26H-13586-00-00 JOINT, carburetor 1 Joint under carb on 1st gen 83 1200 cyl 1 and 3 Looks like not available at most part houses anyone have one laying around?
  11. Well, I have a 7:40 am appointment to get the stitches out today. I dread this more than taking pics of my forked thumb - still have a lot of swelling and the first joint isn't working too well, ok - hardly works at all but we'll see - Everybody have a great day
  12. I had an opportunity to resolder the circuit board in a spare CMOS unit from my original MKI instrument cluster. I was able to get a fairly good close up picture of an example of some cold solder joints that I thought I would post. This may be helpful to someone that has never seen a cold solder joint. There are 8 large connections in picture that all show some signs of a cold joint. The circular ridge around the base of the soldered joint is the sign of a cold joint. The worst case is the far right joint. The smaller connections in the upper right corner are good solder joints. For a size relationship, the large row of 4 joints is 3/4" in length. Gary
  13. Well it appears my riding season will be starting a little later than I had hoped. My Arthiritis has cailmed another victiom. My right big toe joint is shot, making it extremely painful to walk and with my job I walk alot. So...March 16th I'm having surgery to have the joint replaired or replaced. I can go back to work in a week, but Doc thinks I should stay off the bike for about 4 weeks (but I bet don't) Anyway I am looking forward to walking with less pain, so that's a good thing. Now if I could just convince my other Dr to replace my shoulder I might be able to be relatively pain free for a few years. Sucks when your body checks out.
  14. Well, tomorrow I have my right foot operated on. Seems my middle toe is way to long about half inch, causing the joint in the ball of my foot to drop below the others causing all my weight to be on that one joint, which hurts bad. My foot has been hurting for 25 years. The Dr. is going to remove about 3/8" from one joint, and put a plate on the topo to raise the joint up so the weight will be equal. Will have a walking cast on for a month. No riding for a month! Hopefully I can ride to the state CMA ralley on Aug. 21-23, in Talladage,Al. Will be thinking about all of you riding for the next month or more. tew47:95:
  15. I have my Computer "information display" out for re soldering and I am photographing steps so others can understand this one better. I had only one "cold" solder joint and it in fact did not look cold to me but what happens when you run too much current through a incomplete joint. I am sure that it's the one for the headlight low beam, but would like to confirm it. Does anyone have a pinout of what pin is for what on the unit? The one pin that needed to be re-soldered was all the way to the edge of the connector.
  16. Guest

    86 drive shaft U joint

    Okay i'm putting this under a new thread, we can still get them from yamaha, for a mirror 335.00 plus when ever it gets here, but this included a yoke, so i had phoned around to some of the shops that work on drive shafts ect, and came across one who was very close, had the correct spider, but the bearing caps where wrong, and the fellow said he had got it in years ago for the yamaha quad runners, after a few more shops, i had to go into the local yamaha dealer in town here, and was about to order in the u joint and yoke, had he had jotted down all the parts numbers for the order, when i had asked what he had for the quad runners, well low and behold there it was, he had the spider, needle bearings and clips that all matched my bike part numbers. so instead of buying one for 335.00 it had cost me 130.00. so i hope the correct people read this and move the following info to the right location on here, circlip--part # yam93440-20088-00 13d5 bearing 2hr #yam93399-99926-00 13a6 00spider #yam2hr-46187-00 13f3 i have just put the universal together and it looks great:thumbsup: thanks fellows for the help. pete
  17. Guest

    pulling U joint out

    okay what is the quickest way to jerk this U joint out on the 86's which is located under the rubber boot on the forend of the drive shaft?
  18. I don't know if this has been covered before or not, so I'm asking.When you install RK mufflers on a Venture has anyone noticed that at the joint there is a exhaust leak?I put high temp silicone on the joint and used new RK clamps. The left side seems worst then the right side.I took them off several times and moved the clamp to different positions.Right now the bolt on the clamp is at the bottom and is covering the slits of the muffler at the top and bottom.Each time the mufflers were removed new high temp silicone was applied.Is this problem something that has to lived with or does anyone have a solution?
  19. How in the h*&% does this thing go on? Of course the manual and pics are useless for this. Does the circlip go on first in the groove then the joint goes on after. Does the circlip ride between the o-rings in the joint? How can that be without damaging the orings with the circlip unless the the circlip stays at the bottom of the joint, keeping it from moving down, but it seemed to be in the center when I removed it, and the wear on it appears to indicate it rides in the center groove where the air hole is. Simple little thing kept me from being backtogether an hour ago. Anybody knowledgable here at the moment?
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