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  1. Brock is our grandson who was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes early last year. There are so many children who have Type 1 (the kind that they will have to have insulin for the rest of their lives). We would love to have you join in the walk or be a virtual walker. Any support you can give this cause would be greatly appreciated! JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes, North Alabama 2015: Brock's Sugar Shakers - JDRF The JDRF Walk raises money for life-changing T1D research. Join the Walk today. www2.jdrf.org
  2. I am just wondering why we restrict to members only? I am with other orgs that do similar but I have questioned the reasoning there as well. Why restrict FB membership. Allowing outsiders to join introduces the website to new members and influences them to join if they like what they see. Not a complaint just a comment
  3. well my computer quit. i got a new one but lost all my last post counts is this normal. my join date is even wrong is there any way to get it all back:doh:
  4. There are a lot of people in chat. Come join the group! Yama Mama:223:
  5. I was laid off all summer long and now I start my new job on Monday. How about that? :rotf: Now I have to join all you working stiffs and make a honest man out of me.
  6. Completed a "happier" mission today. Welcomed back for a Chief Petty Officer from his 2nd tour in Afghanistan. Seeing his wife and son hugging him home, was well worth the time spent on the flag line at the airport. Watching all the other passengers clapping as he walked through the flag line to his family was priceless. I challenge everybody to join their local chapter of the PGR. Yes, some of the Missions are sad. Escorting the body of my friend Sgt Brian Walker was the hardest motorcycle ride I have ever taken. But, the look of appreciation, the handshakes and the thank you's from family members are payment in gold. It's an incredible group of people serving those who have served us. I now ride in honor of two heroes that I knew. So, join. It's free. You don't have to be ex-military, heck you don't have to even ride. Just be willing to stand as a thank you for those who have stood for us. Check it out: http://www.patriotguard.org/Home/tabid/53/Default.aspx The only piece of equipment that is a must have, is a big DARK pair of sunglasses. It helps hide the "allergies."
  7. It's time to find out if the ice-cream is as good this year as it was last year, so I did a test run tonight and so far I'm not sure,,, sooo I'm going to do another run tomorrow, 6:30pm. Anybody want to join me?
  8. I think our "friends" in Florida have been holding out on us. Checked the events calander and could not find any mention of this event. It seems that the Sunsport Garden in Loxahatchee, FL is hosting thie annual End of Summer Naked Bash. In an attempt to increase participation they have extended an open invitation to visitors 18 & older to join them for a fun filled, naked week end..... My sources also tell me that helmets are optional..... So how come this was not posted on the calander?????
  9. Arrived yesterday. Weather was nice. Cooler than expected. Met a Canuk on a sweet RSV purchasedin January from a Sandy UT owner. I invited him to join the VR site. Ran into RogerII, Lori & Mark last night. Looking forward to seeing others.
  10. Guest

    Navarre Florida

    I will be heading down to Navarre Florida next Tuesday 6/12 if anyone wants to meet up for lunch or dinner or maybe a ride.. This is the loop I have planned for Wednesday if anyone wants to join me... http://tinyurl.com/73d9z5n
  11. Anyone in Pa. going out for a ride this weekend? I'll be out and about in the somerset Pa. area. I'll be stoping at the Flight 93 Memorial and then down to Ohiopyle Pa. From there, who knows. If you would like to join me, let me know. The weather couldn't be better! Mark (mag1101)
  12. So, I just bit the Bullet & will join the Hannigan group before too long. I just made a deposit on the Hannigan Trike kit for my RSV with all the extras. Delivery to be in later July. Wife will probably shoot me for sure now! Anyway, I'm excited. Thanks to everyone who had written positive opinions for these kits. I'll let you know how this all works out. Owen.
  13. That time of year again. The Parade is coming up this Sunday, March 18, 2012 Everyone's It's the unofficial start of riding season in Dodge County, WI. Our ABATE region has had an entry in this parade for better than 25 years. We've had as many as 80 bikes on the warmer years. Line up is on Crocker St, about 3 blocks south of downtown, off highway 33. Parade starts at 1, downtown party afterwards. If anyone here wants to join us, and would like more details, let me know. From the looks of the weather forecast:sun:, I think there will be waayy more than the 1 bike that was in it last year at 35 degrees and pouring rain. Later, Scooter Bob and Karen P.S. Our 05 midnite will be there with an 8 foot flag pole on the hitch.
  14. C'mon and join us for a great weekend!! http://www.kruisnthekootenays.ca/ http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=65031 http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=67021
  15. I don't know if it is because of the shopping season or what but I am getting slammed with spammers trying to join the forum. I typically block about 4 or 5 a week but right now, I'm intercepting about 20 per day. They try to create bogus accounts, mostly using Gmail and a few Yahoo. I have a system in place that looks at several variables and automatically places suspect requests to join into a moderation hold. I then have to check them and determine if they are legit or spammers. It's not a bit deal but there are just a LOT lately. I hope that none slip through the cracks but if so, I will delete them as soon as I see them posting any trash. Please know that even if one slips through, they have no access to your email addresses or other personal information unless you have actually posted it. The members list and etc. are restricted to supporting members.
  16. With all the turmoil in the market today and the collapse of Lehman Bros and Acquisition of Merrill Lynch by Bank of America this might be some good advice. For all of you with any money left, be aware of the next expected mergers so that you can get in on the ground floor and make some BIG bucks. Watch for these consolidations later on this year: 1.) Hale Business Systems, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Fuller Brush, and W R. Grace Co. Will merge and become: Hale, Mary, Fuller, Grace. 2.) Polygram Records, Warner Bros., and Zesta Crackers join forces and become: Poly, Warner Cracker. 3.) 3M will merge with Goodyear and become: MMMGood. 4. Zippo Manufacturing, Audi Motors, Dofasco, and Dakota Mining will merge and become: ZipAudiDoDa . 5. FedEx is expected to join its competitor, UPS, and become: FedUP. 6. Fairchild Electronics and Honeywell Computers will become: Fairwell Honeychild. 7. Grey Poupon and Docker Pants are expected to become: PouponPants. 8. Knotts Berry Farm and the National Organization of Women will become: Knott NOW! And finally... 9. Victoria 's Secret and Smith & Wesson will merge under the new name: TittyTitty BangBang
  17. As usual, Marca and I plan to ride Wednesday nights,, start @ 6:30 for now although we could start @ 6 if that's good for those who want to join. We ride until dusk,,,, spend time to check out ice-cream and\or coffee, listen to everybody's BS and then ride back to where we came from. Want to join us?????? you would be welcome!!!! Destination is never decided until we leave,,,, it depends on who comes along. Mostly we're back by 10 - 10:30pm
  18. Sold my trailer to one of thr members on here (Sylvester) so Eusa1 and I are going to go for a ride and take it down to B2 Mom and Dads and leave it at their place til Jim can come and pick it up. So anyone between Eureka, IL and Dresend TN wants to take a ride come and join us.
  19. Is anyone aware of a ride taking place to ground zero on this the 10th anniversary ? I would like to join whether at beginning or just jump in somewhere?
  20. Just got off the phone with Bongobob and Buffalo Bodnar...guess we are doing a ride tomorrow leaving my house at 11am.....all welcome to join us......destination unknown at this time....sorry for the short notice....
  21. There is a handful of us playing VR scavenger hunt, check out the thread below and join in on the fun. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20503
  22. Hello all, Deb and I are taking Friday off June 3rd 2011 to ride to Freebirds MD. We are wondering who wants to meet some where for breakfast and ride to our destination as a group,weather going in a car or on our scoot's. Everyone is welcome to join in for the ride. I am not sure of time or place as of yet but would like to get a idea of who is willing. Any sugestion's would be great. Joe (star4772):cool10:
  23. Can't figger it out , I am seeing under members name , guest , figger they are checking us out and just have not payed yet and are new , but what are Trial members ? reading the join date they have been with us a long time I'm so confused :confused24:
  24. I'm just curious if it is worth the $48 a year membership to join. What are the benefits, activities, etc from a member's perspective as opposed to the published info on the home page. What are your opinions? There are a couple of chapters semi locally here. Should I join??
  25. RIB III


    Just wanted to say Hi to everyone here at venturerider. I have read quite a bit and just had to join. You guys have just to much fun!!!
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