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  1. Guest

    Thank You Steve Jobs

    Any member here who uses a computer to read this site ( and that would be all of us) is using technology that Steve Jobs brought to the world. The loss of one of technology's greatest minds will surely affect us all in ways that we will never know. If you use a computer screen, a keyboard, a mouse, surf the internet, read email, listen to an iPod, have ever seen a Pixar movie (such as Toy Story, Finding Nemo, or Cars) or use a touchscreen smartphone, you can thank Steve. If you have not seen Steve Jobs famous commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005, here it is. It is very much worth watching. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc]Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement Address - YouTube[/ame] And this article in the LA times is just one of thousands of items written about Steve in the last couple of weeks. http://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-steve-jobs-obit-20111006,0,7210103.story Even Bill Gates and President Obama paid tribute to this man. I was surprised that there seemed to be no threads on this forum mentioning his death. Thanks for reading this, and, Thank you, Steve.
  2. If you are looking or know a Vet who is looking, this may be of some help... "Finally, if you are looking for a job or know a veteran who is, I encourage you to participate in an online career fair hosted by the Veterans Administration and Milicruit.com this Thursday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. CST. More than 60 military-friendly national employers from the private and federal sectors will participate in the virtual online jobs fair. Veterans can pre-register at http://veteranscareerfair.com. On the day of the fair, veterans can log in and visit employer booths, view job openings, apply for jobs, watch employer videos and presentations, chat live with recruiters, and complete on-the-spot video interviews."
  3. i am sick to death of any and everything Bill Gates, ever endorsed. gonna give Steve Jobs ' ideas a shot! just jt
  4. As of today, my very patient wife and I have made to 34 years of marriage. It has been a very rough last couple of years for the both of us...losing jobs and family members. But we are stronger now than we have ever been. Thank You Jesus!!! Now look out world. Here we come with the next 30+ years!!!
  5. Wife cooked an 8lb meatloaf for Christmas. Here I am drinking coffee and having meatloaf with chocolate pie at midnight. These kind of jobs require some OT.I got left over Ham,Potatoes, and fresh eggs scheduled for in the morning.
  6. My cord that comes from the radio back to the drivers? headset is bad where do I look for a new one? It's one of those 5 pin jobs with a 90 on one end
  7. 1. those who are riding through Michigan after a long day on the road and need to ease some of their pain 2. those who have lost their jobs in the recent economic downturn...(perhaps Squid will find a way to get back to Michigan yet) http://www.healthzone.ca/health/newsfeatures/article/770422--marijuana-school-prescription-for-a-higher-education
  8. Looks like MaMamo may be looking for another job. Her employer is selling the business. She has been through this work your way up to be knocked back down scenario about 7 times now. Maybe 8 is her lucky number. Anyway I'm ready to do what has to be done should she be out of work for a while. I know one thing there will be no more take a cut in pay and start over as a cashier. She has been Asst Manager for the last 12 years on various jobs. It's only :mo money:
  9. Just bought hitch,higher backrest & ignition power box from fib 78 . Fits great and looks great!. Hope to be able to use it this week to see how the new bike pulls my trailer. Hope backrest helps wife's back and sore legs or if not yet we will hopefully be going back to a Venture(1st OR 2nd) not sure but won't be this year.Have to wait and see how the economy gets and how mine and the wife's jobs hold out.
  10. I saw an interesting article on Saskatchewan today in CNN, basically backing up that we have the best economy in North America right now for creating jobs. If anyone is looking for work and wants more info just msg me and ill try to help you. http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/americas/03/04/saskatchewan.economy/index.html#cnnSTCText Brian
  11. Got my parts in toady from Rick at Buckeye and will attempt tomorrow to repair clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder on my 83 VR. I do have the mannual that shows the diagram for the mc, but the directions for the slave are pretty vague. Anyone ever do these jobs or have any expert advice before I tear into them. Need to get old 83 up and running? Thanks, Clay
  12. It is time for a update and that I have not kept you all abreast of what’s going on in our world. Linda and I are loving living in Las Vegas, the weather is fantastic and I ride the bike all the time. We ride with some really nice people and we both have bonded with them very well and have made many new friends. If you did not know Linda absolutely loves her new job at the VA and really has connected with her co-workers. We have sold the house in Minnesota (Finlay). The economy is tough all over but really tough out here. There are allot of jobs in the minimum wage range and allot of competition in the better paying fields . I have been hired at Mandalay Bay as a security officer (only took 14 months). So far I have not met anyone of importance yet but I have met some rappers and hip hop players. ( kinda cool) I get to see some real high rollers and we get access to see some really good shows through MGM so its not a bad gig I just cannot gamble on any of there property's. I figure it’s a good thing. Lol So with all that being said I am really excited about this opportunity and the position is a good opportunity and it is a job I might just really like. We have bought a new house and finally got moved in so the last 4 weeks have been kind of hectic. We just got the Internet hooked up with the phone and cable in. We have no TV yet and figure to buy one in a couple months. I want a 60 inch plasma but the NAVIGATOR keeps telling me to think smaller. We are both very happy about the move here and think it was a good decision. Even though we left some really good friends but it opens the door for some very nice visits. Now here are some things we have learned about living here in Vegas. 1.When you ride the bike out in July 07 make sure it is not record breaking temperatures. 2.When it rains it really does pour like pee out of a boot for 5 minutes. 3.The roads flood very fast and do not drive through it. 4.The roads become slick (VERY SLICK) like driving on black ice.(on 2 wheels it sucks) 5.It is a dry heat like opening an oven and sticking your head in it. 6.Make sure you have a job before coming out here. 7.Make sure you change cell to local number. (they will not call you otherwise) 8.Make sure you get a Nevada drivers license right away. ( they will not hire you without one) 9.There are lots of jobs for local established people. (not out of towner's) 10.Before your hired they climb up your butt with a microscope and really check you out. So things are starting to turn around for us and with all the above we are happy with the move. We want to have a VR maintenance day at some point when we get settled. Right now we are fixing the place up. The owner of the foreclosed property was a idiot/ He took stuff and broke walls like a little kid who did not get his way/ Blamed the bank for his misfortune. I have lost 2 homes and many jobs but never acted like this idiot did. But we did get a good price on the house in a great neighborhood. Its more home then we wanted but in 10 years maybe we will make enough to retire.LOL You all are the GREATEST bunch of scooter dudes and dudettes. Hope you all can make it this way at some point because we have a place for you to stay now …….......................................Ron
  13. I got an email the other day and then spoke on the telephone to a company that does custom paint jobs. He was interested in purchasing a banner on our site. I talked to him for about 30 minutes on the phone and he seems to be very customer oriented. His work is NOT cheap. It is top notch and professional. I do think though that, based on quotes that I've received in the past, his prices are fair for the type of work that he does. I declined the offer to sell him a banner simply because I haven't seen a LOT of interest here for high end custom paint jobs and I didn't feel that it was a perfect match for our members and I am committed to not adding banners just for the sake of making money. I do think though that this is a reputable company and worth checking out if you really want a nice custom paint job. I spent some time looking through the pictures on his site and really like the work that they do. They have been featured in many custom motorcycle publications, also television on the Biker Build-off and many other places. Here is the link for anybody who is interested. http://www.airea5150.com/
  14. Good jobs use to be hard to find in WV. Now it's hard to find good people. A friend of mine said yesterday 25 people applied for jobs with his department. All 25 failed 1 or more of the first 3 requirements for hire. 1. Do you have a valid drivers licensee. 2. Can you pass a drug test ( been clean for 2 years). 3. Can you pass a criminal background check.
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