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  1. I bought this 1986 Venture Royale with the 1300 cc motor that wouldn't start. The previous owner is an auto mechanic and he replaced the fuel line from the petcock to the fuel filter because it was corroded but he didn't replace the fuel filter. I thought at first it was the fuel pump as the on my 83 Venture clicked a few times indicating that it was priming the fuel line to the carbs so I switched the two and the 86 worked as it should on the 83. I checked the relay as well and it was working good. I took off the line that runs from the fuel pump to the carbs, turned the key and it pushed the fuel through priming the system and made the clicking sounds. Before that i left the line on the carbs turned the key and no clicking that would indicate the line is primed. The only way the bike will fire up is with adding fuel to each of the carb tops. I have inspected the lines that deliver the fuel to each of the four carbs and they are clear of debris. I'm about to pull the fuel line to the carbs and see if the fuel is being pumped from the fuel pump when cranking the engine over. If anyone has an idea as I've checked all electrical as well and it's come to the fuel to the carbs...
  2. Hello, thanks for welcoming me to this forum, I have a 2005 Royal Star with custom exhaust installed at the dealer, he also rejetted the carbs, thing is, sinse then It's been getting lousy fuel mileage, less than 200 km's on a tank at 110 km's/hr. I think he went too big with the jets but I don't know what the factory settings are, main, pilot, ect., also thinking of installing a K&N air breather to help out. Any help on this matter would be apreciated. Bikerrrbob
  3. Just wanted to let everyone know about Ivans jet kits available online installed in my venture-actually uses smaller main jets and finally got my carbs synced right and it has more power and is smoother
  4. Well, since I have the bike pretty much apart in my garage for general maintenance and cleaning after the riding season I have decided to do some needed work on it. Have ordered a rebuild kit for the clutch and want to pull the carbs and adjust the floats and rejett them. Now I have no idea what kind of a jet kit I should buy. I can only see one kit offered for the 28 mm Mikuni and that is a stage 1 kit. There are no sizes for the jets listed and I do not know what size the original jets are. I would like to go all the way and open up the airbox and put a K&N filter in. Is there anybody here that has done this to a 28 mm Mikuni (1996 to 2001 model Royal Stars excluding the Venture). Any info and suggestions greatly appreciated. Best regards from Iceland, Jonas.
  5. Okay so here's what happened: Occasionally, my bike drops a cylinder or two, both on the right side, for no apparent reason. My cute boyfriend, who knows what he's doing, found that the problem was not ignition related and decided to pull the carbs out and clean them up. The carbs were filthy throughout, but what was unusual was that he found that the rear carbs both had the 122.5 jets installed, but the fronts had two different jets, a 117.5 and the other which was visually a different size (couldn't READ the numbers.) Not having any idea why they would be different, but also not having any good reason to wait on an answer to this question (the bike ran fine, aside from the occasional loss of the right side cylinder) he put it all back together and Carbtuned them and the bike runs great. Hasn't been back on the road long enough to discern whether or not the arbitrary loss of cylinder(s) has been cured. But, herein lies the question: WHY WOULD THERE BE 2 DIFFERENT JETS IN THE FRONT CARBS? We (he) knows why the jets are different from front to rear, but this is the first time he's ever seen a set of carbs with 2 the same jets in the rear and 2 TOTALLY different jets in the front. Has anyone else seen this before?
  6. I have been dealing with plugged pilot jets on my 84 all this year. As most know seafoam doesn't work well on plugged jets and I didn't want to stop riding the bike long enough to rebuild them. Amazingly enough with the idle cranked up to 15-16grand i'm still getting 37mpg and able to ride. I found these on Ebay and placed a bid. When I got up today I was happy to find I won. $121 with shipping. Does anyone know if all 83's had the adjustable needles?http://www.ebay.com/itm/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&_trksid=p4340.l2557&rt=nc&nma=true&item=380440103134&si=ZMX9op6qie0ucLl6clKQXmfoPKc%253D&viewitem=&sspagename=ADME%3AL%3AOC%3AUS%3A3160&vxp=mtr&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc
  7. Good morning everyone. I've made a couple of changes to my 06 RSTD. I installed a set of RK exhaust that are drilled out on both ends (see through) and a set of K&N filters. After the installation of RK exhaust I started experiencing popping on decel when going from 4th down to 3rd and 3rd down to 2nd. After I installed the filters the exhaust seems a bit louder (the sound is perfect - not too loud but it sounds really nice on accelleration) and the popping does too. So, now that I've made those enhancements I want to rejet with bigger jets. My questions are: 1. Where and what jets should I buy? 2. Would rejetting take care of my popping issue? 3. Is there a step-by-step somewhere so I can do the install myself or would I be better off to take it to my Stealer considering my mechanical abilities are less that perfect? I've already stuck more money into the bike than I wanted too this year so any do-it-myself work would be acceptable. I just don't know if replacing the jets is something I should tackle. Thoughts, feelings, comments everyone? Thanks, Les
  8. Wondering if my numbers are right. All I can find for the jets is 117.5 for the main fuel jets, and 37.5 for the pilot jets. If someone could confirm this, it would be great. Would like to get these first before I tear it all apart, and then wait, if they have to be ordered.
  9. Ok So i am jumpning feet in . The low end stumble when trying to take off , the hard starts in the summer while having to use full choke. And the long wait to warm up even in the summer is driving me nuits. The 96 rstc came with kromewerks aftermarket pipes and I doubt it was ever rejetted. I was planning on taking the carbs off and turning the pilot jets richer 1/2 to a full turn but was told by a friend if the carbs are gonna be off just step up the main jets one size larger. does anyone have any info on this . Is it a good idea and if so where do i get the jets and how do i know what size are in there now? I have a dose of seafoam now to see if this is the problem. i plan on doingthis labor day weekend so I want to get ready now.
  10. I am looking at re-jetting my 2008 Tour Deluxe. I'm interested in any info and experience anyone might have with this. What size main jets and needles to get and so-on. I have already put new idle jets in, which was a beautiful thing. I'm just looking to get a little more performance out of the bike, which is why I'm considering re-jetting it.
  11. I know that it has been discussed a lot and I have been searching reading through past post to see what I can find as well. My bike(97 Royal Star Tour Classic with 35K miles) has the Barons Big Air Kit installed: http://www.baronscustom.com/catalog/display/254/ ,....along with Barons Nasty Boys Exhaust. It runs Strong, Sounds great, but I only get about 32-34 MPG with it,..No matter how I drive it. This seems very low compared to what I have been reading in past post's. I have new plugs, run synthetic oil, have had the carbs synced at an idle (they needed it), but still have no improvements. Would the bigger jets in the Barons Kit make for the poor fuel economy? I would consider different jets if it would bring me closer to the 40 MPG mark. I called Barons today and they were no help at all,.. Any input would be appreciated,. Its just a bummer to have to fuel up every 125 miles when the others that we ride with can go 200 miles on a tank with their v-twins.
  12. Did somebody knows where is the best place to get diaphragms and jets for the RS 1997 carbs? Thanks
  13. I hate to ask this question, but what is the order of my cylinders on a 04 RSV. I'm working on the carburetors and want to make sure the main jets are in the right location. I have found post explaining the main jets are different, but they refer to cylinder 1, 2, 3, 4. Which cylinder is 1 and 2 and 3 and 4. I have been searching and can't find the answer, so I thought I would ask. Thanks.
  14. Does the 1200 and 1300 share the same carbs? I guess that the jets etc are different but is the rest identical?
  15. I am thinking about changing out some key components of my bike. The first area will be the air filters. I want to go with separate filters for each carb. After some research I have come up with a K&N part number of RU-2989. Is this the correct PN for the four separate filters? Of course the next question will be what jets to use to keep the A/F ratio correct? Followed by replacing the resonator/collector with the Mark's Pipe component and free flowing mufflers. Thoughts welcome.
  16. Well whos everyone for? Pleaase keep it civil... Ravens/ Steelers ---------Steelers ------------Steelers Jets / Patriots ------------Patriots ------------------------------------------------------------------ Steelers! Packers / Falcons ---------Packers-------------Packers Sea Hawks / Bears---------Bears
  17. I have a 1996 Royal Star that I bought two summers ago .The bike has always had an issue with backfiring from no.3 cylinder on cold startup and that pipe is slow to warm up. I thought it may be a bad coil but when I swapped two coils around the problem stayed on that same cylinder. The bike is away for the winter so I decided to pull the carbs and when I did I found that the no.3 carb was not seated properly into the boot. The boot was bent in on one side and likely causing a vacuum leak. This may have been the problem but I decided I would check the float levels and jets while I had the carbs off. The previous ower said he had rejetted when he installed a K&N filter and as far as I know that is the only mod he has done. It still has the stock pipes and no signs of any drilling of the baffles. I read the article about rejetting in the tech section and they changed the pilot jets to 17.5 from 15 and the main jets to 125,125,120 and 122.5. The pilot jets in mine are stamped R,followed by a square,20 and all the main jets are stamped R,followed by a square, 95. The bike always ran well but these jet sizes are different from anything I have read and I don`t know what the previous owner was trying to accomplish. Should I be changing these back to the stock sizes or at least the sizes shown in the tech article for optimum performance. Any comments would be appreciated. Doug
  18. I need to get a set of pilot jets for my 83 VR. It seems there are several styles of jets that will fit. Which Mikuni carbs are on this bike? It is BS 30/96, KBS 30/96 , KVM 22/210 or KVM 22/486? The pilots are slightly different between these and probably won't interchange. This site seems to have good prices on jets. http://www.psep2.biz/pages/catalogs/search/U2t1U3RhcnRzOmpldHM=/3/search.aspx
  19. Re jetting carbs. In the tech libary the main jets in carb 1 & 2 are different in 3 & 4. The pilot jets it just says to go from jetr 15 to 17.5. The question is are all the pilot jets in the carbs stock with #15 jets or they different, too.
  20. 83 venture, finally have all cylinders firing. Runs very good. As in previous thread, I am concerned I may have reamed out 'pilot air jet' in carbs 2 and 4. They were plugged and I run .020" stainless lock wire thru jets. When compared to good jets, .020 was too large to pass thru. Now I have serious "M2 .50 cal gun blast" out right side, only during engine braking/down shifting, as tach comes down below 3000rpm. Scared the s**t out of me, every time! If I pull clutch then brake to slow, no backfire to matter how hard I close throttle. I have read most backfire air leak in exhaust, but I can't detect one. What is the effect of my 'reamed out' pilot air jets? I also have what sounds like air leak on intake side. Kind of 'chugging sound' at idle, hardly noticable at normal cruise, pretty loud during loading like hill climbing. I suspect maybe aircleaner boot loose and air bypassing aircleaner, but could be below carbs I guess. Haven't had time to check yet. Any idea's before I get started? I'm thinking I have a carb too rich, and engine braking with throttle partially closed causes to much fuel to be pulled thru, unburnt, into exhaust. Maybe due to pilot air jet?(not sure what this REALLY does) Also thinking only idle circuit too rich as backfire only on closed throttle when main fuel circuit is closed.----Any of this make sense, or am I way off base trying to over analyzing it!
  21. anybody have a 122.5 and 117.5 stock jets lying around they do not need, I could use them to replace the larger jets installed by a previous owner. thanks, R.T.
  22. I have a 96 Royal Star has the four K&N Cone filters on top of the carbs and has vance and hines slip on exhaust. I was thinking about taking the baffels out of the pipes and i was wondering if i had to change the jets in it. Problem is when i decel i have a really annoying popcorn sound in the coming out of the exhuast. Any Ideas
  23. I came across this information in the April, 2009, issue of Motorcycle Consumer News. I am posting this response in it entirety because I thought it would be useful for just about anyone fighting problems getting a smoothly running carbureted bike. The answer that follows was in response to a question from someone who had several older (carbureted) bikes that do more sitting than riding, and he was having problems with carburetor fouling: Answer (transcribed in full): "[G]asoline deterioration is indeed a problem, one that has gotten much worse than it once was over the last few years. The most recent fuel reformulation has now resulted in fuel going stale in just a few weeks. As I understand it, the problem is fuel separation. The oxygenating compounds being used in gasoline are the primary culprits and not the alcohol (ethanol or methanol). The oxygenates and octane enhancers either separate or evaporate quickly, leaving the gummy, jet blocking and float sticking residue behind in just a few weeks' time. Traditional fuel stabilizers (as you have experienced) do not work well (if at all) with the current oxygenated fuels. Until a new fuel stabilizer is produced that deals with this new fuel formulation, I do not have a good solution for prevention beyond riding as often as you can and topping off the fuel at every opportunity. I do have a few suggestions for folks dealing with clogged carbs. If the bike has been sitting, drain the fuel from the float bowls prior to starting. This will help prevent sucking the gunk into the jets. If the jets are clogged or restricted, Yamaha Carb Dip and Cleaner (ACC-CARBC-LE-NR) can be dispensed into the carbs through the fuel line. Crank the engine to draw the cleaner into the jets, then let it sit for several hours and, afterward, drain and refill with fresh fuel. This process will work if the carbs aren't too badly clogged. You can repeat the process, allowing the cleaner more time in the carbs or disassemble the carbs for direct cleaning. (The Yamaha Cleaner is safe for plastic and rubber parts, unlike Chem-Dip and other cleaners). K&L Supply Co. offers a Carb Jet Wire Cleaning tool (35-3498) available online and through most bike shops. The tool helps clear clogged jets, especially non-removable styles found in your Amal and many older Keihin carbs." Background: The information was in response to a question in the Downtime Files section of the magazine. The masthead identifies the author as Matthew Wiley, an "AMI Certified mechanic. Since 1985 I’ve specializing in touring bikes, worked as tech, managed various dealerships in southwest Ohio from ’85 to 2000. Served as an instructor and technical trainer for MMI (Motorcycle Mechanics Institute) from 2000–2005, and since 2005 I’ve done Internet sales, motorcycle service, technical writing & powersports business consulting. In 2007, I switched to Operations Manager for a racing suspension company and served as AHRMA Vintage Road Race Support." I personally know nothing more about Matthew Whiley than that, but I have a huge respect for the quality of information published in Motorcycle Consumer News. Goose
  24. I was having an issue with no power up to 55 mph. I would twist the throttle all of the way around and it would excelerate no faster than if I normally twisted it. I assumed that my jets were probably clogged, so I had pulled te carbs out and cleaned the jets and everything real good. Mind you, I did not make any adjustments to anything. I put it all back together and it fired it up, but now it sounds weak, as if it is running on 2 out of 4 carbs. All 4 slides are moving as they should. When I ride, the RPMs go up, but it doesnt feel llike the bike is moving like it should. It almost feels like it is leveling out....not sure how else to explain it. I have no idea where to go with this one.....There are no vaccum leaks that I can find....... Please help...... Stumped.... 83VR3711
  25. Well as part of my winter project Im going to rejet my carb as per the teck article in the forum. Makes sensc to me but I looked for the main and pilot jets OEM and they had no Idea. Where can I get these. Also if anyone has done this procedure can you tell me how much of an improvement have you had. I dont want to waste time and money but I do want better response. It seems like its starving right now.
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