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  1. Well, The dust has settled a bit since Jean and I have moved into our new home! I have gone thru all of my Classified Ads in the "Member Vendor" section, and they are all updated now. My new shop is still a "Mountain" of boxes, but I have found all of my kit parts, and can ship anything needed. Here is a link to the Classified Ads: http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showcat.php?cat=500&ppuser=4738 It would be my pleasure to help any VR.ORG Member with their winter projects! Earl and Jean
  2. Merry Christmas From Jean and Earl. ENJOY! http://www.flickspire.com/m/Share_This/changeforadollar?lsid=161f9da9b7692b6
  3. A few weeks ago, KEN8143 (Ken Yoder) contacted me with a list of items he wanted to address on his 87'VR before he went on vacation. He also told me that he just purchased his very own Carbtune and wanted to try it out on his bike. Now Ken is one of my favorite people to have over for a visit and Jean has accused us, more than once of "having WAY to much fun" out in the garage! So when Ken stopped by, I was ready for him part wise. Now one of the projects that Ken had on his list of "TO DO" items was to change his Valve Cover Gaskets. Needless to say, this is not a "fun" job, but in this case, it was way past needing done. Because you can't get a ratchet on the retaining bolts for the rear cylinder, the method I use is to pull up my roller chair and proceed to take the 8 bolts out with a 10MM boxed end wrench. To say that this takes some time is an understatement! Ken was on the other side of the bike and I heard him comment that, "there MUST be a better way to do this"! Then he muttered something else about, "having the patience of JOB"! At that point, we started to talk about "special tools", and how I wish I could afford to purchase some for jobs just like this. I then explained that because of my surgeries, and the fact that I have not been able to return to work yet, I was grateful that I had a 10MM wrench to do this job with. Ken pretty much dropped the subject after that, but before he did, he looked me strait in the eye and said, "That Won't Do"! We finished working on his bike, he did his OWN Carb. Sync. with his very own Carbtune, and Jean prepared us a wonderful lunch. We talked and laughed and then Ken had to head home. After Ken and his wife had returned from their vacation, I received a PM saying that his bike averaged mid 40's MPG wise two up, the bike ran flawlessly, didn't leak a drop of oil, and overall, he had a great trip. I was happy for him, as I always am when a VR.ORG member gives me the privilege of working on their bikes. Earlier this week, I receive a package in the mail, and much to my surprise, I find enclosed a set of Craftsman Metric, Ratcheting Wrenches from Ken with a note thanking me for taking the time to help him with his bike. Because of the events that have happened to me this summer, and the fact that I have not been able to ride and visit with the members that I usually see in the summer, I have cherished my contact with the VR.ORG members that have been kind to Jean and myself. Needless to say, I got a bit "choked up" when I opened the package and saw this very thoughtful gift from a dear friend. So when Jean came into the office and saw me "choked up" it turned into an all out "blubber fest". I know I have taken the long way around here to thank KEN8143 for his kindness and his fellowship. If you get a chance to share some pavement with this gent, it will not be wasted time. Thank you, Ken my friend Earl and Jean
  4. Hello to all the VentureRider Members, This is Jean, Earl's wife. Earl injured his back a few weeks ago while working on a motorcycle for one of the members of the site. We had a really bad rain Friday, May 7th and he fell down the front porch stairs during the storm. I took him for a MRI on Monday, May 10th and he has ruptured a disk between L4 and L5 in his back. He is in a lot of pain and on some heavy duty pain meds. right now. If he is supplying parts for you, please be patient with him as he is bed ridden right now. I will be checking his emails daily, and will try my best to make sure that parts he has ordered for anyone are shipped in a timely manner. At this time, he is not able to sit up at the computer, but I will relay questions to him and return answers as they come. Everything in the classifieds for sale will be shipped until supplies run out. We have plenty of the batteries for the First Gens. and Second Gens. as well as most of the other items. We are hoping he will have a corrective surgery in the next few weeks and he will be back on his feet very soon. I have been following the problem with the Clutch Spring and as soon as the new springs arrive I will do my best to ship everyone a new spring as soon as I get them. If your bike is at Earl's shop for repairs, please contact me and I will let you know where he is in the repair process. We are both very sorry for this disruption in the services he provides, and I will do my best to continue to be of service to the members of this site. Your thoughts and prayers would be most helpful during this time, He so enjoys the friendships he had made on this site. It breaks my heart to see him in such pain, and to be deprived of the joy he receives from helping the members of this site. Please take a moment and say a prayer for him, I am so worried. Jean
  5. I have just returned from my 4 state, 2400 mile "Maintenance Tour" and I wanted to personally thank Steve DuBois, (Steve D), his lovely wife Michelle, Joe Taylor (Shot) and his lovely wife Deborah, Jay Richards (J Richards) and his lovely girlfriend Patricia and all of the VR.ORG members that showed up for Steve D's little "Maintenance Day". I even had the privilege to work on a 1974 R75 BMW and with the help of Steve D got that piece of "rolling history" running so well we were able to take a ride with the proud owner of her. I also had the honor of greeting a group of World War II Vets as they returned home with the North Carolina Patriot Guard Riders and needless to say, there was not a dry eye in the house when they landed. I was treated to some fine southern style pot roast, one of the best steaks I have ever had, AND some world famous Parker's BBQ! Oh Yea, I actually worked on quite a few bikes in between meals and naps and rides and the occasional cigar! Southern Hospitality is alive and well and I am living proof of that fact. My 87'VR averaged 42MPG, never missed a beat over the 2400 miles, and according to my fancy new GPS unit that Jean got me for my birthday, My top speed was 100.8 MPH as a result of a rather brisk afternoon/evening ride I took with a VR.ORG member that will remain nameless (in case his wife reads this post over his shoulder!) I just wanted to take a moment to thank ALL of the VR.ORG members that responded to my original post of "Willing To Work For Food/Lodging" If I didn't get a chance to visit/work on your bike it was due to weather and time limitations. I saw temps. in the high 70's low 80's while in the south but upon returning to Pa. today, I rode into Duncansville with the temp. at 39 degrees and rain. I had more clothes on my back than I did in my travel bag! Thank you ALL again for giving me the privilege to work on your equipment, and for sharing your homes and hearts with me, I was truly humbled by the gesture. Oh, and on a final note, Jean says THANKS for sending me HOME! Earl and Jean
  6. Thanks Skydoc:clap2::clap2: Just when I thought things coulden't get any better then owning a First Gen venture, I found this web site. Me and my wife who are very proud of our bike, traveled to the WV Skid in. There we met some great people and took a look at some bike,s. I left there and Bike ran better than when i arrived thanks to frends from this site. Today me and wife travled to SkyDoc's home and installd new carb diaphrams and tweaked the carbmixture screws along with a carb sync. I'm proud to say 46.6 mpg on the way home. Best mileage yet with the bike and the get up and go is great. This man Knows his first gen's. Hats Off!!!. Jean thanks for the hospitality we had a great time, and Earl cooks a mean burger if i must say so.... Again Thanks Earl & Jean.. p.s.-Deb found her key-it was in her shoes! go figure
  7. Hi All, Has anyone found a place to get a radiator cap from besides the stealer for an 87' VR? Thanks for any help you can provide. Ride Safe, Earl and Jean
  8. Just got my new bbq grill home, wadda' think!?!? Bbq safe, earl and jean
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