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I'm sure most of you, like me are following all the coverage of the Japanese earthquake & tsunami aftermath to one degree or another. That first day or so, I was transfixed watching the severity of the devastation inflicted on Japan and it's people. I was floored by the numbers---the specs., if you will about the quake itself and the crustal shift, etc. But, I noticed that through all of it (or at least most of it) that the spirit of the Japanese people shown through...they were relatively calm, orderly, patient, controlled and typically disciplined even in the face of adversity. I was humbled to witness that, knowing from our experiences with Katrina and the BP disaster what a lack of calm and discipline looks like. I was proud of them, proud for them; that led me, more than any thing else (I think), to pray more earnestly than I have about a lot of things in quite a while. Which brings me to the situation which spawned the title of this post and the need to write about it. I was watching the 6:00 or 7:00 pm news today and a small newscrew & reporter (Diane Sawyer I think it was) was in a pretty heavily devastated area, when they came upon a small family of Japanese sitting outside, eating. What got to me, almost instantly when I saw it, was the father stood up, half bowing in usual Japanese fashion and offered the newspeople part of their food..................... They were sitting there with nothing but utter devastaion as far as the eye could see; surrounded by the rubble of their world as they had known it. They didn't have a lot of food, and yet, out of their need and their lack they offered part of what they had to this western news crew, in their fine western clothing; any of whom probably made more in a week than that man did in a year. I choked and teared up, not for the man and his family, though life will be a challenge for the forseable future for them, I cried not for them, but for us. This little Japanese man, this family, this people deserve EVERY last bit of respect we have to give; every last bit of help we can render and EVERY prayer we can muster. By all accounts, it is going to take years for Japan to recover from this disaster, which isn't entirely over yet! So, I will pray daily for Japan, for this man and his family, who offered of his meager meal and I will imagine that every Japanese person affected by this tragedy is just like him proud yet humble, friendly, giving selfless (whether the rest really are or not isn't important) I want to think of them all in that way and pray my very best prayers for them and hope against hope that a little bit of the little man rubs off on all of us! There is still hope!
Satellite Photos of Japan, Before and After the Quake and Tsunami Move the slider left and right to scroll the new and old images (little bar in middle of each pic) to compare satellite images, taken by GeoEye, from before and after the disaster. This link really shows the extent of the damage done.
How do y'all feel the natural and economic crisis in Japan will affect the bike market in the the coming weeks and months?
No, I really have not looked but was hoping to go out and get one local if possible. Would this be a normal part at like AutoZone? You wouldn't happen to have the part number handy? I think the one I have is original. It says Made in Japan in the lense.
Do you think the boys in Japan look at the forums concerning their equipment? If so do you think they look at the problems with them? What do you think!!
I am at the dealer in Tallahassee, Fl for my 44,000 service and new tires. Just got through talking to the dealer about the venture. This dealer doesn't think there will be a venture in 2010. He thinks it's over for the venture all together. He says the sales aren't good on the venture and yamaha isn't spending any money on anything. There isn't going to be a dealer meeting this year. A yamaha rep is going to visit each dealer and go over the 2010 lineup. This dealer said yamaha makes a good product but the people at the headquarters in Japan don't listen and don't care what dealers have to say. He said he felt sorry for the guy over the USA operation because he wants to see changes but they won't even listen to him in Japan. This dealer said he had been to many dealer meeting over the years and that the USA executives will talk with you and listen but when the execs from Japan come in they won't even speak to the dealers. They get before the group and give a talk and leave. He also said he thinks the only thing that could get yamaha of Japan to keep a touring bike would be the kawasaki voyager. If it sales then maybe yamaha will re consider. He pointed out that on the new vmax yamaha wanted a $1,000 deposit before they would order one. He said very few people will pay a deposit without even seeing a bike. Japan told the dealers if they got 2,500 orders they would bring the new vmax to the us. There were only 1,900 orders so the head of yamaha usa sent a message to all yamaha employees to please order a vmax if they were interested or there wouldn't be one. He said they wound up with 2,100 orders so Japan introduced the v-max even though there weren't 2,500 order. Now for the disclaimer. Who knows. We hear all kind of rumors and they are worth what they cost. Nothing. But I thought I would pass this along. Maybe we need a section for useless yamaha rumors.
You bought are correct It wasnt a hard decision to make .You think I'd give up fishing . This bike has it all The Poor Man BMW thats what they are called up here,I had a 93 Klr before which was adequate around town BUT this new revamped version is made for Touring Supermoto What a Blast to ride , Boy can you lean into the corners scrap the boots and cruise 75-80 mph all day like nothing and presently Im getting 62 mpg Imperial gallon I still waiting to 2 accessories a taller windshield and a tank bag The engine is the only thing made in Japan The rest of the bike was made in Thailand Even the Dunlop K750 are made there .No wonder we have no jobs on this side. I was surprised that the speedometer doesnt have a dual reading all kms Hopefully I will see some of you next year But definately next year:dancefool:
I thought I'd replace the bearings in the front axle before the trip to Idaho in a couple of weeks. I'm curious as to what type of B6303 bearing I should use. Brand?? Sealed?? Unsealed?? Deep Grove?? US..Japan..China??