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Found 19 results

  1. Some of you who have been around since the early days will remember Dan Lowery. Dan was one of the original officers when I started the "Venturers" site. I honestly don't remember if he ever joined this site or not but he and I did remain friends over the years. We rode together a couple of times when I lived in Dallas. I got word today that Dan passed away on January 9th which also happened to be his birthday. Dan was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him. Please say a prayer for his family and friends.
  2. We are thinking about going to the Bike Show in Minneapolis this January. Is anyone else thinking of going? Tom
  3. Best present I can think of. My daughter told me Travis, her husband and his unit would NOT BE Rotated to Afghanastan in January! That's all I could ask for and more!...
  4. Beer30 that is? He ain't been on here since January. Beer are you alive?
  5. It isnt whether you ride a Harley or Yamaha or Gold Wing or any other bike..Its about the friendship and friends you have met along the way.. January 22,2012 Downtown Luckenbach,Texas with Gary N and Mary. Listening to the guys pickin and singin in 70+ degree weather sun shining...Life is good in TEXAS!
  6. In case anyone in our neck of the woods is interested and feels that the January Supershow isn't enough bike stuff for them, here is a link to the World of Motorcycle shows being put on in Hamilton, London and Kitchener in January, February and March. http://www.worldofmotorcyclesexpo.com/2011/indexx.php Andy
  7. Well I'm finally done with school and have been back to work for just over six months now. So with that all out of the way, my better half (Jeannie) and I decided to finally get hitched. We've only been engaged for about three or so years and all. We're going on a cruise the end of January and beginning of February as kind of a reward to her for supporting my butt while I was furthering my education to try and train for a new career after the injuries I got at my last employment. Then we got to thinking and decided it would be a nice time to get hitched while we were at it. So now we're doing one of those "Destination Wedding" things in St. Thomas in the Southern Caribbeans on January 31, 2011. We've also decide to have our reception/celebration next Memorial day weekend. So this also serves as kind of an open invitation to anybody who would like to come and celebrate with us. We're gonna do a barn dance thing and a pig roast. As for entertainment we're working on getting a DJ that does a lot of events around the area. There will be plenty room for camping on her Dad's farm in Dallas, Wi. where the shindig is gonna be. Oh ya... and BEER! And who knows what else when we get all the details worked out. Thanks, Bill
  8. Awesome weather here in SC today, mid 60's and sunny! Rode a good 250 miles, lunch and a peach enchilada thrown in the middle. Nice way to thaw out in late January. Glad to not have to work Saturdays anymore. I hope others in the area were able to get out and enjoy the beautiful day. Dave
  9. Just heard from a friend that Meridian Yamaha, Meridian Mississippi, is closing their doors and going out of business. They are liquidating their stock. Those of you in the area have until 19 January to see what bargains you can find.
  10. My much better looking than I better half Clare had applied for the local(Winchester, va) police department 6 months ago. After the 200 steps required to be selected, she was offered the job today, and will start the police academy on the 18th of January! I am very excited and proud of her, so I thought I would yell it out loud!
  11. Unfortunately, most of us had not had the pleasure of getting to know Paul yet. He was a new member having joined in January. He and member John Brendel both bought Ventures this winter and both joined our family in January. I am sad to report that Paul has recently passed away due to injuries sustained in an automobile accident. This is the email that I received from John. Please keep the friends and family of Paul Polzin in your prayers. The email that I received from John:
  12. This is the obituary that will appear in Wedneday, January 28, 2009 and Saturday, January 31, 2009 London Free Press. "STEUER: Darrell Peacefully on Saturday, January 24, 2009 after a short battle with cancer, at the age of 57. Loving partner of Dawn-Marie McGarry. Father of David and Tracy. Grandpa of Jessie, Jordan, Jason and Dylan. Dear son of Ruth and Allan Martyn of Brantford. Dear brother of Donna Symes (John), and Paul Martyn (Cathy), brother in law of Judy Steuer and predeceased by John Steuer. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Sadly missed by Dawn-Marie’s children Ashley, Robert, Lisa and Jennifer and extended family. Sorely missed by his best friend Catie Newell. Friends and Family will be received at Forest Lawn Memorial Chapel 1997 Dundas Street, East (at Wavell) London for visitation on Friday, February 6, 2009 from 2-4, 7-9 p.m. A Service of remembrance will be held in the chapel on Saturday, February 7, 2009 at 1 p.m. (visitation one hour prior). In lieu of flowers donations to the London Regional Cancer Center gratefully acknowledged." Regards, Bruce Pooler President MTA Ontario Chapter 1 Darrell will be sorely missed by all.
  13. Suns out, blue bird sky, warm, and I wish it were snowing. Then I'd have a good excuse not to fire up the scoot and go for a ride, but here I sit with my throttle hand wrapped in dressing from surgery last friday. It's not supposed to be this nice, that's why I scheduled the Carpal for January..... ARRGGGH!!!
  14. There is an Experienced rider course January 17 from 7am to 12pm in Humble. I am going. Anyone else interested? Contact me for more information. Date changed to January 24th.
  15. okay group i know we are starting to get cabin fever, so i would like to get a saturday meet together at the probass in springfield, mo., january 24th, 2009. we had such a great time last time i thought this would be a great chance for us to get away from home for a day and have a good time. anyone interested please rspond and i will get the ball rolling. for those that have never been there it is really something to see. we can eat at lammerts. another place on the got to try it list. you don't have to ride the bike to this one. bill
  16. The wife and I are flying/driving to Pittsburg, NH in January to go snowmobiling. Anyone know this area?
  17. global warming. It was 16 degrees when I got up this morning. Before global warming we never had weather like this until January.
  18. :bighug:Well, I did it. Couldn't put it off any longer. Even though it is still below freezing here (-3c) in the "north country", the rodes were clear, the bike started just fine after the battery charge, and well, the sun was shining. Only made it 32 km's but it sure was great to get that great feeling again. Now, if it would just warm way up and stay warm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Only month I haven't ridden the bike in is January, and it was my own fault for not doing that. I had the bike all apart when we had a couple great days and I didn't have the parts to get it back together in time. Maybe next winter.
  19. If you have a house full of kids and grandkids over for christmas. You might want to step outside late at night or just before dawn. The red planet Mars is quite a sight this month and should peak on the 24th. It should be quite viewable through early January. I wish I had got into astronomy as a kid but my 9 year old son gives me a second chance.
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