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  1. Jan and I had a wonderful day on the bikes! We rode with a group today and made the loop around the Great Salt Lake. We rode 425 miles today with stops at Promontory Point National Historical Site. Then on to Wendover, Nevada and had a great buffet dinner at the Rainbow Casino. We reached some milestones along the way. Jan broke in her new tire, in a big way. She showed some increased confidence in the corners, after her accident a couple of years ago. Also, Jan eclipsed 10K on her Sportster, all but 900 miles by her. Beautiful day!
  2. Yup, Jan 1 I retired, just like Dave. When my fellow workers went back to work, I went ice fishing. Even caught some fish. Now I'll do like Dave, whatever I want. Started working in Jan of 1967, after I got out of the navy, and now I'll work at not working. Steve
  3. Please indicate if you will be coming to Tuckers Market place in Burlington on Sat Jan 7. as discussed in Fellow Ontario Friends... .I have made reservations for 25 +/- people would love to get an accurite head count. Here is the link to RSVP to http://venturerider.org/forum/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=299&day=2012-01-07
  4. As of 1 jan. 2012, i am finally retired. People ask me; what are you going to do? My answer, Anything I want to. :cool10::dancefool::big-grin-emoticon::big-grin-emoticon:
  5. Our youngest, Andy was diagnosed with MS just before his 19th birthday. We are so blessed that his is not very aggressive at this young age. Both Andy and Jan are riding in the Harmons Best Dam Bike Ride 2011 to raise awareness and research funds to find a cure. While keeping in mind the current economic times, anyone that feels they are able to make a small donation, I have included the link below. You can donate on behalf of Jan or Andy Harris. https://secure3.convio.net/nmss/site/Donation2?idb=604336954&df_id=31240&FR_ID=15231&PROXY_ID=9324307&31240.donation=form1&PROXY_TYPE=20&JServSessionIdr004=0yr044n173.app330b Thank you in advance for your thoughts, prayers or donations. Dave
  6. This weekend (Friday - Saturday), Jan and I took Quickstep's bike for a shake down ride to the Rat Fink Reunion in Manti. We traveled 325 miles over the two days and got to see some of the artists do some great work. I've gotten the bike repainted and the plastic reinstalled for the trip. The bike averaged about 45 miles per gallon. I did have one issue with the clutch master cylinder losing the nickel that was covering the missing site glass we'll fix this week. While we were looking around the museum, some paint from Frank Fallond got on the bike....check it out. I think we'll leave it on, kind of adds character: http://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/Alans%2084%20Rebuild/IMG_1176.jpghttp://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/Alans%2084%20Rebuild/IMG_1177.jpghttp://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/Alans%2084%20Rebuild/IMG_1181.jpghttp://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/Alans%2084%20Rebuild/IMG_1185.jpg We're almost ready for you!! Dave & Jan
  7. pics taken by me at the show friday 7 th jan 2011 in toronto. http://s155.photobucket.com/albums/s310/chabicheka/motorcycle%20show%20jan%202011/
  8. Picked up an '84 Venture for Quickstep and Aussie Annie's trip to the US next year. I rode it the 135 miles home and the motor and gear worked perfect so we can do the necessary repair work to have it ready to go. Then the adventure began... We stopped at the Wally Mart in Richfield, Ut to do a few things. Because the speedo is broken, I went to mount a bracket to hold my GPS so I'd know the speed I was traveling. The bracket caught the edge of the penny that was glued on the clutch master cylinder and Jan asked me what was leaking? Oh Crap!! OK, into the store again, screwdrivers, super-glue, adjustable wrench and start the repair. Next thing I knew I'm holding part of the clutch lever...what the??? After a couple of attempts to fix that problem (BTW, you can't steal the brake lever from the other side) Jan suggests we try one of the crimpy pliers (translation: vise grips). What a great idea. By power shifting wherever possible, rode the bike the rest of the way home. I just kept up this traffic, didn't care how fast I was going. Now we go to work. If anyone has parts that can help make this a great bike again...we are in need of: Speedometer Right Mirror We have a little bit to work with but will need to do some plastic repair, paint and a fork rebuild. We look forward to getting to know Quickstep and Aussie Annie next year at the VR International Rally in Cody and as they travel around. Dave
  9. from him? It's been since the 16th of Jan. He said he'd be gone for 2 weeks.....I'm just suprised he hasn't checked in.
  10. Well, as of a few minutes ago, Jan is taking off to spend a little more than a week in the Big Apple! Last year work took by to NYC and Jan was able to go with me. We had a blast visiting sites, going to a play and seeing her brother and sister-in-law that live there. Jan managed to do a little shopping etc while I worked. For Christmas, Jan asked to go again and visit and hopes to be able to take in as many plays as she can. So now, what to do with myself. Maybe I'll get her engine guard installed on her sportster that she doesn't know about (the engine guard, not the sportster). Think, think, think..... Dave
  11. Well we are finally moving forward with Charlene's surgery, seems all the phone calls and getting with our HR rep this morning at work helped. Only thing is we now have to start the whole process all over, back to the Dr for pr-op visit, cant be over 30 days between surgery and last visit, then have to go thru the consents again and pre-op at the hospital all over again, surgery is now scheduled for Jan. 25 and Jan 28. I am still fairly bitter about the way the insurance co. treated her file, but she is handling it much better. Thanks for all your prayers and support, it helps to have a big family backing you when you need it.
  12. Charlene is devastated, I am mad beyond reason........I will give you the short version. As most of you that know Charlene, she has been waiting to have her back surgery now for over 2 years, it was scheduled for Mon. Jan, 4 2010. This morning at 10:45 am she gets a call from the Dr.'s office saying they have to cancel her surgery for reasons we still dont understand and agree with. The insurance company, Blue Cross Anthem faxed them and said they couldnt authorize it, the reason, new coverage, my company changed insurers, from BC/BS of Texas to Blue Cross Anthem. The coverage could not be verified before Jan. 1,(New Years Day). We just got all the info from them on Mon, Jan 28, so they got it as soon as we did. They are putting her file under medical review, could take up to 15 days or more to get it approved..........BC/BS had already authorized it and told us even though the coverage changed it wouldnt be a problem. WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone this moring with both insurance companies and every time I got put on hold after about 5 minutes I got disconnected and had to call back and start all over and when I finally got to someone every story was different to no problem to just a small problem, to sorry nothing we can do at this time........the nurses that review the files will not talk to anyone so we couldnt get them on the line.......I am so fed up with Blue Cross if I could find an office I would likely do something I would regret. Charlene is taking it better than I am, but thats not saying much, everytime she tells someone about it she ends up crying. We had a lot of people that were going to help us out and now they have to put those plans on hold till we get the approval. I was supposed to be on vacation till the 18th of Jan, now I have to go back to work till they approve it and hope my company understands what is happening and will let me reschedule it........... Our HR person is going to get an earful from me because we were told everything was ok to proceed, so I will be spending a lot to time in her office on Monday till we get some resolution. Luckily I was able to go to the ABC store and get some adult beverage, cause I am going to need it............ All I can say is, if anyone else has Blue Cross Anthem, better be prepared to go to battle with them if you need something covered by them........this is the third time in 4 years our coverage has changed and everytime it keeps getting worse, for 2010 our deductable went up by 50% and our out of pocket expenses went up by 50%.................... Well this helped a little to vent....... Hope everyone else has a great New Year!!!!!
  13. Today is my first day off for the Holidays, next week my last 3 days of vacation for this year stretches my time off to 11 days, then Jan 4 Charlene goes into the hospital for her surgery and I start 2 more weeks of vacation for 2010, but most of it will be spent at the hospital with her. I am scheduled to go back to work on Jan 18,2010 if all goes according to plan, if not I have one more week of vacation I can take for 2010. All total I will be semi-retired for 25 days total. First time I have ever been off that long while holding a job..............hope my job is still there when I go back......
  14. Are the modded battery cables still available?? The last PM I sent (back in Jan 09) went unread!!
  15. After looking at bikes for 8 months and with the warm weather threatening to come, it was time to replace Jan's bike. We looked at Kawasaki Vulcans, Yamaha V-Stars, Suzuki Boulevards, Honda Shadows. Even Bob Myer was helping us in the search. We looked for both new and used but Jan never found the bike she liked until.... On January 28th, we took our son to the MTC to start his mission. After we had said our good-bye's, Jan wasn't in the mood to just go home so I suggested that we stop in at the Lindon Harley-Davidson dealership. The dealership was built using much of it materials from the old Geneva Steel plant that was demolished across the street from their new facility. It is ready pretty neat looking to see all of the old wood, trusses and sheet metal and how it was incorporated in to the new building. While we were there we also looked at a number of the bikes and soon she came to the Sportster. Lance, whom we were chatting with as we looked, suggested that she sit on one (not what you normally want to do in a skirt). That was it! She loved the weight, height and especially and narrow profile of the engine and fuel tank. So, last Saturday, we went back to Timpanogos Harley and purchased a gently used 2008 Harley Sportster Custom. Can you see the smile in the pics? http://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/IMG_0024.jpg The bike is 1200 cc, V-Twin, fuel injected, belt driven. It also has a custom paint color that changes depending on the light, windscreen and sissy bar (on order). We plan on adding a JMCB-2300 CB radio so that we can communicate on trips. She says that she doubts she be on the back of my bike much any more. When we left the dealership, we got on the freeway to go home, Jan on the bike and me in the car. After we got on the on ramp, I looked up to see tail lights at the top of the ramp and me at the bottom. I don't think she'll have any problems keeping up. http://i470.photobucket.com/albums/rr70/utadventure/IMG_0022-1.jpg
  16. LOCAL ONLY. I have a like new 20 in 2.4 Ghz Core 2 Duo Processor 320GB hard Dr Imac for sale. Looks like it just came out of the box. It comes with everything it came with including the box and also IWORK 08 and 3 year apple care till Jan 5 2011. Also has 4 gig of ram instead of 2. I am not working this is why I am selling and I also have the receipt paid $1618.92 with tax. My price is firm. $950.00 Also can call 734-512-3526 Thanks Joe See classified also
  17. Before things start to get busy for everyone I thought I would send out a MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone. This will be my sons first christmas, my parants are here, my brother and his kids are comming and my father in-law will be living with us for 3 weeks. Then on the Jan 6 my son will be 1 year old and on jan 10 motorcycle show. For everyone travelling at christmas time have a safe trip and have a great time with family and friends.
  18. just want to let everybody know that gene weir and i are hosting 2 meet and eats during the 2 biker's balls in mobile, al jan 25th and feb 2nd. look in the meet and eat section for all the info, thanks, don.
  19. 4th annual South Florida Ride for kids. www.rideforkids.com Jan, 13th 2008
  20. Saw TAZMOCYCLE at the annual Iron Butt dinner ride today in Stockton,AL. There sure was alot of BMW's there. There were some from Illinois,Kentucky and all over the South East. To bad it was raining. And of course there were a number of RSTD's and Ventures. The food was outstanding!!! Will be doing a dinner ride on Jan. 1 to Butler,AL, there were 500 bikes last year. Maybe I will see some of you there. tew47 Gene Weir
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